More Coverage of Triple Projector 3D Vision Surround Live Event Linus Tech Tips
More Coverage of Triple Projector 3D Vision Surround Live Event Linus Tech Tips
so we've got some more people shown up
to try out the 3d vision triple
projector setup and well why don't why
don't we get a couple people's
impressions who have live seen it has
anyone here seen it yet with the 3d
vision glasses and wants to come on
camera and tell us what they think can I
get a volunteer sure I won't learn
volunteer okay come on over here so this
is Albert mrs. Albert and how far did
you come today to check out the
projector set up not too far not too bad
just from Vancouver buddy I know the
entire city oh it's it's pretty awesome
yeah it looks a lot better with glasses
on with it without obviously yes it does
yes it does Albert so the glasses
meaning you look stupid but they need
prices to look great so we've actually
got one group here although they might
be camera shy yes the girl ok come on
over so these guys traveled all the way
from courtenay bc they got up at what
five in the morning yep yep to come and
check out the projector setup so they
are probably the moat is did anyone come
from further than courtenay bc no okay
so they're the most the most dedicated
attendees of our little event today so
thanks guys for coming up and I think
that's pretty much it thank you very
much so we have a surprise little
contest to announce that our 3d vision
projector triple projector gaming
extravaganza that we're hosting today so
we have at least 10 people here so
that's what I was kind of hoping for
before we do some kind of video showing
all of the people here and the theme of
today's little gathering is one 3d
vision ok so we've got our 3d vision
projector setup we got our 3d vision PC
we have our nvidia surround pc this is
all set up everyone can just sit and
play for as long as they want these guys
have been here for like four hours and
the other theme is also the NCIX pc
vesta g1 which is our cream of the cream
Jean it is featuring the gigabyte g1
killer g1.sniper motherboard and that is
the only hint that i will be giving to
all of our attendees today so each of
you has a chance to win this ghost
gaming series suitable for em a thousand
mice high precision extreme accuracy
gaming mousepad by telling me in
entirety the specifications of the best
of the shipping vesta g one that is 3500
dollars not the one we have here today
with the different video card setup but
I need to know every part in the best of
g1 do I have a volunteer who has paid
close attention during my linus tech
tips videos yes please don't try to look
it up on your smart phones either hey
that means you it has the gtx 590 okay
it has a gtx 590 the g one killer dream
on killer what um Killa what ooh sniper
yeah do you want killer sniper um the
650d it has a 650d case yes it does I
797 d that's correct actually yes
I don't give us gonna hurt ya paid gigs
okay walk more so so far we know we have
the i7 970 we have the gtx 590 we had
the g1 sniper do I have any old ones
take another you guys do I have anyone
who wants to take another crack at it
costs nothing to try all right okay so
we left off at the at the ramp what room
do we have a thing um oh okay ah yes
vengeance oh you're done too okay yes
dominators yes we have more Sara
dominate or memory what how much what
capacity we have in there probably hope
you probably 12 gigs that is a very good
guess because this is an x 58 platform
which our first guest sir su a lot okay
can you tell me what power supply were
using XP ax850 yes can you tell me what
cooler we're using HW cooler can you
tell me what SSD we are moving off of
the 128 confirma coarser 128 gig from
corsair yes we are and do we have a
storage drive in that car park we have a
one terabyte black storage drive and
finally what kind of optical drive does
it use GV DVD Drive oh okay I'll walk
walk yeah is there anyone who has not
guessed yet I don't think you've got yet
ok it has an LG blu-ray burner and can
you remember all of the other specs that
we already went through ok 970
motherboard g1 co snapper g1's killer
sniper video card rocky the exif own
money ok case
oxydo 60d power supply AXA 50 cooler
Rams Dominator 12 weeks do we have
anything else in the system storage
drive yeah yeah storage right here right
back yes and the boot drive gigabyte SSD
for sir oh we have a winner okay thanks
guys okay you can go back to gaming you
guys can go back to gaming and
discussing so thank you for coming to
our little event here and I hope you all
enjoyed your consolation prize of
sunglasses from its active anybody okay
does anyone have their NCIX sunglasses
to rock your efforts okay here we go
here we go okay we got it we got to get
a shot of this everyone's putting on to
set up google I'm gonna go get some I'm
gonna go get them okay I know everything
it's simply been there we go okay we're
all rocking our sunglasses oh that looks
so funny you guys okay so thanks
everyone and don't forget to subscribe
to linus tech tips from our boxing's
reviews and completely random videos
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