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Microsoft Edge: WAY Better Battery Life! - $h!t Manufacturers Say Ep4

Microsoft's been trying their darndest to make their edge browser happen an uphill battle given Internet Explorer's reputation among consumers and I would say bet alongside the strategically-placed and I'm going to say this snarky prompts that Windows 10 is always dishing out for you to make edge your default browser the juiciest peach that Microsoft has to entice users to jump ship is their claim that edge offers better battery life than any other browser but does it in this episode of manufacturers say we explore the current state of browser battery life and determine if Microsoft's claims constitute an epic mic drop or an epic ball drop I buy power and MSI's new lineup of gaming laptops featured until seventh generation core i7 processors check them out at the link below for our tests we used four brand-new identical inspiring 1575 59 s loaned to us by Dell thanks Dell so from the moment these landed in our office careful attention was paid to keep them as similar to one another as possible if steam was installed in one machine it had to be installed on the other three as well so one thing we needed to know was with manufacturing tolerances in mind just how identical are these machines if we had a lemon we needed to know about it so we ran PC markets home conventional battery test on each laptop twice and although there is some variability in the test results we consider all of them to be within the margin of error that we've come to expect from PC mark and no machine was consistently better or worse than any of the others across the two tests next we had to control our testing conditions if one of the machines decides to update its bloatware value added pre-installed software thanks Dell halfway through an overnight run that's just too much pee in the punchbowl for that machine's results to be meaningful so we uninstalled everything with Dell in the name iced McAfee blacked out GeForce experience locked down windows privacy and politely asked Cortana to reenact her death scene at the end of Halo 4 then having run out of puns we disabled telemetry set the brightness to 50% and set the system volume to 15% with our machines sufficiently sanitized we were ready to move on from synthetic tests to real-life loads starting with edge running on all four machines once again to sure consistency so we designed our real-world tests to reflect actual internet browsing some social a - of news a sprinkle of autosave and a 6-hour stream of the fork a Yule Log pretty typical stuff for this time of year and wait what on the very first test we had machines dying up to an hour and a half earlier than the others even though they're all the same laptop running in identical environments with the same browser so we did the same test two more times and got similar results what gives in order to find out if the inconsistencies were due to the browser or due to the machines we would end up needing a lot more tests so we downloaded Chrome Firefox and opera on each machine and ran tests after tests rotating the browsers across the machines and as for the results well there do seem to be some differences between units 1 2 4 with machine 3 toeing the border of dud territory but that's far from the whole story when we ran Chrome or opera on all four machines they died within 20 minutes of each other and if we compare the best and worst times of individual browsers across multiple tests on the same machine we see that edge just has the biggest range between its lap times but hold on Linus Microsoft never claimed to have the most consistent battery life they claimed to have the best battery life it's a tortoise and a hare thing well no you hold on because we're just getting started not only did edge not trounce the competition in our tests it didn't even get the high score chrome did well hold on again Linus because edge just got a huge battery life boost with the recent Windows creators update and you I didn't even use the same testing methodology that Microsoft did when they made these claims to begin with you know what you hold on even harder because this project took freaking forever and we actually did tests before and after the creator's update and although IDI performed very well and not to mention much more consistently after the update it still didn't break our longest life record and besides since Microsoft's testing methodology is public well Rick recreated that one too and Ed's still got beat who got to calm down here its conclusion time so prior to the creator's update edge had big winners and big losers but since then it's closer to the consistently good performance that we observed from chrome opera is also a good choice and it even has a battery saver mode but well didn't improve our life in our tests but did improve consistency and as for Firefox well it's probably not your best bet if battery life is your number one priority so bottom line at the time of writing edge no longer has well an edge when it comes to battery life but Microsoft certainly deserves props for stimulating healthy competition that benefits us all except that is safari people everyone knows they should be using a VPN to enhance their privacy online and if you didn't know that well now you do but it's so confusing there's so many options so just use title bear we make it simple you download tunnel bear you hit like one button and boom your connection is secured and your online activity is kept private from your internet provider advertisers and anyone looking to track you or profit from your data tunnel bear has a top rated privacy policy and does not log your activity so don't take my word for it try it for free with five hundred Meg's and no credit card required and when you decide to get a year of on limited data which is a lot more affordable than you'd probably think save 10% by going to tunnel bear comm /l tt we've got that linked below so thanks for watching guys is this video sucked you know what to do but if it was awesome get subscribed hit the like button or check out the link to where to buy the stuff we featured at Amazon in the video description also down there is our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which you should totally join
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