
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

NVIDIA Sept 2014 Media Event - Epic 20 Minute Vlog!

so this is the place where nvidia is putting up all the journalists for the event that i'm attending right now this is kind of cool they've actually got live trees growing inside the hotel lobby which seems like a good idea until you're walking around on the inside of a hotel lobby and it's autumn and there are leaves all over the place still super neat though d skills new Ripjaws for series is their ultimate ddr4 memory with speeds of up to three thousand three hundred and thirty three megahertz available click now to learn more so i've been talked into going on a sailboat something I hadn't really intended to do but we've we've got a couple hours to kill so wish me luck definitely a different experience I think I'm late for the bus I think we're all supposed to be like going to the aquarium or something feels kind of like a elementary school field trip as far as I can tell this is kind of like the NASCAR of fish except we turned to the right and thus begins the aquarium to her so this is interesting we thought we found one that was going against the flow but apparently they're just all gonna turn around now and I'm sure I'm an idiot for asking this question but where the hell are they coming from there must be a trick I walked up behind this guy kind of going why are you looking at these tiny little things they're stupid and then noticed they're things like glow and flash and stuff check that out freaking cool apparently these are sea gooseberries because the gooseberries glow alright now we're talking no more jellyfish now we got like sharks and stuff and they expect us to pay attention to graphics cards now selfie with the shark the Sharks going that way oh my head's covering it there we go check this out look at all these fish on the bottom sure don't like that shark ma che oh here come two more here we go and if my camera can focus that'd be great Wow it's a good thing this isn't a beauty contest to be featured in here turtle time now I heard there was a movie about these although he moved a little faster in the movie hate to break it to you dude but that's a blue wall alright so I got back to the room and it looks like the hotel finally managed to drop off my care package so we'll do a short like package unboxing so to speak first thing inside is some kind of nvidia clothing they're hiring me no no I don't think that's what's happening no they're just trying to completely take over my wardrobe so just a little subtle Nvidia things that's pretty nice actually alright what's next hmm dunt dunt uh shield wireless controller a shield tablet cover and there is the shield tablet so you get the whole shebang tablet cover and wireless controller this is like the secret piece of paper with all the embargoed information on it Hayes from monoprice look at that so presumably I cable of some sort okay so that's mini HDMI to HDMI so that you can use console mode and then we've got you a nametag I'm from Linus tech tips yeah and finally a lanyard which is presumably for the nametag not bad not a bad haul yeah I make haul videos now or something that's where you like make a video in the hall blam all right so it's the morning of day 2 and I would feel and look a lot better if I hadn't stayed up so late reading all the comments on the 1 million subscriber awesome celebration video but of course you know still leave comments I will read all the comments on that video they've been very uplifting if you haven't already make sure that you're entered in the giveaway over there giving away a gaming PC a surface it's gonna be pretty sweet so now I finally get to go downstairs and hopefully there's still some breakfast left there supposedly serving it for another 20 minutes so we've got some breakfast and then I'll find out why we're actually here it's presentation time all right so the presentations are over and it's time to go and play with the demos so naturally that would be done in the ballroom it's kind of like the baldhead you know cuz you play maybe there's guy thinks he's allowed to be in my video I don't even have a signed release from you I'm not putting you in my video not from you but not also didn't ask permission from him it's alright so here is where all the crazy magic new tech is going on they've got a couple demos from oculus as well as presumably some of the stuff they just showed us so let's go let's go have a look at the demo stations so today was bananas some of the stuff we learned about wasn't really new but definitely stuff that I didn't have nearly the kind of understanding of that I now do so now it's time to go have like dinner on the beach or something like that so that's pretty cool and then tomorrow is another full day of presumably more stuff so I made it to dinner and we've got like the most colourful chairs in the world at what seems to be like a pretty cool party speaking of cool guys Scott from the tech report and I caught him off guard here a little bit I think hey cool party we've got some prizes to give away but Rises you say here in the sand is that right Kelsey yeah you want him to have anything you gotta be down here I was told this guy is like the one-man party I was told in the video neither the real athletes here am I right Lord oh yeah baby and I got a lab mic on alright alright idiot so guys your job is to make these guys vote for you so ya gotta do something funny that's gonna separate yourself from the rest of the crowd no no I can try well that's okay with me wait somebody else what everything you've got into it okay from Canada everybody okay let's get the guy from Canada right here Kelly you come on out here - we're gonna have a UH what do you think if I twerk will more of you vote for me I bet you're awesome but it's Kelly awesome job I'm glad they didn't say yes chin up now chin looking good guys are you I think you're at a bit of a disadvantage I actually just walk right in good search and then we're gonna let you go again pretty let you go okay we got another guy down alright you get a no chance he didn't spill a drop buried up come on up here bro get a guy in the blue shirt he'll help bro she's going down you can't hold the stick okay if he makes it he is our champion is our champion come on now guys we all gotta help him out a little bit boy he is down she gets one last ride I think we got a champion and Ike I try one more time all right all right well that was totally totally worth it you really listen this is my prize right stick holders fantastic stake holders those were all yours to eat brother so the so beer pong we got kicked out of the hall here and evidently it's just been set up outside because that's a sensible thing thank you for that so for this this is this is the plan now the table in the middle of the sand all right so it's the last day of the trip and we're gonna be doing a kayaking soon I had the second day of briefing that of course I can't say anything about at all and I'm just trying to get some sunscreen so I'm at the Walgreens here and huh okay well apparently this is not a store entrance so it's time to go on an epic journey so an interesting thing I realized while I was here is that I've been calling unassuming I've been calling the cheese wrong all this time I call it Monterey Jack and I think it must be Monterey because everyone here pronounces it that way the soldiers were making fun of me for vlogging I was gonna tell them off but they're soldiers I didn't you know back when it was film I can see why one-hour photo was impressive but now that they're just printing them is that brilliant achievement so I'm looking for SPF 50 and there's not a whole lot of options there's a lot of spray-on ones there's a lot of like for babies and for kids and then there's like this one for $13 or I can buy Hello Kitty for nine I got one of those left and I think that's what we're doing and now I'm running late of course I'm vlogging about it forgot my credit card so I had to go back again for my Hello Kitty sunscreen directions oh no this is great ingredients just like two things in it purpose sunscreen love it just in case I didn't know that purpose sunscreen so I'm on the bus and we've got some interesting characters here with me did you forget we were going somewhere no the only thing geekier than a bunch of computer geeks is a bunch of computer geeks in like wood sale yeah nice and that's a nice sunscreen application technique you've got going on a Demetri yeah well it's better than you what you got going on I don't know what let's learn how to operate the paddle intently you want it to go with the flat side into the water not the other side so I think I can handle that but the part about not leaning out of the boat I think I might have a little bit of trouble with that so see how this goes we've been instructed to hold on to the kelp to stay still we found a sea otter you're not allowed to go within 50 feet of them so this is I think about it but he's over there I've been assured that he's over there I'm about to turn it in the wind all right well evidently these are not naturally white rocks those are those are Boop rocks fantastic there are some harbor seals way out there can't get too close though apparently it's they come near you it's okay and there's a couple guys right eat here I don't think you're gonna be able to pick them up on camera hey kind of see his head they're cool so my excursion ran a little longer than I had kind of sort of thought about or expected so I'm out on a kayak I booked it back to the dock I my my tendon kayak partner oh my tandem kayak partner has to come in and help him get out of the boat and he goes out on his own and I run back to the hotel right after I arrived they sorted it out and found me a new flight so I'm not in a hurry at all so I guess the good news is now I get to have a shower before the flight all right so my skin's still wet but I that's on account of having just showered not actually being sweaty but I have a philosophical dilemma for you guys what is cleaner the pants that I have already worn for two days or the pants that I've only been wearing since this morning but that I was just running in okay and making the decision even more difficult I removed my belt and all the things from my pockets and didn't mark which one is which so now it's just a crapshoot a new piece of information in pants dilemma and the great pants dilemma of 2014 these are the ones from the other couple days oh maybe it's these ones whichever ones have a bunch of sand in the pockets from the hula contest are the ones from the other day so now I have to decide somewhat damp but obviously not damp enough I could tell the difference between them but no sand in the pockets to get into you know places I think I'm gonna go with the the Wet Ones with no sand yeah we have a decision all right so this is at the end of the trip I actually had intended to shoot my last bit not on my phone but on the camera instead but I realized as I was going through airport security that I had my lavell ear mic in my shirt I'm like wired up with this then I was like oh crap this looks weird so I quickly threw off I can put that back on in the airport so that's it I hope you guys enjoyed this travel blog and help you're looking forward to whatever it is I was doing here
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