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New Office Vlog #4 - MASSIVE Progress and LMG Arts & Crafts

so this is possibly going to be the most fun new office update yet we are going to be creating yes every one here is a creator we're going to be creating our new cutlery and dishware for the new office which will help me keep track of who it is who does crap like this well they're gonna have their name on the dish so I'm gonna know who was Kable mod premium sleeved cables they're still just as good as they were before when we reviewed them and now they're available for Coolermaster power supplies click on this box to learn more yes everyone gets a full set and we're gonna be using these handy dandy payday or what are they even I don't even know what they are firm oh hardening water-based color they're like they're like paint pens so we'll be using these and everyone will draw their own design on their plate then we're gonna bake them in the oven they should in theory be completely washer safe pretty cool stuff Brendon you are up first press tip repeatedly to start flow I feel like I'm in kindergarten right I have never been known for my neat writing well it's greatest boss it looks like your two-year-old made it did you shake it ah no I know that's gonna be permanent oh god these squares are all where's the waveform that's Nick version of me IKEA boy is 2001 blisteritos yeah it's supposed to be fire that's less depressing I guess we could do it upstairs couldn't make it to be here so you still have the burning razor blade it is groaning oh I get it like cutting videos yeah this is Nick's nickname for me get it nickname wait are you faking people signing your plate those are it's not fake if it's what they would have written no those are all from you those are just good job not great job well it's just for finishing my bowl of cereal so it's not really that spectacular but I definitely deserve a smiley face when the milk is all gone I'm just being honest is that dick bud nope I don't know how that got there I didn't do it good that's not something I would do so you're gonna rip my idea like right off yeah good start keep going Wow come on finish it great job great job yeah let's have a look at what everyone came up with so first we've got one of our new hires John who has says prohibited liquids and age three backwash oil vinegar tobacco very nice his bull ah is uh and you just recently got married in Las Vegas so I guess that's why there's a chip in there that's just inappropriate something about Carolina Hurricanes hockey and having actually won a Stanley Cup this guy is not going to last long next up we've got the slice master this is Terrence gear he's got a definite theme going on and it's all about cutting I am really like in this one slice master mm next up we've got Brandon whose skills with a camera are certainly better than his skills with a pen I mean is that a YouTube play button that's pathetic this barely even looks like a film reel like is that that's not even a circle does this guy even know how cameras work we don't even shoot on film anymore and he likes spilled crap on it all right next up we've got this is Nick light sippin on some sizzurp there's a Silicon Valley reference for those of you who enjoy the show dad Acura logo Oh accurate didn't be oh whatever don't look the same to me and then dad Chetta next up we've got Luke who went for a more kind of abstract concept he's got Sun and Sun and surf I think is what that is and then something snowflake we're all unique like a snowflake like Luke Luke is a snowflake for us speaking of tacky this could only be Nick van Berkel who completely ripped off my idea the Cinco hotplate which involves removing your teeth at some point in order to use it and the ultimate MLG plate mountain dew hitmarkers doritos you you got it it's all there oh this is Edie so this was actually a kind of a cool idea in concept so it was like the hand goes there but it just looks like a house and add is our meme tacular winner of the day I can't I have two rules right no profanity and no sexual content this actually turned out really good Finn and Jake from adventure time alright next up we've got our other new team member Dennis I told him no profanity and I'm sure that probably is profane so he's fired - no he did the outside he you know we actually have Asians working here already but he's coming in and he wants to be like the Asian I don't even know what the hell this is I mean I'll give him this he's making progress if he wants to be the most asian guy Atlanta's vehicle so I actually asked for the employees to decorate all of my stuff so you can see they actually put a number one trophy and world's best boss on my cup here they came up with ten words to describe me and then this good job for finishing the cereal I'm really proud of the effort that they put into this you know just all these amazing things that they wrote about me who the hell wrote that I'm just being honest this is why I had to do it myself and this one I guess they ran out of a flip-top lifting things so they just tried to really drive the point home apparently I'm the world's greatest boss and the world's greatest boss also delivered personalized cutlery that's yours right there oh it's beautiful so let's go to the office and see if we've made any progress on the place we're actually going to put these once we bake them all right so we're coming up on the office hopefully they've made lots of progress I actually haven't been here since last time you got little- Media Group sighs yeah man so I actually screwed these up a quotation clearly said four inches by 18 inches and let me tell you I would know 18 inches and that is not 18 inches so they actually just cemented the old one on top of a original ones so let's see what's changed so our yellow bins getting pretty faux you know what I think this is Brandon scrap our moving helper has actually been throwing away Brandon's stuff so I'll put this somewhere I mean it can't be that expensive but it's still inconvenient to not have them okay Oh sprinkler system all right so if there's a fire then these will go off and ruin all of our stuff this is the storage corner this is mostly like computer cases and like boxes for stuff that we've already done are already in use that we're just going to have to transport without the boxes this is more set walls yeah that's all happening it's all happening man these are our new desks so everyone is getting a motorized up desk so these are like the fancy the fancy motorized sitting or standing desks you can like dial in presets and crap like that pretty freakin cool apparently we need to scissor lifts for whatever it is we have going on here right now but this my friends is where the real progress has been made so we've got a lot of people upset that there isn't going to be a kitchen set at the new place no there isn't but it's going to be much much improved this is the workshop which is going to be an actual functional workshop you can see we've got power outlets coming in it's actually going to be more more desk all along here up to about here and then like more shelving units in the bottom and it will also be a workshop set like just of a fun cool rustic looking workshop set so we've got an actual blackboard back here so you can go ahead and like you could like right cool stuff on it or whatever and then this is reclaimed wood from the disassembly of like 60 pallets so this has been clear-coated and put on for like a really a really raw cool-looking finish and we actually did more reclaimed wood this my friends is the Len show set so these were stained a bunch of different colors for also like a really cool look and then we're doing a different finish on this wall because this is just the noise dampening cellulose foam on the wall so we have made legit progress on the set pieces on this wall it is I am like really pleased with how these walther balls turned out I'm really excited this is where the HVAC is going up to the roof where the air conditioning unit will be installed so that is totally happening so they have actually filled in the floor where the where the kitchen plumbing has been run over to where the kitchens going to be so the kitchen can start coming in very very shortly here you can see all this is all this is done here that's cool stuff also let's see what's going down upstairs so the library hasn't changed at all in terms of the layout but we actually have a plan for what's going to go in here so we're getting a sectional here with like an end table on either side so you'll actually be able to like lounge and right over here I in this corner we're going to put like I think a built-in bookcase with like cool knickknacks like loot crate stuff and like awards that Linus media group has won like our subscriber award cool stuff like that over here is some kind of desk so people can either sit on I think there's going to be a little chair their sectional there or a desk here too - right and and have some you know private time there's a lot more Ethernet in the server room now so that's pretty cool not sure where all of this is going to but this is all new this must be downstairs oh they're labeled look at that top half stairs what the hell is this supposed to be I don't think this is in the spec I thought the server room was just supposed to go all the way back nope I farted don't inhale as you walk through it so another room that hasn't actually changed in terms of the progress that's been made on it but has changed in terms of the plan is the meeting room we discovered that in order to have enough room for chairs to move back and a table our table was going to be 24 inches wide which is pretty stupid for a conference room table new plan we are turning this thing where we drywalled over some features of the building in the front we're going to raise this and turn it into bench seating so the conference table will be here and there will be chairs on the other side so you will either have chairs or bench seating and then we'll actually Salvage back the yes base that we needed here's something new we looked into buying something like this to hold see stems and flags and basically we found one place that had them for like 600 or 700 dollars u.s. and they wouldn't even ship to Canada these are hard to find apparently easy to just build so the same contractor who did the sets over there actually put together this rolling sea stand holder for us freaking awesome brandon is going to spaz when he sees this because this is going to be just great for moving the stuff around especially once you've loaded it up with like ten of these suckers which are pretty heavy by the way I like c-stands I think that they're very expensive for what they are and this is a piece that isn't actually new in the sense that we've had it for a little while but it's new in that it's much closer to its home so this is our 42 u server cabinet from Norco Technologies and it is it's still it's still wrapped but I'm excited to take it off so I can go and hide inside it because that'll be super duper cool hold on a second and in response to all the folks wondering in the video comments how we can afford such an awesome office crunchyroll the site created by anime fans for anime fans they offer the most current episodes of new show straight from Japan like Kuroko's basketball 3 and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and they have a large collection of the most popular anime series like Naruto and one piece all the content on their site is professionally subtitled and if you have crunchyroll premium which you can try out for free at slash Linus for 30 days then you actually get 1080p streaming new episodes of shows from Japan within an hour of their premiere and you can stream anywhere on a variety of devices like your phone tablet or game console if you like Premium Membership then you can continue it for only 695 a month so head over to slash Linus to check it out so guys if you dislike the video I think you know what to do but if you liked it go ahead and click that like button get subscribed and consider supporting us by buying a cool t-shirt like this one changing your Amazon bookmarks one of our affiliate code or even supporting us directly through the Linus tech tips com community forum if you're looking for something to watch we've actually done a lot of cool videos lately I'm Luke just did one where he checked out zou tax gtx 980ti it actually has hybrid air and liquid cooling both of them built right onto the card so definitely check that out if you're looking for another video to view at the moment see you next time in new office vlog
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