
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Intel CEO QUITS! - WAN Show June 22 2018

did they turn the lights up again because I think so because there's a huge hot spot over here and you're really pale I think they did you look more pale than me which I really don't think it's true I think they actually did it ah that's okay you know what luke and I have been talking before the show yeah and the wine show is crap everything about it is crap right now and we just need to completely reinvent it we need a computer that doesn't and the line is finally comes back to way and show it's like bark out immediate you know what I did though so it used to reboot every time you like jostle did a little bit yeah and then what I did was I took it and I went like this give it a little bit of resilience and then while it was on and I turned it back on and then it was actually fine until we moved over here so it needs another shaker so it just needs a little like piece of garbage computer professionals ladies and gentlemen yeah so it needs a little bit of that and then this wall sucks our lights suck our camera sucks yeah like look at that light it's pink yeah it's actually pink yeah and then that one's a little green and then this one is actually a pretty decent light up too high if it's pretty nice light yeah but but it's it's misconfigured because I did it that's why this is a huge house photo super hard and you know what I don't even care because he deserves it but yeah and they could also use a mic setup that doesn't have like 14 million modules and doesn't even sound that amazing yeah so that that's a whole that's a whole thing the problem is that we've tried simple ones we have well okay try just a simple USB interface we've tried a USB microphone we've tried the most podcast people get separate dynamic mics fine instead of a single condensed fine I don't care anymore you know what I don't care just an issue with that might be that we're so close you know that is that is a problem yeah are really close yeah doesn't make matters better but you know what you people tuned in you can cheat like good mythical morning do they cheat that Mike isn't ah so anyway where people are saying the Mike keeps making a bumping noise hold on let me see is there is that better let me kill here let me get that let me get that adjusted for you how's that we good we have a great show we got a great show for you guys today for topics a lot of great topics the best topics the greatest topics do you want to want to do a topic a new SSD form factor from Samsung is supposed to be three times the storage density of you have to stay tuned get owned that was a little rude Wow that also Apple finally acknowledges what an actor has keyboard issues yeah Bethesda is suing Warner Brothers so that's gonna be a good one and it actually looks pretty that looks pretty cut-and-dried and speaking of things that got cut today like cuz they're like they're bleeding a bit and stuff YouTube introduces paid subscriptions and merchandise floatplanes not going anywhere yeah but this definitely does alter some things about our deal pray I don't alter it further crap he's Vader in this situation that's not yes you're like super white Lando yeah it sort of capes I wear sweaters I mean who would think to put a cape on a like seriously legitimate suave guy these days like you would not get away with that anymore you gotta admire that about these alright no I don't even want the oh crap oh now that well you can't look at a chart I won't be able to look I wouldn't catch it I will mother the rest of the night that is my bad you ruined it yes I have not seen solo yet which means that I can't look at anything anymore because now you guys know yeah not that anyone probably even cares like is it even an impactful enough movie see I can talk about solo as much as I want because I have not even seen a trailer yeah I know nothing other than that it has been an absolute box-office flop and actually we should we should talk about this it's probably not even in the dock but we were chatting about this at lunch the other day yeah I don't really have a link for you guys you can probably find one where you can just google about it but Disney has more or less officially said do I need to go down no I need to go up okay Disney has more or less officially said that they are putting a pause on all a Star Wars story movies like rogue one and solo and potentially a canoe which is what everyone's really upset about because they're like you're upset there's no cannoli movie or they're upset there was gonna be a Kenobi movie because there was a Kenobi movie it was called Star Wars Episode two Episode one and I think they said that there isn't just Kenobi solo movie movie it was called Star Wars for a new hope they're both in it okay and it was the good Kenobi the Alec Guinness Kenobi yeah those Hey okay he did it okay hold on a second young Kenobi sucked but what's-his-face Revenge of the Sith actually not that bad yeah that's probably fair not those movies were just brutal in general though Revenge of the Sith didn't and like there was a lot of really good actors in there and their fault Revenge of the Sith wasn't the one with the Anakin love story no that's attack of the clones right with those mannequin love story in both of them yeah but with like the horrible that horrible scene where he and Natalie Portman go to like that planet and they do the secret wedding that is the old one in the second one because that was it was just unwatchable didn't someone do a supercut of that movie where they just pulled all the love story stuff a find a machete cut or something there's there's something yeah there's a version of that for the last channel so ok bearing in mind that I haven't seen solo telegin second movie yeah because I so I saw the first Star Wars story row 1 or whatever it was good I only saw it once it's the only Star Wars movie I've only seen once even last year I really didn't I saw another third of last Jedi on a plane that count has repeat watching I don't think so it was it was the person in front of me watching ok so you know what just don't don't worry too much I want I want to know what you think justified move from Disney or no because we'll like to talk about tech you know what movies are Tech Star Wars is to use cameras and stuff this camera pointed at us it's like crappy tech but it's text everything about this show is tech just chill so you can justified move in terms of putting the other ones on pause yeah I think they need to put the other ones on pause to reassess their side of things because I think they are doing a bad job ok of handling the Star Wars franchise hit me with hit me with some opinion bombs then of the movie no no like what do you think they're doing a bad job of exactly like a I don't think anyone was asking for a story about Han Solo because the interesting part of Han Solo the character happens after what I think people were really clamoring for was the boba fett story yeah because that's a careful that was that's also theoretically one that like is paused right except that that's one that I would have actually liked gone to see in the opening week this is what I think like I still think they should have paused it it's it's the kind of situation where like you hear a game gets delayed it doesn't happen these days they just release a beta and everyone buys it anyways but back in the day when people actually released full games you would hear a game gets delayed and it's kind of bittersweet it's a good thing because you're like okay hopefully it'll be a better launch than it could have been yeah but I wanted to play the darn game right it's the camp same kind of situation here I think if they released it in its proper cadence it probably wouldn't have been a very good movie got it in my opinion because I don't think they've been batting very well lately okay personally right because you hated force awakens didn't you I hated one part of it I didn't hate it okay there's one scene that really bugged me which was where you know when they're they're getting like basically bombed by the TIE fighters when Rey and Finn first meet yeah and Finn won't stop grabbing her hand and trying to run away and I'm like the only large female influence in Finn's life was Captain freaking phasma yeah who's like a beast machine there's no way that he learnt to hold her hand and run away hmm there's there's no way that works for him his only female influence is like a freaking boss right and then he gets beat up by another girl there's a all the female in his life all the females in his life beating him up and he's like I need to take care of you right oh no and but then the second one talk to me but that wasn't basically it I like the rest of it was alright episode 8 though there's a copycat movie but it was alright episode 8 though episode 8 was hot garbage pretty much the whole thing fry I actually thought of at one point in time making a video that was gonna be like an hour and a half long of me just complaining about every single part of the movie and then I eventually was like no because there was I didn't really like the culture that was around hating the movie at that time and I didn't want Ultra is still bad yeah and I very toxic I didn't want to put myself in on that because I didn't agree with the general sentiment I just had my own complaints and my own complaints didn't seem to be really in line with everyone else's so I was like I'm just gonna step away God not become a part of this but yeah my biggest problem was probably how bad the first order is and how non-scary the first order is right because like the Empire is legitimately scary and when you beat something that is strong and scary when you defeat it it's then you're very rewarded winner and yeah there's excitement you walks dancing and all if you like kick a baby it doesn't really matter okay I see you just look like an idiot yeah the first order just doesn't make a ton of sense to me yeah I don't really understand where did this come from where did it go where did it come from first order yeah all right all right tell you what we don't okay okay did you have any sort of more general why you think they're screwing it up thoughts before we move on and talk about actual tech stuff um does anyone even watching the show today I don't even know we don't have an announcement so like I don't know how many people are actually here probably not that means that's fine thanks guys for being here though you guys are awesome I appreciate it no it's just getting to the show okay so um okay so first order of business YouTube is cracking down on oh we're jumping there yeah we're jumping to that I don't think that's actually in the dock either no we're just making up all our own news topics today sorry James this is nope nope YouTube is cracking down on creators using the platform to announce their availability over on other platforms so we actually got issued a Community Guidelines strike earlier this week yeah for a video type that we have actually been uploading for the last many years yeah something like that so we have found that announcing that we're live on Twitch is pretty helpful for our YouTube viewers for our Twitter followers so I guess we could have at least on the tweet oops and for our Facebook likers are they called by course uh no I think you know I think you follow a book so I'm not really a facebook person so I'm here I'm gonna go ahead and throw my my screen cap on here I think yeah so we've been doing these videos literally every week for years and YouTube has never said boo about them and we we know that they haven't been propagating them to all of our subscribers obviously but we had theories for that like the title in the description are identical every time that was on purpose even yep to make it so that people who aren't interested in these and are never going to click on them basically wouldn't even see them yeah we would generally pull them down once the archive was up on YouTube anyway but what happened was someone last week forgot to pull down the we're live video I know what happened it still happened and it was left up and so someone at YouTube confirmed by manual review apparently that this video was inappropriate content so we're gonna go ahead and pull that up trouble shoot video removal Community Guidelines etc etc etc so you can appeal a strike but there's no guarantee whatsoever that they'll do that and so we a channel that yes we we created a video that was designed to drive users off platform which I can see why YouTube wouldn't be stoked on we are no longer allowed to livestream so it's sending a bit of a mixed message so we uploaded a video saying hey we're live-streaming you can go check us out over here and then YouTube went how dare you livestream somewhere else by the way here's a Community Guidelines strike you can no longer live stream to YouTube which is the best way to make someone not stream on your platform what a weird response obviously obviously this is a this is like a standard response to any Community Guidelines strike like no one was sitting in an office getting paid an actual salary yeah to make the decision that because we announced we were streaming somewhere else we should probably not only allowed to stream you'd think if they had a Community Guidelines strike that was specifically based on announcing that you are alive somewhere else you shouldn't take away the ability so it's not it's generally considered spam oh so they're bundle it under that so they're calling it spam okay and if you're a spammer I can see how they wouldn't necessarily want you to be live-streaming on the platform yeah because live-streaming goes on the top of the channel and is very broadcasted by them the interesting thing to me about this though is just the fact that YouTube is I haven't signed anything so I guess I could talk about it they are they are actively seeking non-disparagement agreements from youtubers I do know this I can't really give any details of the rest of it but I do know that there are people who have been approached with some kind of an offer that includes that we can see that they are cracking down on people using YouTube as a social media platform in order to grow their base across other platforms which previously was against their Terms and Conditions but was generally ignored and generally allowed to continue and they are also building new features that are designed to prevent people from using off platform services like patreon for example by making YouTube more of a one-stop shop now there are really good things about this it's good but YouTube is finally seemingly taking seriously creators demands for better ways to monetize on the platform because over the last year there's been a lot of negative news around the way that YouTube has handled monetization especially with edgier let's use that word edgier creators but the bad news is that if every platform behaved like this every social platform has the potential to become kind of like a jealous walled garden and it's it's yet another move towards abstracting the relationship between the viewer and the creator and putting themselves squarely in the middle so that you can never really bridge that gap that's something that services like patreon and of course guys take everything I'm saying for what it is as the CEO and co o of floatplane media ok a company that is designed around off YouTube monetization take it for what it is as conflict-of-interest e as it is extremely much so it is a scary thing for content creators and this isn't a new message from me or us in general we said this far far far before we six years ago we launched the Linus tech tips forum actually five and a half I guess five and a half years ago and the reason was that we saw YouTube's continual march in this direction of separating the viewer in the creator and putting themselves in the middle so that both of them were reliant on the platform in order to have any kind of a relationship and we created the LTTE forum so that worst case scenario if something went horribly wrong we could email at least a fraction of you and be like hey here's where to contact us or DM you through the forum or whatever the case may be I actually have no idea if we'd even be allowed to do that anymore with all the new privacy stuff but emailing everybody probably no because that would be a marketing email but we could PM everyone I guess because that's our own inbox yeah that would think so on an email anyway I mean we haven't gotten to that bridge I don't have to cross it I'd look down it cuz I don't want that you to be really mad with us yeah yeah so yeah yeah forget about that the point is we wanted to diversify ourselves and not be entirely reliant on one basket to store all of our eggs and there's still some validity to that strategy and there's other other ways we've done that as well yeah like being on twitch but with all that said I mean I guess this is a good opportunity for us to segue into YouTube introducing paid subscriptions and merchandise so the original article here this is supposed to by Bobby flow on the forum this might be a no I don't think this is a new record 15 minutes in and getting to our first tech topic I think we've done worse than that yeah okay so the original articles from the YouTube blog here posted by whoever I just said on the forum I can't remember and I can't see the and it's arguably a tech topic know anything Google is tech C okay we had this we had this conversation I think last show where it was an Amazon topic that had to do with like people scamming returns that's tech how Amazon's a tech company they're like a Aris store that's online do they have servers so is are there every company a tech company I don't like random law if you construe that as a server if you ask Ford their tech company no goodness they are they actually know I would actually say yeah they are they're reinventing themselves to be a tech company I have that from the I think he was the CEO right a Ford's it took I did that sponsored thing with them a little while ago with that famous guy famous host guy Ryan Seacrest oh yeah that was I would say I met him but I really didn't because he was in on the private jet in that room for like 30 minutes and then before we even realized he was gone he was actually in a private private car back to the airport before anyone actually like the rest of the influencers actually realized he was gone to go back to the airfield to get back on the private jet and I actually heard a rumor about how much that cost but I don't know if I would be like compromising anyone I will say it wasn't seven figures but it was um okay that's like all yeah it was like halfway there apparently holy crap oh geez wouldn't it be great to be famous yes I'm like I'm not talking like this like crap tier like internet famous yeah no I'm gonna be TV fame I'm talking like household name famous that would be nuts mind you mind you I've had enough bad experiences with like people literally waking me up while I'm sleeping in the airport to take a selfie or no that's a different level he's on a private jet no no I know I know but like I've had enough bad experiences with people like doing that kind of stuff to me that I can understand why if you were an order of magnitude or more more famous things you would actually not be able to walk through an airport yeah like if you're if you're Barack Obama how do you walk through an American Airport have you ever had the moment where you wanted to go up and greet someone and then you get like the huge wave of like conflict when you're like what I've been in this situation what I want to be approached right now have you ever been in that situation I as I have one very strong example but I want to hear you I stood in an elevator with Wayne Gretzky once what oh that would be hard okay and I just nodded I figured if I say anything it's kind of a cool moment in itself better not to because you know that point he was more of a Ford spokesman than a hockey player so like still but he still the great one for we're Canadians well that's a big deal even if you don't watch hockey I'll be up here that's so a big deal it's like running into Michael Jordan in an elevator except I don't know if he would fit in an elevator but yes you go up like the frado's we're just like sit down terrible I mean can you even cross your legs no a lot of that especially like a European elevator no way pretty narrow no way yeah anyway sorry what were you gonna say I saw it was at PAX West I saw markiplier and I know he like knows of us and all that kind of stuff and right like oh that's exciting I want to like go say hi for the first time in person it was like 8:00 in the morning at a Starbucks and he was standing there waiting for his coffee I took one step and was like no I'm good I'm just not gonna he hasn't had his coffee yet he's standing there with some lady they're both being very quiet I don't think because they're awkward I think cuz they're freaking tired yeah and I'm just like I'm just gonna it's all about time because like I actually like taking pictures with me to stuff like if someone walks up and they're like hey can I get a selfie I'm like that's cool because it's like a taste a little bit of ego boost yeah exactly someone like I remembers I still remember the first time someone asked me to autograph something yeah just using that word I was like well I can't autograph anything but I'll sign it for you but it's all about like appropriate timing so I was I was flyering my neighborhood Oh putting lost cat posters on people's doors last weekend and I had someone like come up to me will not come up to me but like call to me from across the street and like ask me to take a selfie with them and I'm like you know I've got like this bundle of flyers with me and I'm like I've got like a roll of paper on my wrist so that I can I'm I'm on like an electric skateboard so I can quickly go from door to door like I'm all about how many houses per hour can I do right now and I'm like literally standing there with like a lost cat poster in my hand like now's really not a good time I'm trying to find my cat maybe another time and it's just like yeah I have very rarely had those situations but yet it does you can see we haven't found him by the way we did get one lead from a really helpful neighbor who texted my wife but and actually like it would have been it would have been a you know Cinderella story ending because well not Cinderella but fairytale ending that's what I was going for because I went and started snooping around her yard at night which was okay because she was cool with it like she told us there's been a cat hanging around and I found the cat that's been hanging around in your yard oh it's just and he's kind of striped and spotted but he's not my cat right so that sucks yeah yeah sorry that when I when I heard the initial story I don't know if you noticed but I didn't ask if you found him or not because I was like I don't really want to bring it up know that we're kind of starting to give up hope he's been gone for a week I mean rocket was gone for six weeks but I think that's an exception not rocket was kind of a I'm a rocket was somewhat more competent than Rumble like Rumble was the one that we used to used to get used to really worried about getting out because he's such an idiot was you know anyway so right YouTube paid subscriptions and merchandise yeah so with channel memberships viewers will pay a monthly recurring fee of $4.99 to get unique badges new emoji and Members Only posts in the community tab along with access to custom perks offered by creators such as exclusive live streams extra videos or shout outs channel membership has already been available for it for a select group of creators on YouTube as sponsorships and it will soon be expanding to Ella build eligible channels with more than a hundred thousand subscribers under the new name channel memberships so they hope to bring it to even more creators in the coming months and they are also adding merch stores directly to YouTube so they have partnered up with teespring yeah so it merch store partnerships yeah so creators can choose from over 20 merchandise items to customize and sell via a shelf on there so that's available to all eligible us-based channels with over 10,000 subscribers and they will be expanding it in the future so thoughts from from my standpoint I mean this was a matter of time you know if I'm Google or if I'm anyone like say for example me and you Kohei and I'm looking at the twitch model where people are for some reason willing to pay five dollars a month knowing that only half of it goes to the creator then surely there's a way to create a better deal around that and YouTube has apparently figured it out because and this was like an update that I read on a site somewhere I don't think this was off the official YouTube blog but apparently they will be offering a 70/30 revenue split be fair on Twitter creators there's probably a lot more bandwidth going through person scription that's true like a lot yeah a subscriber on twitch is probably watching for many many many hours potentially many hours a day if they watch like at work and stuff compared to a video a day yeah that's true that's true it's a little bit easier for YouTube to do this but that being said twitch does super okay so there's also that also not in the doc somehow but we should really talk about this is instagrams IG TV if you looked into this at all like are you are a little bit yeah yeah it's it's weird I don't really fully get it but it might be like a maybe I'm just old now or something but yeah Instagram announces IG TV sound Lynette for longer videos by longer I don't think they they mean like five minutes it's like an hour right up to an hour up to an hour long videos and they're all vertical that's another kind of interesting part is they're designed to be vertical videos up to an hour long vertical videos that whole like meme of like slapping someone in the face and then knocking their phone sideways is no longer gonna be applicable because you can make our freakin long Instagram TV videos it will still be applicable yeah I don't laugh as a vertical if you're settling in to watch for an hour the shape of your field of view is like this yeah field of view like this why vertical not like this I think the our thing to become and be honest is them just being like there's no real cop anymore yeah yeah in effect like with the kind of videos that people record on their selfie cans pointing at themselves I think an hour is about as long as you'd really want to be holding your arm up like my my potentially out of the loop brain is thinking that this is just gonna create a lot more kind of behind the scenes content on Instagram yep and it's going to open a few holes for those types of content I don't I can't see this being mainline content I know they've they've got some interesting partnerships you mentioned one I don't remember her name I can't remember it looks like a Sheehan or something like that one of the they're all completely interchangeable to me in the news some kind of marriage good some kind of trouble or relationship okay loud so I won't i won't say marriage elijah good call or like maybe pregnant or maybe not pregnant or I don't know or even more controversial no longer pregnant yeah or or that making news now but one of them I think has some deal for something I don't know but it has to do with Instagram TV maybe they will do even more selfie videos that are slightly longer right now I don't think there's a monetization strategy but I think unlike Facebook which to my knowledge outside of certain partnerships very few bills doesn't do an ad share with creators I think they're open to the idea but I don't know I read the article like a couple days ago and I don't actually have any notes on it I do want to hear from you guys though are you coming around to vertical video um I'm gonna vote on this you're really you're gonna vote on this alright alright no I am for now no never alright so this has nothing to do with me being all floatplane I still I hate vertical video alright now yes yes twitch chat I can't look at you because you're bad people who will probably spoil solo for me well you're not bad people you're just good people who do bad things you have trolls yeah traulsen so there you go guys I really need to see your vote on this one I'm actually you know what I'm gonna vote on this - um I I'm a note I'm a no never that's what I did Wow okay this is pretty clear this could be an audience thing it could be that our audience is specifically known evers or no not for now's because there's really not that many other look at them votes coming in look at them look at them numbers moving on this one and look at them numbers not moving so much on this one the pie chart is pretty sweet - yeah red and green is like the whole thing basically this again this could be a target audience thing there's a huge community of people especially very young people that are just like Instagram Twitter and other apps they're not on Facebook they're not on YouTube as much yeah they're much more on Instagram and Twitter and they might be much more down for the vertical video so my wife not only like is a consumer of vertical video mostly on Facebook she also even watches horizontal video with her phone vertical just because she finds that more comfortable no totally phone that way no I know I know I know it makes me so sad more comfortable like she's like this all the time you know what I'm about to I'm about to go be here so she'll do this kind of stuff where she'll take a picture of the kids or something and she's good about turning her phone when she takes a picture so that's good at least but then she'll take the picture and she's always got her orientation locked she'll hand me her phone to look at it and I'm like I can't I can't even you're using literally a third of your screen why do you even bother having a smartphone why don't you go back in time and get a flip phone if all you want is a third of the screen then you could have hardware buttons then then you wouldn't have to deal with all this extra screen that you apparently can't handle twist divorced I'm like even Netflix man even right yes she will watch movies like that oh that's because I would say I was giving a little bit of benefit don't like if it's if it's like a two-minute video maybe you just don't even want to bother change the setting no no she's basic evil she'll also shall also watch this this drives me nuts especially because we have an OLED TV she will watch Netflix content on the TV in a window with the Start menu burning in a like $6,000 TV because I totally took home the w7 of course Wow right white windows logo bottom freaking left and I'm like wait it's already burnt in Minh like the restore thing a couple times and it's it's fine I don't notice it making twitch that yikes but like dad is a sin that's really bad and like to me she's like oh yeah I'll walk in I'll be like yo the video is not fullscreen just be like I didn't notice even happen you not how can that not be the immediate I would notice that before I noticed that I walked in and my kids were watching pornography I would notice that it's also what are those yeah clearly fake by the way kids don't let this affect your body image clearly that's aftermarket gotta go to the parts store for those oh all right speaking of aftermarket here's some aftermarket glasses for you there we go oh man aftermarket eyes here's some here's some glasses that I'm putting on and here's some talking points that I need to bring up and the guy I gotta just I got to just chill myself the math out here right now for a little bit do some do some sponsor spots cuz I can't even handle this right now so oh man staring at a monitor all day basically bad and enabled yeah yeah with full screen muff wanna shut up I had enough out of you blue light not so good spectrum glasses are an affordable long-term solution to staring at ignore your screen Oh what Oh oh boy how how fix yep yay spectrum glasses are a long-term solution to filtering out that blue light using a software solution like flux or Twilight doesn't give you the same kind of filtering with the glasses too they've got tons of different styles some of which look really good they've got ones they've even got one for kids they're high quality they've got a one-year warranty they're durable they've got low color distortions so you don't just look at something white and it's like straight-up yellow are you fixing the lower third we already fixed it thanks Nick Luke caught it and their highest rated among their competitors on Amazon they're primarily focused on Canadian and US customers but they are expanding to Europe and offer shipping internationally they're also well apparently they're now available at Memory Express for Canadian customers and for the month soon they'll be offering 20% off spectrum glasses so go to spectrum glasses comm slash collections live products we really need a better URL for that but that's ok because we'll have it linked in the video description for those of you watching on YouTube whoa now FreshBooks nothing nothing chills me out more than like a good old you know sponsor spot standard you've done it before fresh that's right fresh books it's the super simple to use invoicing tool that is more than just an invoicing tool it's amazing that they have easy-to-use invoicing tool in their talking points when that is like actually just a small fraction what it does and the next line of their talking points is that but wait it's more than that yeah anyway they've got great customer support if you have any questions you can reach out to their staff where you'll speak to a real human with no phone tree no escalations no return calls no nothing which is not to say that if you call them they won't return your call it just means that that you don't have to just wait on hold until they offer you return called whatever you guys understand what I mean it helps you keep track of your time with their timesheet function helps you manage your expenses and keep track of who those you want and even has a feature that tells you when your clients look at your invoices for the first time so that you never have to play that oh did you really send an invoice I didn't get it game again no I'll pay you now ha ha no no you got it a week ago get get get on it so go to FreshBooks comm slash win if you're a freelancer or small business owner and you need a solution to help save you time so you can spend it with I don't know your children are playing video games or making more money whatever you do with it is up to you bringing us to our third sponsor for the show madrenas that's what happened Rena's coffee is coffee for fuel big cans cold brewed coffee with a flavor for everyone from sweet and creamy flavors like mocha or caramel to bold and roasty flavors like their cold brew black madrenas coffees our specialty grade blends of cold brewed coffee given to you in convenient ready to drink 16-ounce cans and they have now reduced the international shipping rates for a number of countries by up to 70% head over to madrenas coffee dot-com / linus and these guys are crazy these guys do because they do sponsor spots with us like every couple weeks and they do so go there now use code Linus to get 60% off yeah see I didn't even know 60% off in the first 50 orders we'll get a bonus coffee a bag of cotton so that's a ton of stuff there's no six pack of cans yeah we got to tell these guy we got to increase these guys rates so they can afford to have away so much coffee no in all seriousness though we love giving you guys offers like this where it's just a total no-brainer go order some madrenas check it out at the link in the video description yeah oh I am clearly not on my a game today someone's asking what a scrapyard Wars coming it's coming when it's done okay it is being edited the first episode is rough cut okay ed is working on at least the second episode by now I believe it's gonna be four episodes Oh was it four days or three days it was four days but it was like two of them were half days um depending on what was going on on your side it might be fine cuz there was a lot going down I saw something oh did you no I won't say what it was we don't want to spoil it for you yes but the no internet challenge is gonna be real and it's gonna be pretty intense I saw something that I very almost did Oh like very close but didn't so it'll be cool got it yeah all right new SSDs from Samsung in a new form factor so the Samsung launched the oh crap I need to go fix something in today's tech length episode okay I have no idea what that means because I don't know what today's tech like - episode what I'm not sure what he read but it says in the notes here actually let me get this posted into twitch chat I'm not really gonna be able to get this on screen super easily I wonder what that even means I'm oh geez oh no I can do this trust me anyone play titanfall to you I was an amazing single-player hood it doesn't work okay he's got it set to Luke's screen which makes no sense because it's very specifically his screen okay Samsung launch is 8 terabyte nvme solid state drive in nf1 form factor the 8 terabyte is amazing but the nf1 form factor is actually the more interesting part in my opinion samsung has launched the largest capacity nvme solid-state drive to date at 8 terabytes cool the nf1 SSD will target data focused analytics and virtualization requirements within data centers this is not targeted towards consumers it's an 8 terabyte freaking crazy SSD this isn't this I know I know I know you'd like it but it's not really for you yet it probably will be one day the otherwise known as next-generation small form factor which makes me want to cry because calling thinks next-generation is not a good idea because eventually its last generation nf1 is a miniscule form factor featuring in the form factor measuring in at 11 centimeters by three point zero five centimeters three times the storage density of m dot two it runs on 16 pieces of 512 gigabyte nand and you know what's happening you have no idea that would be great welcome to an show welcome to the most professional show there is yeah pretty much on television we're talking about at first when he had his first gasp I was like oh it this is this like NDA stuff I'm assuming it's probably just like we said something and then news came out later and that thing is no longer what I'm assuming it is is the first line of this which is probably all he got into you so Samsung has launched the largest capacity and vme solid-state drive today to date terabytes so we probably said the largest capacity Saul's a drive is bread and now it's been defeated probably wrecked probably something like that each one of these things has 16 layers of 256 gigabit v-nand with three bits per second cells Samsung is planning to launch another version later this year with 512 gigabit v9 cells ooh dang this allows for 576 terabytes of storage to be put into 2u rack servers 576 Terrapins in to our bytes into you so that's like that I wrote there that's like a 1 that's probably like it's like a two fours are like so like a store inator that's a to you right where's that through you I thought those were four okay I haven't handled them nearly as much as lysosome it's okay just come up that asked me if I was a child on his screen I think it said are you a child yes or no 25 store Nader let me see here I'm actually quite interested because people are fairly familiar with that size yeah yeah well that's like a very standard server size it is so I just don't remember which version of it is building price storage server I think the Excel 6 XL 60 I think base you tell me for you yeah for you okay so like half the size of this coordinator yeah that's pretty dank yeah for like that much storage and it's all SSD you'll probably pay for like this building a couple times yeah yeah in wine what I'm assuming the cost of this thing will be me but yeah dang it runs on nvme one it runs on v nvme one point three protocol and has support for PCI 4.0 dang day that's pretty crazy is that even like standard ya know as far as I know no that's pretty sick and apparently withstand 1.3 Drive rights per day equating more than ten terabytes of Rights daily for the 3-year warranty period and cow bites daily yeah this is like super not a consumer product holy crap it's not for you I know I know at least one person I don't know if he's watching right now but loony from the forum is like gimmick it's not for you loony okay it's for like the Zack yeah yeah you want to talk about this one Bethesda suing Warner Bros yeah I I saw the title I didn't really look into it too much um neither of eyes so we're in a great boat right now Bethesda sues Warner Bros Bethesda Software suing Warner Bros and followed shelter co-developer behavior interactive over the recent release Westworld mobile game alleging it's a blatant ripoff oh so it's developed by the same code EV yeah oh yeah like this is a word yeah it's a really big deal Bethesda copyright infringement breach of contract and misappropriating trade secrets yeah so like that's it that's a very big deal obviously I don't know what a contract with Bethesda looks like because that's not our business but especially that type of contract if you're looking at what I would assume to be you know probably eight figures to nine figures total tomorrow we'll make like a game like this I and we'll the thing is there's also recurring yeah contracts and the contracts like overall total development contract or something like this it's gonna be I'm over at it's at least a seven-figure thing I have no idea but it's a massive amount of money so if you're looking at that there's gonna be some pretty significant confidentiality agreements in there there's gonna be some non-compete stuff in there so essentially what they've done is they've created the same game or a very similar game I guess for a direct competitor yeah so yeah I would assume that this was not gonna be very very pleased with that Bethesda alleges that Westworld released this week Android and iOS has the same or highly similar game design art style animation features and other games like oh boy it really does you can't show my screen okay but if you just Google West world mobile game and go to images oh man they really didn't what looks like a reskin oh my god looks like a reskin seriously that which screen in my question um he's back like check out this one yeah but note on here look screen line screen Oh Luke screen oh I didn't I didn't oh good it didn't hit the computer it did the thing where it freezes my I touch it again wow I haven't even like played a game but that like definitely looks like it it's really similar see yeah I didn't realize it's the same kiss same code EV did the west-world one yeah that's like real old man real bad yeah oh man we interrupt the show I was like this is gonna be this is gonna be bad I mean like not even okay my biggest thing is this character looks really similar tomorrow wow like the art style is almost the frickin same it's it's not like they're like oh it's a multi-tier underground thing with some rooms you gotta maintain it like that's like okay it's another battle royale game whatever this is like mmm have you even talked about the part where there's a bug that's present in both games oh no no no it gets so much worse negative ESDA says the game uses the same copyrighted computer code created for fallout shelter in West world alleging a that a bug evident in an earlier version of fallout shelter which was later fixed also now appears in West world I mean I'm not a lawyer but I'm just gonna go ahead and say that but that so probably has a case here oh my goodness be yeah I'm no expert but yeah behavior is like the studio that was working on it that the shortened version so behavior breached his contract with this as Bethesda and utilized its restricted access to possesses intellectual property including Bethesda's copyrighted code trade secrets and and other rights to make a new game on the which mean from the outside yeah kind of sounds like it looks uh looks like they might have something going out there pretty brutal that's that's gnarly when I first flicked on this I was kind of suspecting like oh it's another Battle Royale thing where people are copyrighted concept like the arts almost identical it's just like looks pretty damn lightly it looks like you bought a West World costume for the Fallout game and like a West world room skin who are the Fallen who would think that that's gonna fly like I just don't even like your your your professional game developer buy some you know beg probably I'd be apparently not but someone who works there thinks their professional game developer and they it hasn't occurred to them that IP law is like a big problem yeah and the kind of thing that a company like Bethesda would spend a lot of money to protect yeah and like I've brought up pub G or a battle royale a few times in this yeah and pub G has sued a lot of people that has actually made a ton of sense where it's like almost the exact same game and there is some interesting points with there fortnight thing which is like the the plane comes in on pub G and the bus comes it's a freaking plane come on fortnight yeah like it's almost the same in that way but then fortnight has the benefit of having like the building features and like all these other weird things that really set it apart that helps them a lot in their case right there I don't think there's there's much in this one yeah oh geez and like the art in fortnight looks drastically different than the art in pop G and that helps them a lot to you um okay last last big topic here Intel CEO has resigned after a consensual relationship with an employee because that's when he eighteen we like really meet well yeah that's important so he's like definitely broken company policy yeah but he's not like getting wrapped up in the whole hashtag me too yeah yeah yeah so basically intel has announced that he has resigned as CEO it makes a little sketchy that we have consensual relationship in quotes oh well okay it's like actually it can relationship everything's okay so anyway he's resigned to CEO following an investigation into a consensual relationship with an Intel employee which is another way of saying he was fired he also left the board even so he's like out of the company uh chief financial officer Robert Swan will step in as interim CEO like another indication that you were fired is that there has to be an interim CEO because that doesn't have something lined up there's nothing lined up yeah and basically he violated a policy that said that managers cannot have relationships with people who report to them either directly or indirectly and when you're the CEO that means everyone yeah I would think I'm actually making an assumption there which is officially why we can't be in a relationship the relationship ended and took place sometime back whatever that means and most probably an affair Cruz and his total compensation topped 21 million last year so he's and the company paid for his transportation and residential security this his Intel stock rose about 120 percent during his tenure as CEO 21 million dollars a year that works out - hold on a second so calculator so 21 one two three one two three divided by how many oh you know what I know but I know the hourly calculation that is ten thousand dollars an hour if you worked 40 hours a week oh my god right cannot be right that's pretty insane Wow Wow Brian I think you'll be okay even though he's probably not getting his golden parachute he sold all of his stock and that are not all like half of his stock in that high-profile thing around the meltdown inspector buds yeah but if he has to sell what I'm assuming is one of his many homes or cars I'm sure he'll he'll be fine yeah he'll figure like he made enough money that I'm sure he has enough assets that it really won't matter I I don't know man I he's not gonna have to go be a greeter or anything I really know my friends degree ders I'm just saying I really don't I don't understand how any person can be that valuable because you know you know like we talked about how you know um well do you know what do you know what Elon does have you heard about the CEO salary thing not to toot his horn anymore but and I'm guys got enough of a bubble at this point yeah yeah and I'm not gonna bother look it up but it was like comparing the difference between the like lowest paid employee and the CEO at different companies yeah what the percentage of whatever his was 0.9 the reason for that is because he gets like crazy stock options and all this other kind of so this was total compensation not a salary okay there's quite a bit so I don't know I I don't know I I have I have trouble with I have trouble with that in ten thousand dollars an hour yeah because if you think okay think about it in terms of like like slavery we all agree it's wrong freaking I hopes we have we all agree it's wrong we all agree it's wrong with those kind of kinds of resources could a person effectively own another person 24 hours a day seven days a week for the rest of their life yeah does that give you enough power to do something like that well you could you could own three people at eight hour shifts very very very very easily so I don't know I just literally three people at eight hour shifts you could pay them with like the the last two digits before the dot yeah I don't know man it says I don't know apparently Broadcom CEO made a hundred million last year don't even do with a hundred million dollar one of my favorite things is when a company is just tanking and I CEO gets like all the toys are resting was a disgusting mess I'm not familiar they basically raided the company and then walked off with golden parachutes and people who'd been working there 20 years as a cashier or shelf stocker whatever got nothing is gross yeah alright anyway on that happy note hey that's it for the wine show for today and we'll see you again next week same bat-time same bat-channel now I'm ready oh right fish birds spectrum glasses who knows coffee probably already missed out on the first 50 orders there but I don't know give it a shot
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