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Intel's QUANTUM CPU Prototype

synergy to from seamless makes it easier than ever to share a single keyboard and mouse with multiple computers you can check it out at the link in the video description so we're here in the Intel booth at CES 2018 where they are showing off some very non-conventional chips so first up we've got a quantum processor from Intel this is codename tangle Lake the most advanced chip that has ever been designed if the folks here to be believed and I don't know they seem pretty credible so Intel is saying that this gate based chip has a provable quantum speed-up something that you actually can't take for granted because there has been some controversy in the quantum computing community around whether some existing quantum chips are actually faster or truly quantum so these connections you see here are actually fundamentally basic coaxial connections except they're made out of solid gold and this is where quantum computing gets kind of crazy they are basically externally driven by microwave generators that control and manipulate the qubits so the actual quantum processor though is on the other side and looks a little something like this guys so this has to be held at a temperature that is 250 times colder than beep space so the only way to get it to that temperature is in a cooler about the size of a 55-gallon drum and then they're using some undisclosed helium isotope in order to chill it to that temperature now the practical applications of quantum computing are many so let's talk about Biosciences being able to simulate protein folding instead of serially bit by bit you can actually look at the whole thing all at once fluid dynamics computational science here's something they're talking about once they get to a hundred qubits they figure you'll be able to break through brute force alone existing encryption schemes so that's sort of terrifying but I've been assured that we'll have better encryption by the time that's a problem right right yeah good okay so that's great next to it we've got there neuromorphic Loihi chip so this is actually this little tiny chip right here under the board is a hundred and twenty eight cores of which only three of them I believe our conventional CPUs the rest of them are other types of processors so four of these guys fit on this board right here and they're using a type of architecture that is referred to as biomimetics or bio mimicking so it actually uses the same influencing and learning engines as the human brain so the advantage here is very very high speeds for the type of thinking that a brain would do so self-driving cars anybody and extreme power efficiency so they figure this is about a hundred times more efficient than a traditional chip for optimized workloads speaking of optimizing your workload synergy to makes it easier than ever to set up keyboard and mouse sharing between multiple computers please across even complicated networking setups and the best part is you guys can save fifty percent at the link below that is seamless comm slash synergy slash Linus CES 3 so thanks for watching guys you just like this video then you clearly like don't get excited about tech because this is cool if you guys liked it though hit like get subscribed so you don't miss any of our CES 2018 content and you'll see you at the next booth
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