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NVIDIA Conference Vlog Part 1 -The Way It's Meant To Be Played 2013

the fractal design define our for case gets featured on the when show bill blogs the week section more than any other case click now to learn more about it alright well it's uh I guess night one of invidious the way it's meant to be played twenty thirteen event I guess we'll start with the tour of the hotel room so I'm staying at the Marriott and it seems to me like every hotel ever has all gotten together and conspired to make it as difficult as possible to light up your room so there's the lights which is here in the hallway that turn on like you know the one near the coffee maker and there's another light switch for the bathroom which is quite nice you know okay but then beyond that everything else is like one here and then like you know another light here turn them all on it's the most bizarre thing in the world to me so tomorrow they're gonna have actually I should just show you guys the itinerary this might be interesting to you who knows I don't know mmm so tomorrow there's breakfast and video presentation in the Grand Ballroom so the game works team and some special guests and there's lunch with the roundtable discussion and hands-on gaming I'm not sure what they'll be showing us exactly then there's a field trip to a surprise location there you go you guys can check this out I don't care and then the Montreal Canadiens hockey game so that's so I'm pretty stoked for that then the next day Friday there's more presentations with even more extra they call these guests extra special as that is that a jab at the special guests you gotta wonder about that all right then we've got lunch and hands-on gaming with new technologies as well as panel discussion Q&A interviews dinner and then that's pretty much it so there's a bunch of more information there I guess I'll show you guys how I've got things set up in the old hotel room so I got my video stuff there video Lucy Blanchett as well as I mean not that they're generalizing about Canadians or anything but a toque with speakers in it so for nerdy Canadians here's a moto X I'm actually working on a review for I really like it so far it's a good size it's got a nice grippy back good curved shape to it really liked it ok Google now I think you're useless and you probably look it didn't even work ok Google now Hey ok Google now wake up yeah not that impressed with the whole voice control thing got my laptop set up haven't decided whether or not I'm gonna do any live streaming from here or not but I have the live gamer portable as well as a micro HDMI cable for the X a 20 camera which is what I'm using now see that guys I apologize for the audio being kind of horrible of a mics facing the wrong way so I got my USB hub never leave home without it my mp3 player also known as my old iPhone that runs iOS 7 which makes everything slow as old balls I mean check that out whoa Wow press the lock button and holy balls kick I'm gonna unlock that okay so I'm locked ok so there's something okay check this out I trust this computer it's ok so there's a gmail feel free to just like go away from the video and come back oh for crying out loud well that's how long it took to even figure out if it had internet connection takes forever here's my little pocket router they don't even give you wired connections in the rooms here you just have to use the wireless fortunately it's not that bad now there's a bad which has more tech junk spread out all over it the USB cable momentum on-ear it's got my in-ear probe SteelSeries got my HTC One which is still my daily driver phone and then my youtube bag ah yes this is cool so this is probably one of the cooler swag items that I've seen everyone was wearing them at dinner tonight this is the LAN hoody 2.0 and it's got like cord locking system thumb drive pocket inside and all kinds of hidden something hidden waist pocket for a mouse seriously they expect you to put a mouse in your hood and I think you can put anything actually this is undoubtedly one of the cooler swag items I have ever encountered so you've got a couple of options for the sleeves it has built-in gloves which is pretty cool or you can tuck those away and just put your thumb through the sleeve I've never actually owned thumb sleeve hoodies before cuz I always thought they were kind of for like I don't know golf girls in high school at least wouldn't me when I was young that was that was the case but at any rate I'm not sure how practical all of the pouches and went on are on here I mean this zipper is not not of particularly high quality and actually moving it back and forth is is extremely difficult but I'm sure they had something in mind the manufacturer of this garment had some sort of way that they expected you to use this and I just can't understand it but at any rate you can put something in there and then you know it's funny AMD halves has an event that they're doing in Montreal at the same time I was thinking about going and checking it out apparently they're showing off 290x and some like performance numbers and stuff but I figure I'm here on Nvidia's dimes so it's probably best to sort of stick with attending their event there's another little pouch right here that is an extremely small pocket I guess you could put like I don't think you could even put a condom in there maybe maybe you could put a condom in there so if you wanted somewhere to keep a condom that you didn't want anyone to find it there's also a slightly bigger one here that looks like more like you could put a cell phone or maybe a mouse I don't know whatever their labeling these things you can fit a hand in there then you got your normal pockets you know we actually have a video upcoming for a Scottevest product that's like a tech vest so I think it's kind of a similar idea to something like this really Wow ok so here's another another little zipper that these zippers are her a little bit sticky I think it's gonna take a while to break this in there's another little tiny pouch there there must be that must be for something so on the right thumb drive pocket okay so thumb drive pocket is at least one of them so it's actually kind of nice looking got some bright green and video stops along if I wanted to look like even more of a walking billboard for tech companies I've got my Patriots shirt on underneath it so over here we see the insides of some of these pockets lined with Nvidia green we've also got some Nvidia logos inside the hood itself which looks a little something like this and on the other side we've got I yes this pocket is accessible with the zipper here and then I think that's getting pretty close to the end of it there's like a headphone wire mesh thing here by the look of things and then I think there's there's a d-ring for keys apparently somewhere I remember where that is okay well without further ado I guess we'll get some sleep in to you guys tomorrow so mr. Stroud over here tells me that he'd really prefer if I'd I didn't jack his style what Blackmagic intensity shuttle it's pretty terrible yeah that's pretty well yeah oh portable and I haven't seen those it's just HDMI and USB we have the a lot of gamers we the live game ranch yeah it's basically a live gamer HD but no but yeah I mean really it was more to do with consideration for the other people in the rooms Wi-Fi connections if everyone was streaming out of here you know those people are good sucker right they would that sucks for them so I streamed quite a lot of the event today but I think I'll take a moment here to just cover what I thought were sort of the the key points unlike AMD's event where they really dropped a bombshell with mantle and video was more focused on a lot of things that they already have and then some enhancements they've made to some of the things that they already have so they talked a lot about game developer relationships I mean AMD's whole messaging at their GPU 14 event was AMD is gaming and they're talking about they're extremely strong developer relations so Nvidia is quick to react to that you know putting up slides of all the game devs that they work with and all the all the support that they give to them and you know hey it's like guys it's you know it's not like we're not doing this and it's not like we haven't been doing this for ages with the way it's meant to be played program one of the things that they showed up that was really cool was they talked a lot about cross-platform in terms of operation and in terms of development tools so they showed dev tools running not only on Windows but also on Linux and they were demonstrating things that they could do in terms of real-time analysis of what's being rendered in within the linux based developer tools so that was incredibly cool they also committed ongoing support for Linux but particularly the steam OS so by the time steam OS launches they're saying yet we're gonna be ready to support it in a big way so that's extremely exciting I know many gamers have been trying to get away from DirectX and windows and and all those things that it feels like are holding us back at this point in many ways if you talk to certain game devs spent some time talking to Chris Roberts at the at the AMD event I was at and I mean he didn't have any kind words to say about DirectX neither did the gentleman who was there from EAS very exciting times and NVIDIA seems to be fully on board to support that they showed off project Logan so if you guys check it out it's their it's their face works demo where they have an extremely realistic looking head that you can have them make different facial expressions and very very realistic looking they then revealed that it was running on an upcoming tiger SOC single digit wattage power usage and running this extremely demanding looking demo to the point where it's like people who are I guess calling me out for saying that this will be the last generation of game consoles that needs to exist in like this large bulky plugs into your TV form guys it's happening I mean in videos upcoming Agri processors are going to make the current generation or they even the next generation consoles look like nothing special so just really exciting if there were a couple new things that they did talk about so flex unified GPU physics is an evolution from their existing GPU physics which can be used for you know calculations for colliding bodies or it can be used for a fluid simulation or particle simulation or whatever else well what flex allows is for those different physics elements to interact with each other so they showed a couple of cool demos including one with water balloons where they were popping them by clicking on them I didn't think that one was that impressive but they had a couple other ones where they were throwing water at at a large grouping of hard body objects and then watching them kind of float around and bounce around off of each other so we're we're looking at physics being able to have not only sort of one thing going on at a time so to speak but having multiple aspects of the physics calculations that are being performed by the game interact with each other so that's extremely exciting and then the next thing they showed off with GI Works which I joked during the livestream I was actually live-streaming during a lot of the event gastrointestinal works no not at all it's global illumination so what this is is it is an elegant way you take some of the work out of what the game devs are doing they showed real-time demos in Unreal Engine of how you can adjust the the fineness you can adjust the intensity of the way that the light bounces off so you can either have stronger shadows or weaker shadows or you can have shadows and under large bodies like cars or even down to minut details like under the door handles of cars and they even shown a demo where it was I guess it was museum simulator 2014 anyway they had dinosaur bones and they were able to demonstrate lighting them in very unique ways so they had some TVs with Nvidia logos that were kind of casting a green glow over everything and then they had lights that were actually within the room itself casting different lighting effects on it and what it is as instead of programming a bunch of light sources into the scene game devs can instead just rely on this real-time global illumination so that is lights bouncing off of surfaces the way that they realistically should to provide realistic lighting without faking it at any stage so that's that's extremely exciting as well so I think that's gonna be pretty much it for my part 1 vlog of this event tomorrow we're expecting some extremely exciting stuff to happen so stay tuned I'll probably live stream tomorrow and for now I'm off to tour the Ubisoft studio but I had to sign this NDA before I go so I can't I can't tell you guys about that and then I'm also heading to the hockey game tonight so peace out as always don't forget to subscribe planners tech tips from our unboxings reviews another computer videos another minor detail and videos holiday bundles have been announced so typically in the past we've seen maybe one game or a discount or a free to play bundle or something like that on Nvidia graphics cards not so this time around we're getting Splinter Cell blacklist Batman Arkham origins and Assassin's Creed Black Flag with gtx 777 80s and titan so you're gonna get three games and $100 off an Nvidia shield making that a $1.99 a piece of hardware to augment your graphics card experience now $100 off shield $1.99 I can guarantee they're not making much if any margin on that so is that a desperation move I've heard rumors that a shield isn't moving as well as in video would like or is it just an attempt to get more shields out there so people can get them in their hands and talk about how great they are around the holiday season and hopefully spur on some sales later hard to say what exactly the strategy is there but it's probably not a bad idea either way and then the second down tier is going to be gtx 760 gtx 680 670 660ti and 660 and that Splinter Cell blacklist as well as Assassin's Creed Black Flag and $50 off an NVIDIA shield one thing I think we can all agree on looking at this is it's shots fired at but never settled but settled bundles that AMD has been running lately
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