
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

NVIDIA Has LOST Their MINDS - The WAN Show Dec 28 2018

um you know but actually okay here's the thing about taking time off it's off of work but it's actually more tiring yeah so my body has kind of a like a rhythm I guess you could call it like a schedule yeah where the instant that I am out of the office like off work I get sick yes yeah yep yeah I get absolutely the exact same thing so so we were we we the Linus media group team anyway sorry bro get rekt the Linus media group team had Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday so we actually had six days continuously not in the office most of us some one person opted to stay in and hold down the fort which actually ended up being really helpful some massive shadow to Alex P anyway but anyway within two days of those six I was like sick as a dog the fourth day I basically spent the morning in bed and then I'm recovered enough to come to work today because that's just the way my body handles things it's like well you don't have to work so surely you have nothing better to do than to just like recover or something the problem with that theory is that we had all kinds of things to do so over the six days I spent two of them watching my my two kids two cousins look so we had five children in our house six and under five two of the days I was on a staycation which sounds great when it's just you and your Esso but is more complicated when you have three children and you also intend to go up to grouse mountain and go sledding and stuff you know with a 6-4 and two-year-old yeah I had three Christmas dinners so there was my wife's family and then my family and then my other more different fragmented part of my family my family is like pretty cool and then like I'm sure there's other stuff I was I was I was supposed to get together with you last night you were supposed to just like bro out yeah but apparently your Christmas time off was aside from not being off just sort of generally horrible to - yeah we've had a lot of health issues in the family so you're good right yes I don't have the sickness thing this time which probably because I kept working cool it's the same kind of thing we're when I go to a show if I get sick I'll get sick the day after the show will be sick for the weekend and then we'll be totally okay to go back to work my body's like it's okay we're gonna flush all this out Saturday Sunday we're good Monday you're good to go no problem oh man I ate something weird last night and like didn't agree with my body at all but I was like I don't think I'm actually sick and then by the time I woke up I was like yeah I don't fine yeah was it Turkey it was actually chicken it's a bad Turkey but it was it wasn't it wasn't like salmonella bad chicken it it was just like I don't know I just didn't like it for some reason interesting yeah all right so we've got a great show for you guys today presumably I haven't looked at the dock it's great every time also I just got logged out of my Google account I hate how that happened I was just looking at this dock it always happens mid-show anyways RTX 2060 is apparently gonna have six variants Wow just in case we needed a little bit more confusion there Chinese schools are enforcing their kids to wear smart uniforms which is that's that's talked about that for a while there's an iOS update that disables cellular service on the 10 R and 10's obviously that's not on purpose and I need some help this is super cool what do you mean he needs me oh yeah no do that one yeah I need some help um I built a DIY battery out of 16:50 sells and I'm a little bit stuck on why it is bottoming out at what is it three point that's about three point nine one volts per cell in my RC car so I was hoping that you guys might be able to help me with that could it be explained by one of the cells not being in I don't think so because I've already know what we'll talk about in more detail so it was weird it was collect the weirdest injury tell you what happened okay so I was playing badminton and I didn't do anything in particular like I was just moving or something like it wasn't like on a like a dive shot like I've hurt myself pretty badly diving for shots or like doing whatever but it was just a totally normal thing but I was playing sick but not like really sick not like coughing or anything like that like I just could have had kind of fatigue and I felt weak like you ever have Devvarman kind of like wake up and you're not feeling well with our jerk days I'm like your whole body's just like yeah you you would go to crush like an aluminum can and you're like wouldn't be able to do it like just your muscles are weak and like it's just kind of weird like you just feel slow and things like kind of hurt yeah so I fuckin like that and it felt like what happened was I just like the muscles weren't strong enough to hold everything together and it just kind of like popped funny and I've got kind of a history of joint issues particularly with my knees and so it's been a little disconcerting that it's taken this long to heal because that was over a month ago but it is continuing to get better and the answer seems to be even though it hurts when I like when I go hard on it like with my with my right leg I can go all the way down and lift all the way up no problem with my left like that's really really hard I was actually gonna say you probably need to do quad exercise and it hurt a little bit but the thing is that the more I keep just like doing my normal things that I do like taking stairs two at a time I always take stairs two at a time and just like all the normal little things that I do you know stretching I see blah blah blah blah blah every morning I wake up it feels a little bit better and a little bit stronger you know there's this like meme going around kind of yeah I think I think it's not really a thing right now actually but it was like you're you're like a better person if you take stairs two at a time so it's funny that you brought that up I always take stairs to the time it was like it was like a thing for a little while but anyways yeah no I I he's more of an efficiency that's that's a big part of the point and like how it's bit more it builds muscle more and stuff but okay I had any problems for a long time working on quad something for me especially you brought up the like it doesn't feel like the muscles are strong enough to keep everything together yeah Nisei voices in your quads okay I can I have this book so baby it was a leg injury it might be Oh interesting what there's been nobody ever trained in any of this stuff I have no idea but I have a book from a doctor who's into this stuff called the supple leopard and it's also like keeping yourself prepared for physical activity and preventing problems and all this kind of stuff interesting and it's like big and kind of a textbook thingy but it talks about all the different parts of your body and that's where I got a lot of stuff for fixing my knees and it was successful so maybe I can lend you that book or something alright well you have to be after the book of short stories by Roald Dahl that my sister gave me for Christmas oh okay I actually I'm not sure if I'm gonna read them you know I read through a lot of his stuff with my kids and some of it is utter horse crap oh like it is not not all of his books are very good James and the Giant Peach is a stupid book and you know that's been an experience that I've had going back and reading these children's stories with my kids Stuart Little is trash is hot garbage why do you white had one good book in him because Charlotte's Web is a masterpiece yeah but Stuart little it's just about nothing there is there's just this rat that like is in this family for some reason and he does some stuff and then it's over nobody learns anything nobody develops there's no real explanation given for why the hell is he there what are we trying to accomplish like you just he's in like a Bose Bo trader race or something and it's got like all these nautical terms in it I'm like I'm reading this out to my kids and I'm going you guys have any idea what's going on they're like yeah I think it's a boat race and I'm like yeah me too and it's like really detailed and stuff and I'm kind of sitting there going like no this is good why is this a children's classic I I mean maybe they're just worried maybe books weren't as good back I remember Stewart little at all at least maybe that's part of the poverty it's terrible it's the one about the mouse that no it's like it's funny because their last name is little and he's little I guess okay all right sure I don't know sounds good our people upset people are upset but you don't like Stewart little they're upset I'm not surprised little not surprised because that's that's something they would have been attached to from when they were kids which is something people are very defensive well like he Mouse I know it doesn't matter I was using a denigrating term for him okay because I think he's a little poo head I think he's useless um like welcome to Harry Potter no no no no no no Harry Potter holds up very well hey the movies who earlier movies a little rough the third one's fine but there was a really awkward period in cinema in the early 2000s yeah when CGI was good enough for people to want to play with it all the time and to be cool but not good enough to be convincing it was a bad bad time honestly early two-thousands was cut okay so I had never seen a Mission Impossible though okay have you ever seen a mission of mine yeah yeah but not recently okay so I was like I want to see the Mission Impossible movies so I watched missing at Mission Impossible 1 having actually seen a few episodes of the classic show but a long time ago so I was like familiar with the base covering technology and that the message will explode or whatever we used to have on our we had satellite TV and we used to have like this old timey channel that had all these old shows so and you know the funny thing about it is that with the way that the programming stacked up on some of the the channels that had new stuff that you wanted to watch like Comedy Central or whatever else we had American satellite TV was awesome with the way that the programming would stack up if you wanted to watch during an off time this like classic shows channel was one of the best ones because it has primetime crap from the last 4050 years yeah yeah um so it would have like I Love Lucy which is actually a great show holds up very well at least when I was a teenager I had so I had like I Love Lucy had what's that really good one with Archie Bunker Edith bunker all in the family all my family like just like these older shows and and it they would so they would show Mission Impossible from time to time anyway the point is I watched the first one really enjoyed it a little bit unconventional you know there were some things that were a little bit hard to follow along with but I was like okay cool this sets me up well to watch the next one the next one was terrible I couldn't even believe it I was halfway through the movie no I think it was 45 minutes in and I was I turned to my wife I was like hey so I guess like the plots starting now so that's cool maybe we're gonna go somewhere from here tussin it's like it's everything that was bad about an 80s action flick except it was made in like 2001 I think that's why people liked it though it reminded them of the older so here's the thing sometimes that can work um damn it possible - let's find out what year that was mm okay so here's the thing it was actually the biggest commercial success of the series in spite of getting panned by critics yeah although people say that at the time people were quite a bit more forgiving um and in spite of just just you know it's it's awful and I okay maybe there were things about it that were a little bit more groundbreaking at the time but I mean it was directed by was this the one where they have the fake faces Mission Impossible is that yeah it was directed by John Woo okay you don't know who John Woo is okay here hold on a sec you yeah he does of course he does who doesn't know John John Woo no okay did you ever see face off no but I've seen parts of it okay whatever the point is lots of doves flying around lots of slow motion that doesn't really make a ton of sense lots of like flying kicks through the air so like a very acrobatic yes sort of plot is less important than style approach he mostly does Asian films I haven't seen any of this yeah no no no you wouldn't have you wouldn't have heard of most of this stuff like there's okay he's worked with chow yun-fat a bunch anyway the point is it the movie seems to be more about Tom Cruise's hair and how majestically it flows in the wind okay and less about any kind of advancement of plot okay spoiler alert not that I'm saying anyone should watch this movie anyway so spoiler alert here comes the plot there's some MacGuffin that sure is bad yep and there was a guy trying to transport aforementioned MacGuffin in his bloodstream it's a diseased MacGuffin okay okay so he's like okay so the plane he's on gets hijacked he dies they steal the MacGuffin but oh no it turns out they only got half of it so stuff was actually happening at the beginning but none of this is really explained because with the aforementioned face covering malarkey yes it seems like Tom Cruise is actually the guy stealing the MacGuffin up until he rips off the face we have no idea who this guy is that guy is and he just kind of takes off you're like okay but like stuffs happening okay so all that happens like the first five minutes over the entire rest of the movie literally all that happens is they wait am I getting the am I getting the third one and the second one confused now what the hell does happen in the second one right okay so he convinces the guys X to help him seduce the guy who like has it and then she gets in with him but then he figures out she's working with Tom Cruise and then ultimately he captures her and she takes the MacGuffin which she has now for some reason during a firefight injects it into herself and then there's like this weird car chase and then Tom Cruise and the bad guy literally joust with motorcycles leap off their motorcycles collide in the air nice and then fist fight to the death nice and then they get the Cure from him because he had the cure but not the disease and then they cure her that is two hours of cinema and Tom Cruise's hair is just wonderful the whole time yes like one point his stylist must have had the hairspray no no I'm not hairspray because it was too it was too beautiful for hairspray yeah but something I don't know what product they were using in his hair but if they could bottle that and sell it that should have been a maenad like product placement to the whole film just like Don Harden he had a comb no he had a comb he was like right out of thing the entire time guarantee yeah yeah um should have been the first person on the credits list I don't remember what I was talking about anyway so the third movie is been directed by what's-his-face Star Trek and Star Wars JJ Abrams yeah Thank You JJ Abrams so I forget what I was going with this but these three movies have the least in common like thematically like they own the style that I had ever seen in any sequels at all they just have nothing to do with each other so the first one is kind of like a spy thriller there's almost no violence okay the second one is just like people punching each other endlessly and wonderful hair and then and wonderful hair and then the third one plays kind of like your your bog-standard modern action flick like it's it's it's it's sort of well shot like artfully shot but it doesn't try one said where did Luke get his shirt oh that's funny well we should come back to this I'm glad you asked well I just thought that was really good time or not timing but it's a really good question on LTT that is one of the newest designs it's called constantly constellations it's not even expensive and if this guy not bad where is it and surely you could also wear it yeah and it looks really cool and like neutral so it doesn't look like you're super shilling for a brand but there's a little LTT on the back and it's hard to see on me but if you zoom in on him you can you can see an LTT so it was very subtle like connected stars thing going on this guy barely looks like he can get out of bed in the morning like look at him if we zoom in on his pupils he's probably high no yeah we saw eyes I think the first one I did was this one so I think this is the one that's the worst cuz they're still the most dilated oh yeah that's amazing that's not the point I'm kind of done talking about Mission Impossible anyway I don't really remember it but you didn't get to the so the first one's not very spy based someone's action and great hair yeah what's the third one the third one is just like a modern like it could just as easily be a bond or Jason Bourne movie okay it's just like so it's very yes okay but not that much lens flare like I didn't know one thing that I will say that they did is not high a much better job of in the third one and this is something that I think is really hard for movies and gentleman in general so we're actually getting a kind of into an on topic discussion oh I knew we were gonna get there we've made it how to handle having high tech in your films without it immediately dating it three years later when someone goes to watch it and they go oh that's silly so the first Mission Impossible has this great scene where they're talking about like you know if I'm gonna be involved I'm gonna need all the great hardware you know I want those prototype laptops with the 686 s and I went holy crap this was made at the time when the 386 her 486 was the top of the line and everyone just figured Intel was gonna keep calling them number 86 like whoa so technically they had laptops with unreleased processors yeah never got released yeah maybe never got made but they also were never released and that was something that the third one did a much better job of because satellites were and will continue to be a thing that tracks locations and can get imaging more stuff but it'll still be a settling but like it'll still be a satellite um whereas like the kind of the kind of hacking that you see in older sort of tech centric movies drives me just oh okay but have you seen hackers I actually still haven't you keep telling me to watch it it's so good because it's so bad but they like know that it's so bad and they just run with it and that I can appreciate when they try to play it off is like this is hardcore and totally real uh yeah yeah but when they like we're going through the data and you're basically like flying in a ship through a city of like columns of floating text and they're like where's the file if they have to like find it and they're like oh man that that I like that of that is fantastic when they're like Kay showing real hacking is super boring so we're just gonna make it very obvious if this isn't real and have fun with it that's cool speaking of movies that had fun with it I finally saw already play right for Gibson okay haven't seen it what do you think you still haven't seen it no I read the book a long time ago but I haven't seen oh okay there were some obvious flaws okay I've actually heard very mixed reviews so I mentioned there were very obvious flaws like they they had a lot of fun with the the idea of people in VR looking like complete idiots in real life okay do you care about spoilers no cuz I've read the book okay cool so during and guys I'll be pretty vague with this so during some kind of situation where a lot of people are charging in one direction okay you probably know yeah but pointed I there's there's a cutaway where they show the real world and everyone's in the real wearing their headsets charging down the street right yeah but okay yep so they conveniently ignore that and there's so there's one part where someone gets like hit by something this is very early on someone gets hit by something and that zeros out their account or whatever and they fall backwards off their couch in the real world and it kind of goes okay but what about the preceding five minutes when they were leaping around that wouldn't have worked in this living room so they like they took artistic liberties they had fun yeah the aspects of the concept that were convenient when it was convenient and just ignored it otherwise see that's probably fine but it seemed self-aware enough to me that I was okay with it yeah they also they I think that something that some people whether they like to admit it to themselves or not probably did not appreciate about it is that it did poke fun at gamers okay in a pretty if you are if you are even remotely capable of reading the subtext of a book or you know an email or a movie you're like you're pretty aware of it like the badass guy that's like the enforcer and this is again this is very early on the actual person I'm assuming the actual person has like kind of a chronic neck thing and like so is probably not in great health but like lives in this escapist you know dream world where he's like the keeper of the mighty artifacts or whatever yeah and so it's got kind of a it's got a scent of you know the South Park World of Warcraft guy okay about it yeah and the whole movie does okay things I liked they casted just normal people which I thought was really cool the love interest is a like moderately attractive normal chick and the guy the the hero is like I actually can't tell if he's moderately attractive I have kind of a hard time yeah with that she's not repugnant like I can I can tell that her guys seems to usually be like you're kind of fine yeah I can tell as far as I could tell he was just like a pretty normal dude apparently she's supposed to be apparently she's supposed to be like super unattractive in the book so very quickly yeah the best they could manage for that was she has a birthmark on her face which is interesting so my daughter has a birthmark on her face which if that's sort of the Hollywood standard for really ugly I guess sort of has a bit of a personal personal meaning to me apparently the lead was the oh sorry one second no worries okay apparently the lead is about as attractive as me so that's a shame wait no that's okay okay all right um anyway so so I I forget where I was going with this so I turned my brain off and had fun for okay two hours okay but I can do that with movies but like I kind of went into it with really high expectations because the book is really famous technology enthusiasts and gamers we don't really get a lot of movies people are upping you now there's like they're upping me what's up mean why this is attractive um yeah it's finite I don't care I'm married already like the yoke and harness or whatever is already on both of us for better for worse yeah um so so right we don't get a lot of movies so we got like that Tron movie there was that Warcraft movie you mean nerds gamers nerds in game yeah yeah yeah yeah we don't get many good ones too because that's yeah a lot a lot of movies made around what is happening guys are you pranking us oh that's the notification okay okay I'm so confusing a lot of movies based around games just end up being super horrible often times not often - yeah have you heard of put that one director you ball yes yes I think he's made a lot of movies based on games yeah right so that's like a problem and if we could stop doing that that would be great but like yeah a lot of them are garbage okay so we've got people in chat that are making arguments for good ones wreck-it Ralph was fantastic I haven't seen the second one yet yeah that's any good yeah but then I'll watch almost any animated movie from DreamWorks or Pixar and probably enjoy it um there was another one here that I thought was really important to bring up bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla okay Alex Jay hasty over on floatplane says we get Marvel movies no we get a Marvel movie they're all the same movie and I really like them I watch them ok for one yes but Marvel Marvel movies if we're talking about see there's a little bit of a mix between movies for nerds and movies for gamers but also I would like to add in there Marvel movies are very borderline for nerds yeah kind of for everyone there they're action movies yeah like there's there's narrow also for nerds for sure but like there and am I am I missing the boat here or they're not actually a ton of inside jokes I've yeah I've seen some reference and stuff I'm not super deep into comics there are a few superheroes that I know like probably a disproportionate amount about check but not a ton and yeah I don't see a huge amount of them there's some references like I know in the Deadpool movie that's that's one that I know probably a little bit more than average about I know yes an average of but most of them I did notice a few things for sure yeah but they're usually handed to you right yeah it's not even really a reference it's just like this is something in the universe hello here it is very clearly so J on or however I pronounce this as Marvel movies are for nerds kind of like the Big Bang Theory is for nerds in that nerds will get the joke and they'll know the characters but like it's more of a mainstream entertainment product that was sort of built on a thing that was traditionally for nerds I think that's a bit of an extreme example because I know a lot of nerds that don't like Big Bang Theory and I don't know a lot of nerds that are like Marvel movies are too mainstream and stuff I know a lot of nerds that are like Marvel movies are all exactly the same and really boring no Big Bang Theory though has the issue where it kind of crosses the line into offending nerds a fair bit that's what I'm that's what I'm kind of trying to say but it's it's for nerds in the sense that like I get all the jokes yeah yeah yeah but then like so does my mom Silicon Valley is awesome yes Silicon Valley is awesome I actually haven't seen anything since what's-his-face behaved like an idiot and got kicked off the show I sat in an Austin Evans house and watch like the first two seasons but other than that I haven't seen any of it I've only seen the first two seasons okay so you know what we should really do our sponsors for the show yeah as much as I'm having fun talking about absolutely no tech news we're gonna sponsors and then maybe we'll do some topics sure and I am having this teriyaki premium beef savage jerky jerky made with the best ingredients without nitrates or preservatives with a goal to create a snack that is full of flavor and spice that isn't bad for you I know Alliance and I especially like their barbecue sauce the barbecue sauce is really nice barbecue sauces anything Moho is good the maple buffalo bacon what hey Colton can you me Colten golden we need more maple buffalo bacon yep we need more maple buffalo big yeah mo jalapenos my favorite one but they're all like legitimately really good there's 13 different flavors which include sriracha bacon maple buffalo bacon and other ones that we've mentioned the Carolina Reaper which we don't have but we have the ghost pepper one uses one of their hottest peppers in the world and this weekend only that's the hot sauce by the way this weekend only if you buy three or more bags of jerky and use offer code holiday swag it chosen all caps here some I'm not sure do know all caps just in case you can receive a free swag bag and a sample bag of Moho for free honest at sample jerky dot-com or savage Jericho sorry - definitely savage jerky dot-com not sample jerky BIA mm-hmm okay he's pretty cool and stuff I used it yesterday because I was trying to book flights and I was turn it while I was booking flights they upped the cost by a hundred dollars and I was like were you able yeah either way uh no actually really it didn't work that time do you have experience of it working in that scenario yeah but I think the reason why the cost went up wasn't my own searches it was that I tried to buy the thing so many times I was trying to buy it on Expedia and it failed on checkout six or seven times and then it went up by a hundred dollars and then later on it worked so that is known in the biz as a new purchase elf own cell phone yep you self-owned oh yeah kind of but it's there no cell phone but it's their site not working that was the problem so I'm kind of kind of cheesed about that do you clear your cache yeah yeah yeah yeah it was all I did all the things that work I think is because sample jerky dot-com is this own now hold on just a minute here it's available no way sample jerky dot-com yeah that won't be there long no whatever you do do not go there oh goodness yeah it's gonna be a bad scene I guarantee it or someone's just gonna buy it like link it to the forum or something that seems to happen for you yeah sometimes we get white nights sometimes we get less white nights yes we did already talked about it yeah also the Ltd store guys you should check out my cool shirts like this one yeah check out our dank new merch we also have cable ties and all that kind of good stuff yeah um Oh John John oh says yes I am working on getting you more maple bacon thank you very nice please get a big box this time yeah you should remind users to move their floatplane subs from the forum to floatplane site wow it's really interesting that you brought that up thank you that's fine I'm just gonna read it no I know you didn't someone in the flow plane chat was being very helpful and reminding me so yeah we are not going to be doing floatplanes subscriptions through the forum there has been some questions about this if you are a bronze silver or gold subscriber you're fine you have your own little loophole you don't have to do anything everything's okay just relax you're good if you are subscribed there are some steps that you need to go through those steps will be in the description of the video on YouTube and you can also find them if you just go to the forum and go to the like lmg official section or whatever it's actually called anything cell ng LTTE official section and then there's a pinned post called full plate subscriptions and migrating to full plate comm there's a step-by-step process it goes through everything you need to do if you are a yearly subscriber there is also a step where you need to give us an email but you need to do all the steps before that which include canceling your subscribe subscription on the forum and there's instructions on how to do that creating or signing in to your flow plan calm account subscribing to whatever creators you want to support and just watching cool stuff because you you just paid to do that if you are a yearly subscriber you also need to send us an email because then we'll grant you whatever roughly whatever amount of remaining months you had left on your yearly and on January 31st if you are currently subscribed on January 31st you are getting free two months this is to help this is to give people a little gift for dealing with the annoyances of needing to cancel and re-subscribe somewhere else and it's to cover whatever amount of little bit of subscriptions someone on a monthly might have or for yearly subscribers who don't currently have a yearly optional open com unfortunately it will be coming very soon but it's not there yet so that's to try to like make that a little bit nicer of a transition because your these subscriptions right now it's up to the creators but the only one that had one was limas media group and the way that they did it was you were basically paying for ten months instead of twelve so the two months gap you know see how that works it makes up for that for now so in the end you're benefiting regardless of what situation you're in you're not losing anything we had a bunch of emails how people being like does this mean I lose the month's unread nope nope nope nope you're being totally taken care of everyone will be gaining free subscription time so yeah it's all good so check out that link and move your subscription over to flow playing comm because we will be killing all current subscriptions as and we will not be allowing them to renew as of December 30th or 31st around there depending on what time zone you're in so yeah check it out do it up send us an email we have been getting a lot more emails than we suspected so you might not get responded to absolutely immediately but Joe and I are on it pretty hardcore so you should get a response fairly quickly and yeah there you go so the r-tx 2060 is rumored to be coming this comes from video cards calm look we're doing an actual tech topic hey someone already bought sample jerky don't comment I see that this looks like it's going to be just about the most confusing card to ever whoa and this is an old world where what's it called that stupid one that am be just in the RX 580 2048 SP or whatever the one that's basically a 2070 overclock yeah this isn't a world where that exists so the r-tx 2060 not to be confused with the rumored GTX 1160 both of which will occupy that mid-price tier is rumored to be available with six four or three gigs of memory and it can be either DDR 60 ddr5 for either them so gigabyte according to an entry in the Eurasian Economic Commission is preparing 40 r-tx 2060 graphics cards because you gotta remember cuz you got your windows and your ARS and you got your gaming and you got your like whatever other series and this is just gigabyte remember EVGA they're the kings of taking every card they have for the win plus oh yeah OC s Oh super oh no C 0 C plus for the weight kingpin edition uh so this is ridiculous this all this does like we have been railing against confusing naming schemes for a very long time over here oh my god all this does is create consumer confusion like there's a few here that we need Mini ITX sure do we really need a GD dr6 and gddr5 version of that is it possible that gigabyte is just covering all their bases here because I know that what we would see sometimes is particularly might be there might be like Oh like PC part picker whatever always recommends like one of these types so they don't want to get left out of that type mm-hmm so they're just gonna be every type so we're gonna build a PC subreddit or the building suggestion build planning yeah - actives for them all these guys are gonna kind of like glom on to a type-o it's the best value if you get like this much RAM in this type of ramp so they should buy that kind they can create the skews now and then just focus on whatever is working later yeah so they might not end up making a ton of each one yeah but I think I think they'll shift Manufacturing's or whatever one becomes a major thing this is insane though like that's this skew mess around this is gonna be nuts and if you're not super into computers this is gonna be a big problem the other issue here is that one of my problems with manufacturers calling different products pretty much the same thing because they're all r-tx 20/60 all they had to do was make the GDD our six ones twenty-six ETI or something salmon jerky redirects to savage jerky guy that bought it is a cool dude that's fine and sample jerky calm redirects to savagery you don't know that's hilarious thank you very much so all they had to do was call that one a TI or something yeah and then they can go okay now it has either three four or six gigs of RAM but it's GI people can't get - I know yes see guys not that bad see guys okay it's been around for a while people are used to titanium yeah it's pretty cool it's hard yeah good titanium it's hard yeah yeah yep but this all this does is make it so that the only way to differentiate one card from another is through the manufacturer part number something that very rarely even ends up in a product description on a website so if you're looking for reviews of the r-tx 2060 you might find a review and we've seen this strategy you might find a review of the r-tx 2060 GDD r 6 overclocked thing because that's what the manufacturer is sample - all the press and then you might see that and go well that can't be that different from the 3 gig gddr5 not overclocked one but the thing is that we might be looking even if that performance delta is only like 10% 12% 15% let's say it's somewhere in that range you look at how compressed the stacks of technology products have become and those are completely different products now 10% difference in performance is not the same product anymore and it's very frustrating to me that we got the same name assigned to both of them now to be clear I don't blame gigabyte for this I blame no vidya for this yeah 100% because you please just trying to cover themselves and be like whichever one of these goes gangbusters we need to be ready for it if I was the product manager at gigabyte I do the same thing yeah I'd be ready to go with all of it really frustrated about it but I would do the same thing I know this is just yet another example of invidious arrogance like they just don't give a crap like the amount of extra headache and cost that this adds for their partners to have to support all of these skews it just doesn't make any sense because the thing about it is that you'll get this price sheet and the manufacturer already knows they already know which ones are the focus models just get rid of the other stuff why are we doing this yeah I don't I gave you so sorry talking about this a few years ago so this was pre RGB this is back in like back when they were doing that weird gold thing with like that kind of tacky yellowy gold which is funny because that got like really hot shortly after it anyway and I was like I was telling them look you guys sell like three boards okay in the mainstream lineup let's say leaving out orangey you've got your - a or like your your blank one so your P whatever chipset name D a or just with nothing yeah you got that one then you've got your whatever Pro which is usually that one with like a couple features like raid support or something like that then you've got your deluxe which is your Cadillac board everything else and there's obviously you need a micro ATX phone or whatever but all the other ATX boards and there would be like nine in the lineup would sell drips and drabs and those three are moving the vast majority of the volume and I was like look wouldn't it be a better idea at this point because this was at a time when NZXT was starting to take off as a case manufacturer and they were like offering like all these colors in their cases wouldn't you be better off just taking like the two boards that sell the vast majority of your volume the pro and the regular and just doing like four different colors of them at this point I mean people are buying motherboards more based on fashion decisions already and this was exactly five six seven years ago yeah people are buying motherboards more based on fashion decisions than based on performance and features anyway because there's no differentiating left anymore so why not just give the people what they want give them a bunch of color options because back then if you wanted blue and black you bought MSI if you wanted green and black you bought gigabyte DF I was dead already so there was no orange and black or yellow and black and then a Seuss was generally like kind of that weird well this was the gold era but before that it was like that weird powder blue and then they had white and then they also had black I mean everyone kind of like moved past that cuz they're like yeah we'll just RGB illuminate everything and then it's not really a problem but ah yeah I I kind of agree with a lot of that I'll do it at the end and like wasn't one of the problems with this too is is like I kind of understood for a while when they had skew differentials between RGB and non RGB because you could legitimately save some money having non RGB options and there's quite a few people I don't think it's I actually can't even tell I don't necessarily think it's the majority right now but I think there's a fair amount of people that don't really care yeah and would rather not pay for it there's that subset I know it exists I don't think it's not if I yeah yeah but like I understand those skews as well so like do you have those differentiators for these you already have like 40 that's gonna be a really hard thing to push now it's gonna be really hard especially because unless you have like a reasonably deep understanding of PCB design you're not gonna be able to tell the difference between a Strix and rog and gaming and whatever else so it's all just kind of sold on these sort of weird features like ultra durable whatever that means yeah yeah and like I I honestly think Nvidia is attacking their own base here because this is gonna make buying an nvidia product really really confusing buying an AMD product not not confusing and buying a console the most understandable thing there is I'm not even like I know I know I'm sorry but like actually a big part of the reason why people don't like buying computers is like I just want to play a freaking game cross-platform play is much more popular these days Xbox is literally just a computer now you can use a keyboard and mouse on it if you're like wow I really don't have a ton of time to like research the stuff and build my own thing and now buying it even buying a graphics card from one brand if there's 40 different options for one type of GPU like what the heck just get me whatever that'll work I don't know it's interesting I often allow myself to forget how overwhelming learning something all new can be yeah so I've recently been learning about DIY lithium batteries why I wanted to soup up my kids power wheels but also I was just interested and so I've learned a whole bunch of stuff it's better to spot-weld it you lay them out like this you need to make sure that your bus bars run in such a configuration welding mmm nope okay I will oh I actually just got my roll of zinc which I have to verify is actual zinc because a lot of the places on like Aliexpress or whatever we'll sell you rolls of zinc that are actually just zinc coated steel so what you have to do is you have to rub it put it in with some saltwater make sure it doesn't rest make sure it's actual as ink so I've got that anyway so the so the one that I showed I think I sent it to you they send you by your DIY battery yeah okay so that I made just soldering and soldering 18 650 cells is not ideal because heating them up is bad there's like this very thin membrane at the end of the cell that if you damaged and it can be easily damaged by heat can basically cause it to fail which can be really bad because it's a lithium battery so the problem with my battery well there's a couple problems with my battery anyway I just met I just I wanted to see if it would work as as a pack for my RC car because I wanted to go from 2's to 3s which basically just spins the motor 50 percent can wear out your gearbox it can wear out your motor but I don't really care the mode the motors already kind of rat bagged anyway because I was driving around in the dirt and I got some like Sam's stuck in it so like it sucks not to a place in anyway and the gearbox I'm not too worried about 3s as long as you don't hit the throttle too hard it's not a problem so anyway I just wanted to just prove a concept know if it weren't so I grabbed a power cord that I could just sacrifice that I didn't need stripped it grabbed the copper and it's stranded copper wiring which I didn't see coming but I was pretty annoyed when I get better I wanted solid solid core but in whatever it doesn't matter it worked so I grabbed this stranded copper wiring and I made myself a battery pack out of it that's pretty and I couldn't use my own stranded I couldn't use my forgotten Bruce and like my rosin kit because it'd be too bulky to fit in the car so I was like okay I'm just gonna do this like proof of concept and so the the reason okay so the other problem is my my joints are really cold they're cold solder joints which means they're like kind of lumpy like it didn't completely melt properly they're not as strong but the reason I did that was I didn't want to heat them up too much and this was just like proof of concept these are cells that I harvested from a failed battery pack from the Tesla Model S Radio Flyer ride on so I left it out in the cold or something cuz I forgot it in the garage and a couple of the cells failed so I ripped it apart and then just check the voltages all them like a couple of them died but the rest of them were all still well within normal margins they were at like 3.9 - so they were very usable so I made a pack out of these kind of disposable sort of and I was sort of tinkering with them anyway so the end game is to spot weld so you use zinc strips and then you you spot weld but it's it's so funny because going into this so I've learned a lot already but then now you're not getting into you're not getting into like batteries so much you're getting into like spot welders land now so there's a whole new like thing I got to do so there phone case you can okay like seriously - but even just making it even getting to the point of spot welding something you can by spot welders but they're all kind of designed as far as I can tell like the counter top ones are designed kind of with a specific purpose like they have a thing and you like hold something up to it whereas all the guys that are DIY in them out of like car batteries and capacitors are on an arm that you can make your battery out of so I'm kind of saying here why doesn't that exist as a prepackaged thing maybe it does but it's probably on eBay somewhere and are they reputable I have no idea everyone recommends building your own but no one actually has look it's all itemized here's exactly the thing out of the let's say 40 bloody part numbers here's the exact thing that actually works exactly right for you so I'm like I'm on this whole new journey of discovery now just to figure out how to spot well the damn battery together and I don't even know if it's going to work well so this comes back to helping me figure out what's wrong with my battery so I actually have a draft post because I still needed to check a couple things over on ARMA forum whoops there you go so configure this 3s 3p charge voltage reads correctly about twelve point six volts but the car auto powers off after just a few minutes with the battery at and I needed to double check this that's why I haven't actually posted this yet but it's somewhere in the neighborhood of like eleven point eight volts which is not low enough it should hold for much longer and so I know enough just enough like it's just enough to be dangerous so I know that you know when a load increases you can get a drop in voltage but I have a hard time imagining that the pack dropped in voltage so much that it would that would trigger the low voltage protection in the car that keeps your lithium batteries from from over draining themselves and becoming damaged especially because I'm running a 3 s pack instead of a 2 s pack so I have 50% higher voltage in the first place it's not like the balance leads actually connect to the car so it has no way of knowing how many cells I'm running unless it just assumes based on your initial voltage that you want to go down to some value X minus y okay so I thought maybe this is like a V group issue but then why is it that out of the gate I can I can go hit it yeah and it's fine oh no no that I'm sorry that wasn't the issue there could be a Vedra tissue right the other issue was I thought maybe the individual cells I'm tripping they're over current protection but then out of the gate why does it work fine and then why does it cut off late might be there might be over current protection like lag almost I doubt it I doubt it too because that would generally be heat activated and the way that that works is that it won't work again until you cool off and I'll have to do is unplug and replug and it goes okay yeah and these ones should be fine for Hydra anyway I pulled them out of a ride on car like right it's theoretically should be fine this is just a little RC thing anyway one thing the chat brought up and I would bring up as well is look into maybe that maybe there's like a spray foam solution or something but like fire production from the batteries oh I charged in and insulated they're running oh I don't care if that car blows up I give exactly zero FS all right oh hey blueberry Wow there's one blueberry okay I'm good thank you oh so now it's just my problem to get rid of it I traded I traded three minutes of my time for one Tim Beck anyway what's up this guy says lithium cells can only provide a few amps no it's not true there's lift themselves that can provide quite a few amps yes I know that the in polymers are lighter they're also more dangerous I don't really want to work with them I wouldn't want to work with them either they're sweet lipo is awesome but yeah are we going through super chats um no I mean maybe I don't know I don't know we done I kind of think so really crap we're done yeah um should we talk about the smart uniforms like right max I'm down yeah RC mail this is originally from ABC you this is amazing eleven schools in the province of I have no idea how pronounced that qui zu Cui's out sure sure have introduced smart uniforms embedded with computer chips to monitor students movement to prevent them from skipping classes skipping classes are leaving the classroom without permission triggers an alarm GPS tracked students movements even beyond the school's grounds alarms will sound if a student falls asleep in class parents can monitor purchases their child makes at the school and set spending limits via a mobile app as students enter the school the time and date is recorded along with a short video the parents can access via a mobile app and facial recognition ensures that each uniform is worn by its rightful owner how the what facial recognition yeah so if you walked past a sensor that reads text the face gotcha the two chips inserted into each uniforms shoulders can withstand up to 500 washes Celsius an amazing amount of washes that's a lot of washes last cuz you're expected to buy a new uniform every year if it's a private school okay so this is scary yeah yeah Wow okay you have kids so I'm don't - like discount myself here but I'm more interested in your feedback okay so as a parent when they're still minors I'm comfortable with myself having this information yeah their school should absolutely not yeah because you can't control who at their school can see that's right that's the thing that worries me I'm not a parent but my thing is like I have no clue who has access to this and oh boy who they're sharing with not anonymous obviously yeah and I don't I mean that's a huge security thing to trust cost of tracking on your kids is a very crazy security thing to trust time's just it's something where they can track you through your Facebook or something yeah yeah anyone yeah just anyway so the thing is that Ray is this really any different from what already exists I don't know I don't have to like it I think the act of facial facial recognition thing is different yeah that's different detecting if you're asleep that's different so there's obviously some kind of like biometric monitoring going on here like there's some pretty next-level stuff here and controlling spending I know that's like in the parents hands that's great but that's probably also controllable somewhere else so someone could just like turn off their ability to buy food and water we've got another good one this was originally posted by Charlie on isocell on the forum and it's from futurism dot-com excuse me a Walmart patent filed earlier this year describes a system capable of using audio data captured by sound sensors to determine a variety of performance metrics for employees basically they patented listening to every sound in their stores so it can listen for noises made by shoppers it can determine how long a lineup is based on the distance between noises made by guests you can figure out the number of products purchased by register beeps the number of bags used by crinkling sounds heard also listens to interactions between employees and customers and customers and customers that's definitely gonna happen you can figure out whether your greeter is actually greeting the guests Walmart says this patent is a concept that would help us gather metrics and improve the checkout process by listening to the sounds produced by the bags carts and cash registers and not intended for any other use but the patent also includes a notification that the system could be altered in any number of ways including to listen in on shopping activity throughout the store Wow oh yeah and Jack Black has a gaming channel on YouTube how did this make it into the news alright so thanks for watching guys we'll see you again next week same bat-time same bat-channel oh one more thing is horrible what's that - purr chats oh right and super chance something about their shirt in Austrailia Wow for all six two dollars they paid to ship it say they bought like your punches oh wow dang okay you guys are too dedicated clearly pop says I build editing workstation choose the i9 7900 X because of higher PCIe lanes what's with the new stuff having 16 lanes on i9 any drawbacks it's just the mainstream platform versus the high-end platform that's how they differentiate it these days number of PCI Express lanes and number of memory channels frankly they don't really affect performance much you probably got worse performance for your dollar but it's sort of too late unfortunately someone else in chat can confirm got the shirts I'm assuming that's the Australia but I don't actually you know who's shipping the shirts right Patrick everything just keeps coming back Oh Andrew is it Andrew bishop that you're saying yeah okay cool that's the two shirts please add wedding shows as a podcast to Spotify I mean nobody listened to it on four years four years I got a support request to the full plain email please it's a different company but I got I got a support like like the guy who mainly monitors it literally has no affiliation with - actives I love you Joe but like he doesn't work for like I've never met him you have but you don't realize it personally yeah but I've never since he started at floatplane media you never like sat down and like I have never talked to him yeah so yeah so like then you're actually SEP they're actually different homies anyways we ought to support requests asking someone was asking if they could listen to the LAN show then I was like yeah so people still don't know like we've been doing this for years but people have no idea no it's just no one seems to care do you know what though do we know what the viewership is yeah no it's like it's like a few hundred people per episode oh that's like four for us yeah well yeah people don't know I think part of it is no one uses Spotify anymore right that's why they're kind of dying unless you're like oh wait no sorry everyone uses Spotify nobody's a SoundCloud anymore unless you're a rapper speaking of 400 people being nothing but these days with a stream earlier today that on top of the viewers on Twitch and floatplane of which there were some thank you for fixing that by the way hooray that was Yuki thank you that 63 thousand viewers on YouTube live live viewers absolutely destroy saying it for a while every other record YouTube is the future of streaming stuff oh yeah maybe not gaming I don't know if they're gonna figure that out but this is me unboxing a gaming computer yeah like I did not clickbait it that was exactly as advertised sir okay I called it unboxing the God of gaming pcs yeah have you seen it no it's a digital storm event MX yeah does it like create other computers I don't know how to they were surprised do they LEDs only turn on every seven days really heavy it's like shockingly heavy it weighs as much as the mineral oil PC like easily why what's in it a lot of water oh so it is water cool it's water cooled oh yeah yeah yeah a lot of copper like it's just really really cool do you mind doing me a favor and heading to the LTX site we haven't done an LTX update theoretically there's a new blog update every week LTX expo dot-com we're gonna find out if we know what's redundant Stephan Colton are doing their job wait what wasn't this already up last time yeah 21st yeah that's last week dang it you guys can you go sorry this is the FL fired fire wow wow fired now Wow alright there's no anyways update this future updates will be on LTX Expo calm yeah / updates but yeah I mean you can just go to a website we're gonna see you guys there by the way you would highly recommend that if you're thinking about going book your flight now we've gotten a lot of really good feedback from people that are like yo thank you for telling me the dates so early it was a third of the price of last time like literally a third of the price so it's way cheaper you don't think we're gonna run out of tickets well it's a big venue you know what it's gonna be interesting because with the dreamhack element as well there's sort of an x-factor there we actually don't know how many tickets are gonna sell for this oh yeah yeah oh yeah it's not gonna be like sold out in three minutes or anything like that yeah and we're gonna do multiple waves of tickets so if you are coming then get your fight flight and hotel looks like there's no real reason to not do it now all right is that it someone in chat said plane ticks are not a third of the price maybe for some people maybe from some airport and maybe you should do some airline maybe you should be using PIAA maybe should be hey Dan think of that maybe the airline you booked through the site you booked through whatever thinks you're a fluid some wants to make it more expensive yeah so VPN to a less generally affluent area and you might have more success jonno asks if I want a skid of maple buffalo bacon I'm gonna go with no yes that would be no yes streaming streaming should we return the Walmart PC for refund or have them send us a fixed version I'll return it for refund are you gonna make another video I don't know you wanna make another video then sure hmm what was broken well it's just like dumb like I think they're just like fixing it oh yeah return it for a refund then because it's not gonna be any different still gonna be dumb should I make another video that you wouldn't be able to do it to like mid to late January though at this point we've got seats yes I still think why why do I get these emails like these kinds of emails are the ones that give me a headache for an entire weekend at 5:48 on a Friday Colton Potter sends me an email declined new channel do we have plans of doing another one in 2019 or is that still up in the air thanks Colton Potter why does he do these things to me I don't wanna think about that I don't care about him being stressed out all weekend how is that my problem why is it my problem no I don't want to do a new channel yeah he's gonna be like gonna be like look how successful Tech linked is we should just copy-paste that you know it's not that simple Tech linked it had a host already it had a format already all we had to do was like would play connect the dots it was paint-by-numbers slang home give it a home you know we hire Steve and even that was a nightmare we hope the awesome errs command center heck yeah gamers that's wonderful they like to start references and we're losing we're losing viewers at an incredible rate incredible rate okay speaking of speaking of things that are my problem oh yes right if you have questions or you're having problems or anything like that with the flow play migration come check out my stream I'll be streaming tonight switch on TV slash look on the scribe I'm imagining like the annual migratory movement of the float planes across the oh my god like when we're bigger and we like maybe have someone who can do that kind of stuff that would been really cool to like have a post and have like make it look like a migration of float planes that would have been awesome but ya know we're still really small that's okay at our time working on getting bigger matter time babies yeah there's there's been some really good feedback also if you have feedback or suggestions you can come bug me about it too but there's been some really good feedback people have I had at least one person say they're watching it from India and it's working but it's like not the greatest yeah we don't have an edge super close to there and I've had a couple people mention that recently so we will be looking into getting something up a little bit closer to there I mean at this point like honestly I'm down to kind of spin up as many just get them all over the place one thing that we're working on is one thing that I'm actually gonna have a person that I'm not naming yet who's sort of joining the team maybe ish working on is the automation of doing that cool yeah okay so they don't all have to be manually done and we're gonna be working with a different server provider to spin up someone's in areas that we don't currently have access to well we've already started working on that but we want to automate it and stuff so yeah it's coming along I can imagine with our edge map right now that India is not doing the greatest and there's a few other areas that I've heard that feedback from as well so we're definitely gonna work on it all right see you guys was asking his handmade all right I posted the chat oh oh crap I forgot to put things but stuff hooray
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