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Linus Hates EVERYONE - Organization Vlog Day 2

so it's D - yeah come on team cheer the goal for today we are narrowing the scope of the project a little bit again because clearly otherwise we were not going to get done we're not gonna try to reconcile all the inventory as we move it we're just going to get everything moved and organized so that Tyler can reconcile it after the fact oh so that's that's the new plan there but the plan is still to wipe down every single box yes so which takes time yeah clean everything so all the things basically everyone's gonna get a rag today wipe everything down and put them in their correct categories at some point probably in the latter half of the day we need to start tackling 101 Branden make weapon review thanks everyone wait let's go Tunnel bear fur teams makes it easy to secure your Wi-Fi on any network and comes with priority support and easy team management try it for free at the link below everyone's doing their part we have a whole pack of doorstops and I can't find a single one I don't know what I'm tearing this is my Lego Mindstorm thing that I've been interested in forever oh oh that did not just happen did not just happen what was that a 1072 1071 look it's someone's coffee yeah look at this hashtag bowling what look over there I think I was about to use up the paint sprayer alright hide your kids hide your wife cuz i spraying everybody out here and dry it out and put paint inside what are you doing on inventory and the organization day taking bubble baby I can baby bird you guys want to see the stupidest thing ever check this up what does feed okay mean okay yeah you have to do it every time if you turn off now it cuts off the print so you got a press ok again it prints out the rest of it and here's another stroke a mother ingenious instead of making the warning track that you're almost out of tape readable they cover the whole damn thing oh gee thank you I guess I'm almost out of tape but I would have had enough for this label if you poles hadn't covered it in black stripes well you know what I'm sticking it to the man you can't make me buy a new label you're just sticking it to your employees by making us read that one of those before hey you that's right what are you doing today John this area here I have helped EJ get this sorted if you have so many bins one can say that we are bin Laden hey don't put that on the video it's definitely going in that's putting things in the wrong spot but somebody told me to put them there so long as Linus doesn't find out everything okay how can you have too many SATA cables you don't think this is too many no it's not you don't think this is too many no because you're a hoarder we should do them by color and then buy the connector director like who's who's using the camera not the rich people get this perception that I'm like some kind of like Nazi mean boss but like this is what I'm doing so gross I don't think it's Terrance they're small helots it is your socks James are these your socks socks Edie soft not me me okay then I'm gonna take this bin I'm gonna make it Boston panel we need your investigation I know it's you just like the Cutler is you as well so shellfish okay no this is shelf seven look okay this shelf is labeled shelf ten Amstel seven I'm just here for the view and then you want a more interesting turn okay ready James we put the moron in putting more on I need a place to park my bike now that you know top is this I don't see any way that this could go wrong that's hilarious when I was sick at home where is it I steal flowable oh that and try and make sense sells 101 that corner it's gonna be a workshop like a new better long-term storage especially of big ideas what do you want to be pictures move beanbag chairs to the upstairs new office area where they're supposed to go I think we need about 15 in there oh there goes the beanbag guy one down 15 to go yeah and there's Nicholas Van ly takus this is your whole new office what do you need so much space for I don't have that much space so fun factory guys Linus has a band to the using of these things on company property on company time somebody found it's a safety hazard it's funny because they look so heavy okay prime jump into the pile house the most pathetic yeah that's what I'm talking about okay guys eight more to go what I don't see any problems with this really at all there's a lot of work left to do in here this guy's working real hard are you breathing all of it anything that we're keeping yes anything about junking no yes you're not shirtless and ivan is what you do just broke the penis in fact I thought that was plastic yeah guys I can't believe I broke the dick I broke a dip this behind me is what I want to call the Nikki V graveyard so these are all of the RC products a Nikki B has used and or destroyed so I got to go through it and see what works and what doesn't work and then go from there it looks like James what are you doing Brandon what's it been like trying to film the video and move all this stuff and prepare for scrapyard wars and get the a roll set demoed how's it going typical Brandon typical everything's great you know if you guys are wondering the top-notch quality content that Taryn consumes here he's watching exoplanet habitability around orange dwarf stars it's so funny being a camera person that's like I should be hoping but I can't help because I'm capturing footage yeah very valuable whatcha day yeah ya know so we found there's a desk in unit 101 okay up desk and we're giving it to Jon let's do a tour of Jon's current office have you been working off before yeah you know what we don't need this a my mucho burrito on the floor yeah yes very very liberating you know the same as me remember this South Park episode I'm sorry yeah Dennis why are you not wearing a shirt and water what are you doing them shower show shower show we can't show this on twitch TV anymore Genesis yeah that's true yeah sorry twitch viewers did you know that people are taking Maxine's photos for BOTS on tinder what does Alex actually said that he saw he thought it was a bot and they use my name that's actually me because I was looking for Terran on tinder I found him yeah yeah here's I mean there's lots of me on tinder no you're not attracted what come on then why my wife married me that decision what life's gonna basically we're already discovering that like the area that we set aside for a camera stop storage which is basically within this blue box here against this wall like not even close what you guys doing I hate this so much it's two years ago watch it off video and you'll see yeah I can picture it now Jake you should use that one yourself and see if it works it's a tool finder cuz it you know it might start beeping here oh look it's beeping it must be I'm a stud play it's an edge finder I mean are you Neji my more edgy okay so unit 101 I looking not bad we've still got some stuff to move to get our 10 feet away from the wall for the spray up top everything is moved away from the walls already this bars coming out too and we've cleared runway it's basically all this stuff it's just gonna come over here and they're gonna be ready to rock they're gonna spray on Monday ting is the mobile carrier that's focused on saving you money without compromising on customer satisfaction you only pay for what you use with the average ting bill being only about 23 bucks a month per device and if you have to call ting for whatever reason you will not speak to a robot you get put through directly to an actual person imagine that a phone company that understands how phones are supposed to work if you're stuck in a contract and switch to ting they'll cover 25% of your cancellation fee up to 75 bucks and they've got new lowered mobile data rates data is now just $10 a gig beyond the first game so head over to Linus ENCOM we've got that linked below to try out their savings calculator and see if you would save money on ting then when you sign up at our link you'll get 25 bucks in service credit or towards a new device so that's it for day two of organization vlog thanks Colton hit the like button if you like the video hit the dislike button if you didn't get subscribe so you don't miss any of our videos and merch store and joined our community forum
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