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New Office Tour Vlog 2 - Serious Progress & LMG Shopping Excursion

alright guys so welcome to another new office vlog this is part two there's been some serious progress but more importantly right now we are going shopping we're gonna hike it yeah thanks for the delayed response thank you for tuning in or we could just go to the casino if you like screw it we'll just leave the office for Elijah below we should bet the new office ascend the mortgage no way okay pathetic yeah we should totally do it we put the entire net worth of the company on one yes auto rental red are you crazy it's black it's black or nothing and as you can tell Luke's batteries on his pack are dead so we're gonna start by picking up some batteries sure so we've got a special helper with us today howdy doc to what tom is tattoo oh you does that it's peeling yeah Oh bummer okay that's one unit to Biden full yeah you're buying in quads this the slowest hump ever this is a 3-1 right so there's a two and a three actually he's a pig's I don't know if this one actually wall mounts this is it's the best option yes what about for Brandon oh yeah specifically an AV Kurt that's cool he wasn't sure what it was called but it turns out it's actually made for Brandon we can move yeah so these these are the bookshelves that we have that we already have yes yeah yeah we have three okay what are they for I don't know but well I had kind of forgotten we even had them because oh wait these aren't the ones that are in the office are they they are okay is there India they just don't look the same just cuz we have we have one that's white and then we have two that are like this right yes okay so two of them are in the old set yeah and then ones in Nick's office none of which actually have anything useful on nope so okay next fiction all right so these are the desk organizers that we decided to get they were like half the price of ones on Amazon and like as far as I can tell they're exactly the same thing yeah so everyone gets one of these yeah he's nice and then this I actually picked up one of these because I thought it's got a quirk surface on the bottom so I don't know flash drives he can use like whatever you could just have and you can kind of see into it anyway I might give this to Nick though if you end up liking the thing that I'm gonna show you in a couple minutes okay we need to go to the bathroom for that so just kidding all right this is this is the money right here I think this guy right here it's like way more expensive than I'd like but no it doesn't come with the bells boat no it doesn't come with any of those belts it does not come with the pink boxes well it really doesn't go with the plastic uh you can buy the plastic organizers so and not the felt so we'll get something else like some kind of a rubber thing cut it to size see it's just yeah it's just sitting in here in fact we could just flip this over yeah and then you know you can put these look like the perfect size for like a couple memory sticks CPUs whatever and then it's all totally modular all the way to the top it goes almost to the like the height of the ceiling by the time you put something on top of it you could store all our CPUs and all our like memory in like you know a couple of use worth of storage space and then you just get a bunch of these glass-fronted ones and do whatever it is you're doing they're like I think that looks like probably five or maybe six if you pack them tight and other boards even now you've seen this so you know it's not it's stupid good oh yeah are you learning to shop you're gonna regret teaching I won't need to teach her Oh basketball room yeah like if we could feel like a medium-sized swimming pool with these babies like them see she doesn't seem that sold on it okay forget it then Oh can I interest you in a small baby okay well I guess that's it so uh let's head to the office next okay all right so we're here we get to check out the progress on the new office this'll actually be Luke's first time seeing it with stuck inside I think whoa what just fell out of my car Oh what could this be guys you're probably gonna want to drop a like on the video if you want to see us bench the crap out of this pretty shortly what we got going on in there oh don't look too close don't look too close all right let's go outside I did drop it so I guess I'm showing you around as much as I'm showing anyone else around so these whoops these are all the pallets for the reclaimed wood wall behind one of the sets so they'll need to be disassembled one-by-one and have things done to them do you know what I mean over here we have some like relics and stuff there we go oh no we're the worthless this is worth the absolute crap got beat out of our walls so this is where I put up combs and ropes so people hopefully will not beat up the walls again they have since been touched up and repaired well the touch-up repaired wall ever looked like them no it will not so we're always stuck with that but at least it's all covered we just like spray painted gray or something I don't know I kind of give up on it being perfect yep this is the server room we've had more electrical circuits added since the last time I talked to you guys about it this is network wiring for security as well as for people to have network cables for their pcs this is where the cabinet is gonna go right here i-it'll thin yeah it'll be fine because it doesn't have to go right back to the back anyway we've got all this space how many use are we putting in it now I don't add a lot like 25 to 30 I don't think it'll be quite full yet here's where they're pulling out parts of the concrete slab in order to do plumbing and whatnot so it turns out we did find the budget for an indoor bathroom solution the employees complained it having an outhouse outside was apparently quote unquote completely unreasonable yeah I can't remember exactly what the wording they used was something along those lines benchmarking den and editing room other than adding more electrical haven't been changed much oh but there is a small improvement the editing room now has a window out into the warehouse so we have also added three windows in the library so we'll actually get a little bit of natural light in the library so it doesn't feel quite as much like a dungeon in here this box apparently they're going to put back in at some point so that'll be good oh wow that's a very heavy looking implement thank you for not hitting me with it this conduit right here is actually where our fiber is going to be coming in down they're gonna get it like up to here somehow and then over to something anyway this is this is where that ball and fiber line comes in and me upstairs is yes actually that is a plan so the upstairs is no longer completely open concept in fact I can really show you guys around so right here is going to be the conference room so this is where we're going to have like a boardroom table with probably about six to seven chairs and that'll be the people into the bathroom downstairs they said they wanted an indoor bathroom not a private indoor bathroom so Big Brother man we are going to drywall kind of up over this and turn this into that oh no put like something there something whatever cell phone reception is not very good so up on the roof we're going to be putting an antenna with booster antennas inside the roof and inside the building here this is my office so this was also really expensive adding windows overlooking the linus Media Group empire but I figured it was worth it and in fact I was so benevolent that I also added windows overlooking the Linus Media Group empire for the entire rest of the floor I realized walking around in here the first time that this place was going to be a total aquarium except without windows so basically just a hole and I figured we needed to fix that so that people wouldn't feel quite as confined so yeah well just the editors and the benchmarking done just some people who currently work here we got to attract new talent somehow here is an office I'm trying to convince my wife to work for us so if I maybe promise her this office maybe she'll maybe she'll come work here this is a window out into the open concept sort of area and I believe there will also be a window in this door so more windows just trying to make things still really open this is almost exactly the same size as my old office at NCIX so this one will be desk here this is very likely where mr. Nick Lite will end up with his team of cronies kind of out out kind of here somewhere so I don't know how much else there is to say here this is where the firemen's pole would go if we were stupid enough to put a fireman's pole in we're not putting a fire pole here why not who cares no we could totally do it well I know what we could do we're not don't you like the video if you want a fireman's pole to go in by the stairs imagine how cool every single video could be you can intro every single video coming down the fireman Pole would be like your thing I'm sure there is one we can look it up okay so we're back at the yeah okay so I guess the last big update today is our new ba-ba storage server and I know I've done this a couple times already but guys go ahead let us know what the like if you want to see a dedicated video about our new surveillance system server here it actually looks even cooler than it actually is like this thing is actually kind of sick and check this out there's like a software suite here that has cameras and stuff which makes sense because it's a surveillance server other than that I think that's pretty much it guys thanks for watching if you disliked the video boom I think you know what to do but if you liked it go ahead and click that like button you can also check out the links in the video description where you can buy a cool t-shirt like this one give us a monthly contribution change your amazon bookmark to one with our affiliate code that kind of thing helps us out a lot um what else do I usually say in these things right watch another one of our videos we actually did one recently where Luke checked out an Asian computer mall are they different from other places computer malls I guess there's only one way for you to find out by watching that video with the little I in the right hand corner go ahead click it it won't hurt you don't forget to subscribe as always
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