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Microsoft Project Spark - CES 2014

Linus tech tips coverage of CES 2014 is brought to you by NCI XCOM your source for great technology selection and service along with corsair memory and western digital hey guys we're the AMD event still and we're checking out Microsoft's project spark so in this fast as you can what is spark it is an open world digital canvas that allows anyone to create play or share whatever they can imagine so it's it's I've heard reference to little big planet although before you go into a rant about that I can totally see how it's very different it's a lot more in-depth what can you tell me about that well the breadth of what we offer i think is is is really our selling point and the logic we have this entire visual coding language that allows anyone you don't need to be an engineer to allow scripting you don't need to be an artist to create these big worlds we're really breaking down those disciplines that are barriers to people and that's really a big thing for us one of the coolest things I saw was we had a human and we had a rock and everything in this game can potentially have a brain which we've looked at before and the human had a fairly straightforward brain you'd follow the camera he do some other stuff now the rock we gave it a bird's brain so I started flying around randomly I like that you can do stuff like that because you can be super creative what kind of just shoot a couple examples of the games you could potentially make an asst oh I mean we've we've shown a couple already someone made a recreation of geometry wars which is a like this vector based game blew our minds somebody even made a movie a 20 minute movie like we didn't even think it's you know you think of a game creator they didn't even decide to allow interaction it's just we're telling you the story and that's what it is and some of the other stuff that we've seen people make our just these it's how things interact with it a one guy made a car using logs with rope and these cubes any put them in a certain way and it's just it's amazing that's really cool now if you were to go on project spark and make one of these games and try and distribute it how does that work in like rating systems and stuff like that well it's super easy to share it so as soon as you're ready to show off what you've created you save it you share it in anybody with the windows 8.1 xbox 360 xbox one will be able to download and play it and the community they'll get it they'll be able to rate it up thumbs up thumbs down or whatever they feel and the community just race them you'll be able to see how many downloads versus how many likes cool that's really fun for project creators because I know when I was a little kid I used to play an RPG maker and like that was fun but I didn't really get to share with anyone except for my mom which was cool and she always loved it but she's my mom so I don't know it's it's really interesting and we can see in the background here this guy's made an island kind of thing with a moat and a cave on it and some dude in there and he's only been working on this for a very short period of time now how could someone start playing this game well the game is available right now on Windows 8.1 if you go to join project spark calm you'll be able to sign up for the beta right and download it through the windows store perfect now you said it was coming to xbox one and 360 too so that would just be on the marketplace so like say yeah windows 8 beta is out now xbox one will be coming out within the month or two and we haven't announced dates for the others no problem we want to arc on them too much for that thank you for watching our content on Microsoft's park thank you to all of our sponsors for sending us here this year that's NCIX corsair and WD and as always please subscribe to Linus tech tips
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