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Intel 7700K - Complacent CPU or Ryzen Killer?

while most of the hype in the CPU world right now is centered around AMD's upcoming rise in release Intel has no plans to take that line down and has just unveiled their seventh generation Core processors for desktop codename KB Lake EVGA SDG 87 full tower case features optimized airflow pathing to help keep your Hardware cool check it out at the link in the video description they claimed to be taking computing to the next level but I'm pretty sure marketing guys would just get fired if they don't say that kind of stuff only performance will tell whether a shiny new KB Lake will be worth 350 of your hard-earned dollars we'll be looking at Intel's newest consumer grade flagship the core i7 7700 K and if you think that just means the usual features you know quad-core hyper-threading and overclocked ability on zed series chipsets well Sarah you'd be 100% correct out of the box there's a bump on the clock speed compared to its sky like predecessor the 6700 K and you also get Intel HD graphics 630 as opposed to 530 though if you spend this kind of money on a high-end i7 you're probably using discrete graphics from the likes of Nvidia or AMD anyways so to find the differences we clearly need to dig a bit deeper there doesn't seem to be much else on paper to separate these chips they have the same TDP of 91 watts the same 16 PCIe lanes and even the same manufacturing process the old tic-tock cadence meant a new process so smaller processors every two years but KB Lake is still using the same 14 nanometer FinFET transistors we've had since Broadwell in 2014 so at this point I wouldn't blame you for not being mega super excited about the 7700 K itself but that doesn't mean there isn't anything worth talking about with respect to the platform one thing that will be immediately relevant to a lot of folks that own a 4k display will be the ability to watch Netflix in 4k this is thanks to a new DRM scheme that I'm sure consumers will just love because it has nothing to do with processing power at all and everything to do with a special hardware based decoder that can only be found in KB Lake CPUs at this time on the subject of 4k content you also get 4k 10-bit video decoding through the vp9 codec used by YouTube so if you have a monitor with 10-bit color and a supported video card you can get smoother color transitions when watching supported content very cool perhaps more interesting than that is support for often which is Intel's version of 3d crosspoint a new type of memory with cells that are packed more densely meaning higher capacities and faster speeds that is expected to perform somewhere between system RAM and an SSD pretty freakin cool but kind of like SATA Express back in the day there's no word on if and when we'll see it on consumer pcs but hopefully we'll get this one there are also new chipsets we tested our CPU on an asus rog Maximus 9 code featuring these Eddy 270 chipset which adds native support for USB 3.1 10 gigabit and an additional 4 PCI Express 3.0 lanes which is actually a welcome change considering how popular pcie-based storage is becoming in the form of tiny and increasingly affordable m2 drives some other fun features of this board specifically include a water flow sensor a USB 3.1 10 gigabit front panel header aura and/or a sink to add some RGB to your case reinforced PCI Express slots for heavy GPUs and a built-in headphone amplifier but enough chitchat did this 7700 K Zed 271 2 punch impress us with its performance gains we compared it to a skylake 6700 K both at stock and at overclocked speeds using a Seuss's AI tuner automatic overclock and setting temperature and voltage targets to 80 degrees and 1.35 volts to keep things safe which gave us 4.9 gigahertz on KB Lake and 4.6 on skylake let us know in the comments if you'd like a full OC guide including manual tuning in future let's start with thermals and power draw temperatures were quite similar though KB Lakes showed a slight improvement at load though both chips were comfortably below their thermal throttling point in I to 64 KB lake similarly showed a small improvement in power draw nothing dramatic and it won't affect your system build planning since it's easy to run an enthusiast single graphics card system on an inexpensive 450 to 500 watt power supply anyways now let's dive into performance numbers our synthetics which included CPU mark y cruncher Cinebench and ROG reel bench showed KB Lake offering improvements of about 5 to 7 percent across the board including in single threaded applications which isn't terrible but isn't horribly impressive either and when you compare kb lake at stock versus our overclocked skylake chip which ran within 100 megahertz of each other the gap becomes smaller making these improvements an even more minor selling point for enthusiasts who well overclock gaming performance wasn't much different as there was no appreciable difference between generations when gaming with a discrete GTX 1080 with kb lake actually performing slightly worse in some situations for onboard video aficionados the integrated HD 630 graphics do show a small improvement over sky lake but the 1 to 2 extra frames per second don't really make it viable for new triple-a titles bringing us to the conclusion these small improvements don't make kb lake a bad platform if you liked last year's madden game you'll probably like the new one with all the updated player stats and special team jerseys - they just mean that kb lake isn't really a sensible upgrade for a core i7 machine built in the last 1 2 3 years something that could be a product of the challenges associated with building faster chips on current technology or could be a product of a complacent Intel that hasn't really had a real competitor in almost a decade I'm sure the next couple of years will tell us once and for all which one it is so Tunnel Bear is the simple VPN app that makes it easy to browse privately and enjoy a more open Internet 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going to be a war still but try to keep it civil there as well if you want to check out some of our merch you can see that and link down below also there's a link to Amazon where you can buy whatever processor your heart desires and if you want to see another video check out this one which is actually not a line of seconds video this is a channel super fun video
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