
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Mining on THREADRIPPER - WAN Show Feb. 2 2018

like oh all right ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Wynn show we're technically here get this out of my face yeah but no I want it in my face put it in my not letting me remove it once you put it in my face you got to leave it there oh please for a little while let me savor it all right so we've got a great show for you guys today I think I actually have no idea at me neither it's been off to a pretty rough start to be perfectly honest I can't even check if I wanted to yeah Luke's got an update that's sitting at 23% thank you dual-core laptops yeah I am so glad that as of 8th gen you're gone forever did someone who someone raised your chair again doing it but from people like when people come on when show they need to just not dink around with anything or did they not that's it well why is it framed like this did someone mess with mine you know what forget it who cares ah your chair is too low chatter yo creator suspended after being arrested for child exploitation um yeah I know well like mine too now let's just I'm calling max I'm so I'm somebody reacts beautiful show the best show um okay no further details yet other than the other details that we have that will tell you about later AMD suggests that mining may be profitable on thread Ripper I don't even I don't even laughing cuz I like know that it isn't or that it is it's just like please miners buy our stuff to buy more of our stuff miners yeah he has so much money please all right Elon Musk released a flamethrower you know what's called the boring company yeah alright so we'll talk about that later I guess yeah and Apple sells fewer iPhones but profits rise wow this is some boring boring stuff I'm so interested in Apple making lots of money we'll find out other things to talk about I guess so I had you lower it max but I think what ultimately happened with someone adjusted my chair height because Luke said my head is bit about the same height because we're me that I'm not so we can't see it no I do not want an Apple box to sit on what are you Brandon no no bad new Brandon why just slouch a bit terrible welcome to the wine shop oh man still at 28% it's gonna go like the whole show I'm not even gonna have a laptop for the show today oh man you know what I would I would even say it's been that kind of week but it actually hasn't it's been an okay week I actually had an okay week yeah well you know no wait hold on a second I forgot about all the drama at the beginning of the week what with the whole yeah you know about game right I was a late comer okay cuz I night I had no idea I had no idea was happening while it was happening yeah and I was like just cruising through flow plane to make sure everything was going good and I saw like you were like what I'm this way this come Flynn no I saw like that thread and I was like I'm confused and then I watched like two minutes of it and was like I don't have time for this and I don't care and then I scrolled down and was like most the comments don't seem to care oh oh on our side on our side yes yeah and then I heard about the tweet and then I was like wow and then I moved on yeah it totally blew up um a lot of people have sort of asked me for comments but I hope I've said pretty much everything no no it's that's the schedule shot to know I've said pretty much everything I have to say in an unlisted livestream that you should have gotten for notifications about I was so mad like it's so mad okay I have a 15 megabit up connection at home I am I've watched that part down the hall from $1,000 access point which said those of you who've been watching a long time know that I used to have a lot of issues with Wi-Fi so eventually finally just like about three years ago I was like I am so done with this like what gives me more satisfaction in my daily life another graphics card for SLI no or Wi-Fi that works all the time I think I'm gonna do by the way I think I might do another wTF is going on with this live video really because I think it almost needs an update more that much it's like neither of them want to support it AMD's like No completely in videos like sort of - other than that no Nvidia likes people putting two graphics cards in their system honestly I think for them it's less even about the money and more about just like that a GPU is a status symbol yeah but the game developer support is basically non-existent and before the I don't know why we're talking about this I guess there's no good topics we might as well before the mentality from the the hardware guys seemed to be that they just show up to your development studio before your game came out would be like no you now support SLI and crossfire yeah and then now they just don't and because they're not there isn't support for you I don't know it's it's been a terrible experience like Assassin's Creed origins if you ran with SLI enabled the game would run it would just run way worse than it would have ran otherwise it's like completely not the experience that you should have I don't know its benefits but it's been rough for the multiple graphics card guys and the future doesn't look any better at all yeah so I don't remember where we how we got onto this topic you were talking about this the you preferring having like a sweet AP versus this weekend yeah so I decided that Wi-Fi was actually more important to me than a few frames per second so I got a baller access point so I was streaming through the YouTube app on a pixel to excel so I was as Google as I could possibly be and I sent out and that interesting part I managed to send out three notifications to people each time I went live which three each time no no one each told you three one for each time I went live and then the streams would just stop I got a I got a screen grab of actually you know like an unhappy face I can probably grab it but yeah like it would just give me this error and be like yup your stream is down wah-wah it doesn't seem to have uploaded so that's my thumbnail I know yeah it's just the day I wrote I couldn't I roll enough I actually tried to I roll more that was the most that was the most that I could physically roll my eyes but I just got this your stream has failed message and and it would just stop and then what I've discovered now is that you can't you have no way of undoing those notifications that are sitting in people's feeds so I was getting messages from people for the next couple days oh babe screenshot these for notifications on the road they'd be like wTF is this I'm just kind of sitting here going I'm sorry I can't reply to every single one of you I don't like it either trust me it's dumb but I can't do anything about it so I finally streamed on the iPhone 10 instead and it works perfectly that's like something like if you're if you're twitch streaming and say OBS crashes are you yeah pewter blue screens or something and you need to go Twitter stream again yeah it sends the email version of the notification to everyone I disabled the auto tweet one because of that on like most like ours doesn't do it mine doesn't do it most people that I hope it doesn't do it anymore yeah but it will still email everyone and people still get the phone notification right so it's pretty yeah it's pretty frustrating like it would be nice to have it you know be resumable or something like it yeah especially because the app itself didn't crash it was just like your stream is stopped and I understand I do understand that whether it's down to you know codecs requiring files to be closed out or whether it's down to any number of reasons that it's actually not like trivially simple I do get that but there has to be a better system than what we have now especially if you stream for like one minute and then you stream again like I would I would I would like for it to be a little bit smarter than that um so anyway I said pretty much everything I had to say there you guys can check that out if you want you probably have a notification if you're subscribed but in a nutshell people were mad because I confused attempt and a pad because the title said tampon okay in the thumbnail is holding a pad yeah we probably shouldn't move probably should we get into it because all we stand to do all we stand to gain is more articles on Mashable Daily Mail really and some yeah oh yeah like there are there are like articles about about this controversy that I'm kind of sitting here going okay like I guess I guess that's a thing that we need to write about today okay I'm just gonna no comment let's move on yep so I don't even want to cover this first topic either what's the first topic today the counter-strike thing oh yeah there's not really a lot to say well no it specifically says was not charged yeah a crime so I don't really want to cover it because we're just like throwing the student to the bus when he wasn't charged with a crime maybe if anything concrete comes out of it yeah I don't like the idea of just throwing his name into the bus when he's not arrested suspended bivalve yeah suspension they're probably waiting til the okay statement from valve suspended from the developer while the company investigates does not have a criminal history so in a nutshell we're not gonna name any names it doesn't look like anything's really happened here but one of the co-creators of Counter Strike has been arrested and suspended from valve and there's what's weird is that he's been arrested but not charged with a crime and the police didn't say if an actual child was harmed he has no criminal history and of course the local news station is speculating as to you know what this might mean but no one has actually indicated that they know exactly what's going on here so let's move into oh man why would AMD even bring this up so this article from PC games and calm what does this mean for AMD's reputation that's an interesting thing for me because so many gamers right now are really upset about lack of stock of parts about prices of things going up and the person or the group that everyone loves to hate is theoretically fighting against that at least in statement I don't know outside of that yeah but NVIDIA has stated at least I don't again I don't know outside of that they might be doing something I don't know if they are or not that they that they are trying or they want game works to still be able to buy graphics cards and stuff AMD I don't think I stated anything about graphics cards as far as I know I could be ignorant on that topic it's not like my laptop's working right now like several minutes yeah you bet it will but but is actively encouraging people to buy CPUs remaining so they're trying to potentially crush the other side of the market and right now with everyone being mad at like what is it Micro Center or something I don't know because they're like bundling GPUs with whole platforms but if you buy the whole platform you get the GPU at MSRP okay sure but like if you don't you get it at a cranked up price right yeah so it makes it tough for upgraders but that's but then upgraders are a huge part of the market because ya don't have to upgrade your CPU that often yep so anyway the what leads up what leads you know we should probably strawpoll this but what led us to this conversation is that AMD's technical marketing manager Damian trill it believes that there's massive potential for home mining rigs with their thread Ripper CPUs and there's a few details here let's go through the like stuff that was said first and then we'll get into all the problems with this because there are some so kryptonite can be mined with CPUs that have about 2 Meg's of level 3 cache per mining thread 3 cache is important for CPU money yeah so this rules out almost all ASIC mining machines that are so far in production but favours CPUs with high level 3 cache per core which thread Ripper is designed for ok so he also said CPUs could be acceptable for mining if they could handle very few threads very fast and that's exactly what thread repair is able to do Fredrick fir comes with up to 32 Meg's of level 3 cache and it can keep the data set in cache which speeds up crypto mining a lot blah blah blah so with 2 Meg's per thread a thread refer 1950 ax could run around 15 active mining threads not bad that would allow it to get in about the same ballpark as our X Vega and it will be much faster for example this is all quoting them much faster than a 1080 TI for example in kryptonite h2 Intel's a DDT chips have far less level three cache per core so he believes that a thread Ripper could be capable of accumulating around $90 a month through the nice hash mining program though of course let me just check my handy dandy how much has the market fallen yeah you know calculator here and it's dropped honestly this is not reflective of what happened yesterday so somewhere in the neighborhood of like 30 plus percent in the last couple of days so your mileage may vary now of course and also go back up I could go down 80% more I heard something happened last January as well so there could be a seasonally sure it's every January yeah there could be a seasonal element to this but or there might not be who knows maybe every other January was just a coincidence and maybe this one is - or maybe this is the end of times who knows the end of mining anyway so using his estimated earnings a thread ripper 1920 x would see a return beyond its own MSRP of around seven hundred and sixty dollars in just under nine months so oh yeah I'm not reading games you have to do it you do it is ambi trying to cash in on that cryptocurrency CA CH e okay so penny problem number one is the perception problem yeah do I think that's huge because you look at how many people were mad about the piece that we did on cryptocurrency mining what was it a week ago two weeks ago something like that did you check out mining adventure part two part three yeah part two you don't want the GPS I've seen all okay you've seen all of them so mining adventure part two cool rough we covered building a more optimized to GPU mining machine and that got 40,000 likes which is pretty good Wow but also 10,000 dislikes yeah cuz the gamers so just over a fifth of you guys were mad enough that on a piece of content that I thought was pretty good whether you like mining or not I thought it was interesting Jake did a lot of research on this one he ended up with a pretty cool rig pretty optimized configuration anyway people were so mad that we got a fifth of you like pressing the dislike button to show your dissatisfaction with us even covering the stuff and there's 8,000 comments on it 1000 I don't know who they should be mad at well okay I know at least one group that they should be mad at outside of that I don't know if they should or should not be mad at other groups yeah but gamers I understand the GPU market is terrible right now that's crazy I would not want to be building computer I wouldn't build a computer I tweeted out like way before the whole internet made articles about it and then some people were like oh they copied you it's like no they didn't but whatever I stole sure they figured it out independently yeah yeah it's a pretty common thought but buying consoles right now yeah is like actually if you just want a game a pretty decent it's like not a bad bet yeah and the crazy thing is you look at how quickly this happened oh because if you go back to mining adventure part 1 which it was fine backed by many accounts or by our by a lot of accounts is a worse video yeah because we we did not try to build something optimized we actually went at it from a completely unauthorized way it's amazing by the way was the boy it's amazing how many comments there are on that video about how poorly optimized the build is even though we said it right in the video the top was what exactly what we were doing it's amazing how many people try really really hard to not understand a video anyway so that had 50,000 likes and just 1600 dislikes that's about 97% and then this one's closer to 80 so the whole public perception was like this is okay and then this is suddenly not okay so that's gonna make sense from mid-november to mid-january two months and the perception changed that much around GPU mining well it went from like where I think is a good spot for it to be which is like Oh gamers you can like make some more money doing this yeah and like if you if you have a couple GPUs around or you want an excuse to play with hardware and buy some more graphics cards you can do this it went from that to like dawn good in a warehouse to remember and then people got really upset about that right okay the solution Linus coin did you see Jake's tweet no he's saying instead of float coin we should call it sync coin st. Croix sync sync is the market syncing and because of its same coin because you should sync your investment into it all of it we really really all of it yeah so so I think we've pretty much decided we have kind of talked about it a little bit to be clear when Luke initially brought it up total joke in Paul's video not even talked about at all pure troll you still don't want to call it pure troll let's know we don't have to okay okay um but we've talked about it we're gonna do a coin and we're gonna do it as part of mining adventure and the point that we're going to be trying to make is them and I really want you guys to listen really carefully just turn off the radio do kids don't listen to the radio anymore turn off the whatever else it whatever audio noise pollution you have around you off the twitch memes listen really carefully we are creating this video to demonstrate how a coin can be created for purely exploitative purposes because a lot of them are because a lot of them are we will be going through the procedure and showing you guys how it is done and we'll be listing like a lot of the different ways that it could be done and then we'll be picking a few yeah and we'll be going that route yeah well do you guys want so if you guys decide to mine it by all means - if you guys decide to buy some by all means do it but let me tell you guys right now our coin aside from if we can find some purpose for it where you can like use it for voting on weighing Shores voting on land show or like some kind of access to a special sub forum on the forum or whatever like we might come up with like a couple a couple LMG or floatplane related things you can do and those would largely be a part of the experiment of getting people to use it actually but expect it to crash because in the long term we do not have either the technical know-how or the inclination to follow this through and make it a technologically superior coin which is yeah it won't be we're just work someone else's thing dude do no special advancements to it yes and run forward yes so expect it to be that which is coming now I realize I talked for a really long time so if anyone tuned out here's the bottom line if you didn't listen till there everything I just said don't mind any and don't buy everybody got that yes okay that's good all right now it's time for our sponsors hold on one quick thing if I want to know CPU mining I believe I believe you FD Tech has done a video on like is it worth it I don't know if we're gonna go down that road actually haven't I wanted to talk about a few things to do with this okay after after these messages from our sponsors we're gonna talk about a few things from them no way what up oh these are cool it comes with swappable the kids ones oh ok nevermind I thought it was like just purple and for at all yeah so those those can come off easily and though they Bend easily and they won't break and all that alright so spectrum glasses my friends spectrum glasses are all about keeping that blue light out of your eyes staring at a monitor all day can be hard on your eyes over time and make it tougher to fall asleep so compared to a software solution chum gives you better filtering of blue light features include that they are stylish and you guys can check out their site they've actually got tons of different styles to choose from they're high quality they come with a one-year warranty and they have low color distortions so the idea is to block high-energy blue light while keeping colors as similar as possible to be very clear you're still gonna have to flip up your glasses if you wanted to do some like color accurate work but if you're reading text or working on spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations or whatever the case may be you won't be sitting there working on it with your spectrum glasses and then like you know save it and walk away and then go to present it to someone you're like oh that's supposed to be red it's orange not gonna be a thing they're primarily focused on the Canadian and US markets but they are expanding to Europe oh that's cool and they offer international shipping check out at Spectrum glasses comm slash collections slash pro spec or click this link and use offer code Lynas to save 10% I'm going to copy that link into the twitch chat so you guys can go check them out and you can look almost as cool as me almost I'm wearing big headphones around my neck which makes me look super cool that was a thing drew I know why was that a thing why I know why because it beats by dre why were those a thing why are they still a thing actually I've heard the latest ones are pretty good I haven't actually tried them I suspect Apple might improve them oops there's this bit you know I don't know I think apples bar for audio is like good enough and clearly when they Bobby a brand it was already good enough was it well the solo twos are apparently pretty good oh I don't know tell Harrison's likes them the only ones I've tried were garbage but I've only tried like one or two pairs I only tried the OG ones yeah and they were awful yeah I did like the really old-school black and Red's right I remember I remember trying to talk one of my old colleagues at NCIX out of buying them like I I did my video on them and he was like yeah so like I want to buy them but it's a lot of money they're like $400 it's a lot of money are they any good and I'm like no and he's like well I mean they look really cool and I just like I thought maybe they'd be pretty good and I was like they're not and he's like well I was just like I mean maybe they're like good enough and I'm like they're not good and you need to change the batteries like every other day so they're not good there's a change that they weren't charged didn't work at all they didn't work at all without the batteries to triple A's okay yeah and he was like yeah you know I'm just gonna get them and I'm like why do I even that was the point where I realized that no matter what I say in these videos people are just gonna do whatever it is that they're gonna do like it's actually amazing how little influence that I have as an influencer yeah and on that subject Squarespace yeah if you're gonna build a website please listen use Squarespace okay it's really easy even I can do it you just pick one of the templates they've got eight new ones for 2018 they all feature responsive design so they look great on any device and your site just I mean Squarespace doesn't advertise this this is not one of their talking points but like your site never goes down yeah like our site has been up for like four years or whatever like I have never I don't I don't think it's ever been down no it's amazing try well we haven't like okay we've had the windshield regression yeah yeah it's awesome they've got 24/7 support via live chat and email and tons of great features including every website having a free online store built in through their commerce module cover pages 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back to why CPU mining doesn't make any sense so first of all um okay part of mining adventure should you do a like the other ways video and do like hard drive and CPU well hard drives coming okay yeah that's mining adventure side quest did you get GPU working it's not good I haven't yet I figured it out though you just need to use a different plotter yes yeah so yeah like I just told ya it's slightly more complicated than that yeah but yes I don't care anymore because I'm using a dual 22 core system and I am getting up to about 70 to 80 thousand nonces per minute on CPU so I have so I have my four instances running at a time because there seems to be some kind of limitation that's wrapping me at 60 percent of CPU usage so I've got four running at a time so while one of them is committing to the draw or while two of them are committing to drives the other two are running and then these ones will kick back in and then those ones will kind of run through creating nonces and then they'll be committing them to drives and these two will be running so overnight I was actually able to do over 10 terabytes on a single rig with CPU plotting so anyway to be clear I'm not running out and buying all the hard drives put away the pitchforks I'm just experimenting with birth coiling because it's this coin that you mind by just allocating empty hard drive space to it and it doesn't seem to so in further research and actually doing it a little bit myself yeah once it's plotted yeah it doesn't seem to hurt the drive okay at all plotting though yeah you're hitting the drivers rough yeah like really rough so from talking to guys in the burst community they're saying that it doesn't hurt it any more than normal use would yeah so I'm still not doing it on petabyte project yeah no because I just don't even want them spinning if they don't have to be yeah but on all these like janky drives that I had sitting in literally sitting in boxes around the warehouse why not might as well so before I go for the weekend I'm gonna load up as many drives as I can on that system run them through all weekend and then buy sort of next week I should actually have it all going so far I've made $5 nice yeah there you go do you how much more than that I've spent on electricity a lot I don't know exactly how much but a lot you can do dynamic plotting - are you gonna do that uh no I'm actually not familiar with dynamic dynamic plotting is you are able to use the drive Oh add more data to it the plot will make itself smaller no I probably gonna do that and you set an offset so that you have room to put stuff yeah you put the stuff there and then it will shrink itself we can discuss it in the video but that's like not really the approach I'm taking you saw the machine I'm using no I know I'm just saying for for people that have like it's already getting to the point where it's probably not that practical to try to mind with just like the drive in your computer depending on the pool you join so the the difficulty so okay I'll get into this in the video but the more capacity you have the easier it is to respond to a job in time in sort of very very simple terms and so different fools you know fill our machine basis or a per address ah that's a great question wonderful questions no idea okay anyway so different pools will have different thresholds for how quickly you need to be able to respond to a job in order to benefit from the pool yeah because if you're just someone with like 300 Meg's and you're like never never going to actually discover a coin because it's like each amount of capacity is kind of like buying more and more lottery tickets so if you just have like a tiny tiny amount you're basically just piggybacking off of the success of the big people in the pool so some pools have very strict requirements for how much capacity you have to have in order to be considered a contributing member and in order to allow you to join so what you can do is you could join one of those pools even if you have a hundred Meg's of data but you would just never qualify and your entries would reject it every time you would never benefit don't hit your drive from plotting and then never again and then never get anything and then there's much much looser pools that have really really long times but those ones are full of a bunch of losers that you know no one like are individually gonna find almost nothing so anyway right now it's that kind of like a weird stage where to get the most out of it you really do need a lot of drives like it's kind of transitioning that way interesting not surprised so back to CPUs so AMD has made a couple fundamental errors here number one is calculating ROI time ROI time is a flawed calculation because it is very easy to underestimate it or overestimate it you can't just look at how much it's bringing in today and go yes that is going to pay for itself in amount of time X because because saying it will pay for itself in amount of time X if nothing changes is just a sentence that doesn't matter yeah it will change it depends when and if you cash out it depends what currencies you're mining etc etc etc etc etc it depends on whether you will even still be able to mine that particular algorithm nine months down the CPU so yeah it depends on a lot of stuff problem number the second is that there's more to the cost of a thread Ripper CPU than the cost of the CPU itself so thread Ripper motherboards are like three hundred plus dollars normal mining motherboards are in the neighborhood of a hundred plus two around two hundred for something like a Seuss's B - fifty - and you're going pretty hard if you go to that yeah the other issue here is that you could kind of go oh okay well thread Ripper is only like you know fifty percent so double to fifty percent more than a regular motherboard but you can effectively make use of the CPU socket as another mining you know node or whatever you want to call it as another miner except the problem with that is that thread Ripper is limited to what is it seven PCIe devices or eight something like that yeah so you could never have a thread Ripper mining optimized board because you could never plug in enough GPUs to account for this difference in cost so while yes theoretically you could mine on thread Ripper you would not do that if you were actually trying to build an optimized dedicated mining machine you might not be though if you're picking a CPU for your home rig and you want to like mine overnight it would double your ROI time for one because you're not 24/7 mining but if you wanted like a beast machine CPU there's another problem yeah yeah I'm just not sold and I also wonder if that's power yeah power that's probably not any worse than like remember they're comparing it to a Vegas but but you're taking away from your ROI time yep because power is a cost so that will delay your ROI time which is a screwed up thing to measure anyways I think it's a little it's borderline nefarious in my opinion for a hardware company that isn't like selling a six because then who cares anyways to be like it'll pay for itself in nine months that's a little I'm not super stoked on that personally all right putting it's like hash rates up and stuff is fine maybe even if they do an article I'm like this is why you need l3 cache yeah CPU mic that makes it makes a lot of sense it's like a blog post cuz a lot of people don't understand l3 cache anyways yeah so if you're like look this is a practical application that needs a bunch of it that would be an interesting blog post alright some random YouTube channel or website or podcast or whatever picked that up and was like oh my goodness you can man with CPUs that's fine cuz that's someone else do we met so you bought this yeah is this even legal here okay technically 100% yes uh-huh it actually making it here imma give it like a 50% chance uh-huh my hope is that if they reject it I can just tell them to ship it somewhere else uh-huh then I'll just send it to my grandpa's or something and he can get rid of scorpions with 20,000 flamethrowers far 500 US dollars they sold them within a couple of days yeah thanks twitch subscribers cuz they took PayPal here's the caption here don't do this also I wanted to be clear that a flamethrower is a super terrible idea definitely don't buy one unless you like fun that's kind of lame I hadn't actually seen it fire yet that's really that's a really short yeah it's short burst okay which a lot of people were like oh that's because of laws and apparently basically nowhere has regulations on so one of the reasons why flamethrowers are not illegal in places yeah is because people use them as like weed destruction torches basically uh-huh and that's apparently really common in like a lot of farmland and stuff what you think oh that's gonna start a forest fire apparently no because they just like do it properly and stuff I don't know but yeah there's there's no regulations around it in Canada there is not a single beep about it in the Firearms Act it's it's apparently completely allowed I even looked up import and custom stuff and there's import and custom stuff about knives because I'm talking about which blades yes which blades and stuff and I was talking about how I like like pocket knives on my stream once - someone sent me one and it got grabbed by customs and customs was like we're keeping this forever screw you and I was like oh ok well nothing I can do about that so I looked it up and yeah there's all the stuff boat knives there's tons of stuff about guns there's ways to do it properly with both of them because stores can do it you just can't do it personally and you can let you have to set up as an entity to be able to import it and blah blah nothing for flamethrowers so my ready it's coming ATF says any flamethrower with a flame shorter than 10 feet 10 feet is a-okay our design is max fun for least danger I'd be more scared of a steak knife this guy is such a troll yeah like he's such a troll so I want to cook with it if I don't know what type of fuel it takes so I don't know if that's possible if it takes the right kind of fuel I want to like propane or something like a know I think propane we can't no you can with propane come from you can't with whatever tiki torches no no no but tiki torches are like an oil what fuels it ok I mean I'm not an expert but it but it looks like it could be a propane flame to me it's very blue I don't see any reason why that would not be a propane flame especially because that would make it really really cheap and really easy to to refuel sail drew criticism from a California politician who said he would introduce legislation aimed at banning the flamethrowers we don't allow people to walk in off the street and purchase military-grade tanks or armor-piercing ammunition I cannot even begin to imagine the problems a flamethrower would cause firefighters and officers with that said this is hardly a military grade tank or you need this to start a fire this is basically a blowtorch shaped like a guy yeah like okay it's a little longer but like if you can't go to the if you can't go to the hardware store I couldn't find something that'll make a fire easier than this then I don't know man like honestly that flame is gotta be that's only up maybe 18 inches maybe like you can get you can get blow torches that'll do not much shy of that and probably hotter if you can jog around an office with your thing fully firing and everything's fine yeah like you could like you saying military-grade whatever military if you can run around an office shooting with a gun it's not gonna be fine yeah okay I think it's hilarious so honestly now that I've seen it fire like I was disappointed I didn't order one now I don't even care it looks kind of lame oh you oh you figure maybe you can mod it maybe but it depends on the fuel like something like your propane I doubt it yeah I don't know if it is so maybe maybe people are spending the chat telling us what it is Canadian firearms laws so weird 22 snub nose pistol nope you might hurt yourself well technically a cannon you can get in the same classification as a rifle such a joke it's so bad most stuff is classified by name instead of by specification so there's a lot of things that like look scary that are banned and there's things that are way scarier that don't look super scary so they're not matched so weird apparently tiki torches use butane someone's backs me up that it looks like looks like perfect kind of tiki torches are we thinking then cuz I'm talking about those ones with like the wick and the like kind of wicker there I have no idea I thought they just used like like a wick soaked in a thing and they have like that lemon smell am i thinking of something else what is was a tiki torch yeah no that's not that's not like I thought this is like like a wax or like an oil look at the way it burns I could be wrong though tiki torch fuels like the things that we end up I don't think it's something something doesn't say where it is number one torch fuel pre fueled paradise in your backyard oh wow please just tell me what is in it thank you I wish you would just tell me what's in it oh man tiki torch fuel American sale calm with lemongrass oil oh my goodness okay well either way there's a lot of like it's scented with this or it has whatever else eucalyptus formula ah I'm dying the kerosene kerosene kerosene now did you know that we all keeps the bugs away yeah yeah but that's not there you go no there's different kinds this is why it's hard to find paraffin tiki green whatever this is but like that's like paraffins a wax type okay but yeah just something with a wick in it like it's totally different from from this yeah I don't know if anyone actually knows let's see I think you burned citronella I think that's the yeah that's the scent crap yeah why switched out his family in sintra nella I think that's what like makes it smell good or keeps the bugs away or something really the slow mo guys did a cool video using tiki torch what haven't they done a cool video about Oh finally Windows 10 defender is finally gonna block those shady free PC optimizer applications about time this is supposed to by tech dreamer on the forum and the original article is from cloud blogs Microsoft com protecting customers from being intimidated into making an unnecessary purchase how did this take so long I mean I'm not mad like it's just like a main thing that they should have been blocking oh there was something else that I was like really mad about yeah how does you know what his windows not have a built-in screen recorder at this point outside of games how is it that iOS has this and Windows doesn't like there's just some baffling stuff that they haven't built in theirs so okay have you heard I don't think it's in the dock but have you heard the rumors of the companies Microsoft is interested in buying no oh yeah it's propane I just go to their website 20 ounce propane there you go so yeah there's no way you're gonna get a propane propane flame much longer than that sorry let's change what fuel it is yeah I don't know and we're talking like okay to be clear I think there are going to be people putting new rags in them and they're gonna be people changing out the gas I don't care sure I'm not gonna do it but I think it's gonna I'm gonna go help my friend who lives on a farm clear blackberry bushes with it cuz that sounds fun right alright anyway that's what I'm what were you saying about the so this is like super rumor mill stuff and to be clear I'm pretty sure if anything I think it's like insider information I'm super rumor mill no no no I didn't hear this directly this is posted on some website sure okay and it was very much like they're interested in doing this not those other companies are also okay with it sure so and one of them I'm very sure is not okay with it but pub G Corp what yay what and valve which they technically have the war chest money to deal with but like I'm sure the last one is not okay exactly they're yeah they're not okay with it pub G Corp it sounds like they're micro their minecraft acquisition yeah hey this is already popular and everyone already bought it let's now buy it too we're not really sure but okay Kurt fans actually yeah part of the idea behind that sorry I just remembered was not letting it go to PlayStation because it's a timed Microsoft Xbox exclusive and I guess they're they might be trying to buy it before it can go to PlayStation and I heard that the idea of them acquiring EA is to get a whole bunch of expensive can I let me cut you off right there if Microsoft wanted a game studio why did they get rid of Microsoft Game Studios wears a mic need a mic well they're still making Microsoft is games because like whatever that new pirates game to see if thieves is like a Microsoft game yeah like not much they used to be an actual major developer yeah well I'm assuming maybe they want to get back into that I don't know okay so the EA acquisition idea is interesting because there's a lot of ways to hate that because more exclusives for Xbox and stuff but I mean everyone already hates EA pretty much at a maximum capacity already so yeah maybe they can't hate them even more I don't know maybe it's not that big of a deal I don't know um yeah I don't think any of that's gonna happen I just wanted to bring up Microsoft stuff um all right what else we got here is all boring Apple delays iOS features to focus on stability that seems like a good idea couldn't use speaking of built-in screen recording couldn't use it today without rebooting it would list it would just go and then you can stop it and then the clip would just be gone yeah we tried a few times it was broken for iOS 12 they've been working on a redesigned home screen app grid hopefully by redesign they mean exactly the same except I can move stuff where I'm on it multiplayer mode for augmented reality games ah augmented reality is so bad like it is so bad we're just we're not even close for so many years away he's okay it's bad max it's bad what can I help you with know we're streaming um uh a merger the third go somewhere I phones max do i nevah antonio you didn't have time after work okay improvements to face longest-standing video game record was thrown out after 35 years this was by Todd Rogers it was for his dragster record yeah obviously it was impossible because it's like physically impossible to happen in the game so are a lot of his like 1400 other video game records a lot of them are physically impossible including records that are like not actually able to be gotten in the game because like your score goes up in increments that his score isn't at like a lot of the games they'll be in increments of like 10 and his score will end in like a 5 it's like that's not how that works or he'll play Donkey Kong and like the next highest person is like 10 million points below him ya know it's super BS and Twin Galaxies records he has so many records and Twin Galaxies that make no sense at all and like and they're the official source for Guinness World Records and a lot of a lot a lot or all of his records were posted through one person who's now like in jail and like the tapes were seized by the police so he's like oh yeah all the tapes of my records are just gone because of that but then people have contacted the police they're like no we returned them all and there's like basically none so yeah Todd Rock Todd Rogers records super BS moving on now his personal website offered a simple explanation of how he achieved his unbeatable time while maintaining that Activision's certification of his time highlighted in one of the company's newsletters was enough to cement his place on the gaming leaderboards great that's makes sense there's even like if someone took apart a game I'd found that like one of the games that he played its electronically impossible for him to get the score that he got there's another game where a camera what it's called barnstorming or something like that you fly a plane and you have to fly through barns and you have to dodge other things they removed all the ops and so if when you go up and down to dodge obstacles you lose a little bit of horizontal speed so you're supposed to skim things right it's also move up and down as little as possible and go straight as you can but you have to move a little bit so they removed all the obstacles from the game and just flew in a straight line and didn't even make his time so they're like dude you're BS I don't know dudes a joke it's finally being recognized that's good because there's too many cheaters in the speedrunning community and the speedrunning community is great so stop there's also a lot of really legit awesome people in the speedrunning community so there you go that aren't Rogers so this is pretty great TiVo will let users auto skip the football to watch just the Super Bowl commercials original article from TechCrunch um in other news there's a new app that you can only use when you have five percent battery or less it's called die buck me an anonymous chat app that you can use on iOS or Android it cost 99 cents and there's usually about 30 people active in the chat at any given time that's hilarious um and YouTube will now be labeling state-funded news broadcasts now here's a question do they label CNN and Fox News all right I don't think there's but there are people who would argue on either side that they might as well be funded by the left of the right oh geez run away you're tuning into the wind show we've got a lot of great stuff up on floatplane I can't show it to you because I'm logged in as an administrator on the forums so I can't share my screen with you but there's some good stuff there you can share it here and just highlight the things cuz you don't open the threads anymore okay so LG wallpaper TV completes that's a good thumbnail Hey yeah it is I think we're finally getting a little bit better at them yeah designing our new gaming set oh I think this went up simultaneously but that's a good thumbnail - it is actually this big that was cool is that on dude yeah it's on you - no okay that was cool um can you build your own mechanical keyboard another good thumbnail yes what we're finally getting it I think you know it took a long time um is eight gigs of RAM enough in 2018 that's more than eight gigs minor details minor details police is not a tampon so isn't that like more than a hundred gig I don't know okay the fastest laptop we've ever seen eight cores in a laptop well this was cool Wow old desktop CPU okay it's actually an AM four processor in there with an AM socket yes that's cool yes hashtag on gate I can watch it there oh we did another episode of ultimate compact PC nice ooh with the Jedi one yeah that's cool Star Wars card some picture of some guy with like seven of each mining and I was like really same bat-time same bat-channel Viji 776 says this show sucked and that may be true but at least it wasn't reported it had slowed down uh no one listens to the stuff we talked about during the am surely ah someone will basic main stop streaming confirm stop dot title conferred stop dot dad hopefully that hopefully the top comment on YouTube is confirmed confirmed stop comment or something
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