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Indie Megabooth Top 5 - PAX 2014

our pax prime 2014 coverage is brought to you by hyperx gaming products make sure you click their logo to check out the great gaming content on their YouTube channel as well as phantom glass the ultimate gorilla glass screen protector for your mobile device alright guys welcome to our indie mega booth top 5 just as a note games we've covered before are not going to be in this so stuff like zing and distance are here and they're awesome I'm not going to cover them in this top 5 because I've covered them before in the past so let's get right to it the first game and I don't usually admit this but my favorite one here was rockets rockets rockets I played a game to Nick crazy game it's all about shooting insane amount of rockets your this little spaceship thing and you gotta fly around and it's all directional with a thumb stick you pick where you fly and it's the thruster based movement so if you push your thumb stick in one direction it's going to try to throw you in that direction so you have momentum you're gonna fly all over the place is tons of fun and you're shooting an insane amount of rockets at each other it's all about timing your shields so you have to pop your shield on which doesn't last forever and try to block either the rocket or use your time shield to smash into the other dude well he doesn't have a shield on and you have to try to mix that all together and it's very fun because it's really really really fast paced it's on Steam right now for early access they're rolling out big updates every month I believe it's about five dollars right now not all the features are in there obviously because it's early access which I know not a ton of us are actually fans up but it will be releasing I believe some time in q1 or q2 of 2015 if you're interested in it it'll be up one to four players there's going to have solo modes gonna have online multiplayer a lot of the stuff again isn't in the game yet but tons of it will be there so i would highly suggest checking it out i know i'm going to as a lot of fun secondly in no particular order there's a salt android cactus which is a super fun bullet hell with aid in my opinion not that fantastic name but you'll remember it so i guess they got that job done it's a bullet hell where you can play one to four players with four players it's more kind of like a party mode with an insane amount of enemies and with one player it's more tactical and precise and you have to be very careful it's interesting tons of different levels boss Mo's all that kind of stuff and I'm pretty sure they can have online multiplayer later I believe it's in early access right now so I believe you can check it out on steam so yeah if you're into bullet hell's maybe check that out then we come to cannon brawl a game where if you're sitting next to the person you're playing against I wouldn't even be that surprised if it gets physical because what it is is it's kind of like a worm's esque style map you have your main base and you can have to build cannons and shields and other kind of structures to fight with the other guy and whoever destroys the other person space first wins but because of how the game is paced I fully expect you to end up punching the guy before you actually win we'll see how that goes for you I believe it's on Steam early access right now so you can check it out it's quite a bit of fun if you're into that kind of base versus based style game then we come to dark net a hacker game but a Hollywood hacker game like pretty much all of them are the idea is it's a VR game inoculates it's coming to whatever platform it supported in later on they're pretty much just tying themselves to VR in general and it's it's a puzzle game you get different things like worms and viruses and all I kind of stuff you have to go through and take over nodes you get money from taking over the nose and you can buy more viruses and whatnot fairly standard puzzle game but it isn't kind of like a hacker environment so if you're into that kind of scene maybe you'd like it check it out on steam i believe it's in early access not now but he said soon so whenever that is and last but not least a super meat boy forever this isn't necessarily a new idea as a super meat boy but the idea behind it is that you pick kind of a difficult difficulty or a zone and then it just randomly generates the levels for you that's why it's called forever you could potentially play this game forever and I expect quite a few my friends to pretty much do that I have quite a few people that I know that love Super Meat Boy including Linus I'm sure he'll be excited to hear about this as I've been watching their randomly generated content and it all seems quite quality so I'm excited to check this game out as well alright guys I hope you liked our indie mega booth roundup you can check hopefully links for those games and description down below although some of them don't have any like so I don't know how that's going to work right you'll figure it out also before you go click on this button to subscribe to hyper ex's youtube channel they've doubled inside out size of the last month because they don't just make crappy product videos they also have really good high quality interesting videos so i highly suggest checking them out and also thank you to phantom glass both hyperx and phantom glass dentist here this year thanks for watching this video I'll see you guys next time
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