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Intel Core i5 2300 LGA1155 CPU Processor Unboxing Linus Tech Tips

this is the core i5 2300 so right now of the i5 family chips on the new LGA 1155 platform this one is the sort of value option so the i5 2300 I'm gonna explain how it stacks up compared to other i5 processors such as the 2500 K as well as i7 processors such as the 2600 and the 2600 K Intel's lineup is honestly a little confusing so pay close attention for this next little bit here ok so this is an LGA 1155 processor that means it works on P 67 H 67 and z68 motherboards okay on H 67 it has onboard graphics on P 67 you can overclock for speed bins above the max turbo speed so that should be up I'm guessing here but I think it's about 3.6 gigahertz on this particular chip please correct me if I'm wrong in the comments and guys thumbs up on that comment if I am mistaken about that one okay because it is not unlocked the turbo overclocking is slightly limited okay so you have that going for it 2300 indicates the clock speed and also because it is an i-5 it does not feature hyper threading or the extra 2 Meg's of cache for a total of 6 Meg's for a total of 8 Meg's of cache on the core i7s ok so let's do side-by-side comparison with the 2500 K for example which is more expensive ok to start with so the 2500 K is clocked faster 2.8 versus 3.3 gigahertz the 2500 K because it is an i5 also has 6 Meg's of cache does not beat your hyper-threading ok and the i5 2500 K because it has a K designation is unlocked for maximum overclocking whereas the 2300 is actually hard limited to only that maximum overclock that Intel specifies you can achieve these both use the Oh rather sorry because of the K designation it also has slight faster Intel HD graphics built-in versus the HD graphics mm that is built into the 2300 okay I hope that was all clear they both have turbo boost and so yeah turbo boost goes as far as you want here and you are limited here next i 720 600 so neither of these are K processors which means they are not overclocking unlocked so you are limited you can do a little bit of overclocking but not to the max because this one is an i7 besides being clocked higher remember it's a 2600 versus a 2300 that means clock speed higher clock speed lower clock speed it has 8 Meg's of cash versus 6 Meg's of cash because this is an i7 it also has hyper-threading which gives you four virtual cores to go with your for real course and that is pretty much it because these are neither of them K series processors they both have HD graphics mm rather than the full-fledged HD graphics 3000 now let's get to the ruler of the roost the i7 2670 5 platform and let's compare these guys so the 2600 K is clocked at the same clock speed as the 2600 9k because that's what that number means that indicates clock speed because it's an i7 it has hyper-threading as well as an 8 meg has a 6 Meg cache on the 2300 because it is a K series processor it has sorry about that guys batteries because it is a K series processor it has HD graphics 3000 verses HD graphics 2000 and it is fully unlocked for maximum overclocking versus this one being locked down significantly now bear in mind that even though this I 5 has limited overclocking potential compared to any CPU that does not feature and I'll show you guys where it says on the box Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 so this one has it and vs. any processor that does not have that feature it can still do more overclocking because any chip that does not feature turbo boost is completely overclocking locked regardless of which platform you are using it on and finally another thing on the age 67 chipset you can use the onboard video on here but not any overclocking features a little turbo boost will work normally you can't go any further than the normal turbo on AP 67 or Z 68 chipset you can do overclocking but on P 67 the onboard video is non-functional sorry I know very very confusing okay we have it heatsink it has a copper slug it has pre applied thermal compound and it has an 80 millimeter fan with a four pin PWM hookup we have a little thing here that says you have a three year warranty it has an Intel Inside logo and it has installation instructions pay careful attention to those installation instructions they could save your life or if not your life then at least your CPU and motherboard next we have the Intel Core i5 2300 so it looks just like every other saw CPU on the LGA 1155 platform and for that matter it also looks like every other CPU on the LGA 1156 platform other than the fact that these two notches right here right there can you see that and right there are in a slightly different location versus LGA 1156 so thank you for checking out my unboxing I really hope it wasn't too confusing don't forget to subscribe to - tech tips for more unboxings reviews and other computer videos
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