Modded Gaming PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars Season 4 - Episode 2
Modded Gaming PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars Season 4 - Episode 2
all right so you guys pretty much know
how this works at this point it is time
again for scrapyard wars but we're
throwing a wrench into the rules once
more we're gonna have a bigger budget
$900 per team and because that gives us
enough money to build something that not
only performs well but also looks good
we've brought in BS mods professional
computer modders extraordinaire to lend
both me and Luca Han
so welcome to our guests Bob and rod and
without further ado let's get started
okay so it's day two we're getting
started a little late cuz the camera
people slept in or got stuck at the auto
shop both of them go figure
um but it's okay because this only sets
back our plan to finish an entire day
early by about an hour yeah we'll be
fine we'll be fine okay my biggest
concern going into today was that we
would not find hardware because there
was pretty much nothing out there and we
got almost no replies on the messages
that we sent out midway through and
towards the end of the day yesterday so
there's a couple things that came
through this morning I actually heard
from two gtx 780 s one of them sort of
disqualified himself um what's your best
offer will it be in one of your videos
oh yeah so he knows what's up yeah the
other guy says yep I can do that also
are you Linus from - tech toast so I'm
gonna take that one because he doesn't
actually know right and he said yep I
can do that first we had contacted a guy
who had
and unfortunately he recognized linus
right away and blew the whole deal
because the rule is that he can't use
any kind of influence to make a deal
make a purchase whenever and so
technically as soon as the guy figures
out it's Linus you know it's kind of
against the rules so far I think we're
doing a grand total of okay I think we
have a pretty interesting theme although
we don't have enough stuff for that
theme currently but we have some leads
which might work out we have a whole
bunch of hardware leads which seem to be
pretty good but then I don't really know
what the actual hardware target is this
time around because it's a very flexible
budget and there's two different things
that you're going for and then like the
availability of parts right now is and
things are really expensive because the
Canadian dollar is so yeah I think
we're doing ok we are going to max
traders max traders is a scrap yard
place like family owned thing that said
that we might be able to pick some pick
some stuff out of their yard so we're
gonna go check them out first so we're
after some hopefully rusty bits that
will fit in with like the iron that we
got yesterday in the burlap and stuff
that maybe already has a patina that we
won't have to paint or change at all
stuff ready to go
yeah the the main computer that we're
looking at which is a I 7 860 machine
with 8 gigs of RAM they want 285 for it
we asked them for 260 I said no so we
asked them what they could do and you
said candy much so we'll probably give
an offer like maybe 275 and see if he'll
do that just to try to get a snake for
10 bucks for more aesthetic work or
a better SST stuff cool old bit in this
engine I think is some rust in there
yeah sweet alright oh man yeah we're at
max traders this is a place kind of me
where I grew up I knew about it there's
some pretty cool stuff here hopefully it
works out we got to go walk around and
try some things out try to stay out of
the workers way so hopefully this goes
remember copper stuff is gonna be worth
more this stuff looks super cool but
like just to like have it on there it
could look pretty damn cool that looks
heavies gonna cost right well probably
there's a small like motor that was
pretty amazing it was exactly what I was
looking for I wanted bins of junk and
we're able to dig through those bins and
find some pretty cool stuff
really a motor looking thing big
that's it Hannah I mean like I'm not
sure if you need the whole I don't know
if we have enough space in a case but if
you had just the front pulley part
that's what I was kind of even looking
at these guys like okay two of these on
a shaft and put a belt on them you get
the impression of like a motor without
like the tons of space yeah yeah so
there's two matching ones there and
there have them watch it yeah I almost
wonder like a rubber belt
almost seems a little bit out of place
with a piece of metal chain going around
and it's like on the back off a little
bit maybe yet we can find a piece of
metal chain that would be pretty cool
looking there's another piston that
one's busted
see these look good c15 say Matt back
these are perfect
back to Chevy v8 Pistons that may be a
lot more confidence in the team yeah I
was a little bit worried about it my
biggest concern going into day two was
getting anything to match the theme at
all because that wasn't really going
very well so far
and I think we conquered that so it's
good it's a it's a critical item so this
is just garbage bin but these are water
lines that they've cut the brass
fittings off of so it's pretty much just
a stainless steel line that's garbage
and then we're perfect for sleeping also
you like smoke stacks of the topper so
yeah we've got that great that's going
to take up a huge portion that's good
point it's good for me but so may be
slightly smaller diameter yeah
yeah that's pretty cool it's pretty big
but it's pretty cool I can't find this
gage anywhere easy
it's 480 kilovolts so thousand volt
scales so something you would use to
measure the voltage incoming to like a
transformer before it hits your house
power only down at 110 volts or so
megawatts million Watts multiple
households worth of electricity so power
plants maybe produce somewhere a big
power plant that powers the entire city
produces maybe 150 mega watts
so this is badass bodies at Walmart yeah
yeah we're gonna buy a bunch of them
we're doing a weird art project thing
we're trying to make a computer that
looks kind of mad maxi oh cool yeah
another for sick we'll get more awesome
that one's got gas anism to make sure
you have the yeah yeah yeah good call
thank you
appreciate that there's no awesome cool
so we got these for free oh my god sweet
so that's that's $45 we're at the tips
yeah thrift stores on the first day were
pretty rough but max was actually pretty
awesome I was hoping for a lot from max
I've been there a few times and Cyn seen
some pretty epic things that would have
been awesome but their inventory is
rapidly rotating because they just
Salvage scavenge and get rid of
everything that they have all the time
that's kind of their whole business so
you never really know what to expect
there but I was very happy with max so
we are able to get the 780 for 300 so
what that means is if we meet up with
the guy with the CPU motherboard and RAM
for 500 right away we spend 300 on a 780
that gives you thirty two dollars and
seventy five cents to finish your mod oh
my god
thirty-two dollars almost 33 Canadian
oh I mean what do you even still need
though we need a little bit of hardware
just some just some like you know small
small bolts and really not a lot so I
can't believe I'm saying it but we might
be fine with that okay I also kind of
need a CPU cooler so how much more of
that can you give oh my god okay um I
can ask CPU motherboard guys cuz me yeah
if we can get one for like 10 bucks I
just really like we're okay we talked to
him already about not needing the video
card and not needing the hard drive but
we don't need the case right we don't
need a case at all anymore why don't we
ask them cuz this guy's not more than he
could sell the case for maybe 20 or 30
bucks yeah
you know what so why don't we start by
seeing if we can get a CPU cooler
instead of a case right and then go from
there also do we still need paint
did you bring some I brought some I
think I have enough for what we're gonna
do okay why don't we go have a look okay
okay okay let's go check that first
before we before we scrapyard wars will
return after this message from our
sponsor this episode of scrapyard wars
is brought to you by D brand makers of
the precision cut vinyl skins that you
see on the phones and laptops of the
contestants they may not be bulletproof
but they look really cool
try out their configurator at D brand
calm linked in the video description
we've got everything we've got Reds
we've got yellow blue green gold our
motherboard is blue everything you can
think of we have blue it's that awful
it's that awful light blue that Asus was
doing in the p67 days do you remember
that yeah how we can
what kind of blues you got okay so we
have all kinds of Blues we have dark
blue light blue um yeah and it'll be a
little bit different when you mix them
up some of these are candy some of these
are sparkle essent
pearlescent all kinds of stuff and we
can mix and match too so you know we can
take any of these colors and apply your
basic formulas and we can make any
custom color we want if we want to make
a lighter blue we can just add some
white hi this is Linus calling I was
gonna pick up the the CPU combo
yesterday and I know I'm calling a
little late um do you mind if I head out
there now if I don't need the case are
you able to take off like another 20
bucks yeah yeah uh I can do it yeah you
know what I don't want to be stuck in a
cave but I work in computers - I know
you do as well um yeah I just old enough
to keep that I don't go home I see a
bull what was it like a 300 300 or
something like that machine you have to
watch our corner of the trailer
the picture okay okay um yeah this guy
was cheaper than the other guy beat the
guy with the reference part was the one
who's like OMG is it gonna be in a video
oh yeah for a lower floors over there
I mean strix cards look pretty good and
I could change this red right here I can
change that to the same colors and stuff
Cera's oh that's not a big deal as far
as painting so and I can actually I can
paint the whole thing silver and then
paint these blue to match so it tricks
out the car okay we're good there okay
so we're still good but the budget is
not looking good right now this guy
wants 40 bucks for an Evo - what oh
there's no yeah look at these are all
stock that's all stuff wait is that an
Arctic cooling logo that's on that last
picture 53 minutes this place is not
close well okay yeah but I don't think
we have much of a choice we really
haven't found anything better every time
I come to Canada though I do like it
it's just something about it just seems
really cool and people are really I
don't know they seem pretty genuine and
pretty cool running around downtown
Vancouver and seeing how many hot women
are running around on the streets
actually so has nothing to do with the
bill but that was definitely a surprise
for me
soon as I could be on this floor check
out this analog elevators awesome - this
is Bob okay all right so uh what you got
which way are we going yes you're here
so what was how much was it
it was hundred bucks off rate so which
was 195 I was there is there any way you
would go to just sit honey never pulled
for star 75 I'm not willing to pay
asking price and things like that and
you know there's a little bit of
negotiation involved with five bucks I
don't care et writers at 85 bucks for as
well so to me it's all non-existent
stuff can we do 485 every a little bit
how you want to pull it out through yes
I don't care I mean we're we're that
tight on the budget that we like every
dollar is tight critical at this point
he said I want to do the day if you want
to put that's fine later okay I went and
I left my stupid screwdriver in the car
thank you okay awesome oh I got it I got
it I got it okay so that was a brilliant
stroke of negotiation getting that extra
10 bucks because that 10 bucks could be
the difference between having a heat
sink and being able to afford our video
card and not so we actually did really
well here we paid for 85 and we got
ourselves a 2600 we got ourselves it
looks like yeah that's eight gigs of yep
it's a 4x2 gig kit but it's got a heat
spreader on it so we can paint that you
can work with that we got ourselves an
overclocking capable motherboard we've
got a decent power supply CX 600 is not
in a fantastic power supply but it's
and it's sleeved not very nicely but
it's slim and we've got a 250 gig SSD
which while not really necessary to win
you know maybe we can maybe we can
position it sort of prominently in our
system to get
judges to recognize we have like a
really good FST um I'm not that
impressed with the fans
no they're just basic I mean we've got
you know just got basic black fans we've
got 140 ml oh we we could use another
120 ml but we prefer another one with
some blue LEDs however we did get
exactly three of those which we needed
so those will fit and will look good
enough I'm still okay spending the 20
bucks on that coolermaster it's not
really eye-catching you know I don't see
why we can't return our money do you
want to I was just gonna get some
pictures and we'll just post my post on
yeah like tens lightly ten why don't we
do what bucks let's say 20 bucks -
that's a good case for 20 bucks let's
say 20 bucks delivered I just heard back
from 780 guy he says sorry for the
delayed reply but I'm busy later today
and can only meet Thursday you should
follow other leads if you have it I'm
just gonna I'm gonna like I'm just gonna
beg should I throw in the ten bucks we
just got like said I don't know well you
know what I'll just I'll just beg first
any I'm just saying I have a car and I
can come anywhere I'm gonna fix my
spelling people people like it better
when he can spell okay I've got a guy
with I've got a guy with an r9 390 but
his original post is asking 400 and this
is like new inbox it's brand-new from
RMA I don't know how much he's gonna
move what can we offer this guy he's
given me a number to call so I can call
him now
yeah I'm just gonna turn off the engine
here so right now I had 300 allocated
for the GTX 780 and I had 20 allocated
for a cooler and I had given you $22 for
the rest of your modding supplies so if
we can dress up our cooler we can save
that money
okay but then we can't we pretty much
can't overclock a 2600 I actually don't
even know if it's a 2600 K or a 2600
because that's a K 2500 K with a decent
cooler is going to overclock enough to
make a big difference if we can spend
the 20 bucks on the cooler it is a 2500
K it is an overclockable chip how about
this let's give ourselves
give me can I have 10 bucks to find a
cooler you think I can get a cooler for
10 bucks
okay so then we offer this guy 330 330
for the for the r9 390 I mean it's
definitely we got to have it we're kind
of what's he asking he's asking 400 yeah
and like you and I know but 390 is just
a 290 with some more RAM well if we say
like cash money right now we're down the
street you know maybe yeah that gives
you two dollars and 75 cents for the
rest of the mod so that's enough to
basically buy a couple like pieces of
metal to cover those holes in the panel
that's what we're looking at here oh
actually all I'm gonna be getting is
nuts and bolts I have nuts and bolt you
I could beg for change can we beg for
change on this challenge I'm not sure
dude you've seen I'm not afraid to ask
for a discount so I'm if I have to stand
on a street corner with a cup saying you
know scrapyard Wars
please help whatever I need a GTX is you
know 19 I'm not gonna lie
nitu GJ you know whatever no I'm not
yes I am desperate please help hi I'm
calling about the r9 390 uh yeah yeah
that's right
oh hold on just one second yeah yeah
this is Linus so I am in a bit of a bind
in terms of how much I have to spend on
this I had a GTX 780 lined up
um and that guy just completely bailed
on me and now I'm really stuck would you
be able to do 325 I can come right now I
thought that 390 deal was done until the
guy opened his mouth and goes it sounds
like you are your - from - tactics right
are you doing a scrapper you scrub your
floor's devastated I was devastated oh
great now I can't now I can't buy from
you because it's against the rules
okay well that's unfortunate
okay well hi okay no problem okay well
thanks anyway oh okay
okay bye fortunately Bob had a great
okay what's what's the ruling what if I
call him and ask him the same question
he isn't gonna know me that's true um
how do we get you to call him
can we find like a payphone I can't use
my influence and he has no knowledge of
me whatsoever
that's true he doesn't know that I'm
doing this map yard wars with you he
doesn't know my name he doesn't know
anything I'm Joe Blow just like anybody
else they would call him hateful kiss me
his phone
huh seems okay got Brendan Bob nice for
your phone I really hope the porn way I
really hope he doesn't put two and two
together here hey I'm calling about that
390 that you have for sale would you be
able to go down to like 325 325 it right
you get lower then yeah I'm just I'm
trying to work with your not to be
Bunyan it kind of is I mean I guess if I
if I if I pinched I could probably add
like another 10 bucks so I could
probably squeeze 335 do you do you have
any deeper go ahead yeah go ahead
well do you have any need for like do
computer stuff we have like a an tech
case it's pretty cool that could maybe
throw in or something to help soften it
up a little bit did you need it right
yeah I'm in Toronto my I'm just doing
this my card before brothers in
Vancouver Burnaby and he won't get home
until 7:00 the yeah tonight yeah
tonight could we could we meet up
tomorrow morning Oh today I just I just
gave him a text he says he'll be
available to be who you let you test it
out or do whatever you like with it okay
so today it's fine just letting you know
that it would be later so um so what do
you think on that price of me which do
you think we would be able to do the 325
it would I mean I know you don't know me
but it certainly certainly helped me out
you can put in another key you can put
in another again yeah that's the last I
got I won't be able to eat or anything
but I'll do it yeah how did fifty can i
pickle me back in like my head not
normal okay sure yeah very definitely
okay okay I'll definitely call back
thank you then my name is Bob down to
the frickin wire why is it always down
to the wire
hi hey it's Bob again you got a in a
good place now where you can talk uh
yeah about that uh I just got a email
reply from another guy who's uh want to
buy my card you didn't say it sounds
like he didn't ask about bargaining or
anything but uh do you mind if I wait
for his reply um man how was she'd find
in your heart to just hopefully go along
the tree 35 okay it's just uh I'm
working on a project and it's like I
just read it yeah um so you just want to
hear if they're gonna okay yeah I
understand I'll give him like an hour
okay so if you don't hear back in one
hour do we have a deal for the 335 uh
yeah you're awesome man you are awesome
okay all right so I'm looking at a 6990
that I found it's only $200 and so now I
want to tap into some benchmarks
especially at 1440p since it may have a
limited B ramp and see if maybe that's
an opportunity it's it's actually really
inexpensive compared to what other cards
we're looking at right now
so we just got two cases for free
they've actually got some componentes
this one it's a motherboard graphics
card and a USB card so at power supplies
50 pounds 5fc power supplies we were
able to do something with those maybe
doing properly this I'm sorry I stood
off the ball working with that 12 all me
where's all the computers that were
fully built that was kind of insane I
really didn't expect they were going to
give us that I don't know if it'll help
us at all in the end but it might so
through you may have scored a sign or
not I don't know don't ask questions ed
did you notice the guy said heads all
right when we walked in yeah I was like
so did I yeah I thought it was the other
employees name what awesome
here's on the ground don't worry about
it I'm not too worried about not having
to GPU or SSD today because we can get
that but if we have the rest of the base
system we can start working and start
focusing in on some of the aesthetics
okay so basically the situation is that
we're finding ourselves not having
enough time today
to turn things around quickly enough
right but we kind of saw you guys mixing
paint I'm sorry we kind of saw you guys
mixing paint and doing some work mixing
paint yeah we actually know a hundred
percent we have we did not mix anything
I saw Bob hanging out minuses workshop
shaking some paint can you mean shaking
a paint can what does that have to do
with anything he was getting ready I
don't I don't I don't think we should
get extra time things happened we got to
fight our way through it oh I see how
this is gonna be I wasn't shaking I was
a mixing any pain at all I was shaking a
paint bottle just goofing around but not
actually that's not even what we're
using that's of no consequence to me we
weren't doing any work whatsoever
Wow all right all right well I I see how
this is gonna be I see how this is gonna
be then so so basically my proposal
since we were supposed to have a full
day today is that we should be allowed
to have the time that we didn't have
this morning and we can use it either
today or tomorrow or the morning of
Thursday so that way depending on how
scheduling works out people can come in
early they can stay late or whatever but
we can get that hour and a half back so
I'm like I'm letting you make the color
and let you make the call cuz I'm gonna
I'm gonna put my best and I'm gonna put
my best competitive system forward
either way but it would it would help us
a lot to have the time that we didn't
have and it would probably help you guys
to if you're being honest what do you
want what do you think
I'm good either way I don't want them to
put up a second-rate system so sure I
guess we'll give it to you okay all
right all right sounds good sounds good
okay bye
yeah I think they really need that time
and we probably don't need it as much
but who knows sometimes you do end up
see they're needing the time yeah I will
slowly start cutting windows and all
that fabrication work it's going to take
some time and it depends where we I mean
you don't know until you're probably
down in your last couple hours if you
need that time or not yeah I think I'm
pretty scrappy and can make you know
know what sacrifices I can make timewise
yeah okay
okay let's get that meeting lined up as
soon as we can because an arc r9 394 335
that's killer
so the graphics card guy lives in Surrey
which is really close to the office so
we're going to try to go to the office
for 5:30 and hang around for a little
bit to not use any of our extra time or
use as little as possible and then we're
going to go meet up with him really
quickly and then come back so we can use
maybe like 2025 minutes hopefully or
maybe 30 minutes of our extra time then
still have an hour for later on and have
our GPU hopefully the rest of the day
today we can get an acrylic thing for
our side panel that we want to make we
can hopefully get the system and if
everything goes well SSD and power
supply as well right so we're at home
people we're trying to kill some time so
that some guys can actually messages
back and we're gonna see if we can get a
clear acrylic panel for the window so
we're into a hardware store we're not
really allowed filming inside particular
hardware store
we got an acrylic or plexiglass panel
thing which should look pretty cool and
then we got some interesting paints
graphics card we're picking it up later
on but the system is a worry and the
frustrating thing is so much hinges on
that because it's so many components in
one purchase and last scrapyard Wars I
have a similar thing happened which is
actually why I end up having to go free
geek where I had a system lined up and
then the guy just disappeared off
facing the planet and I had to end up
going to free geek so hopefully that
doesn't happen again because I don't
really want scrapper dwarfs to turn into
free geek is obviously the best thing to
do all the time forever even though it
kind of is because it's just kind of
boring so hopefully we get this system
Oh oh shoot pop it again
leaning up against bush there was a port
of like mid 90s for tailgate I think it
might be aluminum it's pretty soft it's
a chunk of sheet metal and if we use
humano we only need 1820 inches so I
grabbed it and fold it in half kind of
and shoved it in the trunk now it fits
now fits so we went to Canadian Tire got
some tiki torches got some tiki torch
oil and some propane for our other fire
stuff we got whole bunch of fire things
we also got 10 cents and Canadian Tire
money yes
we're set now maybe we can upgrade our
SSD with a can Canadian Tire money
seriously probably worth like twice as
much as normal Canadian money so there
you go so we have our 2 CH a C's that we
got for free and instead of using the
chassis that hopefully we're going to
get with the system we could use the 2
CH a C's and the advantage of that is we
could cut a chassis and decide if
something works or doesn't work and we
have a second chance that's identical
then we could just move side panels back
and forth with or cannibalize parts from
our build is going to incorporate fire
weird we're gonna get this one works
it's fully off it was not there we go
safety warnings but know how to's which
you know if they tell you how to use it
would probably be a form of saving there
you go oh oh my god our fire elements
are actually going very well I'm not too
worried about the fire elements at all
we might add more if anything to be
completely honest is so sick
this one's like puncture punctured I
don't know if it actually has a hole but
it's like it was sorry impacted not
pleasure how big was that flame though
is that gonna do it again yeah but
that's not exactly what MIT was supposed
to have in there that was the whole wake
on fire yeah
do it
Oh coming up
couple cloves pop stuff now I've got
these kind of scallops feel like things
and this might actually look even better
and now we deceptively get the
positioning of the piston so we've got
the fire we want to block the fire
completely so want to be a little bit
offset blame on I think that's gonna be
pretty sick that's awesome so we're
ready to call him back um we're a little
late actually yeah it's 225 can I have
your phone
wait no you called Alec Brandon's phone
okay Brandon can I have you're not gonna
like this text what hey got a reply from
the other guy he says he's willing to
pay the full 400 so I'm gonna have to
take his offer sorry whoa hold on
no we just won the lottery how freaking
badass is that
did he ever confirm that no but that's
what he's getting this 40 bucks
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