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INSANE Dual Screen Laptop! - ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo First Look

people are always trying to change the laptop for some reason razor went and put a touchscreen under their touchpad like six years ago moved it off to the right Apple took away the function keys on their professional notebooks and replace them with the much-maligned touch bar like here's the thing guys if it ain't broke don't freakin fix it is what I would have said before today right here in front of me is the Asus Zenbook duo and Zen book Pro duo and I think these might make me eat my words because this appears to be far more than just another stupid gimmick and this video is brought to you by I fix it the I fix it magnetic project not helps you keep track of all the little screws and pieces when you're working on a project go check it out at the link in the video description it has saved my bacon many many times so let's jump right into it with the Zen Book Pro duo it comes with this wrist rest it's got kind of a little magnetic thing that's gonna help align it but there's there's no actual functionality here other than improving the ergonomics because Asus knows from their experience with their gaming lineup that moving the keyboard down does tend to have a bit of a detrimental impact on economics now what they also learned from their Zephyrus lineup of gaming laptops is that a surefire way to pack more performance into a notebook is to lift it up off the table a little bit so that gives us a slight angle here in terms of our economics and also more room for the laptop to breathe so they're calling this their ergo lift hinge or something like that and essentially what it does is it allows them to pack an eight-core HK series processor and an RT X 2060 into a shockingly compact little device here in terms of i/o we've got Thunderbolt three microphone headphone full-sized USB a then we've got HDMI another USB a and more ventilation as well as a power in over here that is a freaking lot of performance and they say that unlike the original Zenbook pro they are not going to be experiencing any thermal slow down so I'm going to hold them to that now let's go ahead and talk about the star of the show here which is the secondary 4k but to be clear not Ultra HD because it's actually 38 40 by 1100 pixels secondary display so the way that it works unlike previous implementations where we've relied on kind of janky software is it just another display in Windows that's right below your main one so if you want to move the tab in between them all you do is grab your touchpad and boom drag a window it is actually that simple so the multitasking potential for this is absolutely incredible and they have actually built some software tools specifically for it that honestly allowed to do some pretty cool stuff so over here on the left hand side they've got a little thing that you can either touch with your finger or activate with the mouse that allows you to set up a few of your presets so let's say I wanted to book a trip for example I could have my hotel website up on the top my calendar and a Maps application on the bottom and who knows I might want to throw a calculator down there to see how much this whole thing's gonna cost me or if I'm more of a creative type I can fire up my creation software on my main screen browse for files on the bottom left here and then control my music over on the right hand side and managing windows down here is actually surprisingly easy so you can either have it be a full window down at the bottom you can have two side by side and it works exactly the same way as your traditional Aero snap so you just pull it over on to the side and beep D pop key there you go there's a different one over there or a suits built a custom thing where you can drag it up to a little bar on the top and you can have three things down on the bottom if you decide okay you know what really I'd rather focus on YouTube right now all you do is hit this button right here and boom my youtube and my musics up here and now I am browsing the web down here honestly as a writer I could see myself using this all the freaking time because now I'm having the typewriter experience down here I've got what I'm working on right below me and then up here I can have whatever you know article or like reviewers guide or whatever it is that I'm referencing because honestly I don't need to see that much of a document that I'm working on now one thing I haven't mentioned from a usability standpoint is oh yeah that right hand side touchpad that I have not been a fan of in the past but honestly for the extra productivity that I'm gonna get out of this screen I could overlook that with one small improvement I'd like to see a couple of the keys over here be able to be rebound to left and right click so that I can operate it two-handed then I just honestly don't see a reason why this can't be my next notebook I certainly hope it could be now one thing that's not finalized is the panel technology the one I'm looking at right now is a 4k OLED up here and it's a glossy display and then it's that 38 40 by 1100 LCD with a matte display down here that's to give you a better feel on your stylus and prevent reflections from the top display from interfering with the image but it could be that depending on the region you're gonna end up with an implementation on the pro that's more like this Zen book duo sample so here we've had the display downgraded to 1080p but something you might have noticed especially if I were to open up here we go a web page that I can scroll through here is that they match a lot better so in this case not only are they both matte but they're both LCD so that a you're gonna have a much cleaner experience as you scroll through a page like this look at that isn't that freakin cool and be a su says that on the pro model in some regions they're aiming for LCD because they can achieve better Delta ease for content creators and they really want people to be able to get real work done on these things as opposed to just watch youtube videos and browse the news so this one is a smaller screen it's a lower end processor up to core i7 what was it you series so that's up to a quad core it's got a little bit less i/o but it does get significantly better Portability and it still has dedicated graphics with a geforce MX 250 in it so I want to hear from you guys cuz last year PTX we showed their dual screen notebook concept and my big thing was like guys you're never getting rid of the keyboard but this this I could get behind speaking of things I could get behind this segue to our sponsor the mass drop plus universal IMS were tuned by drop comm from the ground up and the goal was to capture the technicalities of a professional audio monitor in an I am they've got three sunny and balanced armature drivers per ear and each unit is handmade with big layered and impactful vented bass so check them out at the link in the video description at drop comm so thanks for watching guys if you dislike this video you can hit that button I guess but if you liked it hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured in not about four to five months or something like that we're not sure exactly but it's coming later and I'm certainly stoked on it also down there's our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which you should totally join
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