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MSI Twin Frozr V - 5 New Features at CES 2015

Linus tech tips coverage of CES 2015 is brought to you by phantom glass visit store dot phantom dot glass for the best iron screen protectors out there as well as HyperX welcome back to the msi suite well we will be discussing the Twin Frozr 5 which funnily enough has 5 new features on it first of all there's the LED logo on kind of a top of the card which is nice because this is actually somewhere will you'll be seeing these things a lot of times you'll see really cool graphics or design on the front of the card where the fans are which you won't often see so it's nice to be able to see stuff where this LED logo is after that we have this super su pipe which is basically just a giant freaking heat pipe going to kind of around the middle of the card in a backwards S shape which should hopefully help with cooling after that we have 0 frozer which might scare some of you because one of the fans is not going to spin under 50 degrees Celsius but it's okay the cards fine once it gets above 50 degrees Celsius both fans will engage also there's the new gaming app it's not afterburner it's kind of a more simple casual style where there's three different modes actual vary in intensity of Clarke speed and then in turn heat and fan speed and whatnot just to keep your card cool but then if you want to do something like be a awesome spreadsheet man you don't necessarily have to have your graphics card massively over clocks you can have an in silent mode will be a lot quieter last but not least we have their Torx fan which sports 19 percent more overall airflow going down towards the card 75% increased structural durability which hopefully will mean that it breaks less although they didn't break much already so I guess that's good and 5% lower total noise which I know might not sound like a ton but it's actually a very important metric and I know this isn't a twin frozer 5 but I also wanted to show off the new crate series components they have a motherboard and a GPU in this line and they're a cool kind of white series I like seeing different colors of boards and this will probably help modders as you can see behind us this is an exotic PC system all in white and it utilizes both of these components quite well alright guys thanks for watching if you want to see all of our content from CES this year be sure to say subscribe to the Linus tech tips also thank you to fandom glass for protecting our phones while we're here and enabling us to do a pretty fun video which you'll be able to check out later on also HyperX is youtube channel is pretty great and getting really close to a hundred thousand subscribers because they really saw it I kind of interesting gaming content and whatnot so be sure to check them out as well I'll see you next time
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