
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place


alright ladies and gentlemen welcome to the web show it's a joke what was look that's that bit there that I just didn't oh I mean no going to answer no no there it is the land show and we are welcome there just aren't any ladies oh we've got a great show for you guys today Intel is rumoured to be working on core i9 processors so wow that's been what seven years in the work since the original rumors maybe this will finally be over four cores on a consumer done Nvidia announces the first well what do we call it we can't call it a video card because won't even have like video output but but it's a it's a GPU okay first Volta GPU it's the biggest they've ever made and what else you got here I don't know where it went but maybe that's part of the whole deal there's all here it is there's a NSA derived ransomware worm but it's just going everywhere and screwing huge companies over and it's it's scary and bad and we'll talk about that also where did it go the UK police start using Minority Report SK I to help decide the fate of inmates really apparently all right so let's roll that intro and hopefully the world is still here when we come back no guarantees though horn huh forecaster there longer than you oh yeah LTX 2017 tech carnival pray get conned on Saturday July 29th 2017 tickets on sale now that Wow really what a good link we decided not to shorten that at all what is ticket rocket dotco slash event slash detail slash nine seven two four six /l TX - 2017 if you can remember that heck yeah yeah cuz it's gone Squarespace what is dot co I mean I know don co dot uk' but what oh wait hold on alright oh wait no no everything for the show is over now you played it twice oh crap okay well thanks for tuning in see you again next week okay but in all seriousness we have some huge news now that James underscore gravity but at James underscore gravity on Twitter is off probation he will reply to all emoji sentences with an emoji sentence only tweets from now till Sunday count I guess this has been creating problems for him actually getting too many people sending nonsense with with his at tag added also in other very under anything to do with being on probation he just as excited I get it okay I get it I mean were you excited when you were off probation you didn't have to check in with your officer anymore I don't think I you know officially had well did your mom even know about that she watches the show doesn't she oh yeah I know she I didn't tell her about that sorry mom we'll talk about that later I had other important news - I forget what it was though I guess it couldn't have been that important oh yes brandon has brought the world's most horrendous snack into this office oh he brought so he pulls me over onto a set to do like a and this is okay this is not a sponsored bit no this stuff is trash complete and absolute trash nongshim you should never produce no now get out of here Rasch okay sorry I'm covering you out so fresh no trash cover it up haha Oh rude so he brings me over there to to do like a like a bit Furby roll he's like look relaxed look lazy so I'm sitting on the couch it's Mike my bag of what is presumably actually food on my on my tummy I go and I grab one I throw it in my mouth I'm just like but I swear just about tossed it these are disgusting okay so there's a concept there's a concept that I call here why don't you want you want you grab a couple for throw in your mouth will get your your dressing area okay okay so there's a concept that I call I actually learned this from my old boss at NCIX I don't smell as bad as they taste called calorie worthy hold on can I have the back there's some nutritional facts on these things so it's one thing for something to have 20% of your daily fat intake per 50 grams and there's another thing altogether for it to taste like absolute garbage at the same time okay to be fair like they don't taste great but they just don't taste like anything or know how you had a strong reaction you don't taste like I can look like rotting ocean I got and your breath is gonna be like I think I smell like that Haitian Savage I'm not going to have any more because I don't want to scare people away from a block away but like I can smell it really strongly now that off yeah but like it tastes like like really really really thin Airy rice crispy or not rice crispy uh what are those called it's made out of rice crispy stuff I think like rice crackers yeah yeah so tastes like rice crackers with an infusion of rotting shrimp yeah a little bit absolutely disgust but it's not super strong did you gag on it almost almost gagged definitely had to spit it out I didn't try to swallow it like I didn't I didn't have that reaction oh I cannot eat that trash that horrible all right the smell the smell the smell turns me off victim oh that is not a good smell okay um this was originally posted by kamesh SS on the forum Intel is rumored to be working on wait what but for mrs. so this is a non tech form okay right Intel is rumored to be working on core i9 processors so let's go ahead and pull up this exclusive post in the anon tech forum by sweeper the Diamonds member and oh whoops it helps if I plug in my laptop dang it No Go Diamond member do you have a diamond members down card yeah rock hard Diamond hard the hardest no there we go okay that's better um so this is the rumored skylake X lineup Koro 979 20x whatever that means karai 970 900 X so apparently all have a nexus that's 12 cores and oh oh oh all extreme it are they all like so everything core I 9 is extreme setting sense to you know you know what though what I'll say is these specs actually look like they make a fair bit of sense I don't know about the names but 12 core 24 thread based on what we know about skylake and its improved power profile versus Broadwell that probably makes sense for a new Extreme Edition and then this generation they went okay two cores down and otherwise mostly unaffected with really good you know turbo speeds or whatever so as a as a so we've got a 69 50 X and we've got a 69 hundred K right now so these look like the replacements there we got a 12 and a 10 core which is cool more cores I'm never going to say no to that then moving down this is where I don't like it but it starts to make again a lot of sex core that's an X though yeah so it looks like they're changing it so that anything h EDT high-end desktop so that's LGA is 1366 11 2011 3 and then I forget what this one is going to be but it's the one that's coming it looks like those are all going to be X and all going to be core I 9 now so these next two down which will probably be like the the $700 and the like 500 450 $500 one look like they're going to be eight and six core with only 28 PCIe lanes and with the six core really getting kicked in the teeth as far as turbo boost goes so it's not getting a job go 3.0 this is all rumored though and then this is a fairly weld substantiated rumor that we're going to get a like a KD Lake X on the high-end desktop platform that and I don't get these skews at all like at all but they're basically going to be higher TDP core i7 7700 KS at 70 Core i5 7600 K that are called 7740 that you have to have a much more expensive motherboard in order to install same PCIe lanes same size cache 4 cores 4 threads for the i5 or I guess it's an i7 it's an i7 with no hyper threading but I'm finally going to measure it what I'm finally going to have even notice that on the bottom one I'm gonna have to redo that video now and then for course 8 threads on the on the ice on the actual i7 that's that yeah I don't get this so I don't know if you remember this but back when Intel split the lineups so LGA 775 was the last time we had Extreme Edition all the way down to Celeron on the same socket yeah then what happened was Intel launched LGA 1156 so that was Linfield and what happened with the LGA 1156 was that all of a sudden we got this wait hold on let me think for a second was in 1156 first or did they launch 1366 first oh I might be getting myself into trouble here sorry what's that it was 1366 first and then what happened was they launched 1156 and then they we said we got Linfield and then we got what what was it Ivy Bridge after Linfield no Sandy Bridge Sandy Bridge was the first one who switched on the Sandy Bridge switched it up right and Sandy Bridge was on the same platform as Linfield ah dang it I'm getting my Intel history mixed up you know what why don't you do another topic well I double-check this stuff okay and then we'll we'll get back to I'm pretty sure everything John de Soto's right though I am I am too but I also just want to I couldn't really hear them very well anyway and if I just put it in front of me and then I will feel better sure a lot of these are like either big topic yeah okay very Nvidia releases GeForce experience 3.6 that's news apparently posted by the dark potato shadow play now supports additional rendering API is including OpenGL and Vulcan and the usability has been streamlined apparently allowing easy uploads to Facebook if you wanted to do that twitch and Google from an improved overlay but probably still is taking telemetry data to a certain degree and still requires a full login to use so I will still continue to not have it on any of my computers so it's not going to help me at all okay okay here we go yeah so L so LGA 1366 here we go so we had 775 everything was unified we got LGA 1113 66 which was this bonafide higher end platform it had triple channel memory it had more PCIe Lane my dad still runs it at some point later on it ended up getting up to six core processors which was pretty earn dope AF as the kids say in fact the core i7 980 X I believe it was called here we go that one launched q1 2010 so I believe that came out right with the platform launch as I recall anyway so bonafide higher end platform then we got Clarkdale and Lynnfield on LGA 1156 then what Intel did was they gave us the consumer upgrade to that which was Sandy Bridge first before giving us sandy bridge-e on LGA 2011 if I recall correctly again oh wow I really hope I'm not making another mistake did we get sandy bridge-e on 1366 this is terrible this is the worst when show segments that I have ever done I have very to care about these ever done no time well it was my job to sell it so so it definitely yeah so we got time we got in a hail um and then did it that it did it - that is it wow this is this is incredibly unhelpful Microsoft unveiled a Windows mixed reality controller thing Microsoft has announced controllers to support new mixed reality and VR headsets coming from the likes of Acer and HP the controllers will rely on inside-out tracking technology so you won't need to setup any special sensors around your room in order to actually use them they have a thumb stick like the oculus touch a touchpad like the Vives and a1 like design with a tracking ring on the end I don't think gonna be able to get this on stream Acer will offer them bundled together with its Windows VR headset for a $100 premium ya know I do I have you oh I see give me a second yes we got this there so they look kind of like a hybrid almost I'm sting okay they sort of look like someone was like hey were the new players maybe if we just wedge ourselves exactly in between we'll see if we can do okay because they look they look like vibe controllers that someone tried to like wrench and octaves controller on - yeah if they're light they could be pretty comfortable they gotta get the weighting right and it's hard to say like if the base of the handle would had kind of some heft to it like if that's where the battery is yeah and I could I could kind of see this I could kind of see this being okay okay so anyway yes um go back for one quick second oh yes and here's pictured the Acer VR headband oh so I've talked to Acer about this right now dev kits only they are not seating them to press but we are definitely interested in getting our hands on one of these can check out at the Acer event that I was at in New York Microsoft like head AR guy came on and was talking about how this headset is apparently actually pretty fantastic yeah so I don't know I mean it's a keynote so like who knows yeah it could be nonsense but there you go there's someone somewhat credible who came instead of thing that might be believable yeah um okay okay okay so yes I was right so sandy bridge-e went on to socket 2011 and that happened after we had gotten Sandy Bridge architecture on the mainstream platform anyway the whole point of all of that was the rumor the word on the street was that for LGA 1366 it was rumoured that in addition to the core i7 9:20 9:30 and oh I don't want to get this wrong I don't remember if the 950 came later whatever whatever the launch lineup was they were all core i7 the rumour was that there was going to be a higher end core i9 okay and that never did materialize we did get extreme edition dual socket platforms but Intel never formally called those core i9 those ended up with names like I think was core i7 97 75 was the end of QX no QX 97 75 was the end of actually that was on LGA 771 so what was what was what was the one after after Skull trail I think it was just window trying to find a new gap so after that so you were basically just expected to put Zeon's in them as I recall correctly so EVGA SR 2 so they had the classified SR 2 it was dual 1366 but people basically just put Zeon's in them so there you go that's what that's what went down there um so finally core I 9 is raising its head again and maybe we will see a core I 9 but maybe not I've also seen other rumors that have suggested that it's just going to be more core i7 but I think that would man that the lineup is getting so confusing here yes if there's any truth to this rumor whatsoever it's gonna be like what is a core i5 you know what though there's another way to look into this uh-huh this is very good for us this is fantastic for us it is terrible for like almost everyone else but like us and Paul and Khalid Demetri and other like tech YouTube people fantastic written article people great so everybody wins xx that for all of the consumers okay well I guess I'm okay with that because we're gonna have to make videos explaining what the hell is going on is probably going to be a tech rookie video explaining what the heck and i9 is I'm gonna have everything I'm gonna have to completely redo that video jon is going to have to completely redo that video a big explanation of the technical overview of these processors when it comes out is going to have to be like okay what the heck even is this you can check out the tech rookie video but here's a short explanation Bill Dubois alright let's get into we actually don't always talk about you know the security exploit du jour on the land show just because you know there are other publications that I think handle that kind of security stuff a little bit more in depth than we don't with than we do yeah we're not going to dive into it but this posted originally on the forum by master disaster the original article here is from ARS technica is sort of a big deal okay jappa knowledge bomb Luke here we go so there's a bunch of different things going on with this I actually don't know enough about it to be completely on it but if you want like springboard points wanna crypt or it was spotted a few weeks ago the ransomware was not really distributed that much and then suddenly wanna crypt door exploded and began spreading like wildfire through an export called eternal blue one thing that's freaky with all this kind of stuff is a lot of it's derived from NSA tech and it's ransomware so big companies are getting hit their servers getting locks down encrypted and the key is being sold to them for I believe it's like three hundred dollars but then who the heck knows if that even works yep that's like the core concept of the whole issue and it's being distributed like a worm so it's spreading extremely fast hitting a ton I think it's one you saying he'll learn more countries for the viewers who don't know that's a really kind of a big topic okay that's why I mean thirty second sort of a worm versus like opening an attachment on your computer it's going to try to grow itself and it's going to try to travel around and expand by itself it's not it's not like a targeted attack they're not going we want Linus tech tips servers I'm going to try to hit this dude with it why are letting it try to crawl around on its own got it so organizations in at least 74 countries have been affected with Russia being disproportionately affected followed by Ukraine India and Taiwan it is spreading at a rate of about a hundred IPs per minute now there is an insane amount of IPS out there but that is really fast they're demanding like I said about 300 to 600 dollars paid in Bitcoin unsurprisingly by May 15th or if you miss that deadline they're all apparently be a higher fee by May 19th and the message is left on the screen say files will remain encrypted it's not clear if there are flaws in the encryption scheme that might allow the victims to restore the files without paying the ransom little unlikely I'd say according to an article posted by Madrid based El Mundo 85% of computers at telefónica Spain's dominant telecom are affected by the worm although that has not been confirmed rua Wow so basically um I set up snapshotting yesterday I hadn't gotten around to it yet on the vault yeah um so that's a thing so actually I guess this leads us to a pretty good discussion I guess around how to protect yourself against ransomware yeah so one of the ways we just dos the pathway is what what a shot snapshot is good but you it would be very helpful if you saved snapshots on a service that wasn't always connected there because it's a worm so it could just potentially encrypt both of them then you have two ransomware machines um okay so the way okay so okay okay okay so let's back up a little bit snapshotting what it does is without without creating a completely separate copy like snapshotting a 70 let's see how big is the vault right now 160 terabytes is how much data we're actually using right now snapshotting a 160 terabyte share by duplicating it would be super dumb yeah like using up 320 terabytes of space do you want to have another copy would be bad yeah but that's not how it works the way it works is it actually only logs changes so you have the original one and then you have logged changes after that that's right so let's say I deleted a one terabyte folder from my 160 terabytes that means then ok apparently the National Health Service was affected and lots of data has been lost Wow lots of patient data Wow ok ok so back to back to how to protect yourself okay so what snapshotting does is let's say I deleted what a one terabyte folder from my 160 until I reach the end of how long I want to keep my snapshots so you set up a profile like say for example you snapshot every hour for 24 hours and then every day for 7 days and every week for 4 weeks that would be a pretty typical sort of load out and then every month for 12 months people might do something along those lines so until that terabyte folder that I deleted reaches the end of all of my retention sort of setup that reaches all the ha1 big thing to pay attention to here is if your snapshotting everything yes you want to make sure that whatever you're putting it on I was going to explain that but my brain is dumb ok ok ok ok so total space on disk if you don't get to get rid of stuff you've deleted until after it's like falling off the end of how long you retain your snapshots there that's what I was going for well I did send clearly unqualified Thursday so basically the way that it works on our servers is that the snapshotting is done on the ZFS pool level and then the way that the data is actually visible over our network is through a Samba share so we are snapshotting the pool so the snapshots themselves are never actually visit of all - anything that is connected to our server via the network so that's one way that you can be couple your snapshotting solution from computers on the network that because it's a worm and it spreads over the network could otherwise infect it and encrypt it because if you think that you're keeping your data safe just by having it on an as that is not the case at all something that gets actually not right now something that gets on to your computer if that computer and that user that's logged in on your computer has write access to that share it can do whatever it wants to it including encrypting the data that I get there eventually I think so and one of the mods in the forum thank you very much I'm not going to say your name because it's like actually your full name on here and I don't know if that's okay or not has said that depending on how your snapshots are set up it may be useless against something like this worm because it is designed to delete windows file history backups shadow volume copies etc so it's it's a little little aggressive if you want to be like SuperDuper sure one of the things that you could do is back up onto a device like an external hard drive or something gotta just unplug it yep the easiest way to defend against something that is spreading over a network is to not be on the network there you go so I'm parent if we want to keep on diving into this I can go through like the point-to-point of how it works yeah I would actually love to hear about that this is actually in our notes but the the installer creates an encrypted zip with all of the malware files the now our files are extracted with ransom notes in all popular languages wanna crypt or will then download a tor client tor is used to communicate with ransomware servers at dot Onion addresses it gives everyone permissions to all files and folders all database and mail server processes are stopped as data used by these will be encrypted to all files are encrypted when encrypted the dot WN cry extension is added it stores the following in every folder that ass please read me at txt ransom note at wanna crypto at exe decrypter it requests admin privileges from the user with UAC prompts to do the following clear the shadow volume copies disabled windows startup recovery and clear Windows Server backup history the computer background is changed and wanted decrypter 2.0 launches with the ransom note in your local language well that's convenient actually rather sophisticated wow it's a little aggressive so like if you like store your super important might get audited tax information or something unlike an ass that's like USB plugged into your computer so maybe unplug it or something an encrypted file container could sit there and you might think that that's safe but this could actually take your encrypted file container and encrypt that and encrypt that yeah there's a lot of layers of encryption just you started mentioning things like tax returns and I know like I'm I was I was actually like I'm just I'm thinking about it from a not linus Media Group perspective I was like okay hold on a second where's that container that contains all of linus media groups that stuff right yeah that's not that's not safe unless it's on so so the way that i set up is okay though right i think so yeah okay we can go over to after more and I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure um yeah has changed since I've been like integral to the server stuff right so I don't know but we can go alright and Vidya this was posted by Doc swag on the forum the original article here we have is from PC and vidya announces a Volta GPU I did not see this one coming I didn't think both of was coming for a bit actually so for those of you who aren't aware this is the update to Nvidia a lot of gal architecture a lot of people are saying like oh this is already patched in March a lot of people running servers don't automatically download every patch that comes out and there updates disabled which is why it's sort of a big deal that's like a super big deal and that's why people are very widely talking about companies that are getting affected a lot of companies that be running servers that don't have Windows Update enabled or they might have they might have a domain controller that has a policy that you know tells they had the entire fleet of deployed laptops not to install updates except when they decide to roll them out like there's a lot of there's a lot more to the world than just like the way that an individual uses a computer every single person having Windows Update on automatic is not a reality that we exist I mean that's what we do but not not no servers all servers no but I like ok yeah I'm also a big stupid nerd though and I'm like often in the server room at the end of the day and when no one else is here I'll be like oh good no one else is here and I'll like install updates and reboot the servers so ours are probably actually fine I've done them pretty recently yeah but like there is a lot of people that might not have that update is what I'm trying to get across I just you know I do kind of wish that Microsoft would make it clear when it's actually that important instead of like trying to force you to update the Windows 10 with that said you know what our Active Directory domain server did completely restart on its own and that was about three weeks ago I think so I'm actually kind of wondering three four weeks ago I'm wondering if that was an update getting rolled out and exactly like if that was the like hey you actually really need to do this stage and it just didn't because I tried to log into it and it was it was hung on the like Windows is restarting please don't turn off your computer I'm saying you're going really really all right back to volta so this is in videos update to the Pascal architecture but if you are wondering what relevance this has to your gaming experience in the immediate future the answer is very little none at all this thing is an absolute monster this could be it's not the biggest it is one of the biggest pieces of silicon ever made it has a ridiculous look at that yeah.he this article even called it ridiculous ridiculous 815 millimeter squared die to put that in perspective the biggest GPUs we've ever seen we actually just finished and NVIDIA GPUs through the ages bit the biggest ones we've ever seen things like r9 290x from AMD so our 600 I'm trying to remember which ones from Nvidia that have crept up near that 600 millimeter squared size actually the outgoing P 100 was around 600 plus millimeter squared this is like 30% bigger then it's it's like it's like it's like building it's like the canyon arrow of GPUs and I guess that reference is a little bit dated now but it's it's like 30% bigger than any other plane that flew that day unbelievable it's using HP m2 memory and it has over 5,000 CUDA cores with 21 billion transistors this thing is unreal so this will be this will be the GPU that's the heart of the Tesla V 100 which is like man I was so bummed because I went earlier this week I went down to Simon Fraser University to do an unboxing of their new supercomputer it hasn't been formally benchmarked yet actually like they're so very much installing it the the storage servers haven't been spun up yet like it's woeful it's in progress so I went down to to get hands-on with it and pretty much as I was sliding out a shelf of P 100's and I was like nerding out over it I got a notification on my phone that Nvidia drop the V 100 sounds like this is how it feels to be a computer and that's pretty rude I literally just touched this for the first time to talk to Lee so not only is this a huge die but it's actually using a new process technology as well so instead of being 16 nanometer this one is 14 nanometer as I recall 12 nanometer in his 12 nanometer what the balls and I think Pascal is yeah Pascal was 14 nanometer sorry so I had I was off by 2 they're freaking crazy apparently the R&D budget was over 3 billion dollars so if you had some hope that Vega was going to show up and take the wind out of Nvidia sales why okay I don't know how many people are gonna be buying for y100 no but this like in terms of calculators a three billion dollar R&D budget goes into the our venture yeah that gets you the architecture that NVIDIA has demonstrated they've been very good at scaling up and scaling down for more and less performance and power consumption so AMD already had no answer to Pascal yeah poor MD and if you imagine for a moment that AMD had three billion dollars to blow on Vega you've got another thing coming I did yeah I'm holding out hope I believe they have negative three billion dollars too long Vega I I hope that Andy can do something you know crazy here and and just kind of blindside everybody but this is this is a real shot across the bow not even giving AMD a chance to show off Vegas performance before they're like yep we have like working Hardware here it is we're ready to rock holy crap alright then um sponsors sure yeah we got some sponsors for the show today this episode is brought to you by Squarespace Squarespace is the way to build your own beautiful website whether it's a you know all about nuts and you just want to tell everybody everything you know whether you're running the you know the local peewee soccer team football football sorry if I say football in any way people can interpret that word to me okay local football team and you just want people to be able to find out your your game schedule and how do you know how to join the team or whatever it is you want to build a website you want it to look Pro even if you don't know jack squat all about building a website Squarespace is the way to do it with seriously in like a few hours you can go from zero to picking out a template even like 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hypothetically do that yes yes this is this maybe happen um so head over to Squarespace calm /when and use offer code when to save 10% you know what actually speaking of which my brother breeds aquatic lizards and stuff actually I didn't I don't know what I'm talking about yes that knots been like a passion for him and I actually my my contribution to his entrepreneurial spirit and action I have officially actually paid for Squarespace now oh I bought him a year of Squarespace there you go it was that's a good like here push start your business yeah I just like like it I mean to be clear it's not free like it does cost money but compared to the time that's involved in trying to set up something scratch-built or even something that's a kit but more complicated it's been totally hands-off even though my brother's not super techy I was just like here here's your login account drag-and-drop move things around and he's stoked on it that's alright just helping improve discoverability for your business I can't believe I've never told that anecdote before not like Christmastime yeah weird that's cool anyway speaking of your small business if you're looking for an accounting so why haven't I up them up with fresh books yet haha you went 50 percent of the way okay did you have a birthday coming up this Christmas right you know what August there you go yeah why don't I just put my brother up with fresh books for his birthday okay so fresh books is the super simple way to handle the backend of managing your business so logging hours tracking expenses sending out invoices to people you can send professional-looking invoices in less than 30 seconds I think that's the 30 second one hour less than the day whatever it's really fast their app has a feature that lets you see when your clients look at the invoice for the first time one of my favorite things and will probably be helpful for your brother is that if you get receipts or something because you buy like say yeah aquatic lizard food you can take a picture of it with your phone and it will automatically take care of all your expenses yeah it's actually it's pretty it's pretty lit for a quadric lizard tanks the mobile app has all the functionality of the desktop version so you can take it with you on the go and if you have any questions you can reach out to their support staff where you will speak to a real human immediately no phone tree no escalations no return call it's really funny because this tagline sounds so bad there is no phone trees no escalations no return calls and then they're like just answers oh oh so it's good it's in a good way so head to FreshBooks comm slash when and try it out for free today enter when and how did you hear about us section when you sign up for your free trial and all I can forget to mention they've got a mobile card reader as well so you can even accept payments directly through the platform I have one more ad technically but this is more of like us just talking about our thing wow that banner looks terrible yeah rudos that is the worst looking banner that we have ever made it's looking it looks awful what happened to it I mean I think they just took the logo and just put it on the gray background and then never looked at it and we're just like cool it's done I bet tell us to blame for this because he he did a lot of the work on the logo way to go way to go Pella anyways anyway we're having a tech conneautville yes is like a weird mixture between Khan and carnival some of the ideas that that is like it's going to be tech based and we're all going to be there there will be cool fun activities but there will also be like a nerf shooting range maybe maybe you know the activities are very much up in the air I don't know if you're see seed on the emails but depending on how many people sign up what the event actually is might change Oh but the whole team will be there and will be it'll be cool and they'll be fun okay and there'll be stuff to do and you basically hang out with us for a day yeah and if that sounds appealing to you then great head over to ticket Rocket dotco slash event slash details holy crap this is a horrible URL I'm Jordan that I'm going to go ahead and drop that in the thing here and if it sounds horrible then don't come a few people from my stream have bought tickets from your stream people from your stream are they born yet ha ha it's not really a stream so much as a and in fairness I didn't tell them don't come yeah I'm good I'm always done the know well with me um anyways Wow uh yeah so that would be cool I haven't actually met a ton of them at different like conventions of stuff but that might have been the worst bid I ever did that was pretty those those pretty heavy yeah yeah um all right Harvick's let's get in just let's get back to the back just get back into it yeah okay so some are a big news Andy is pushing another microcode update to improve Rison so the original article here is from tweak downs go ahead and pop that up here basically improved ddr4 support which is good because they don't support ddr3 at all so if they can't improve the DD of course important them we're in a lot of trouble the info was leaked by a gigabyte reps forum post indicating AMD is pushing out the microcode update it will add over 20 new registers for the summit ridge integrated memory controllers to improve compatibility with Intel optimized ddr4 memory brands it will be deployed to your motherboard vendors as motherboard BIOS updates this is crazy this is supposed to buy random HK kid on the forum and the original article is from the BBC UK police to start using mine or 30 report esque means to help with custody decisions what what it has been tested for 3 years and is now being readied for a live pilot apparently it's 98% I can't even fight on here but I remember it's 98% accurate with low-risk offenders yeah with low with a suspect of low risk it was accurate 98% of the time and for tasks for high-risk suspects were accurate 88% of the time so basically it's designed to classify individuals based on a low medium or high risk of them committing a future offense and then to decide whether they should be kept in custody the system was made so using data so the tool is called the harm assessment risk tool or Hart and the data was taken from Durham police records between 2008 and 2012 it was then tested in 2013 and the results were monitored over the following two years so forecasts Wow so that's so basically those numbers are based on real forecasts that they made over the last half a decade or so I'm actually almost a decade isn't that incredible I'd like to know what they were using for forecasting in this data well they're using whether they caught them doing something again no like because they're guessing if they're going to be doing something or not so how are they guessing that ah let's have a look okay yeah I think it's Wow here we go so the system includes data beyond but also including a suspects offending history including their postal code and gender to some extent what learning models do is bring out into the foreground hidden and tacit assumptions that have been made all along by human beings so pretty much they're using machine learning to stereotype accurately yeah ah like we would I think the giant conversation and like four or five years is going to be bad yeah it's like how much is this becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy yeah it's like and I don't I'm not I'm not going to I don't want this to become like one of those things where I where I fell into the trap where I said I'm not going to say that someone whose name starts with H anything very poorly I'm not gonna I'm I'm not going to do that again so we're yeah but like what I do what I really saying like you know skin colors and genders and you know backgrounds and jobs basically we're going to be making these arguments five years from now that this system is creating this self-fulfilling prophecy of suspicion that that goes beyond sort of the you're racist grandpa or whatever we're like the computer thinks I can't do this right yes which is the system objectively empirically has decided that I am a high risk individual to be a criminal and then like does this start becoming public data can that be seen on employment records like if you're going to hire someone can you see the risk profile that would stop anyone from having the chance of being able to rise above yes which is like really brutal that's terrifying I'm super not cool with that now to be clear not all the decisions that it is helping or that is helping with seem like that big of a deal like one of the things is to decide whether to keep a suspect in custody for a few more hours whether to really lease them on bail before a charge or after a charge has been made whether to reprimand them in custody now that one doesn't sound very good but about the preview or a few more hours or yeah that's probably fine huh he's like saving a little bit of someone's time instead of like so the forecasting models output is advisory yeah and should not remove discretion from the police officer using a bit coming up if the police officers job on easy because of this yeah edifying music and and it becomes an ass covering measure yeah well it told me yeah if I'm a cop I'm you know if I know that even eighty eight percent of the time I'm going to get it right if I just do what the computer tells me I'm like it might it might come to the point where like yeah it's advisory but if you go against the advisory well you might against the advice that will raise a flag and you don't have to go talk to your boss that's right why you went against the best advice that you could you created extra paperwork and headache for yourself your boss is gonna be pissed off because why do I have to have this stupid meaning you could you should have just gone with the computer whatever Wow terrifying um oh cool Microsoft confirms keyboard for Xbox one for sure and also some mice and in the future they plan on having all mice working now it's going to have to be supported by developers so rip everyone but as we already know there's a lot of like emulation stuff that can happen now console gamers can put up with crappy console port UI ma nonsense yeah that's great like the grand theft auto options for changing your graphical settings that are just broken a yes for no reason oh yeah I loaded it again with a minor hardware change time for those to be all related press a to continue you're like [Laughter] what is the word Oh answer all you mean enter or sometimes spacebar yeah as it works uh that's still pretty cool I love that they are finally getting this like convergence thing going why did why did we treat the Xbox one like not a computer for so long hung like absolutely as a computer it makes it's so frustrating so it says initially most models of mice won't be compatible however a handful of mice will be and Microsoft hopes to add support for all mice over time but even then developers lost a code support for this new control system into their games that could be easy for games that are already developed for Windows with uwp porting in mind but it might be a bigger lift for or more control centric delivered developers certain games that are multiplayer I'm so stoked on that yeah it's going to be really interesting because for a while we've had like these weird we had one in office for a little while and it was just so Genki and broken and we decided not to do a video on it yeah but it was they were like so butthurt over that they were emailing me for like six months after won't make a better product when is the review going up one of the review going up and remember me following up with you'd be like hey when's that review going up and you're just like eventually just like never I don't remember what company it was from but we had this little box we could plug a keyboard a mouse into an Xbox and it was just it was just kind of garbage so we never made a video on it but now that it has like official support it could be really good yeah in videos new headquarters will be liquid-cooled with a triple fan solution the original article here is game debate calm and it actually looks yeah I think it looks kind of dumb but it's a big triangle made up of like tessellated triangles and it's going to have two floors and capacity for up to 2500 employees there will be a large central courtyard which every department feeds into and this is an effort to quote-unquote capture the energy and buzz of the company ray okay so that's neat Jensen does not have an office here another weird ran a bit of information he does not have an office in the big new headquarters really yep so he's just gonna like walk around and check on people I or like be somewhere else I don't know interesting oh yeah I'm sure there's no offices under the floor there's a giant garage and the building has a snaking system of pipes that feed into a hidden water tower sunk into the roof of the building the recycled water is then filtered through an evaporation system utilizing three giant fans to keep the building cool so that's that is that is pretty cool actually SSU supercomputer is using evaporative cooling well oh cool yeah and it the way that they did it is really neat I want to know now you would imagine evaporative cooling so on the most basic level evaporative cooling would be you've got cooling tubes you've exposed the water to air flow so that it some of the water molecules evaporate and you effectively cool down the remaining droplets to sub ambient temperatures and then that gets circulated but the problem with an open system is that you long term you get contaminants in it so at all right and the other thing you would probably assume is that the water being pumped around the data center goes to the heat generating components like say for example CPUs and GPUs and then there's a hot side that carries that water back out to be cooled so two things that are going to blow your mind there's the water cooling system for the building but there are no blocks installed on anything and they're using evaporative cooling but the actual coolant being recirculated is not exposed to the elements former so the radiators outside the building there's an automated system that when the coolant temperature goes above a certain threshold they basically have a big fire hose Wow that sprays them down and I was like that is so cool so they can maintain their 17 degree coolant target in up to 30 degree weather Wow yes what and then they have they have an extra chiller that can kick in I'm going to get like up really high and and you know boost the now now back to the server's they're all air cool how are they doing so they're ambien both evaporative cooling so by spraying water on the fins it cools the fins wow that's so magical so it's not going to be just sometimes they're going to spray it yeah early often yes okay yeah and they were saying that in hot I thought you were just saying like in particularly know it would spray so in high temperature low humidity the water evaporates nearly instantly so they can just keep blasting it it gets super cold well that's why really neat and then in the server's get this they are drawing in air from the room versus from the room and they're just air cooled servers so they've got ducting so there is all taped up and sealed up every cabinet so all the air goes in one way there's no there's there's no kind of like in efficiency from our back pressure forcing air to be recirculated within the cabinet and then what they've got is massive radiators on the back of every rack that are so thick and so dense that when you scan so if you open up the door and stand behind it it feels like a server rack it's like freaking hot like 30 degrees Celsius you close the door and it's like a cool breeze oh it's incredible it's amazing oh and it's super efficient cool so a typical data center I forget what the video is called cuz you're making your video on this right oh it's already yeah this is in production already I filmed yep cool it's it's lit it's amazing um so a typical data center in a perfect I forget what those the scale is you think it's lit now yeah I know in a personal world you in a perfect world the scale is one would be like ideal you can never achieve that yeah a3 fishin see ya on whatever the scale is yeah typical data center is one and a half to two there at 1.07 because their cooling system is so efficient because pumping a little bit of water especially in rain Coover yeah yeah yeah no not a real hydro up here like doesn't matter yeah I like you like I think I get a water bill but I don't know how much it costs because it's not a big deal and like even power because our powers like water-based yeah like BC is one of the worst places for solar power I'm like so interested in solar power but it's so useless for me because power is relatively cheap and we have an extremely low amount of like natural sunlight because we have so many clouds there's like other places in Canada that are way more effective for solar power than PC is okay did you talk about this before okay cool this is old news but I'm mad so we're going to talk about it anyway Intel Reber do Intel rebrand there's the online announces new chips based on skylake so the original article here's from extreme tech we've gone is Xeon e3 e5 etc here is platinum gold silver and bronze because apparently Intel's naming scheme folks while they the old system was near indecipherable at least it had like some years of continuity so it was somewhat easy to keep track of what was going on generation by generation now they don't want us to be able to understand what's going on and they also completely lack creativity unbelievable I don't really have any redeeming stuff for that I think you found another tech cookie video to make oh yeah technology like half the videos on tech wiki should just be explaining naming schemes yeah and then we should just encourage more companies to have really long co naming schemes because like what I don't like about this is in a lot of situations maybe a silver is exactly what you want and having a platinum one might literally be worse yeah because we've definitely run into that yeah so it's not absolutely like oh it's just it's actually better if it's in a higher tier and it'll cost more that's not actually true this is fantastic this was originally posted by n Tony on the forum and open bench table seemingly as a direct response to us dropping our test benches now has a 3d printable vertical stand I was wondering why they sent this to me because the guy emailed me directly being like hey by the way there now 3d printable stands and I was like ok ha ha ha and that actually makes a lotta sense that oh man yeah we should probably put some of this yeah I guess that's pretty much in is there anything else you really wanted to hit today uh full plane uh worse oh oh yeah ok so people have been hounding us when is scrapyard wars actually coming because the the the the teaser just said may soonish because II D is a gigantic troll yeah scrapyard wars does have a firm release date the first episode is coming to floatplane club this weekend have a like a night specifically uh it's I don't yet we do but I don't remember what a dinner yet Yvonne was actually like stoked she was like hey do you want to watch scrapyard wars with me tonight and I was like yeah that's the trailer she's like what no wait what well when's it coming I wanna watch it yeah watch it for real Oh spoiler weather was like what is it being uploaded so it is first episode coming this weekend to floatplane so the following weekend to YouTube so there will be episodes will be coming one week apart we've we've got the production process streamlined enough now that we can we can commit to that and then there will be a one-week delay between floatplane Club and YouTube so if you guys are wondering how to be the first to get your hands on scrapyard Wars basically what you do is you head over to the store on the Linus tech tips forum there will be a better system for this in the future I promise you know but you head over to the store and you buy a subscription to floatplane Club which gives you access don't worry I know I got this which gives you access - hold on no no it's it's fine I think we're good now actually we're going supposed to be using a lapped I I prime L the admin team on the for I know I know but I'm I they were trying to take your admin account away okay about that it was like put to a vote in you boss okay I like tried to veto it because I said you would use a different laptop and then you told me that you I will get it died well I'm not today but you can see how aware of it okay approval to share my screen sure okay finances screen don't click on anything I'm not clicking on anything I'm not clicking on anything so you will get access to a hidden sub forum on the forum there's a button up here to go to it floatplane club and then you'll see all the stuff that is out on slow-playing but isn't out yet on YouTube so we've got the world's smallest video drone we've got channel super fun I think on YouTube we're going to call this video this game was banned yeah we have to because it was yeah we have best desktop graphics for your laptop so we take a proprietary solution versus Thunderbolt over E and benchmark the snot out of it that's really an affectionate little video we've got removing thermal compound the best way we test I think it's over over a dozen different liquids I drank some of them yeah we were done LTP is bigger worse the Alienware 15 gaming laptop review ah this one was a simultaneous release we've got the most bizarre keyboard that one's going to be fine there's also like little bits that you're doing from every now I don't do that very often though that's like the post but theoretically there's some more sort of discussion in there yeah so there you go this is the one that went up on what that went up on YouTube just do it hello in a couple days sky 4 doors will be there yes it will just so exciting I know I'm so interested in what happened do you know how many episodes there are you want to talk ok I believe held on you know what I don't want to say something wrong so do you want to talk about some of the beefing up that you've done the beauty in and that's all you don't like okay nope got it all oh I might make it might make a post on the floatplane subform but I don't want to talk about it hopefully everything will be fine even people let me let me give me one second I have an idea nope nope not going to work seven okay hold on hold on a minute beam seven episodes because the feedback people told me was too long really how long were episodes before 25 minutes 45 minutes I could have told you that what I won't really know 45 minutes what what what what hold on seven episodes for the season hate you are they are they a totally 45 minutes 45 minute episode went along the last ones were I don't remember he keeps creeping up the runtime he's going to be doing three hour episodes but he's just going to start releasing the whole thing uncut at some point and see if I notice she's gonna be like yeah you know what it was easier this way okay okay okay so four episodes 45 minutes each coming over the next month I'm going to drop that link in the chat again because you guys should really get signed up for flow plane club it actually is pretty awesome i I mean do you want to talk about any of the cool stuff you're doing not really ah you're such a killjoy right now hell I test it more the thing with Oakland Club is if it works really well most people won't notice and that's like the point yeah I guess but that's like yep that's fine just just keep me posted and everything will be fine oh okay hold on I just want to can we try a live demo again yeah okay because I think last time we tried one Italy like that's what I like that I just don't want to okay yeah I'll make a post about more stuff and I'll I'll figure out things that I want to talk about I just I don't really like talking about things a ton before they've matured a little bit and I'm like sure that there fine alright alright and like if something fails with it or something weird I don't want people to do it water it alright okay so let's have a look at the world's smallest video drone video here yes the cancerous thumbnails are still there a lot of the time look at that did you see that play okay but hold on hold on cuz we're going easy on it ammonia okay so 1080p Wow look at that look at that preview look at how fast that loads in baby oh yeah yeah it wasn't too bad look at that performance hey do you remember when YouTube buffered so that you could skip ahead like nearly instantly like that do you remember the good old days that's how every video player should work I think anyway the point is to those wandering floatplane is working we are we are it is more successful by the week which is one of the reasons that we've been talking about it more on when show there have been sort of less and less issues yeah week by week so yeah we definitely recommend joining if you want the scrapyard wars experience I'm very exciting things happened in the lad I don't necessarily want to talk about them yet maybe next week we'll see how well it goes and we'll see how much more like buffing up of it we do here because there might be more expansion that we do with it and make cetera et cetera cetera but some really exciting things have happened recently that I thought we're going to take like months to do because boilers a genius and things went really well contrary to the haters did we get enough good applicants that you feel pretty good about our chances of yeah so we actually have a lot of really good applicants the coding challenge is finishing up this Sunday at midnight and some people have already started submitting their projects I don't know why because they have the whole weekend but I guess they're busy over the weekend and some of the projects that I've seen already so far are like pretty good yeah good I'm even more excited to like see what people take the whole we ken's to finish up polishing and all that kind of stuff but I'm not going to grade anybody any different depending on when they handed in I've got to address this the same thing was said about vessel how successful it was and it was an epic failure in the end so eat it Linus the thing is is that vessel had a very different model vessel was a start up with like over a hundred million dollars we think a venture capital that they managed to burn through in eighteen months now I've never had any outside investment so that is not the way that I personally run the businesses that I own and/or am a stakeholder in it is not the way that I believe in doing business having a really high burn rate and just kind of hoping that well I don't know what they were hoping for to be perfectly honest now that we know how their infrastructure worked it was way too expensive I don't know how they could have ever possibly hoped to make a profit I feel like the goal the whole time was just to try to get eaten and bought out by somebody because like it seems insane so remember to though the people saying what a great huge success that vessel was were the people that were trying to talk other people into joining it or complete Outsiders from like an investor relations standpoint yeah we don't need investors and we are not recruiting anybody to join floatplane club at this time we are just really happy that an internal project is going really really well and to be fair if we were saying that vessel was going well we were probably talking about like well our or not our production schedule is working and it's and our fans seem to be happy and that kind of stuff we weren't talking about like profit structures and whatever else yeah so yeah no hotkeys and stuff that is the thing that will happen eventually yeah so I'm not going to work on that yet ah what if we don't have a credit card to use on PayPal for floatplane that is something that we are working on can we give any progress update on that the the final site that is being developed on will be using stripe and PayPal so if you can't use PayPal for whatever reason there's various reasons why you might not be able to use PayPal we can accept whatever cards through stripe and stripe has a lot of different things that they can assemble except they're pretty good system yeah so it won't be tied to just PayPal forever while it's on the forum it will be just PayPal yeah yeah um you know what there's a lot of actually pretty decent questions in here why don't we stop the land show and do a short afterparty sure okay so thanks for watching same bat-time same bat-channel bye go back to the second how dare you tell me to go away how dare you I know you would dare to do far more than that's me I still still streaming oh and we're also doing a short after party so OH
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