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NZXT HUE RGB LED Lighting Controller - DIY Mod for Modern Cases!

welcome to my review of the NZXT NZXT hue this thing is relatively old so why review it well it's still interesting and I've got a bit of a twist that you'll see if you stay tuned later on also station scribe - tech tips for more videos on unintended uses of products of course rhx 1,200 eye power supply delivers 80 plus platinum efficiency for quiet performance and corsair link digital advanced monitoring and control click now to learn more we're going to start off tame and just do a physical product overview it's a pretty simple piece of hardware made out of plastic for the most part with a bit of steel meshing behind the fake Oh brushed aluminum aluminium in front of this meshing there are three knobs which are respectively for brightness power and mode these knobs also have individual colors however which are red green and blue respectively now I'll get into what those knobs do in a moment but in the back of this unit there's a SATA power connector to run everything and a connector for your single LED strip which is nice and long but a little disappointing on the LED density side with each one being quite far away from the others which isn't exactly ideal okay but back to the knobs basically to change how much of a corresponding color should be shown twist the knobs to perform whatever label the utility the knob is for press it in for example holding press on the power knob will turn it off or on and pressing in the mode knob will change the mode speaking of modes there are five of them three based on a custom color and two based on color changing the first one is the most basic it just emits your custom selected color steadily and it is called custom color display the second one is custom color flashing and it well flashes your custom color the third is custom color fading which essentially gives your custom color a breathing effect then we get two flashing color changing which will rotate these colors through while flashing and last but not least is fading color changing which will give a breathing effect while changing colors and yeah that's that's it in conclusion the LED density bugs me I'm happy enough with the available brightness modes but my biggest gripe with this thing is that it's a bae device now i don't blame it it's from another time it's a little aged now for how pc parts go but even a lot of NZXT cases aren't compatible with this as they don't have a in a quarter-inch Bay anymore which means it's adventure time all right so the biggest problem with this is its depth that makes it so you can't really put it anywhere else in the computer so the first thing that we're going to do is just try to remove it from the actual sled and see what we end up with home so we take out a bunch of these screws that's already a huge amount of useless mass removed well we don't really need these arms anymore we'll keep them for sure we'll keep out all this stuff just in case but with these arms it might actually be easier to use them to mount this thing on somewhere else inside the other inside the case but they're probably just going to get in the way so for now I'm going to remove them now I'm going to see how much this thing actually needs the front plate you might not really be a requirement all right so front plate not really needed at all you actually see all the knobs there anyways everything still works you can actually see here now that there's LEDs on the controller board in pictures on their website you can see through here that LEDs are shiny but now you can actually see what those LEDs are so this now becomes way easier to put into a case anywhere you want now you have a much more versatile kind of PCB which you can put pretty much wherever you want if you decided to you could leave that front plate on it I kind of like the exposed PCB style but that's obviously up to you in something that's actually really really easy to do so in actual conclusion go on ebay go on Craigslist find a cheap one out there he'll even maybe buy a new one maybe replace the LED strip and BAM with a screwdriver and some adhesive or of some sorts you have yourself an easy way to stand up from the crowd at a LAN are there easier or other ways to do this sure and maybe I'll do some maker style videos on how to do it yourself in the future but for now this is easy as hell and it works luckily NZXT went ahead and used black wires everywhere so it will look good and pretty much any system no matter what you do to it old products might not be dead relics they sometimes just need a little lovin speaking of whatever Luke was talking about back when the tablecloth was a completely different color and I was a completely that whoa look at that that's amazing I fix it so is the place where you can find wicked awesome guides try to take apart and fix your electronic doodads as well as many people don't know this the tools that you need to go along with them so you go ahead you look up a guide and I fix you go well yeah I guess that's great in theory if only I had like eighteen suction-cup doodads a cutter and like that frigging screwdriver that mm where are you going to find one of those and I fix that in fact their pro tech toolkit is in use by yours truly it's one of the things I carry in my everyday backpack almost every day it's got security torque says try wings all kinds of crazy stuff like that and you can get your very own by visiting and using offer code LTT to save $10 on an order of $50 or more which basically amounts to $10 off of a pro tech tool kit but wait there's more this offer is only valid for two weeks and if you don't act within the next two weeks with an offer code ltte will no longer be good anymore that is actually that is the case it will expire and then you will have to wait for us to do another iFixit thing which we do fairly frequently because we think they're great screwdrivers and they apparently think we're great people too because they love working with us and putting words in their mouth um I think we're done here let's go back to Luke Luke all right guys what do you think is this something you do would you cannibalize your light controller this really wasn't that hard of a job pretty simple thing to do I'm sure if you can build a computer you can do this so is this something you're interested in do you think five and a quarter inch base still have a place do you want to see them in cases do you still like five and a quarter Bay devices let me know in the comments down below or over on the forum while you're still here on whatever video player you're watching this on like dislike favorite share subscribe follow anything else that you can do that's around the video would be great commenting would be fantastic if you want to check out the description below this video you can see our sponsors and whatnot and also this wonderful shirt which is purchasable now it's the first time we've actually had like a line effectives branded shirt and i think it's pretty 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