
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Intel COULD Make Z270 Work with Coffee Lake - WAN Show October 20, 2017

oh alright its when show time again yeah we're gonna get our spacing right here there we go perfect oh you always push me away from the mic so you're way louder than me no I'm wait ladder than you because I'm weight ladder than you I pushed you away from the mic because I'm the one who's actually you know looking at the show and okay look symmetric you know what here just a second hold on let me let me let me explain let me let me explain something something here let's go ahead we'll we'll give you guys some screen capture to look at here instead of James there you go okay so oh that that really doesn't work very well what I'm doing right now okay that's not really the point the point is look at the distance here see this distance not enough distance you got a fair see I'm not sure isn't there was a no mansplaining rule on the wine show no no you're allowed to win spleen that's we've been through this so we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today topic number one where is Luke which is I'm sure the only one that you actually care about at this point cuz this frickin can you take those off I'm not taking them off oh you have to take them on man I feel like JC Denton he's not using the laser okay so Edie can you can you come up for us for a second here can you just show them what the heck is going on such that James figures he needs Wow thank you I'm sure glad I had a professional camera operator do that that's much appreciated so that right there look at that he knows how to use the focus ring and everything so that right there is our new laser cutter and these no no no you can't wear them the whole show let me tell you the whole the whole sunglasses during a tech video podcasting has been done no one likes it my vision is augmented have you even played Deus Ex this is sick this is harsh I have played hold on a second which one is Pacific wave looks like yeah it cuts out all the BS and leaves you with awesome no can you know no can I at least just continually put them on like periodically throughout the show you can only keep them on for a maximum of 30 seconds at a time deal star okay and and they have a ten minute cool down cool down by the way yes I have played Deus Ex but I only played the widely regarded as kind of crap sequels little war I actually enjoyed it having not played the original and never playing one since I actually really enjoyed it yeah I really don't want to miss badminton this guy's trying to send me on a freaking also you didn't Center our camera way to go add or did he no not quite it needs to go a little bit more towards James thank you he's trying to send me on a business trip during my badminton night I get one night a week one night a week when I get to go out and do something fun and this guy wants to send me to where are you trying to send me LA one syllable cities that's two syllables LA all right so we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today gigabyte responded via email I hope I hope I hope I can talk about this I think it's kind of a it was kind of a statement so they responded via email to my question about exactly what the heck is going on with motherboard or with coffee leak performance from motherboard to motherboard and I've also heard from a sous so we'll be talking a little bit about that Activision has patented a technique for social engineering microtransactions in games I love it it's way more evil than it sounds and it sounds pretty damn evil so that should give you some idea what else we got oh I can talk now yeah yeah yeah ah reportedly Apple has cut down production of the iPhone 8 for November and December by a large margin Wow cut cuts axed and a pixel to excel color issued that last may or may not have experienced I actually want to know I'll get there you know what I haven't okay yeah you know what why don't we roll the in trouble talk about it later we'll talk about it later Juancho and it will also do that first topic I promised where is Luke I'm wearing the song of us and that with the 30 seconds doesn't count until I am sure you have one fan have or x95 likes you lots of people like me yeah let's not get ahead of ourselves you have one pen that's not true oh do you want me to send you screenshots daraa bullets James just know that guy doesn't count that's a child die wolf lost where is Luke that's cuz he's pleasantly surprised to see me then blogger says you're sick and I think he means like disgusting not like good that's both those are both good to me no sponsors I forgot we were silly intro intro scream there I don't know how I'd manage it how hard is this okay this much frame it's like there's like this much extra I always tell the camera people I'm like can you censor the arm in the frame and they're like yes and then they don't do it I think they're just messing with me I think at this point people are actually just screwing with me when they do things wrong alright so why don't we get into coffee like performance first have you looked have you heard about this have you seen this for yes I read egg so it comes down to a feature yeah that is enabled by default on some boards but not enabled by default on others yep so a Susa statement was actually I'm gonna have a quick look at my email here and make sure that this is on the record because it's one of those frustrating things where sometimes we actually we actually know more than we can say because industry contacts don't want to get themselves in trouble mind you there's a pretty funny story actually about a soos and being sort of on the record when you thought you weren't on the record no no no tamaƱo no what am i I'm not going to being on the record when you didn't realize you're on the record and saying something that kind of through Intel under the bus we'll get to that later but first up yes I actually asked do you guys have an official statement on the whole Auto overclocking thing so the whole discrepancy between it was a especially visible and heavily multi-threaded tests like Cinebench between you know one reviewers results with coffee lake and another's where people were getting up to like 300 point differences in Cinebench seems to have come down to some motherboard manufacturers most notably a sous enabling a feature by default on their boards that effectively overclocks the cpu right out of the box running all of the cores at the maximum turbo rather than just one or two or however many were supposed to be enabled at that particular speed so I asked and this is my subject line so I think I've absolved myself of any responsibility for this being something that can't go out to the public for an official statement from Asus on the whole auto overclocking thing but I actually you know what I should probably talk about gigabyte statement first so they proactively sent this to me and they're basically just like good luck no no I can read this they're basically just like hey I just watched your ran show that's that's cool gigabyte watches the lan show like you guys are the way and show you guys make the news I'm just like blah blah blah like this about it just wanted to comment on the variants and scores there's been some discussion over Intel turbo policy and enhanced multi-core performance I'm sure you are aware this is a feature that pegs all cores at the max turbo frequency so in the case of the 8700 K this is 4.7 gigahertz across all course now something that's really happened over the last couple of generations of Intel's turbo boost technology is that the difference between base clock and max turbo clock has increased a lot so it used to be that if you had a multi-core enhancement feature and you just boosted everything it was just a little bit and the reason they've done that is so they can get higher efficiency better battery life some higher efficiency CPUs overall yeah basically so the idea is that Intel's going okay well here's what we're comfortable rating it for when all the cores are operating and we want to tune it better and better and better for lightly threaded workloads so you can get more performance out of just like a game that only utilizes one or two cores or any other single threaded application so you can but they wouldn't have rated the CPU for 4.7 gigahertz on all the course at the thermal and at the power consumption targets that they have so there's gonna be a stability issue there and that's what this person from gigabyte is hinting at yeah the reason they don't you know don't put it on by default there's potential for stability issue because it is in effect overclocking and it produces more heat and so this is why our 8700 K review had our chip consuming a lot of power compared to what we might have expected and we probably should have investigated that further so we were using an asus board we were using an asus board so we've typically used asus boards for our launch coverage of any new CPU for I don't know the last five fiver skills and CPU launches see yeah we drinks water to buy himself time I drink asus water but the reality of it is that we've found it has really more to do with the pre-review support for us the fact that we can email anytime night or day and we're getting a response within like 20 minutes and that has really made our lives a lot easier when we're trying to iron out what are often bugs with the CPU with the RAM with the board being able to get new biases that address these or get answers when there is no BIOS to address it helps us out a lot and that's the main reason that we've been doing that so we had a we were running the board at default which we assumed is kind of okay so here's here's my response from from isus well we've been doing it that way for a few years so they're basically saying I like hey this isn't really anything new so I really don't know what there is to say we the motherboard makers in general this is kind of the statement we get slammed for enabling it then we all disable it then we get slammed for not doing it because it's kind of free performance and kind of within spec then we place warnings on enabling it and that gets ignored so I guess now we're back to not enabling it where some new BIOS updates next week do you have an opinion on whether or not they should enable it I'm standing here I think you should have it off by default it's still a feature that's included it is just a switch you turn on and the BIOS so it's easy to do if people those long people know about it that you're not losing out on that free performance you'd still have it available to you if you want it but how would people know about it I would argue that the average user even the average user who builds their own computer isn't gonna touch a feature called multi-core enhancement sounds pretty sweet to me yeah it sounds pretty sweet but there's also like a lot of stuff within a BIOS that might seem sweet on the surface but you turn it on and your computer doesn't boot anymore until you you know because remember you're a novice user you go into your manual you figure out what the hell up see most reset is you go find that stupid button or header and you you know 15 minutes 30 minutes later you've got your computer back on you can't go oh well I'm not gonna touch any of that stuff anymore it would come down to marketing but you can't market something that's just yeah I guess you kind of you can but they don't want you using that anyway like if you're a Seuss or gigabyte or em aside they've all got over Auto overclocking tools that are much more sophisticated than that built into their boards that are like turning up the speed testing it to make sure it's okay turning it up some more testing it again and they want you using that stuff so how do those features reconcile with this feature if you haven't both on um it's a good question truthfully haven't played around with it a whole lot yeah so honestly I don't really plan to because I don't really personally recommend either of them as the most optimal way to overclock I still believe that doing it manually yourself is the best way to overclock so yeah apparently we're slightly out of focus I just I don't even I don't even know I don't even know why we have camera people anymore speaking of which I need a camera person right now alex is taking the well oh wow taking WoW focus wheel actually that's not bad damn girl that's not you should have seen the celli he just did I can't do it but he did that that come come show them that weird thing that you do give us this alley it weirds me out I look great you only do it twice alright the next one oh yeah let's take care activision I don't want to do that topic oh I do those yeah well do that topic alright alright alright we'll talk about it so this was originally posted by WM groom a K on the forum the original article here is actually from Rolling Stone of all publications well there was a more original one but it the site had that slideshow format so I wasn't messing with that okay so James how on a scale of one to AIDS Plus cancer plus leprosy where would you put activism Activision's research into using matchmaking tricks so you guys know in game matchmaking like pairing at one party with another using in game matchmaking tricks to sell in-game items if I work there if I'm an executive or a shareholder this is awesome do you own shares Oh sick inactivation no I don't okay so then how do you feel about gaming perspective it's all over folks throwing the towel games suck from now on this is a brutal direction there is some good news they've actually patented the technique so not all games suck hopefully no one else can do this just all the huge major titles from this giant company so okay let's get into this Activision was granted a patent this month for a system it uses to influence players in multiplier games to purchase game items through micro transactions so the system uses it alters the matchmaking process so typically players are putting the games together based on a wide variety of factors including skill level internet latency and your availability friends the way it should be you should be skilled so that everyone's playing a fun round of you know counter go source or whatever it is that the kids are playing these days right but now they've added a rune craft extra vector yeah this extra vector of market into the matchmaking process that basically tries to get you in the game with people who have bought stuff that you haven't bought yet so that psychologically you kind of see them using it and you want to buy it and it also so the the article also describes part of the technique being to take inexperienced players and intentionally put them in close proximity to players who are good at a skill that they aspire to be good at and who have an item that appears to be related to that skill so let's say that a really skilled player has like a great sniper rifle for example then they're gonna they're gonna pair this player who and you can you can tell so much about people from the way that the game actually well you mean you can tell a lot about how how they want a game anyway so someone's like always playing sniper classes but sucks you can tell I don't even think it's skill level I aspire to be a sniper no no well there's that too there's there's multiple aspects of it right so they'll take like an unskilled sniper who wants to be good at sniping they'll put them near a good sniper who has great equipment like hat of plus one that they favor bot or whatever um stuff that they paid for that they paid for and kind of watch right and then continually retool it and re optimized to get more people buying microtransactions if my children ever pay for an in-game item I'm cutting them off they're out of the will they're gonna be out dude they're out of the will that's gonna happen really soon you guys heard it here first out of the will can I get in there because digital like in-game items I don't know see you were old school we energy kind of cool we used to justify a game and have the whole game then expansion packs came out and that was just bonus and awesome then it all went to and now it's poo video DLC is just like how you get the whole game okay hold on hold on so what I realized when I was talking about cutting my kids out of the will is that I think I've actually bought digital items before no I know I know so they won't be cut out of the will but but but if they spend too much on them what's two months and they're cut out of the world that can be written in the will too much is too much is you know I think I think more than you know what that is a really good straw poll question once you okay so I wanna I want to frame this in a pretty specific manner because there's a couple of different ways you can define too much like I would take a free-to-play game where the in-game items are purely cosmetic and it's not a pay to win and I would kind of look at it and go you know what buying a skin or - or a character here and there to support the developer who's running a free-to-play game but has a lot of cost associated with it big-time probably okay but if we're talking triple a title like we're talking like a $69.99 oh yeah $79.99 triple a title or or worse yet like a collector's edition that came in a tin so you've like already spent a hundred and thirty hundred and fifty bucks on this thing and you can't even put the Master Chief helmet on because it's actually mini right and you run out and you blow like another 50 bucks hundred bucks on it I think that is totally different so I want to create a specific scenario for you guys because we're talking Activision Blizzard here so we are not talking about free-to-play games okay you pay for the game so so let's say let's say a $50 game just for the sake of argument okay I know that's almost nothing is 50 bucks anymore it's either more because it's triple-a or it's like 20 30 bucks because it's indie but let's say $50 game acceptable amount to spend on microtransactions I think you should attach a time frame here because if I'm playing wow for like 6 years and I spent $300 whatever but if this is a period of 6 months or something like that okay yeah that's fair career first year let's do per year okay so first a for you hard course out there I'm putting in the zero dollar option okay don't worry I'm putting in the zero dollar option okay Coors or cheapskates okay so I've got uh okay while you set that up I want to talk about another thing that this algorithm does that's a this even just takes it to the next level once you do make an in-game purchase so they put you in a match the expert sniper you were totally attracted to it you ended up buying this sniper rifle once you made that purchase they're then going to take actions that make you feel good about that purchase they don't want you to regret the purchase so on your next match they're gonna put you in a game where you're you're not in a close quarters match you're gonna be put in a game where that purchase is advantageous they're gonna put you in Blood Gulch or whatever a sniper friendly match so you can actually that's the last time you played that's old-school man people like the chef that I like the throwbacks I know what it is oh yeah it means it's old-school that's a classic blood goes to me they make that map for different times it's in every game every Halo game okay anyway they're gonna put you in blood into a map where you switch chat is flipping out to Blood Gulch they love it Wow okay okay go go go go go fire James fire James okay that guy is too young to know of luck I'll just you should be getting an Xbox on eBay just so you can play it even if you weren't born yet and you may need a line this tech tips halo 1 server Booya agreed that'd be sweet okay do you guys you guys would be down ok I'm not so old school that I am advocating using like the original fatty controller that controller sucked you're allowed to use the xix control shil Gulch she'll go go go halo 1 is still like $30 Gulch tip you can still buy it halo 1 customers just $30 in forever it's terrible terrible um okay all right all right imma let you finish i'ma let you finish but basically the thing that sucks about this is that you can tell from the language in the patent that this is not just going to be affecting in-game purchases like skins and aesthetic things yeah the language talks about weapons and that just means that the developers are going to have a monetary incentive to make it play to win so to me that this looks like this is the direction we're all going thing about this kind of play to win is it's like a sicker more insidious play to win because instead of it being okay instead of it being our Desolator win pay to win instead of me being able to pay more to just have better crap than you and walk in and stomp you I have to lose to you hold on it'll be it'll be pay more and get a fake Oh ego boost because they're just gonna pair you with crappier players I can imagine that when they first roll this out trick you when they first roll this out you're gonna be on the team are you gonna be on the same team as the guy with the awesome gun but then they're gonna find out that it's actually more effective if you're on the opposite team and you just get lit up by this guy with the awesome gun you're tired of getting so pwned that you you go and buy the gun yourself and then you get to the awesome feeling of wrecking noobs I mean at what point do they then take it a step further and they start actually fooling you into thinking you're playing against people you're not like what if they could use like a neural network to figure out which people in game you actually know and which people you don't so they could have you playing against the guy you're playing against the guy who's ripping you apart with a sniper rifle from the other side of the map okay um or the guy that like literally gets out of the Banshee and like manages to drop it on you every time Oh terrible it's all halo all the time so hail all the time from now on okay and then in your next game they just like overlay that person's real avatar and real on-screen name with like this guy and you like destroy him now that you bought your new gun do you think they could get that evil why not I mean it's just a no it's just a digital identity that it actually is actually ultimately pretty meaningless as far as it goes if they take two randoms who don't know each other they just sprinkle Boston just sprinkle super-advanced BOTS and that just are just pimped out swagged out they got the guns are shooting hot pink bullets I think you know is this where we're going holy crap ah jeez this leads us pretty squarely into another topic we have that's it all right yes it does speaking of AI that's just so killer it can wreck you every time remember alphago the deep neural Neck net that managed to swamp all the world's top alpha our top go players in the last year ah so this is from Gizmodo here there you go all right tell me about it okay so alphago the first artificial intelligence to defeat a grandmaster at the game go just got a major upgrade in a tournament that pitted AI versus AI the regular alphago got completely completely wrecked 100 games to zero by the new version of alphago called alphago zero why did they call it alphago zero if it gets a hundred and not zero because of singularity baby how is zero singular what you're not the singularity is yeah it's like converging to 0 I'm making this up what I'm trying to justify the names you're talking about okay the thing that's cool about this is the original alphago had a training data set of thousands of previously played go games played by humans that were amateurs or professionals that go this is a completely unsupervised like reinforcement learning algorithm that had no training data set no training data set it started only with the rules of the game go and in three days could beat the original go then it's saying so it played 4.9 million games against itself to acquire the expertise needed to beat the original alphago for comparison the original alphago had 30 million games for inspiration Wow after 40 days it defeated a more sophisticated version of alphago called alphago master and that was the version that defeated the world's best go players last year it gets even crazier it did this not only is it better it's not even that they just like threw more computing power on it it's way more efficient the original alphago master had 48 TP use or tensor processing units this one 440 P use that's an order of magnitude more efficient now this is like not generally AI at all yeah this is playing a game but it's like it's it's yeah okay hmm well this thing could wreck you at Halo - I don't know K it'll smash you with banshees every time you're getting stuck from across the map noscope headshots alright one more topic before we go into ads this was originally posted by Jami scone Jimmy's Jamie's gone whatever on the forum Jamie's original Oh Jamie is gone the original article is from kit guru dotnet no I don't want your notifications Apple reportedly cut down iPhone 8 production already I mean if it if it wasn't a strong enough indication that iPhone 8 isn't doing particularly well that there were literally no lineups like that was a big thing with the iPhone 8 launch this seems to be this seems to pretty much drive the point home apparently iPhone 8 and 8 plus production has been reduced by about 50% for November in December which are typically pretty strong sales months for mobile devices and this is what apparently the first time Apple has reduced iPhone production so early in the cycle this is really worrying considering like the bright side of this would be to assume that all these people who aren't buying the eight are just waiting to buy the ten but but they probably won't even be able to buy the ten and the other issue is that apparently a lot of people are opting for the iPhone 7 instead of the 8 which is frankly a decision that ok a makes a lot of sense to me in the first place because the iPhone 7 inator really not very different you're getting way more eyes per dollar and number 2 the more people go out there and buy the iPhone 7 the longer the support cycle we are likely to see on that product because and this is this is something that I that actually comes up fairly often when I'm talking about you know what tech product you should buy a lot of the time it doesn't work out to be in your best interest to go and buy the most expensive motherboard because a lot of the time what can end up happening is because they sell so few units of that model it might end up with a very short support cycle and a much smaller install base of people to call in to tech support and complain if something goes wrong they might end up with more compatibility issues down the line because of that smaller install base installing a wide variety of hardware to you know find out if there's any issues and report them to the manufacturer so owning the like the popular one can actually be really good because the iPhone 7 here's another thing if there's a huge install base even not directly from Apple even if we're talking from app developers if there's a huge install base of these iPhone 7s because Apple was effectively selling them for two years at full paw or at full speed then you're gonna see app developers really focus on optimizing for that phone for a longer time into the future as those iphones start to have their screens broken or start to be replaced it's just gonna take longer before you aren't worth investing in anymore so the fact that there's this momentum on the iphone 7 become sort of a self self-reinforcing positivity snowball and the people realize that the iPhone 7 is a great choice compared to the eight the more it will be a great choice compared to the eight that's where I was coming - that's your positive fashionable that's my positivity snowball so I mean I ended up just by chance with a couple of those types of devices so the iPad one was a big steaming pile of beta it didn't end up being supported for very long it was thick the battery life sucked it was super slow iPhone - actually I thought good I pad okay good iPad - way better in every way like fantastic and made a ton of sense as a product for quite some time because even the ones that came after it we're adding things like high resolution displays that actually ended up hurting battery life as much as they increase the resolution of the display they ran hotter like the iPad 2 had stuff going for it for like three or four generations and afterward it wasn't until the air I think that we've got one that was higher resolution and better battery and RAM cooler was like better in every possible way so my iPad 2 ended up getting supported almost forever and the same with the iPad are with the iPhone 4 and I ended up with like both of them at the same time I was like this is great apples well yeah like four or five years is awesome but it doesn't always work out like that so it's really nice when you end up with something like that and it looks like the iPhone 7 could be another one I personally wish it had been the 6s because it has a headphone jack but sorry oh oh yeah the Apple watch what about it oh you're just upset because you lost that playlist feature yeah so Apple right does not behave in this way every time you have a second gen yeah 2nd gen yeah and just lost a feature that was deprecated seemingly and we have no you know insider knowledge at Apple or anything but seemingly to make room for a new version of the feature that is only available on the new one that has LTE connectivity so you're just gonna buy the new one aren't you yes you are aren't you these are are you already wearing it did you already buy the new one did you already order it are you going to the Apple store after this weekend he's already on the Apple Store right now then you'll sell that one and get the new are you really gonna get the new one Oh see you are everything that's wrong with and feeling me he's one of those Apple people you actually need something or what can I do for you I'll - where do i when do I have to decide wait today I don't know probably not let's go now I don't know we'll talk we'll talk about it later okay ah right right we've got to do our we've gotta do our sponsor a sponsor number one is I please put those glasses on what all right try it you'll like it I will wear they're not even know they were stolen um I'm serious they're not they're no sponsor number one is I fix it I fix it is all about the culture of repairing your own stuff because why should you pay a manufacturer a bunch of money or throw something out contributing to waste in our world when you can repair something yourself for often a fraction of the cost so I fixed that has tons of great guides for taking apart repairing and putting back together your electronic doodads be they phones or computers and they've got tons of amazing tools including their pro Tech tool kit it's now only 60 bucks and comes with a bunch of great stuff including their 64 bit driver kit a wide variety of plastic I can't even take myself seriously you look like a superhero the full coverage up here these safe tweezers they've got prying tools they've got suction cups they've got all kinds of great stuff and it's backed by I fix its lifetime warranty so go check out the 25,000 free repair guides over at and get your own fully loaded Pro Tech tool kit at I fix it calm / - for just 60 bucks bringing us to savage jerky you know what Luke isn't here to make me suffer this week we know we get it so I'm actually just going to mal on my favorite savage turkey the maple buffalo bacon yes stereotypical yes it's only it's only a two star two star hotness level but quite frankly you know what was my drawing power anyway do you really think I'm more than a - OH - what oh wait a minute is this the maple yeah I think this is the one like do they have more than one maple-bacon it doesn't even offer me a they might Wow this is really nice to know mine well you're vegetarian I still want to smell the bag here you can have some of you want unbelievable hmm oh yeah this is a new flavor this is nice so it's like at least waft yeah you come on yeah it's really good you cab you probably won't be able to sky the maple damn that smells good you can't swear on the show we've been through this what are you counting as swear words now heavens to Betsy you can say heavens to Betsy are you sure so savage jerky is made with the best ingredients without nitrates or preservatives the goal was to create a snack that's full of flavor and spice but that isn't bad for you and they've got 13 different flavors I'm a huge fan of the Moho maple maple bacon that's friggin awesome the year is it original what they call yeah original that one's really good the salt and pepper tree really you know what they're all really good and if you're not into just tasty and you want stuff that will like melt your mouth off then they've got they've got Jerky's they've also got hot sauces made with like Carolina Reapers these are like some of us these are some of the hottest hottest peppers in the world trust me they will they will let your mouth on fire they will let your butt on fire I can ask I'm gonna test yeah you can use offer code ltte to save 10% on your butt fire over at savage jerky dot-com so that software code ltte save 10% and all orders this week will get a koozie or sticker if you use our code leading us you're one of those koozie people a koozie person you don't say cozy you say koozie oh I I had never heard it said aloud oh yeah you've never been to a barbecue but no one ever invites me to things yeah last weekend you should hear about it on Monday when I come back Wow speaking of you know what hold on a second we're going to do our next one so spot in a little bit we'll move on hold on because I got a side rail us for a little bit here you went to WWE this week yeah nobody asked me about that I went to SmackDown live I actually have check this out check this out here I sent an email to myself remind myself really ask James about WWE because here here it is here it is so I sent this to myself on October 17 three days ago because I the day after cuz I was like super I was super curious what was WD I mean you're not like a WWE fan right no so you think it's kind of ridiculous I watched it as a child and then watched it for way longer than I would have because my friend was super into it really no I'm just joking of course you know it's fake it's kind of like it's kind of slapstick II slapstick comp there's a couple lol moments watching you live actually none of the big super stars that I know of were there of course cuz they're all retired now like stone cold it's not gonna show up so it was all like no names to me so I felt more like I was at like one of those Mexican wrestling events just cuz they were all no names and they're doing stupid stuff and one guy actually had a Mexican wrestling mask on so that can you be to the feel family fun and really pretty entertaining how much was it 20 bucks that's why I went who's sweet alright it was sweet so tell me how sweet was it was it sweet in a this was a great way to turn my brain off for two hours on a Tuesday night way or was it great you know like I'm gonna start finding out who these guys are in following the storyline it's not a chance it was a great in the like I get to hang out and like have dinner and spend the evening with my childhood friend who I only get to see like every quarter kind of way and it was only 20 bucks he was 50 bucks wouldn't done it no not a chance sorry childhood friend I'd hang out with him without but not by I just want to Gwen to that with him but yeah I was sweet best part was the voice announcer guy yeah I love that like the ability to like grab the microphone and the you know like that lets get ready to rhumble kind of guy are we even allowed to say that I know we can't do it with the intonation yes I try like trademark yeah the intonation yeah just say it like Stephen Hawking style ready too much I don't even know if you can say it at all oh my one of those things like the whole the whole copyright on happy birthday but actually recently was that one was overturned but weird like nobody even realizes that you you like can't say this stuff cuz they'll actually go after you you know that Rudolf was invented by coca-cola no let that bake your noodle for a second huh they also made Santa Claus red enjoy coke how about that how about up alright um okay let's do our last sponsor spot now sorry for that totally unrelated to side sue will direct this is a new sponsor right connect anything in a nutshell they sell all sorts of audio-visual equipment cables extenders they specialize in HDMI cables extenders which is splitters have speaker wire banana plugs IR remote control extenders and they cut out the middleman by designing and manufacturing the products themselves which they sell directly to you so we've got a couple of their HDMI extenders so all these are you okay yeah these are cool I've seen these before these are HDMI over cat5 adapters so basically instead of trying to run a super long HDMI cable which either doesn't work or you have to get a special active cable alright what you do is you plug your HDMI in then you've got this this active module here that needs some was it yeah five volt power then you're on Ethernet and you can actually run it quite a lot longer than you would be able to so this guy right here wow this is the HL 10 I want to say let me just double check I don't wanna say anything incorrect oh yeah this guy will do a hundred and seventy-five feet with a 1080p HDMI signal over cat5e or cat6 with zero compression and they've got other stuff that'll actually do Wow 390 feet pretty cool so two senders and two receivers each sender can be sent to one of 64 channels by the buttons on the front or a remote and you can check out all this cool oh yeah that's a sleek little monolith that's that that's the baller one that's the boom this is the 390 that's the HD link hl21 HDMI extender plus matrix over network is this the one that goes through under 90 feet so any receiver connected to the channel that you select will receive the video signal this one is h.264 compression though so you can check out these videos are these videos these products and more at the URL shown on screen so you'll slash Linus it's got that that new HDMI over IP smell I actually like the smell of new electronics get a sniff yep hmm it's got that it's it's that fresh PCB smell you know when they let me manufacture it and then they put it into the bag it stays all sealed in there you know even if the bags not sealed even if you can't get it back in the bag app sees in there it stays in there pretty good alright and give up on that good good work James um all right what else we got here like what's interesting did you know that Google's first system on a chip designed in-house is in the pixel to that you've been using all week know you didn't know because they just announced it now really there's a chip in there that you don't know about the pixel visual course this was originally posted by Z Ramsey on the on the forum and the original article here is from the verge Google's first mobile chip that's not an SOC that's an image processor dang it what tell me the verge is wrong hold on a second what are these what are they saying okay hold on hold on hold on pixel visual core SOC purple the purpose in this case accelerated oh okay so my understanding of the definition of an SOC is that it has to have basically all the elements of a of like a more traditional like CPU motherboard GPU I oh wow especially among academics SOC is sociology why don't we look for a much more better definition Wow it's pronounced oh Sh yeah I'm gonna have to double-check the definition here because I wouldn't think an image processor would be an SOC so it integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system may contain digital analog mixed signal and often radio frequency functions all on a single substrate okay well if they're calling it an SOC maybe there's more to this thing than I necessarily thought but here we go we've actually got a we've got a look at it here so the coolest aspects of the pixel visual core may be that it's already in Google's devices they both have it built in but laying dormant and activate yes it's laying dormant until they activate over the coming months so right now it's used just to process hdr+ stuff way faster faster than you've experienced it it hasn't been activated yet interesting and that's not all they're actually gonna use it from more applications than just that they haven't told us what but we'll see more image and machine learning enhancements being added to the pixel two over the coming months very interesting so here's a here's a look at it so here's the course here's the link to memory pcie Wow ha it's super interesting to me that they didn't announce this that they're made by Google Hardware event I guess they didn't have it ready in time but they still ship devices with it they didn't have the the software implementation ready in time so they just laid low until now you would have thought they would have at least announced it like when reviewers had hands on so so they're saying each of its eight processors has been tailored to handle hdr+ duties resulting in hdr+ performance that is five times faster at one tenth of the energy of current of the current implementation now when they say current implementation there do you think they mean what your pixel can currently do yeah before this is turned on yeah that's smooth baby so they say they'll enable it as a developer option in the preview of Android Oreo 8.1 Wow and that there's gonna party hat apps will have the ability to handle HDR photo so we'll see more imaging and machine learning enhancements added to the pixel - so the pixel - is already getting a pretty good review that went up on floatplane last night and will be added to YouTube I think on Sunday is when we're gonna see that video go live so right now floatplane has got scrapyard wars parts 2 & 3 then tomorrow it's gonna get scrapyard Wars part 4 when YouTube gets part 2 and it's also got and you're in scrapyard Wars yeah so am i you're in scrapyard worse kinda you're in scrapyard Wars just talk about just the voiceover oh you're the voiceover oh that's nice yes listen oh that's it is nice I like doing that listen up keep your ears peeled if you can peel in here for the this whimsical voice so also over there we've got the MSI vortex g25 review we've got the mast drop vast 35 inch curved gaming monitor you worked on that one we've got our video of the let's have a look here what else have we got over there Oh LG wallpaper TV part 2 away that's up on YouTube now Oh first ever sli setup still isn't on YouTube so with our voodoo SLI that's over there right now and I think that pretty much that pretty much covers it there's some tech quickies as well all right what else we got for topics here oh right if you guys want to know how to join flow plane you should probably go check out this link that I'm about to post in the chat you wanna move on to our next topic and I guess though sorry I was just talking to a prime of an upcoming build guide oh yeah is that the the value value gaming build guide with rising the rising 5 best bang for your buck build bide cool I just want an extra be in there yeah so I may have almost screwed up this build guide but fortunately James had the foresight to listen to what I was saying and carefully ignore it beginner's mind beginners beginners yeah you familiar with the concept no is it like beginner's luck but no beginners mine is when you're like because you don't know all the minutiae you kind of don't take things at face value your question stuff anyway this is actually next topic is total full circle for us because it's a kind of part 2 of a topic that you and I had discussed a couple weeks ago so what we had discussed was that senator Al Franken submitted like a letter a bunch of questions to Apple about their face ID technology and now Apple has responded and has answers direct to his questions one of them I put in bold cuz you didn't know how the heck Apple did this and now we get to know so here's just a bunch of bullet points I don't want to say Al Franken's questions because his question will become obvious when you just hear the answer yeah answer number one face ID data including mathematical representations of your face is encrypted and only available to the secure Enclave this data never leaves the device it is not sent to Apple nor is it included in device backups cool ah they're just face face images captured are discarded once the representation is calculated for comparison meaning that they can never surrender it to the authorities though FBI can't ask for it cuz Apple just never has it they oh this is cool so I are in depth images were collected in the studies conducted with participants informed consent so we had we had talked about you know how exactly did they train the bloody thing because they said they use billions of images and Linus was asking well where the heck did they get these billions of images and it turns out they actually just took them themselves it's not they haven't said that they've taken taken photos of a billion different people that seems silly they probably took thousands of photos of hundreds of people I mean they're Apple they could conceivably pay every single person on earth like 60 bucks mm-hmm all right like they could pay a billion people like 60 bucks to take a picture of them send us a selfie yeah so they took multiple pictures with multiple different types of sensing technology including IO IO and cool presumably you have like 360 views there you go they are taking security for it pretty darn seriously a next topic posted by NumLock 21 on the forum this well boy someone at a soos actually we know specifically who Andrew woo the ROG motherboard product manager somewhat at asu's Andrew woo is in a fair bit of trouble right now this is some serious under bus throwing yeah this is some this is some foot-in-mouth being run over by the wheel of the bus with the foot in the mouth so the head gets run over too and the foot just gets yeah further in there yeah like it like the heels up and the wheel it rolls over the heel and jams it through the back of this not even gag because there's too much foot yeah so in an interview with bit tech bit tech basically well we'll give you kind of the rundown they basically go can you explain in technical detail why coffee lake won't work with Zee 270 motherboards MPM the PM goes oh it's it's Intel's decision bit tech says so it's not a physical limitation Intel said it was to do with the power delivery PM goes not really it power delivery makes a little bit of difference but not much so--but tech goes so what are they referring to that the 20 or so unused pins from before he goes yes so if you wanted and Intel let you you could make z2 70 compatible p.m. goes yes but you would also require an upgrade from the management engine a BIOS update until somehow has locked the compatibility whoa okay um it basically just comes down to stability then and so I'll just did this for this ability so this is one of those situations where I run into trouble because I know things that were told to me off the record yeah well no yeah I'm just it's not about that just messing with you I know things off the record that they're not they don't conflict with any of this information because what he said was that here maybe maybe I can help the audience infer based on what he said because all the information is really in there if you read between the lines so Intel said it was to do with the power delivery and he says not really it makes a little bit of difference they did change something why did they do it surely Intel would have saved themselves some cost and changed nothing if they didn't feel like they had to change something for some reason because if we're going to attack this problem from the tinfoil hat mindset of these money-grubbing companies don't want to spend any money and they want to take ours surely we can all agree that Intel would have done absolutely nothing if there wasn't some reason that they perceived that they had to do something so they did something it according to this interview had to do with the power delivery also according to this interview a soos could make it compatible if Intel wasn't locking it out for some reason maybe related to why they did something it's all in the interview I haven't said anything that I wasn't supposed to pass along is there any possible way that we could like hack it and make it work no okay even a soos can't do it because Intel would have to update Emme okay second question and you the BIOS update do you think that Andrew here kind of backpedal is at the end where he says you know it's it's not that big of a deal anyway because people who bought z2 70 just ten months ago when it came out they're probably not likely to be the type of consumer who's gonna upgrade anyway it's people with older systems who are gonna upgrade so to me it really has nothing to do with that because you know when when KB Lake came out you know for a long time when once until launches a new CPU for a long time sometimes like right through the entire time it's available you can buy the last generation chipset which actually usually has the same features because they don't change much if they don't have to you can you can buy those old ones for a little bit cheaper so if you wanted a z170 board with a 7700 K you would get overclocking unlocked for your K series chip you get just as many SATA ports you'd get this you get that and overall performance would in most cases be very similar in something Carl and Scott oh no someone set off the actual alarm is that in 101 or is that here do you mind investigating thank you sir the alarms are going off in here uh yeah so sorry about that guys we get installed this is a job for laser James haha they laughed at me they're still laughing at you that's why I'm yet thank you that looks like my work here is done good work laser James I have known blockable soil so anyway um from this interview reading between the lines of this interview they probably could have made it compatible there is some reason related to the power delivery that they decided not to and not only decided not to but also decided to do actual work on Z 370 attack you're an expense now do I necessarily think then that this makes Intel some kind of a white knight no because what they have also done is they've released only a single 300 series chipset Z 370 the highest priced one in their stack right so you don't even have the option to buy you know like an 80 400 for example and pair it with a cheapo board because because it doesn't it's not unlocked for overclocking anyway so yeah that's pretty greasy so are they clearly trying to extract more value from the customer yeah if they felt bad about it they would have done like the bare minimum like just like almost that cost okay like eating it see if they had no margin on them on the mobos then alright so there they're clearly trying to you know you know do corporate things you know rise you know average cart price or whatever those metrics that eat Ahlers look for drive attached you know that kind of stuff they're clearly doing that but I'm also not necessarily one of the people holding a torch going you should be able to plug a coffee lake into a Z 270 because there does appear to be an actual physical change that they made that they felt was necessary for the most stable and optimal operation honestly I think one of the big reasons that we only got Z three 70s until was fully aware that coffee like supply was going to be extraordinarily limited and they figured well if people like if we can't keep them on shelves anyway then we might as well sell them to the people that we're gonna go out and spend the most on the best chipset and the top-of-the-line that's not what he's saying Sentra he's saying that people are just ready to upgrade who didn't upgrade to z2 70 can upgrade now but they're gonna have to do that's a great expense yeah I mean that's that's that's his whole thing and I'm not I'm making my I'm drawing my own conclusions here about what exactly Intel was doing with their strategy so I'll leave it to you guys to sort of come up with your own your own answers here but I do want to show you your own answer something we discussed there yeah let's go ahead and pull up our microtransactions poll from earlier in the show $50 game how much is it acceptable to spend per year on micro transaction so first I Alex how much per year is it acceptable to spend nothing okay so you are actually the second most popular answer 38% of our voters think it's okay to spend up to $10 on a $50 game so like a little treat it's a little something for yourself horse armor you know yeah sorry you'd do that in a $30 $30 Canadian that's like that's like signals is that okay 31% of you are saying zero dollars period 22% of you 50 bucks and 10% of you must be like some kind of mega ballers because you think it's okay to spend between 50 to over $100 on microtransactions you get are you for real I can't even imagine spending that kind of money on microtransaction MLG baby you know hardcore yeah that much is how much I mean I didn't even spend that much of my car look at my car it's not even worth $100 seriously I took it down tried to trade it in new straw pool new straw poll how much would you pay for alliances car I bet I bet you could get more than a hundred bucks I am yeah okay those so that's okay that's a bit of there's an issue with that though you're taking all those phones what's that one on the bottom oh the pixel Oh okay so hey guys this is another cool teaser so those of you who aren't subscribed over on floatplane won't actually know this yet but brandon here is going to be working on a first for our channel a smartphone camera roundup but why are you what why are you doing this this is this is how i'm going to be on the show now you're behind the mic yeah good stay there stay there because those are those are so ridiculous so anyway um I've never really done in-depth phone camera testing because frankly I mean you're not a camera person I'm not qualified Thank You Brandon so so with the pixel 2 and the iPhone 8 and to a lesser extent the essay but definitely the node 8 the camera was like the thing they wanted to talk about so Brandon's gonna be doing a dedicated video sometime probably next week on floatplane hopefully maybe the following week really picking these films apart and figuring out which one is more camera for your dollar attached to a phone and you're throwing a DSLR into the mix aren't you yes oh boy well we'll see many many is that almost a separate video I don't know the whole like should you still buy you know a $600 $700 DSLR you want to talk about it maybe we should just bring you on for like a win show segment or something I don't know you know my favorite part about this whole thing is Brandon hates smartphone camera commentary he hates when people talk about it he hates when this video is about the iPhone camera he hates it now he has to do it to clarify I do not hate the iPhone and smartphone cameras being good I do however hate the thousands of articles I have seen over the years about things that are shot on the iPhone being making it seem like the iPhone was the best tool for I get I get it it's good enough for this use case and it can work perfect all riled up but there is no one who can sit there and tell me that the iPhone is a better camera in most use cases for a professional situation Brandon just your pills I can tell you that I won't have any credibility but I can do that just just to get his blood pressure up no he's not even gonna make it into work on Monday he'll have had like four heart attacks also I just realized why aren't we calling the pixel XL the pixel the pick sickle the time I sold Cole the pixel double XL alright so thanks for watching guys we will see you again next week same bat-time same bat-channel and yes i'm really ending the show on that terrible joke deal with it haha I got the end of show on even worse or joke it's the baddest Grammer I know yeah hallo you can just host a dedicated server we should totally someone up we don't really discuss that we're still live you know and if we set up a server it will be a legit game server so no bad bad Alan's
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