
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Linus Tech Tips Live Show Archive - April 26, 2013

we did our pre-show today which means that we shouldn't have any difficulty with audio or video but every time I say that why would you say that right where did you just say that every time I say that it ends up being a bit of a problem for us so hopefully that's not going to be the case tonight but we've repositioned the microphone so the funny thing is normally the complaint is always that the audio is too low but during the pre-show people were saying no no it's too loud it's like okay well apparently everyone's volume knob is broken because the problem is that everyone's volume knob ranges from everywhere from the bottom all the way to the top so someone it's too loud someone it's too quiet and there's nothing we can do at all someone says they were kidding about it being too loud that's really not helpful yeah it's actually actually not helpful because we actually have had problems with audio before so guys this is the new time for the live stream I'm actually gonna go ahead and launch the YouTube video that says hey we're live so you should probably join and and and not be not watching the live stream I have a feeling that we're not gonna have a ton of viewers live tonight just because I think people aren't going to be used to the new time and we told everyone like super late last night yeah people today yeah some people today and we told everyone last week that it was going to be moving to monday but then there's a there's a very good reason we didn't move it to monday and it has to do with like gnomes what are you doing yeah it's not on ok i can't even watch because what yeah i lose an ad oh this video made a plate i guess maybe yeah must be over um so yeah we we went with this time slot for a very good reason and the reason for that is that because of the way that the earth turns and because of where the International Date Line is for some people when we live stream pretty much no matter what it's going to be tomorrow and so if it's if it's a monday and it lands on someone's tomorrow morning then while we understand that it's not perfect for everyone in australia and asia to have it be in the morning we figured a Saturday morning is probably better odds wise than any other day of the week in the morning and then the reason that we're still on for Friday night is that it was really challenging for a lot of people to stay up late in Europe when it was on like a monday night and they had to go work on a Tuesday for example and I know not everyone works nine to five monday to friday but we have to we had to do something and it couldn't stay where it was we tried grabbing high as possible percentage is in every field and this is what we came up with yeah I mean that I had to be 4pm it kind of had to be during the week so it was what day during the week and if we had it the only day that had actually had an advantage was friday because all the other days you run into the exact same problems and then friday you have that slight advantage of some people being on saturday instead of some people being on during school or work at like nine a.m. on a tuesday wednesday thursday you know what the irony of it is is that probably one of the worst time zones for this slot is ours yep so I had I had Tim from Timmy tech TV who's done in Seattle he works at Microsoft he has his own YouTube channel he was like um uh huh yeah it's it's kind of like I'm not gonna be able to watch anymore well my my mom tries to be like over what are you over supportive and like every possible thing ever and it's just Rob about everything which is awesome but she's like well I can't really watch it anymore oh like it's okay the archives there okay don't worry it's really all right it's like she she she tries to contribute things that we could might talk about stuff but she like I don't know I love that she watches it but don't understand at the exact same time because there's no way she understands like three cores what we're talking about but yeah I mean she probably understands when we're talking about like Harry Potter yep so and then we talked about like 7790 and then we got torn apart for talking about Harry Potter because I gave away a bunch of spoilers and never supers that we can't talk about the guess it doesn't the things your mom gets we're not talking about sorry sorry slick um you know what why don't we start with let's let's start with something pretty easy today why are they putting the Star Wars films on a release schedule right what's once every summer yeah but right at once once every summer that's insane that's catches me oh because stuff like like Harry Potter was on early schedule I believe well really schedule ish and Lord of the Rings was definitely on a release schedule and yeah the hobbit is released okay hold on hold on hold yeah all of this was pre filmed yeah well yeah that's right yeah whereas they're setting like as far as I know I can imagine they've done any degree of planning for episode 10 I don't know stones are gonna do episode 7 rather pardon me like I it's like mold so some it's that's what this reeks of it's like what goes wrong with every actually here problem you should totally be we should probably be providing the links so this was a link on the verge so we are not the source for this news so you guys can check it out here but this really reeks up executive somewhere making a decision that has no basis in reality this is like like I look at someone like Disney and I go yeah they've done so many good things with so many good franchises I kind of had faith in them but I mean come on guys you can't you can't rush the creative process like who are you EA know it's early for my shot at here we have to take our weekly shot Oh pal okay it's like how's your nuts feeling from last week here let me give you another one you want a break no it's like we must have a new game I mean I mean that's what happens game like sports games used to be good now what are they there are rehashes of the same damn thing every time I mean is that what this is gonna be it's bad decisions that get made early on in the process that end up turning it into something unsustainable no one more blades of steel and I mean I mean I mean okay another thing too is like look at how long it took to make the original three widget quite frankly they didn't they probably shouldn't have taken quite that long but we're looking at my Oh what Mark Hamill goes from like like super hot youngster with really bad hair to like ugly old guy with good hair and it's like him that he never won he could never win how could how did he stand a chance of being a heartthrob are they gonna do the same thing to a whole new generation of stars well no well no definitely not I mean the only problem is they're not going to age the next thing they have to do to really sort of make me not even bother showing up at the movie is cast sheila booth oh god wasn't that awful and its antigen oh I mean with that said the casting couldn't be much worse than it was for the prequel trilogy so and I mean the word on the street so the rumors is that they're bringing together a lot of the original cast to play you know PES with some of them yeah some of them are like I don't really want to do this yeah but hopefully they can just throw enough money at them but it actually reminds me so I kind of see that happening it's Disney and it's the star wars franchise I mean just on the basis of the money they're going to be reaping from you know a new a new sort of generation of Mark Hamill action figures like if I was one of those guys that's holding out I'd be I'd be asking for sort of a piece of some of the pie in some way as opposed to a lump sum amount but then if I'm Disney I'd be crazy to give them that so I'm sure it'll all come down to the individual negotiating tables but i really hope they'll find a way cuz yeah i mean you can bring back a series but if you bring it back and kill it yeah it's disney they're doing pretty damn good with their action hero movies i know but they're okay tell me something though dude they put something like spider-man on a we have to release a new one every year like what if they did that to Batman I don't know I honestly don't know because they've been doing the cartoon series for so long now okay Star Wars whatever it's cold I don't even know I've never seen it yeah i don't know i saw the animated Clone Wars movie was terrible it was like the worst thing I've ever seen it the cartoon one terrible I haven't seen either I don't know why don't we do you know what guys we're opening up the Twitter boards because I'll let us know how is the star wars animated series we'd love to hear your feedback and we're looking for one word answers here guys we don't want an essay it is Twitter after all so you know terrible great I mean this is an acceptable response um damn there's another one what to punch oh man they want to know its licks ever gonna start his own channel would love to have a sort of podcast with you talking about tech stuff I don't know if I'll do one talking about tech stuff this is kind of a podcast and we're talking about tech stuff I'm talking about Star Wars so far but yah lightsabers are nerdy stuff I guess you're wearing star wars shirt but i am wearing a Star Wars shirt that's not even on purpose to I know yeah that's awesome love it um if I ever actually did make my own channel would probably be something centered around gaming one of the big reasons that we haven't done that yet is we haven't found an approach that we find we have time for we have time towards a big one that's like reason a hundred percent of reason this much of the reason yeah and then a little bit of the reason is we want it we if we did that we would want to have a unique angle and we don't know what our unique angle would be yeah I mean and the other thing is you know whatever he starts I'm gonna want to cut of it so you know I think from his perspective of yo you're starting something ninety-nine percent 99 okay and oh yeah that's on your own time so you know I'm not gonna be paying you hourly for it so don't worry about it um let's have a look and see if we've gotten any any air we go 28 oh wow ok ok Clark that's a bit of a strong statement because Star Wars does not suck yeah certain implementations of Star Wars might suck good awesome so good it got cancelled oh and we're talking about futurama later like we are talking about futurama are gonna bring another spin into that Wow James Taylor you are banned can I ban people Clone Wars is great yep what do you mean get past the childishness it's like it's the most formula it's like dumb kids but it's like it's like a Land Before Time sequel like that's how formula it is it's like the young apprentice who is you know rambunctious and then ends up saving the day so it turns out that her strong willed you know hotheadedness it was good come on it's a terrible message no kids should watch it no adults should watch it um horrible apparently dunno didn't watch it crappy terrible terrible canceled better than episode 14 oh come on man saying it's better than episode 1 is like saying that it's like you know more cleanly shaven than slick um what you don't want razor right okay fine sorry go ahead razors coat you have to buy new one let down socks horrific awesome for kids story line can we get story line instead of like maybe the animation sucks maybe the dialogue is terrible but like the story like because I'm wondering is is Disney gonna pull anything for that storyline like are they gonna take anyone from that series and continue them working on the new series you know I really wish okay here here's the way this is gonna work anyone from Disney if you're watching this is how you need to do it because I'm evidently an expert because I wear a star wars shirt I'm super old if they are licensing fee no no it's like ironically retro see it's intentionally like broken Wayne yeah I know I'm opposing um if they're gonna make this work on a one-year release schedule it has to be expanded universe content where their licensing their licensing books because otherwise to expect new creative unique awesome like up to the level of the original movies star wars scripts on a yearly basis plus execution on a yearly basis through what I'm worried about is what you just said what are you basing it on like what are the stories based on yeah what would what is the one year timeline based on what does any of this based on because story writing takes so much time before you can actually start production right that's why I'm saying and are we gonna end up with a situation where it's like you have multiple teams working on it so it's like that like it's a graphics card you know where you have a team working on the one that's three generations from now and then by the time that's actually released they're working on something that's going to be three generate like if you have like multiple teams are we gonna have like a B and C quality Star Wars movies yeah happening every three year I don't know so I mean it i guess it depends how much many questions all the questions it like it seems that necessary why do you need so many movies most of the money from Star Wars comes from merchandise anyway I mean just re-released the original trilogy and for Kane it's like wow i buy it I'd buy it okay yeah I don't have much money still by I'd still buy it doesn't matter you know what they really need to do like if Disney was really smart go for it I've gonna do it original not special edition trilogy in 4k Han shoots first you know what he did deal with it in 4k he shot first so I want them to release any pay for that you know the black and gold slider box that everyone had yes you just rereleased that but in blu-ray that was the special edition but not the stupid special edition if i recall correctly yeah cuz i think i was june that was the one where Han shot first but then I think it has the extended scene where he walks over Jabba's tail and all that other stuff that they that they worked and I didn't mind that one yeah I didn't mind that one but i still liked my originals better just cuz their original mind you there VHS so it's like as if i can watch them well the golden black boxes VHS yeah i know but i had an original or older yeah older original okay so James Taylor's redeemed himself he means he's probably just said like 10 billion spoilers for what stores oh come on I'm gonna get I'm gonna get your sleep me up like everything I'm gonna get hate mail for Star Wars spoilers I'm sure it's gonna have every week spoiler alert okay so little bit ha ok anyway J James is forgiven cuz he means the the series not the film so yeah because the animated series is the same name yes so he's got a point so that's confusing so it's kind of like Tomb Raider yeah just like new ones just entirely different and you know what it's it's one of those things where it doesn't seem like as much of a problem because obviously if you're looking up an article about tomb raider you know tressfx hair effects or whatever else then you know what to murder you're talking about but when we start to get into games that are are going to be like the original release is going to be on the steam platform and then like the later release is going to be on this team platform they're just going to be the same name next to each out how are you supposed to well tomb raider one how to suffix did it not i don't know i don't think so i don't think anyone ever used it I think it did because with tomb raider you know you know how they started doing that thing we're like if you pre-order and then enough other people pre-order the whole idea is that you share the fact that you can pre-order if you pre-order and enough other people pre-order than you unlock prizes and there's three tiers of prizes okay tomb raider was one of those and i think the first tier was you got like two mater one and two for free I'm just like what I can't remember exactly what it was maybe twitch chat will tell me hopefully twit shadow tell me um but yeah so like I think it had a suffix and like the steam can deal with it they'll have some back-end naming convention that's different for them it might be confusing in your games list I mean just a year would be okay tomb raider 2013 i'd be on with that yeah by the way the headphones are steelseries in your prose but then what if metro 2033 like 10 20 years from now they release a rerelease metro bah well that's kind of like what blood dragon is in the future in 2007 well yeah but this would actually be confusing cuz metro 2033 would be the same as Metro 2033 2033 here however it would work out oh yeah because it would actually be that year yeah yeah we apparently Star Wars is decent according to dirt perv ah what's a good budget processor what would you buy if you were on a budget today FX 41 4300 or whatever it is it's not a bad route to go be honest and it depends what depends what you mean by budget yeah what's your that's I hate that every single time anyone has ever treated me with like I want a budget what do you suggest for the x component well it's just like what is your version of budget mean yeah I usually even asked like what is your version of a budget because some people like yeah I'm on a budget only have two and a half grand for a computer I'm like okay that's not a budget in my books yeah that's like that's not like that's not in the usage I could fit a Titan into that machine with like a justifiable configuration yes so but then people be like oh yeah it's but it because technically is a bud yeah it's a budget I can have a million-dollar budget and it depends what you're trying to do I mean if you want to you know if my budget processor you mean you want to play games on onboard graphics I'll say get an APU if my budget process so you mean you want to edit video with as low a budget as possible i'd say get an FX 6300 if my budget processor you mean you know whatever it is that you happen to anything fifties do quite well really low in video editing that's a two-hundred-dollar chip though is that budget I don't know hey processor motherboard for 300 bucks to me so now easily now we've leg both 300 boats we've ripped on like baron van rooij for a little while here I'm sorry dude um we've done a video on the ROG 7970 the matrix it's on the NCIX comm Channel first time watching live hey shout out to Portugal I don't think we've ever gotten a message from Portugal I don't think we're gonna have one doesn't Belgium invention said it was the first time he's ever been ill to people I've check this out 2300 live viewers sweet looks like the new time worked in spite of nobody knowing about it oh look it'll like me tweeting it twice I didn't even yeah i just left side to go see my brother yeah brother wanted yeah i was like a game I was like what's your problem cuz I was like oh can you tweet it to me so I can retweet it I love the maternity I was in the middle of doing it my dad's just like come on well Oh inside great I guess you couldn't be late for your brother's thing again that would have been just bad news bears so slick missed his brothers starcraft 2 casting thing because he his brother called and his phone didn't go off and then because of like the baby and stuff my brother was trying to be polite not knock on the door so he just kept on calling me and he was out there for like kept on being 45 minutes and it was not it was not good and then a man now it was my brother's championship hockey game yeah i'm supposed to go watch it and my dad calls me i'm not gonna be late for that that wasn't my brother waiting outside ok ok cuz i was gonna say it happened he can he would bought up in him friendly snap and his brothers actually like bigger and stronger and like just basically beefier than him he's like if you look at proportions he's slightly shorter than me not by a lot he's not actually short he's just slightly shorter than me but then he's just like whoa he's a volunteer firefighter but he takes it very seriously so it was like firefighter build so like what slip could do to me he could probably do this leg he's picked me up and throw me around before yeah i got the thing yeah is that he would ref in hockey whenever he had to ref one of my games because everyone's expected him to be bias he would be biased against me ah so if anything ever happens like I got in a slight scrum with a guy once and I just feel like this big just like fixed grab the back my jersey I'm like oh it's not good I just go flying and I'm like oh no that was bad i think that you did and I know exactly who's getting the penalty even though I didn't think it was my fault but I'm still happy he did it because if he gave the other guy the penalty everyone would just on the entire other team would have just destroyed you the rest oh just cuz you brother all that cup so it was actually way better I'll they'd have finished every check yeah I've been like not good yeah it was way better in the end that he gave me a building and that he threw me off those things actually um what's your opinion of the linfield line of processors they were awesome they were good value okay I have a paper due soon watching it very nice sorry kazoo we're selling a 690 to get a Titan I'm thinking about it because of how quiet it is how much quieter is it than a 690 this is actually a good discussion topic good we don't have i've used to 690 i haven't okay 69 is a little bit louder it's noticeably louder titans very quiet one big thing is are you running multiple screens but we're the best not audio but that well okay so audio aside let's let's tackle the whole question okay because there's the performance Delta yeah so for those of you who don't know 6 690 is a dual 680 card essentially dual GPU for gigs of ram two per GPU that's important later toy pause for one quick second tomb raider one was laura croft guardian of light shut up it was not was it apparently some guy just said no that's a different tumor is it i thought guardian lights a different one i don't know i never played any of the first Tomb Raider game i ever played like that was on my own system so i actually played the entire game which i haven't definitely beat yet was how's she a guardian alright guys so we think we're live again frames encoded is going up and frames dropped is not going up so it looks like changing the router has not helped basically what's happening is while we're streaming our internet connection is completely knows me is completely dying um for some completely unknown reason that we have we have to color is p yeah it's just kind of getting ridiculous yeah happens like every week we've sought the router yeah there's literally nothing we can do about it it doesn't happen at all for not streaming through twitch yep so like we do stuff that's just as intensive on the network a single day like uploading videos to YouTube will do a huge batch internet does not go out and we'll do multiple at a time um which is nuts yeah so I mean this is this is a this is a this is a problem um so anyway let's get back to our discussion topic because I mean sure that's what people want us to do so 690 versus Titan less effective memory on the 690 because remember guys in sli whatever video memory you have per GPU so if it's four gigs total that means you have two gigs per GPU that's all you effectively have whereas a Titan has six gigs of memory so when you're running at something like 4k resolution throw that 690 in the trash because it won't work well it'll work but I hope unfortunately we didn't have a 690 but if you check out some of the results from the Titan testing that we did a while ago yeah you can you can extrapolate from it where the RAM actually helped a crazy amount yes so it's already helping even at 1080p and 2560 by 1600 which means it will help that much more when you get up to resolutions like 4k which is so Whaler one of the moderators on the forum is suggesting that it's possible that our isp is using qos two or something or something to throttle us when they see us hitting the the connection really hard the way that we've been doing which might throttle enough that kicks off the race dream because our internet connection isn't dying a lot of the time we're still on skype chat and still seeing twitch chat even though the stream is down and it's just giving us messages that say frames drop drop drop drop drop like we're actually still connected because when we lose our internet connection outright xsplit completely cuts it off right so X blitz still on just telling us we're dropping every frame which is like helpful but but anyway hopefully 720p will fix the issue my laptop still doesn't have any internet connectivity but we're back on okay so I I give up on this discussion topic because we're just going to have to move on but in short if you want to use if you want to play at higher resolutions tomorrow get a Titan if you want to run a higher frame rates today at lower resolutions then the 690 is still the better solution compared to the Titan I'm really sorry for the technical difficulties this week guys honestly there I this is beyond our control we've done everything that we can do sorry to interject is it EA 4508 yeah it's still in the a 4500 so it's a it's a high end powerful router I really don't think that's the issue so first time watching in Germany hello Germany and I'm glad to hear that the new schedule is way better for you guys same thing with Italy first time from there good morning from the Philippines thank you for waking up early and I'm sorry that we were that we were not here for a little while and I'm sure that all these twitter messages her about that we weren't that we weren't here so when we move into our next discussion topic ZTE has caved and is paying royalties to Microsoft on their android devices so let's go ahead and fire that bad bleh up there you go guys so this is a daily tech article another one bites the dust so what are the implications of this um the be another one bites the dust thing no not another one that sounds like why do you what what what so no Microsoft is going around jumping everyone okay but why I mean uh what what spurred this cuz I'm sure they could have done there's a generation or two ago if they felt like it well we talked earlier right but they weren't there okay it's the point and just build it I'm minish I'm like come on say anything I'm trying to grab the dog psychic tweeted oh it's people can actually get the link for themselves huh oh don't worry about that talk to them okay so Microsoft has Windows 8 Phone and Windows 8 everyone's going on crazy patent wars right now and Microsoft has times and with Windows 8 Phone a few people were like hey pay us money for royalties and stuff so Microsoft kind of got tired of it was like fine you know what all of you are paying us all the money because if you guys going to be jerks we're just gonna be way bigger jerks than you are so I mean we discussed this a little bit last week we're Microsoft's bringing in 10 plus dollars often / android device sold from the manufacturers um regardless of whatever else more than half the Android devices this was before the ZTE um the ZTE sort of capitulation here um pachoo Lucian well that's that's that's the actual word i know i was looking for a simple one but that's before they're there they threw in the towel and so now it's getting to the point where pretty much whatever android device you buy you are giving money to microsoft and that is the way that it is going to be yeah yeah basically it's just another one to their this what's going on with your computer I keep accident this button is stupid yeah don't worry butters I just keep accidentally hitting it cuz it's on the side it's so noticeable because it's so loud his laptop keeps turning like coming off we're going into sleep or something cuz there's a button on the slide on the side yeah it's just sleeping and he just keeps hitting it so we um yeah they're still gonna go after more they're still going to just start grabbing all the money they're saying like Motorola patents if anyone was following motorola patents from back the day when all that stuff was going on back the day like two years ago uh-uh if you're following that at all you know how big of a deal that was and people are speculating that the Microsoft patents are worth around a thousand times more right so that was such a huge deal and this is worth a thousand times more sorry yeah that's gonna sustain them for a while I suspect it for those who died I've got keeps I keep seeing these articles Microsoft's doomed Microsoft's going down Microsoft won't exist yes they will yeah Microsoft will find a way yes they will Microsoft is going to take over the living room with the next generation xbox yeah that's my prediction Microsoft's gonna win I personally won't own one all right I'll night own one but I won't have it hooked up so I personally won't use one but they are gonna own it and that is a huge victory never mind if you know they can't get their foot in the door mobilize for a little while longer however long it takes the fact that they own all these patents is going to give them enough money that they can do whatever they need to do to get competitive and whatever other spaces it's not like Chrome OS is going to be taking over anytime soon you know in spite of what people might hope it's not like Linux is going to be taking over anytime soon it's still so fragmented um yeah yeah you can make what fine quarter bottle okay go ahead you know it's not gonna happen Steve's moving to linux groups like you bun to and mint are making very very user-friendly versions how long have they been doing that for a while yeah and they're increasing constantly okay you can just stay over there I don't know where I was going with it there are their user base is constantly increasing it's constantly getting easier to use and more things are constantly being adapted to be able to use it like every single Kickstarter that gets launched has a stretch goal for linux because so many people ask for it steam is going to be adapting to legs a lot of pc users are no longer happy with the windows experience of what was eight speaking of the the windows experience with Windows 8 here's another another daily tech article that we wanted to bring up today and that is the rumor I think the verge reported on this as well that the start button will be returning in Windows 8.1 which might be called windows blue or whatever it is they're going to call it but the catch is that it dumps you in the they're calling it metro but I think what they mean to say is a modern UI which is of course very different from 0 daily check ups League UMP is from the verb from the verge I just didn't go get the verge article because I was trying to go really quickly okay well it's the Verge's scoop um so daily tech picked it up from there and like honestly what's the point because I don't know how many of you guys have used windows 8 extensively at this time but check this out okay this is a windows 8 notebook okay I'm going to take my mouse cursor so imma move it down to the bottom left and what you guys what y'all are going to see is that there's a little preview of something there that says start on it actually and if I click it will take me to the modern UI so if the basic difference here is that Microsoft thinks that the problem is the absence of the start button then they're really missing the point it's like there's two little kids and the one kid asked for the sucker so the big kid takes like the top off then it gives them the bottom yeah it's like there is your sucker it's like yeah you have a sucker it's like but you like licks that one and took all the candy off it like it's not this let's not want to actually want it like the good thing about the Start menu is small mouse movements but think about that small most movement that's what's good about a UI is less motion fewer clicks and Metro even with the smallest tile sizes here is going to be just just to go from one thing to something six away is going to be all the way across your screen who wants to do that I mean computer users are notoriously lazy oh I understand if it takes site that's why we use the computer but you know what I know the search is supposed to mitigate that somewhat but I honestly I don't I don't feel it like typing to get to a program unless you already remember the name of the program and I mean and then with the with a new search like and the search that that sort sorry control panel versa I have they not patched that so bad were you search for something like you know it's so infrequent that I've got something in more than one of those areas like and even when I do I can just sort through ladies device manager brings up nothing you have to then go and oh no I meant a setting called device manager as opposed to the game called device manager you know what no no no so it should make device manager simulated haha stimulator so it doesn't actually do it and it's like it's it and like you have to manage like the little yellow exclamation marks that come up from installing new hardware and process unprocess and like like formatting your new hard drive so it should have like device and disk managers no details like wait I know that's what the disk manager but sometimes the new disc doesn't even show up in device manager so you have to refresh the list before you format it really a device manager and see this is why this is why I line maybe that's going to come into those the new line of educational games how to use the device manager it's a game yet you can reward people of points and like when you get ten tasks that you've ended the process of ya get an achievement and the final boss will be a device that Windows Update can't find the drivers for so you have to search for the PCI vendor ID and the device ID and you have to go to the PCI database and find it and then track down a driver on some obscure like driver repository site that doesn't give you a virus and then it and yeah exactly and you have to like dodge the wrong download button and everything you have to dodge the wrong download button but they'll be moving because it's a boss fight a home person and then there won't actually be a driver revision for your OS but the OS that works on runs on the same kernel so you have to modify the text file to add the support for your OS I was so mad it took me probably two hours to get some intel nic driver working on windows I'm zoo I knew this was gonna have a root in something looks like he's going some I was so mad I was like come on it's based on Windows 7 there is no reason they shouldn't work oh oh well we're in tell it's a consumer Nick bah bah bah I don't care windows home server is a consumer OS it's called home server just because they specifically didn't write in the compatibility for that OS I really wish that they just write out the ones that they know it doesn't work with as opposed to having to write in the ones that it does work with because that's what happens with older hardware is it doesn't get updated even if it does work like there's old Wi-Fi adapters that'll still work with windows 8 in like compatibility mode or whatever else yeah and then there is that old hardware software isn't hard coded what it works on it just still it just won't install doesn't matter unless you fake it and then it works anyway that was my rent for this half hour segments of the live stream not promising there won't be another one there probably will be I don't even remember how about those friendly old days Oh back to really three shots of them in one life um so speaking of speaking of horrible things the HTC One no microphone microphone yeah I was like where are you going with this so are we saying it's horrible no-good nokia got a band in the EU I would think Nokia would be happy about anyone who's taking market share away from Samsung it's like really like the lesser of two evils at this point you guys but I think I think what they're gonna turn this into is like oh we got a band for you but we can lift it if you pay us royalties on that microphone you got right so here backstory for those who don't know okay so HTC hi homes I don't know no seriously my bad I was trying to go really fast it's like I didn't have like any time yeah literally like I need a bit of a condensed schedule today because we did go to NCIX today we went early and then we had to get back early in time to do the live stream so that I can take care of the baby tonight so it's gonna be a long day anyway so HTC One banned in Europe nokia laid the hammer down microphone technology so the metal phone technology is nokia's so nokia fought in the core it's a great night like yeah so much geophone in the course is like this is actually kind of our stuff you can't just put that in that without asking us at all and no HTC's be like it was a wire yeah but that doesn't matter at all because you still used it in your phone so it's kind of a big patent war just like everything else in technology at all ever at this point in time um I heard they're going after it in the US as well which would basically give HTC know where to sell the one no I'm so from China where it has missed except in China where they revised the phone okay so get this so they lose some of the unibody pneus of the construction of the phone so this middle piece from the line here to the line up here pops off dual sim and a microSD slot BAM I'm just like k where's mine I mean I love the one I actually do I have an s4 I haven't been able to bring myself to actually start using me as for yet about it for like a week and a half because I really love the one I have an android i switched blog update coming soon but if it had a micro SD card it would just be like huh like Oh perfect cuz i don't need the removable battery um HTC has a history with Nokia okay uh is it nokia who's just okay yes okay yeah okay apparently this is like the 40th time that they've had this type of problem okay it's it's somewhere in the article so if you read the we didn't post here we didn't post the articles so i think it's on daily tech so if you go to day to check I think the articles on there if you read the article i think it's like the 40th time they've had this style problem not with the one but like in history so these two companies have a history so maybe that comes into thing where you're like lesser of two easels with Samsung if it doesn't matter because they just hate each other cuz it's just like grudge match time you gotta wonder like how much of the margin they make on phones goes to litigating against each other so much like how much cheaper would have phone be for a consumer if they didn't have to spend a butt ton of money paying licensing fees to each other where it's just like quite frankly it's for lack of a better word it's just a big circle jerk at a certain point first like okay i'll give you money and then you can give me that money well just like you know will halt at each other's back all the lawyers in the world are like yeah yeah I'm sure the courts are just tired of it job preservation they are you heard about the thing in the States what's that um talk to them just cuz you told me something I'm trying to get you there what brainer it's out of my green like not that I owe you um what was I gonna say so I think it was in the States I haven't read way too much about this so someone's probably gonna prove me wrong somewhere um but basically the courts are saying you guys need to stop collaborating stop helping each other stop cooperating close your freaking doors don't talk to each other anymore like make all your employees sign 80,000 page n da agreements like stop talking to each other stop using each other's things because it's just this leg antic ridiculous thing of everyone suing each other so what they're trying to say now is literally just know you use your own stuff stop suing each other stop using each other's things oh steve says that apparently the apparently the sales ban is for the mics for the phones that have already so so the ones that they've already made our okay they have to remanufactured new phones for that market with a different microphone but that will cause delays on an already hot device that everyone and their dog and their dogs other pet are waiting for right now so okay maybe not quite as dire as we thought but it certainly won't be um won't be will be bad okay just like it sweet yeah check the one below it the one blood I hope this will be short I'm not gonna go on this super long right so there was a leaked video I have seen it it's like 20 minutes long he shows all the settings in the game except like thoroughly scrolls through them except for his video settings what you need to learn when you're looking at stuff is you need to look at what's not shown he does not show you the bottom as video said hey give contact how about the people who haven't watched it like me what are you talking doesn't elder scrolls online know what about it I just said the leaked video yeah what about it doesn't look very good look I see I just know that okay sorry the graphics don't look very good in the video it you're so fired today no I don't feel very good leave me alone ok so the graphics don't look very good in the video and a lot of people in the comments 0 like oh my god this looks terrible but then if you look at released footage from tons of other reviewers that are all saying it looks great is he playing on a GT 630 year well the thing is there's like it shows some setting is very high some other settings very high but then if you notice his profiles aren't custom and he does not scroll down and the scrollbars small I'm thinking there is a ton of options and he just choked a whole bunch of them because this whole thing was like oh it's terrible and his name in the game was like the worst or something the worst so I think he's trying to troll what I would what I'm trying to say is where he should have gotten the beta key instead of that guy that what you're trying to say right under sit no no okay there's Bureau that's been released by other reviewers that was like taken with fraps but by Bethesda so you have to assume and no at that point time that they are running at the max possible settings yes unlike multiple Titans very possibly okay so you're looking at the best possible use case and you're looking at the worst possible use case that this guy could fend angle so it looks okay by showing you the very very little tiny bit at the top of the video settings just wait until open beta is out wait till whatever you don't have to buy the game open beta is going to release at some point time they've already said that it's going to be open you're gonna be able to play it before you have to buy okay as long as you jump on for open beta I mean wait it'll be so it all comes back to my strategy which is to just not pay attention at all I dropped two hundred and fifty dollars on star citizen I haven't looked at a single email they've sent me cuz I'm just gonna drop right in there and I'm gonna just go for it at any time how this goes online could look terrible personally I don't care i still play moreland graphics aren't the biggest problem for me flora wind is so brutal morwen looks terrible I still love it it's a Elder Scrolls games to me it doesn't matter it's the game play some games always s he's gonna talk about elder scrolls for another store in it sorry I tried to make this short Oh games like elder scrolls I like the gameplay like the storyline I like being all the free room all like I stuff certain games I'm like Bioshock and tomb raider gained a huge aspect because they look so good right it's the I'm beyond beyond yeah like the environment is huge different games like her more anyway so I'm gonna try and not talk too much about this guide actually talk about something else ever okay so why don't we let's do a little bit of Twitter let's do a little bit of Twitter questions um why did i get a broken psu delivered I don't know my bad luck cuz you also power supply and you're unlucky yeah and your name is full name and your at handle is Linus what is the new 14-nanometer Intel plant and Intel going to start production I have no idea what I can tell you guys though is that we just saw an architecture change so there will be a process shrink at some point what they normally do is they manufacture simple things like flash NAND or NAND flash I guess is the correct order of that so they manufacture simple things like man flashed before they start our chipsets for example before they start manufacturing CPUs there so probably not for a while but I guess we'll see apparently it was only in the Netherlands not the Holy you the article I read said 'hey i read one that said netherlands and i asked you and then the order gloria to do you okay okay okay well there you go we don't mean to misinform y'all but apparently it happens from today especially prepping for last June was really right you know what we should really have is we should have a disclaimer at the bottom of the screen like a psychic we actually have no idea little information for entertainment purposes only like I guess I could yeah the disclaimer to end all disclaimers you know that's the thing that kills me is the people who believe in psychics even though by law they have to have that disclaimer it's like it's like not believing that cigarettes will put tar in your lungs oh it's like it's on the box it's on the screen they use it in production and now that we have now that we have HD tvs and we can actually remember when all the little fine print nice to be actually not possible to read how was the best and that was actually like a problem and blah blah blah yeah now now we can read it so now there's no excuse for you know I like Miss Clara or whatever her name is it was clear yeah there's no there's a psychic late oh I don't miss miss cleo or something like that whatever it doesn't matter I have a 68 70 oh this is a good question my 6870 pin frozer has a non reference PCB so there is no full cover block available what do you think of vga only water cooling if you can honestly normally what people end up doing in order to make it work is custom making like the MOSFET and RAM heat sinks or even though I like cutting up old you know like CPU heat sinks or whatever you got to do you can buy them you can buy them but a lot of the time the lens you buy are not good enough so be really careful make sure you have good contact make sure you clean the chips appropriately use a really good thermal adhesive for example the one that's in my wife's computer I used not the ones that come on Swift xmc for teens but I used the ones that i bought aftermarket 3m thermal adhesive that's balling and that's the only reason they don't come off also don't use little tiny heat sinks unless you're planning to actually aim a fan at the GPU as well use beefy heatsinks use awesome heat sinks like cut-up old cpu heat sinks and make the fins this long if it's on a vrm component if you do it properly it's fine otherwise it's a bit of an issue yeah um so it's doable but it's sketchy be careful and be thorough so I got ahead of myself and I kind of thought that his question was about something else but speaking of non reference cards we did a really cool episode of NCIS tech tips today um oh I'm gonna eat a pickle off screen because someone sent me a very kindly worded email last week they asked me not to eat pickles on camera but I'm hungry and I haven't eaten much today pickles I'm gonna go green but off camera yeah they're probably gonna try and interject and what I'm saying no no I don't get a type of busy you're gonna cover it adequately this time when you're fired my brain hurts I said a headed so what we did was we took a 650 Ti boost and pitted it against a 60 650 TI boost overclocked edition from MSI and pitted against a reference card from EVGA s660 so two different GPUs one is a step behind but overclocked from the factory and one is a step ahead but not over collect for the factory and unlike how we do it at linus tech tips or we just overclocked everything it was n TX tech tips so neither were overclocked by us there was one those overclock fun factory and the one that wasn't and the one that wasn't was a 660 and the one that was with 660 Ti boost 650 TI boost sorry um we then played or was it crisis too far cry 3 and which or two actually anyways I'm not going to get into that cuz I'm not sure what else to say but um but yeah we did those three caves and then pitted them against each other and I don't even know what the result was which is one reason why I have to interject because remember through the only one that has the numbers for this okay well I'm almost done my pickle you're still eating a pickle on the stream then um okay you were doing when you under sorry alright so results wise it was really interesting because I have a lot of people ask me which you know 660ti should I get and the answer is unless you're buying the cheapest one get a 670 okay which 650 TI boost should I get the cheapest one or get a 660 because even though the 650 TI was overclocked from the factory are 660 or just a 6 even though that see this is so confusing even though the 650 TI boost was overclocked from the factory are 660 vanilla reference bone stock card outperformed it by ten percent while being only ten bucks more expensive so that's a five percent difference in price for a ten percent difference in performance now here's something that you guys need to understand about overclocking Headroom reference cards vs non reference cards sometimes a reference card will have X amount of overclocking Headroom over the stock reference clock and then a non reference card will have I amount of overclocking Headroom but it's not like it overclocks tried three times as much it doesn't work that way it's a GPU limitation so if it overclocks a little bit more then it might get a slightly higher you know factory clock but that ceiling is still pretty close so that reference card hasn't been overclocked yet meaning that okay so we got our 652 like let's say the gap is like this and our 650 Ti boost makes it to hear because it has a factory overclock but there's still a ten percent Delta okay that doesn't mean that both of these cards can still overclock this much and the difference will always be like that this one has had some of its overclocking Headroom used up so might make it this much further whereas this has used no overclocking Headroom it can go this much further but maybe not quite this much further so the difference in performance I know this isn't a very good visual but the point is that you have a certain amount of overclocking Headroom if they use it up at the factory they used it up at the factory there's not like you couldn't have taken a reference card and overclocked it to where that factory OC card is sometimes there is a bidding process something like an EVGA classified card something like an a sous Ares level card something like an ROG card matrix card they are bidding those they are making sure that those are the most overclockable GPUs are matrix 7970 was a beast destroyed everything single GPU that we've seen today other than the titan absolute beast so unless but these mildly overclocked cards you know like a super clock or a super clock plus I would be looking more into other things if you're getting a stir market cooler instead of reference cooler like audio levels you know ya better temperatures if you're specifically really really want low temperatures um looks looks stuff like that so if those are your factors then okay while means look at a lower tier card that has other features that you appreciate maybe you want different connectors on the back yeah this is something to consider but if you're thinking gaming performance by a better card that's it same thing for dual GPU but a better card or recording yourself to 650 Ti boost source 670 by a 670 single GPU card and buy the best GPU you can afford so there that was my lecture on that there's there's weird kind of there's exceptions this is if since the rule yes like 650 TI hawk from yes our edition from MSI when that first release was a better deal than a 670 but then now things have changed yeah but now it's been nerfed a little bit so but like yeah there's slight exception to the rule but that's usually just kind of how it goes and there are other exceptions to the rule so some such as 670 versus 680 a factory overclocked 670 can get pretty darn close to 680 of performance 680 does cost a lot more in a lot of cases especially once you get to the higher tier cards the rules start to change so usually the best bang for the buck while the best extreme performance bang for the buck is the second one down so as long as it's based on the same GPU as the high-end one a lot of the time you'll get very similar frequencies but it'll have some some cuda cores some SMX units some stream processors whatever they happen to be called it will have some disabled so it'll be slightly lower performance but it'll be darn close as long as you've got enough vram then it's often better to go with that option versus the higher end card but I still wouldn't spend four hundred dollars on you know a 660 ti if that'll get me a 670 no matter what no matter how OC and like you know goober it is the only thing I'll worry about at that point is like what I'm doing with my bill but if I'm buying a four-hundred-dollar card I'm hoping a motor yeah yeah I got okay water cooling is another one has then that won't show the if I don't like a reference cooler that won't show the reference cooler sorry American schoolers like the Titan I kind of want to leave that cuz that reference me cuz sauce like I don't want to change the reference cooler I almost don't even want to water cool it I just want to leave it how it is because it looks so good um we should almost maybe cool it with our what'swhat's to deal with the after party this week I don't know that's a deal because we've got 25 minutes left oh let's do our let's do our news items from the forum of the week and let's do our build logs of the week and all that kind of stuff then yeah are we gonna talk about the forum in general on the after party orders yeah let's move that to have to party okay so let's do our so community news items guys the lightest tech tips forum is awesome now now finally it's actually awesome here you here okay you know what let's let's do okay are you ready for this oh no I'm not ready for this okay I have a feeling oh god everyone go to Linus tech tips calm right now let's see what happens let's see cease looks doing it give into peer pressure linus tech tips com go go go go go go i think it doesn't care will it handle it so we are at a we are at a hosting service now it is no longer being hosted at NCIX so bandwidth is no longer as much of a concern now when we first were hosting it at NCIX bandwidth wasn't the issue the issue was actually caused by vbulletin inefficiencies compared to what we're using now which is IPS so then by the time vbulletin started to get a little bit more efficient on NCIX move a lot of their operation okay well crashed fine so it looks like it can only handle so much so um oh it's holding though it made it okay NCIX moved part of their operation to the place where we were hosting and they had to throttle our internet connection so we only had about 25 megabit up so now we have about 800 megabit up and instead of the homemade server that we were using before Oh 1400 users online thanks guys you guys are awesome and instead of the day I can't believe that page even refreshed ah ok I gotta do a shout-out thank you mod team in general for helping me over like the three days that I didn't sleep Thank You mr. wizard for just like hauling the forum into existence because there was no other way that was happening and thank you win speed for the current hosting situation yeah that one of our modern all of those things coming like without all the mods coming in and helping me without mr. wizard like just championing the entire thing without IPS making that converter actually work got there was so many groups actually we didn't want to promise anything cuz we weren't sure if all these stars were gonna align especially other things that had gone wrong up till now yeah and there was like there was a lot of stuff that actually made this possible so thanks everybody that helped me over the last little while actually make this house so we're running on an octa-core server with 32 gigs of ram with 800 megabit up and we're on a proper hosting service now guys close welcome to the forum the forum is awesome it's been super active like I don't know how often you click the view new content button up at the top right holy crap guys honestly I've spent the last three days in the control panel if you have a question like I I've started posting honestly I was at the point where I was frustrated routine with the old forum I couldn't even use I was pretty much only operating through pms yeah I mean at this point I am me I'm finding this the most enjoyable form I've ever been a member of because I look at any question and like even if I try to ninja and get in there and like be the first one to answer I can't be and people are friendly with one thing that I actually really like and I've you know what I mean I'm gonna be making a point and you should too and guys we all should of keeping the community friendly I don't want to see like let me google that for you links I don't want to see this should be obvious to you I don't want to see any kind of put-downs because I want linus tech tips forum to be the place where people can go and have a friendly discussion even if they don't understand the topic and you know obviously obvious troll is obvious is going to happen from time to time let the moderation team deal with it flag it they're going to go just a problem there are moderation teams good we now actually have a report system that works ha before I know it just popped up and i and i like and i moderated something and it just worked yeah i was like what ya gotta be getting so before the report system before people that reported before thank you yeah that helps but the only person doing it was me so it was really really hard to keep up with that many reports and those of you who sent me pm's before my inbox has been broken for weeks I'm sorry like I wanted to reply to you he actually was not able to I typed up replies like this long and I'd click send and it just oh okay oh that's good just this beer so now the PM system is properly working yeah one lost their pms I'm so sorry if I gave if I gave invision power services more time they would have made it work but we wanted the forum going I did not give them enough time they gave me like the files and they're like this might work for most things probably maybe and I was like all right we're doing it so because it worked enough attachments kind of broke PM's don't exist anymore signatures kind of broke a little bit like there's there's a few things that broke but for the most part it's working fine and we have almost 1800 years or something there's no way the V bowls and form would have handled it no way this it could there's no way it's not nearly efficient enough no and our old server couldn't our old cpu used to max out at a hundred percent cpu load at times during the day with like 300 people look like 300 people on whereas now we have 1700 people on i think you said we had 300 people on before and it was like three percent cpu yeah it just doesn't kids just so much more efficient right now but I guys yeah welcome to the forum ask your questions we're trying to create a friendly community ask some questions answer some questions have some fun um you know join the community it's all good it's all good things so you know thank you guys for hanging weight hanging in there with us yeah I mean we are like okay I'm gonna directly call it a random four-member ghost hello I don't even know if you watched the farms um he was a huge massive poster like when I sent unreachable like getting huge I posted ton people yeah and his post count started rotting and for no reason likely Bothans just a jerk and started taking post count away from him no idea why and like like everything else broke so he's like yo I'm just gonna wait and I'll come back later he's back yeah that's awesome he came back like the minute that we launched the new form like cuz we felt bad we're like these people are trying to contribute and help us build a community here and we appreciate it and we're not giving them a good enough platform yeah and like I used ghosts but he wasn't the only case of that yeah and like it's one of those things where it's like the people in this room here lost sleep over that bad situation a lot of sleep so you know yeah thank you guys for hanging in there with us and we're proud to deliver you a platform that actually works now and also proud to see that we have 2,900 live viewers right now this is one of our biggest live streams ever so yeah thank you guys so much for for coming in and hanging out with us so let's do our community news items we want the new section of linus tech tips forum to be like awesome we want it to be up to date and we want one of the ways that we can help you guys you know feel great about contributing to be that we will call you out on the live stream and let you know that things are that your posts are awesome and they are appreciated so we have member mono here who posted a pc / article about AMD improving crossfire performance with a prototype driver now it just so happens that I was sitting right next to ryan's row from pc / as he was writing this hard cool because i was at an asus conference and he happened to be there as well that was about intel's upcoming Haswell cpus and he suits motherboards that'll go with them and the ecosystem that goes around it so i was looking over a shoulder i was like damn i'm looking at what you got here right what you got here what you got here ryan and he's like dude I'm trying to write an article like yeah yeah what you got what you got it was actually awesome this is the first time I met Ryan in person super cool guy we didn't get much of a chance to hang out because we weren't there very long but um but anyway he was showing me um obviously I didn't have to rely on YouTube anyway big thanks to mono for contributing this this topic he was showing me I didn't have to watch youtube links he had it all locally on his computer which was great side by sides of how there was so much more visual pairing in the release driver and then the prototype driver guys this prototype driver is probably six to ten weeks from a natalie is not the beta drivers yes it is not the currently downloadable day knows it is a prototype it's a completely different thing it's not even based on the current 13.5 it's based on an older like 12 points something driver if i recall correctly I don't know that okay but it's based on an old-ass driver yeah and I'm in I yeah I wasn't saying you're wrong yeah I have no information ya know so it's based on an old driver but it is addressing the the frame time differences which can cause AMD crossfirex solutions to have high frame rates but choppy actual perceived performance that's what it's causing right now and this prototype driver hasn't made it as good as in video solution yet because NVIDIA has hardware that takes care of this but it's a software fix that makes it look way better so it's basically taking games that are already optimized for the card on crappier older drivers not crappier but you know older less optimized drivers throwing in this frame time smoothing algorithm and bringing it up to twenty percent better than a much newer much more optimized per game driver so the future is bright for crossfire owners however his conclusion in the review which is what I think he was writing when I was standing over him was okay that still doesn't mean i can recommend the 7990 because it comes with a butt ton of games and this is all good eight games but the gaming experience today what you get for a thousand dollars today is not what this prototype driver is that won't be available for a while and when the driver comes with the fix we'll look at it again but it's not there yet and I think that's a very fair and honest conclusion so anyway it was it was cool to sort of stand over and have them explained in person it's one thing to read a review from a from you know a highly technical author it's another to sit next to them while they're writing the article and have them explain their thought processes every word goes onto the page so it was very cool big shout-out to ryan at pc / on twitter so guys go go say hi to Ryan because apparently I can just say go to a website and you guys will do it you guys are awesome so go say hi to Ryan let's like flood is Twitter right now at p CP ER at pc / thanks Ryan for hanging out with minus minus thinks your coo coo you can leave off the l yeah leave aqua l- thinks you're cute you can put an apostrophe though yeah alright so one of the other community news items was actually something we covered already but i want to give credit where credit is due to our forum contributors Josie is the one who posted this article with this picture showing an HTC one with the remove double back that shows microSD expansion and dual sim expansions so that is the Chinese model and I want one I didn't realize how big the removable back was I wonder if this means that super technical people maybe with special screwdrivers or something it's a different phone different internals are going to be able to give insight into the battery no no no because it's a unibody back on the North American model and no Adam is still a battery is still non removable and based on the tooling process of this phone the sandwich construction there's no way to get in there holy okay cuz like people like I fix it or whatever they're cold they usually find ways even when people say it's not yeah they can find I just I really doubt it it's built so solidly I know I'm not I'm not like you might be able to you might be able to take it apart but I can't imagine you ever be able to put it back together with the same fit and finish that it has right and that's not that's a thing oh of course yeah um okay and then our next one is from that that that uh oh I'm really excited about this so you guys know okay while I might not be Oh Josie again you're on a roll a sous introduces external DAC with 120 decibel sound to noise ratio 600 ohm headphone amp and swappable op amps the essence st you know nothing about price absolutely nothing about price which is like okay thanks hey soos because this doesn't tell me how it compares to something like an essence 1 yeah or an essence 1 Musa dition no idea because the essence 1 is an external back with a headphone amp that's capable of driving 600 ohm headphones a musician is like slight improvement on that this looks like it might be slightly lower end than essence 1 uh essence one looks like i had more stuff yeah slightly more features here if we just kind of control plus this so you guys can check it out as well it looks classier in my opinion very classy looking the essence one has kind of like like a weird industrial design that's kind of unusual yeah this looks like a piece of audio equipment it was very cool yeah um so and the thing that ok the thing that the two things that confuse me about this are that they're calling it audiophile grade which audio files are the only ones who are allowed to call something bo file great a lot of the time yeah it's like it's part of the it's that's a thing where they called the last one audio fella great as well be dead but it's it also says so sort of bringing like the quality of an essence st or STX to an external unit but offers even more premium audio quality plus easy controls and connectivity to notebooks so what is it is it something like an sts TX zentz class card in an external box which has advantages so reduced interference as well as the clean signal that is USB as well as being able to plug it into a notebook or is it i even higher end solution i don't quite know but i'm really excited to try it out yeah that's to be really cool i hope we get it happy good one I hope we get one if anyone from isus is watching speaking of if anyone from blackberry is watching which I said before we have a contact at blackberry now z10 coming q10 coming later so I am going to be doing a blackberry i switched hopefully like people just keep on releasing random phones yeah just never get to stop doing i switched they tried to deliver it today oh really but no one was here so it'll be it'll come on monday z10 is coming so once i finish android and then once i finish I'm like how am I gonna do all this good maybe we should have you do the blackberry i switched identity be okay you're a hardcore android guy this is interesting guys hit add slick pc on twitter and let him know what you think asked like pc on twitter right there actually that's his that's his penis but sort of like the overlay that's covering that um hit at slick pc on twitter and let him know if you think he should be the one to host the blackberry i switched so of course now i'm gonna have to do it well I'm kind of interested in biker they might not want you to so which one is the one that has the keyboard on it that's a cute n so cute n is coming probably a few weeks later or something I would rather try that one you should try both sure so it should be you have to have the touchscreen blackberry 10 experience and the buttons while experiencing or something something like that would make a ton of sense and would really educate people not only about the black bb10 xperia but also which of these two flagship grade phones is actually better for me right so yeah I'll be interesting so he's an s3 user yeah it'll be like what it'll be what will it be like to go from this mature platform this mature handset don't tell us yeah like new platform and I've been like I've had my ass3 for a while now and I'm very comfortable with my current configuration let me tell you going from comfort zone to new phone platform which is why like I'm excited to try new things but at the same time I'm like ah all the things that just were I know my s3 I'd like really know my s3 all right so we've got a couple more things guys we want you to post your build logs in the linus tech tips forum because build logs are fun for people to look at they are fun for what seriously he's this is the case of the oh this is the case okay so we got a big shout out for a tasty pctv tasty pc TV on youtube that's the girl with the duck face that does videos on the YouTube and I think she I think her bill was black and red and his built Bukka Reddy okay so he posted her her video yeah um um i forget what i was saying yeah we want you guys to post your your builds and because people love seeing your builds people love commenting on builds i think people love having others comment on their builds so here we've got quite the GPU lineup here that looks like a couple of my 80s or 6 80's you didn't end up using all those didn't end up using all what I don't need way to index I did not have time I'm sorry this this week's live stream was crazy because we had to try and figure everything out um but like he gets down into it pictures start coming pretty quick all right see I like this I've done this before where are you Anthony yeah mixing and matching the ramp see how the ram sticks match the dim slot nice little touches like that I like it yeah yeah I truly like the hundred percent approve of this the only time I usually go against that is with super clean finish Ram like I original dominators mm-hmm and uh muskan silver lines the old ones they're gonna just said muskan on it yeah like a full set of that looked so good that's true so good but remember not one with the to kingston sticks and the to a neon sticks where they had a similar style of spreader but they were alternate colors blue and black yeah all that looks see like that looks really cool yeah yeah for sure all right uh yeah taking apart the graphics card that must be a Titan gk110 yeah look at all dem ram that ran so he works at a computer shot okay I don't know if this was for a customer or not I just remember he works at the computer shop he got of course they're late to work so yeah so kudos ah that back mounted SSD love that very cool very just very clean no ax 860 looks like that was colored oh no unless it's an 860 I in which case it should be red can't tell can't tell from here okay it's very nice when directly into the sort nice water cooling is very possible wait is that it STX ah maybe power go to that not sure yeah it might come later he hasn't got everything wired up yet very nice sleeved very nice leave cables very nice Sibley's used um a little bidding cr2 yeah that's what it just gets down under those cables like looks very good makes it look much more clean i'm too cheap to buy angled fittings personally but it definitely planned it out yes nice planning makes a build look so much stronger yeah um not the best photography skills I've ever seen but I don't think we should penalize but it can also be like a phone yeah that's it probably is based on how much noise there isn't the images yeah so don't worry alphacool zuber thick radiator look at that thing that's so see that's how big a g1 quarter fitting is there guys love it absolutely love it so here's what the moment was like good in its native environment very very nice love that microphone setup that is what this is the kind of thing that diesel was using where he had like diesel had like a pro grade like studio recording microphone that he was using for voice chatting games like screw seeing my third monitor it's like we care yeah I'm too good for that like to lead that's awesome so yeah featured build this week I didn't even catch the name I'm sorry Kenny six great job we've got featured projects banana phones all right I'm gonna let you walk through this one I'm gonna have the last person I go don't I have to use this little tiny keyboard I'm eating my pickle dizzy oh sorry guys this is might actually they got paper down on current page where is it there we go that's not working that's still not working that's now working okay so using our for i'm gonna skip through these pretty quick because it's fairly basic stuff until we kind of get to the second page he's just showing whoa he strips it and then he paints the back so it's white because it's an hour for gorgeous so he's matching the other slots nice that's really cool yep those little touches maybe all the difference um and like he had to take a shower he could get to properly right right so it makes sense so that is great and looks really cool huh because there's like you don't see that oh I wanted to do it but then I was just lazy and busy God is back plate do so here's like a in progress shot the guns cars not in there yet a lot of stuff isn't in there yeah for like an AMD build yeah that's another reason why I want to bring it on I don't think we've had one yet yeah I think we've had one yet um so that's kind of cool this is funny cuz I got trashed so hard for saying something like the majority of enthusiasts gaming builds our Intel and it's just like guys I don't make the rules people goal why this is until fanboy he said them joy it's like no it's just if the numbers are just kind of there yeah I don't know what what you want from us these are people quoting his post so I got a little bit confused by this but as people quoting his post so you see the same picture like a billion times I love that back rounded SS mind you the way they do that in the r4 is not my favorite you have to take the motherboard off to be able to take it off or put it on yeah just kind of her cuz you have to screw in from the moment see you he's gesturing to the camera I talk with my hands leave alone uh so Jamaica's cables look nice you use extensions which is a really good way to go save money and time because it looks just as good on this angle except you can see them coming from the power supply but like where you're mainly looking it looks just as good from this angle so this is a slightly in progress shot you can kind of see um the PCI crap it like the back that we painted it where it's white looks great matches everything there's a better shot of that you should gesture with the mouse as opposed to with your hand I know that's myself crap I'm really not good at using this whole tank you would there you go wait what the mouse not your hand where is it why okay I'm just gonna take over okay why don't you talk but I'll just direct it okay so guys right there that's the light John we've seen that yeah okay can definitely go down oh okay there's a we've kind of seen that shoulder ready yeah some items and shot to the hard way Johnny's got a cpu cooler and go down though thanks to you have blocked CPU justly or page two who even poses a pornstar cpu cooler hmm okay he's a liar oh there we go that's more like it holds you okay hey guard city starts his water cleaning solution so really long runs one thing I was interested in is if you could flip the radiator over I know looking at clearance maybe because of the ports that it might not fit but there might be some type of custom modding maybe point with the mouse yeah ok so the radiator here maybe some type of custom modding that he could do to take that bracket off right there and then he might actually be able to fit the radiator the other way around the advantage of turning the radiator the other way is also that it enables it to bleed the air bubbles out much more easily because they'll naturally go to the top where the holes will be yeah and then like like so way shorter runs sort of look cleaner yeah and then a natural bleeding like he just said so that's actually that would be nice I'm thinking what he did was he put it the other way and it didn't fit but if I could find some way to take Gazette's for hard drive cages right if you could just find some way to take that off yeah without like damaging everything is it possible that he could add a GPU block in the future then this run would make more sense so then that's even yep but angry true there we go still very clean-looking looks nice it's just the runs could be shorter which is I don't know it's not yeah it's not the biggest deal but it looks really add looks really good very attainable build and so that is that is a build from Antarctic cash that is the that is the strangest that is the strangest name that I think that I've seen on the floor you sure those the poster check to you because those are quotes that you yep antarctic cash okay cool there you go that looks so good not okay with the colored back oh my god is good all right so let's go back to our back to our regular view of the live stream and I think that pretty much oh it's it's 530 can you it's like it look it's like there's light outside and we're done the live stream isn't this weird done yeah well done after parties coming later so I had a quite a few people complain that they don't want after party to not be uploaded to YouTube so I'm thinking after party goes on YouTube with a link in the description of the regular livestream and it'll be an unlisted video but you can click the link in the description you can watch after party should you so desire so that is it for the linus tech tips live stream for this week we'll see you guys next week and we'll be back in just a moment with some after party action where it's less structure i can't imagine it being less structured than what we just did same time next week 4 p.m. yeah yeah this time guys put it in your calendar I can't believe how many people ask me every week when the live stream is it could be first-time viewers you don't know know sometimes it's the same guys I've like seen this happen and you know what's funny as I've never changed that I've changed the time once now this is the first day since I started it it's been a 9 p.m. friday night now we're moving to 4 p.m. friday afternoon and i think this is gonna work I think that's gonna work look how many people tuned in today it's a way better time since it's a way better time so it's unfortunate for the people who can't watch now but overall it's way better time so I will see you guys next week thanks for thanks for tuning in
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