
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

New YouTube Demonetization Controversy - WAN Show Feb 22, 2019

all right ladies gentlemen welcome to another spectacular wine show another has there ever been a spectacular Rancho well another if you liked previous wine shows then this is pretty much more of the same there's been some pretty spectacular ranches I think there's been some pretty spectacular shows we've got a bunch of great topics for you guys today including the big controversy where YouTube is deem monetizing channels over the comments that other users post under their videos more on this at 11:00 I love it I'm so happy I'm just it's so great there's also Samsung Galaxy fold yeah I want to spend considerably more than I spent on my first car on a phone there's Apple 2019 leaks and more yeah there we go why don't we do the intro for a change sure goodness oh that was so good and remember kids you can't say demonetised without that's that's not my doing it's from I Ain't mistaken should hire this dude or dudette as a writer around here oh wait yes Oh savages your sponsor today my jerky is there a loose spice ropes I just want to do it now yes oh I actually had some of the the ghost pepper hot sauce with my pastelon hot sauce and pasta you down I'm talking like red sauce pasta like meat sauce I haven't had it before it seems like it would go really well though it makes sense well cover well cover the sponsor supposed to go so I actually had our really cool week we did some really neat videos this week I'd love to tell you about them but I no longer you know what let's talk about this first I no longer do the win show on my daily driver laptop yeah because some of you may or may not have noticed this but over the last few weeks there have been a couple of land shows that mysteriously went missing and they they were either just not uploaded immediately after we broadcast or they were they were live for a short period of time and then and then gone what's weird is YouTube just glitched it so no great that makes sense wait that doesn't actually make sense no that doesn't make sense did our site YouTube froze for a second let me just I have actually note this computer is probably long overdue for a reboot if nothing else so I don't know well it seems fine now anyway a couple of wine shows disappeared and the reason for that was not contrary to some fairly aluminum foil hat type speculations things yeah lammed that down because that was not it nothing to do with Fox no nothing to do with Google Google did not pull down the land show um and nothing to do with me trying to suppress information that I had said on the land show about like the whole Content ID claim thing that went on nothing like that what actually happened was there was some personal information of mine that was leaked in one of them and then there was some personal information of some of our staff that was leaked in another one so in order to ensure that I don't have spreadsheets or banging that works super well open on my laptop I have gotten a different one however it's not a perfect fix because actually one of those times I was already using this one but I was signed in to Chrome which like which carries a lot of personal information with it things are hard okay yeah um I never claimed to be some kind of tech guru they put me on that pedestal no you did no I didn't you named the channel I your names in it in tech tips I didn't name the channel actually those are boss that's my defense we didn't exactly fight against it though I'm sure I named the NCIX channel which I hosted yes tech tips so I met I am partially responsible [Laughter] man yeah so what was I talking about I don't you attend with your laptop but I brought entirely sure why IIIi don't remember why I actually had died I have no oh oh oh oh LTX okay remember I told you there was an update yeah okay so Colton because he is a small small man physically has has like he's just look he's power tripping right now he's power Trinity okay he has put a gag order on me he's put a gag order on me he said that I can't tell people how many LTX tickets have sold already oh so we did a stream a few hours ago announcing that LTX tickets are on sale I wish the stream had been on time because by the time we did the stream VIP tickets had been sold out for over an hour I had comments of people telling me that they tried to buy them but by the time they got through the capture they were gone and they had like BOTS watching the site that's what I was saying like previously I was like I think that like a price might be a little too low because like people are gonna grab them too fast but then you feel bad if you put it too high I totally understand do you know how much of an asshole I already feel like charging people hundreds of dollars to come hang with me in the team like that feels inappropriate no I know but the only way for us to slow down the velocity of those tickets would be to charge like two three grand for them yeah but it's like but then that's that's ridiculous the same yeah and then you're you're making it so a lot of the people that should probably be the ones that are there exactly I'm not able to get this there's no way to make everyone happy unless I set aside like three months yeah and do you want to know not even like legitly wouldn't be enough time so I can give you guys so I can't tell you how many tickets have sold but what I can do reappears on them I can I can write it on my dock here and then Luke can react to the number is it I can't I can't even compare it all no you can't because compared to people I know people know how many tickets we've sold in previous years yeah and like they would be able to do that how many are there available maximum so it's a little fuzzy it will depend on the final layout because the fire marshal is going to look at the layout and say in spruce here's how many you're allowed to have but the absolute maximum of that space assuming we put nothing in it is six thousand go buy your tickets yeah yeah [Laughter] that's crazy I wonder like I'm sure part of its Dreamhack but I wonder if it's a pretty significant amount it's just the tone cuz like this year's gonna be way different all the office tours are sold so the entire prior Friday I'm taking groups if I think it's twenty or twenty five on tours every I think it's half an hour or forty minutes and so that's however many I think that's like ten tours all of those are gone Jaden and we'll cuz you'll be here by then you guys got to be in office that day so flip Lincoln like a show up yeah flow plane has to like flex hard right yeah I'm allowed to make sure people Joe McCoy wasn't short gain what no he wasn't well he wasn't tall he wasn't short hold on a minute here he was super he was not yeah he was not short those a fabricated thing anyway five foot seven he's like I need to tell her than me but that's back then yeah that's true okay yeah apparently yes I know the number oh so that's pretty sick I don't I can't I want to give comparatives but I can't you just say we did we can say that you weren't gonna let me say that okay all right so in the last in the last okay here's here's what I'll say in the first two hours we sold more tickets than we did last year all together and it's not like it stopped dead after two hours that should give you some idea yeah so yeah I'm so stoked I am like so excited it is going to be just like and that the crazy thing is even if we were to sell every ticket that we could it's still borderline whether we would even break even yeah yeah but like if the idea was let's have a crazy get-together of like tech enthusiasts and tech creators and have like a giant two-day just like fun event then well if more people show up then that's cool I'm really excited that's really cool that legitimizes a lot of it your first day of ticket sales like I know being a buyer you're like ah whatever I kind of want to buy last minute so I can make sure I do my hotel whatever whatever like my mom needs me to help her move something and I can go do that that day instead yeah but as a ticket as the person selling the tickets you want to sell them all really quickly because then you know that there's a lot of demand and then you can scale up next year and all that kind of stuff so it's nice that you buy tickets now also if you want to go apparently you might have to buy them now people are saying maybe AMD can sponsor more space no actually you're done I checked in with Colton even like a couple weeks ago because I've seen how much hype there is about the event this year and I was like hey so Convention Center do they have more space he's like no look you could stop asking me there we have like the whole like okay if we were doing this again next year we want to scale up in that same building yes there is okay yes like if we ich LTX 2019 the next day were like yo Vancouver Convention Center same bat-time same bat-channel next year we need double the space like they've got it okay they have multiple buildings even yeah so we're just in like cuz it's cool to be able to scale in the same building for a while I think we're in like three ballrooms of one building right now it's like a massive space but like there's room that's legit is really close we could go for it very cool on the topic of things exciting I'm excited to have something controversial as a headline even though I personally hmm don't necessarily think this is a huge deal I think it's great okay so it's wonderful I'm reloading on the forum posted fantastic basically what's happening right now is use your comments on your video could get your video demonetised so a report from Wired on Wednesday claimed that videos of okay children in their underwear or showing their exposed buttocks and genitals are racking up millions of views on YouTube with the site displaying advertising for major cosmetics and car brands alongside the content now to be clear and you know it's such a weird thing to talk about like I take pictures of my kids where their butts showing all your size stuff on the wall at my parents house of me I've seen this yeah and it's Lord in normal if it's not perverse yeah like like I like I like I bathe these children like it to me there's nothing there's nothing sexual about it they're just my kids being a cute little kids that's sometimes they happen to be naked and they're adorable and so with that said I don't I don't upload them you don't share them yeah so my photo back solution is one on a private server that I own it's actually something I didn't realize when I first set up a plex server is how great it is for photo library backup because not only can I check out my photos but I can see my wife's and before you ask yes to a thing yes anyway it's important yep um and Plex is quite great so it's kind of amazing I'm down with that anyway so so the thing is the people uploading this content might just be uploading haha a funny video of when the dog like pulled on juniors pants and his butt was showing but there's comments under scenes of these videos where exposed things can be seen like we're like where a child does the splits like in a say a gymnastics video for example or lifts up their top showing their nipples um the moment ice that appears your family dollars like pedophiles who are documenting these timestamps for each other to find Wow and then effectively create what they've effectively created is like a softcore child pornography like loop or ring yeah so right back to the part about how these videos are monetized in some cases by big brands now obviously if I'm pampers I don't think there's anything particularly inappropriate about the buttocks of a baby no it's literally my job to make things that go against them and keep them dry and velvety soft or whatever yeah right and pampers was just an arbitrary example I actually have no idea who even which multi-national conglomerate owns the pampers brand I just hypothetical example no idea but when all of a sudden it's being twisted and deformed into something that is being whether it was intended for it or not used pedophile wank material all of us well no seriously like do I want my brand on it No so on Wednesday YouTube announced that it had banned more than 400 channels and disabled comments on tens of millions of videos so some of the demonetised videos are from perfectly innocent creators so source for here is here we go let's go ahead and pull this up Jessica Bollinger my five-year-old son does div gnostics is a happy sweet confident boy YouTube's not advertiser friendly I find the timing of this very disheartening for the YouTube community and apparently a lot of people agree YouTube's posted an updated Labadie bloobity blah blah blah um so when I preface this I said that I didn't think it was that big of a deal do you want to go first or should I explain that probably quite controversial stance no you can go for it okay I could I have stuff to say but you can go for it if you want okay so one I fully understand why brands would be hypersensitive to being associated with anything that is not just illegal but disgusting like pedophilia and in the outrage culture of today for them to imagine that their brand appearing next to this with those comments under it might turn off some people or spark just widespread fear er is not necessarily unreasonable I posted a tweet earlier this week of me holding up an accessory for the Xbox I believe it's called the accessible controller nothing super cool so we're actually working on a review which is why we have it oh so anyway I I held up a picture poking fun at this accessory because they reused molding from the Nintendo nunchuck and I went good job Microsoft you invented the Wii Nunchuk because it's got like a giant Xbox logo and stuff people were so mad they were like how dare you make fun of disabled gamers what and I went what are you talking about I'm making fun of them reusing plastic molding it's a cost-saving measure like it was a purely purely technical joke not look you gotta figure out who the real enemy is here so that's that's yeah that's what is the problem yes you got to figure out who's on your side okay so this comes back to oh man I'm gonna attend it now so this comes back to the whole tampons versus pads controversy with the Amazon goes to our video I shot an intro of that video where the actual joke is that you're a moron if you feel like feminine hygiene products are too icky to go get them for your significant that's the joke but I I but I say it in a way that is sort of intended not to offend people too much I guess like I beat around the bush a little bit so I basically go you know if you are if you are if there's a feminine hygiene emergency in your house and you are too embarrassed to talk to a real live human being while you go buy these things well then great news for you there's the Amazon ghost story I'm poking fun at the idea that we are so fresh we are so fragile and we are so desperate to avoid any kind of human contact whatsoever that we need a store with no cashiers so we can buy pads that's the joke but people are mad at me cuz they're like you are normalizing the like because there's honestok view that females are gross kurodo the enemy is so back to this back to this accessory the actual backstory here is that I had to go buy this bloody thing including the the controller because Microsoft isn't seating them for whatever reason I was like okay fine you know what forget it this is such an important product to cover which we've actually talked about in the past - but what fine we're just we're gonna we're just gonna buy it so that we can try it because people need to know about this because it's super cool so I post one tweet teasing them about reusing plastic molding and it's like now I hate disabled gamers or something I saw the commercial for it watching the Super Bowl with my family and I went on a rant about how cool it is that they made it and how it's like not a prophet play but it's like really cool because it could really enable different people to be able to play these games more effectively than they could already super super cool product so so yeah what I was basically going to say was that it's not fair to take down a whole bunch of these channels where it's clear I did have one more point go for it okay sorry yeah yeah thing there no I'm good that's fine so point number two is that in the case of any one of these videos where the subject matter is minors there's a really really gray legal area around monetization of YouTube videos containing minors so on the one hand I could say you know what any video that I shoot with my son I am his parent or guardian it's my video i I'm monetizing it that's you know what I'm gonna spend some of that money on stuff for him what is it there's like no there's a clause specifically for this it's named after someone who so I pay my kids whenever they had Joe in our videos yeah because I think there is going to be a huge poop shell especially when with a lot of the family vlogger channels where these kids who were minors not under the protections and the stipulations of how miners in the film industry are supposed to be treated where these miners are gonna grow into adults and they're gonna say hey like some of the big channels there's literally millions of dollars at play over the course of all the years they've been running hey where's my check and no the roof over my head and the food in my tummy is not payment so to me monetizing content with a miner who you are let's face it probably not paying you're not paying little Johnny for the ice skating video that you're posting on YouTube and you know what there's probably not a ton of money involved in it but as soon as there's any there's potentially a problem here so we're looking at content where miners are potentially without fully understanding the ramifications of being present on social media where miners are being monetized um I guess what I'm trying to say is yeah so there's a law I knew about this the Coogan law I knew yes it was named after someone was enacted to protect the earnings of child actors this is different because it's for movies where that child actor is paid and then the parents take the money it's different is it it's different right now but it's probably going to end up covering the same stuff and what you're doing is probably quite logical so I guess yeah I guess we're just in I guess we're just in a bit of an interesting situation it'll happen to someone I don't think necessarily that it is that it makes sense for people to unless they're doing everything by the book and employing their children as actors I don't think it makes sense for them to be monetizing this type of content so I guess YouTube and I'm I am speculating I've not spoken to anyone at YouTube about this but I guess YouTube is looking at this going ok we have a problem with our advertisers they don't like their ads on anything that could be perceived as pedophilia okay we have problem number two our own perception we don't want YouTube to be perceived as profiting off of pedophilia and child pornography however softcore it may be and problem number three is that this has the potential to freakin blow up at some point anyway is this even really right I think it's a distant third to be very clear because YouTube has a lot of stuff on it that I kind of go yeah is that really right yeah but there's there's my argument there's my argument for why I actually don't think they made a bad move here sorry I will let you go now I realize I talked for a very long time no that's fine I think as long as you I think that's all super valid especially the part about the child actors it's not the same technically but I think it's it's going to go poorly at some point in time like I was saying someone is going to be the the main host of a YouTube channel who's a child and then they're gonna grow up and be like where's all my money and those videos are still gonna be monetized and they're still not gonna be making money off of it and there's gonna be some new law or an attendant to the coogan law or whatever it's like legally a minor cannot actually absolutely recently that a minor could even create a Google account so I pretty much guarantee you most of the Google accounts there for the YouTube channels that are run by kids are owned by their parents yeah that makes you their employer anyway sorry yeah so like that that's gonna have to be handled somehow and that's its own entire problem I don't think it's completely fair in in the like okay we get to a problem where Google isn't the government so like it doesn't matter if it's fair or not it doesn't matter at all if it's fair or not they're a private company they can do whatever the heck they want so whatever but if we were looking at it that way which is not fair to Google or YouTube but it's it's I don't think it's entirely fair to to take these channels down or D monetize them when it is the complete opposite of the intention of the channel it's not their fault some weird person on the internet likes it and maybe those people should look into to say blink on comments or like that lady actually said in her chain of tweets she's very militant about like cleansing her comment section so she's probably already kind of taking care of it I just have a question if all you're doing is removing the comments are you solving the problem you solve the problem of that like network thing you're talking about because I'm assuming what the idea is they were going to someone's channel that doesn't have videos and can you still search up work because someone comments on things not sure I don't know you used to be able to go to someone's page on YouTube even if they didn't upload any videos and you could see their comments across the whole site and I'm assuming they have like central accounts and they go to those and they see all the timestamps on all the different videos so if you shut off comments and you shut that off or just make it so you can't see a single accounts comments across the site because what's really the mechanism of that other than but you could spoil someone you could still consolidate all this information off-site somewhere else and click on time-stamped youtube links yeah that's true dojin asks so instead of the video making money for the creator google this makes the money no they're pulling the advertising off them entirely yeah so Google's not making money at all I mean I guess what I'm more meant was like if you're if you're a concerned parent seeing these comments on and I'm not I'm not I'm not judging everyone's in their own situation I don't know what kind of comments we're moderated but if you're a concerned parent seeing comments where pedophiles are watching the content wouldn't the actual course of action yourself pull it down yourself or to cut out or censor or bladder horns that are making people so excited she was saying that her son does gymnastics so maybe there's parts where his shirt comes up or something maybe work on getting him some clothes that doesn't do that or cut out the parts where that happens but I don't think that all children doing any form of gymnastics should be universally banned across the entire internet like that seems a little aggressive yeah that's madness yeah there needs to be some type of like need to be able to do athletic things as a child and like have it be okay because that's ridiculous but as a parent I think it's reasonable to cut out parts where there's clothing malfunctions or to just get some clothes that don't do that that's very possible so part of the issue this is a great comment from YouTube URLs on forum all right use me floatplane one of the issues was that because the comments were so self referential and had so many cross links between them once you watched a couple of these videos your entire recommended would be filled with more of them which was how it was so easy to find a bunch of this type of material so yes moderating your comments how are they sold would help bridge that like because they have so many of the same keywords and stuff so they become tightly associated so they would like put in a bunch of keywords and then a timestamp so the algorithm was was figuring well they were like discussing like oh at this point there's a nipple slip and stuff like the comments are really explicit they're not just a timestamp I thought it was supposed to be sneaky I thought it was just timestamps that's that's how was that not picked up that seems like the easiest thing if if literally the algorithm can find like comments in order to suggest them to you couldn't they just have used that to remove the cons and banning accounts seems pretty straightforward you've already got it working for similar you you literally are able to detect similar comments and suggest those videos like it doesn't seem like a difficult next step anyway so I I don't like the idea of just purging all those types of videos I do like the idea of parents making sure they're they're cleansed videos and maybe give your kids some better clothes for gymnastics well the gymnastics thing to like it could just be that it's very tight fitting clothes yeah and a lot of like the thing is a lot of sports attire is kind of revealing I mean look at like tennis attire for example almost any sports attire hockey football pants yeah football pants they do not leave a lot to the imagination though you're behind the center you know what though that butt looks like hey buddy yeah but like yeah I don't I don't I don't think that should mean that you can never have a video of boys football there are plenty of videos of my brother and I playing football when we were children I don't think any of those are not okay so it's a complicated issue YouTube's general policy for this type of stuff is to lay the SmackDown and then let it back a little and then dial it back slowly so that's probably what they're doing yeah there's always collateral damage and there's always Pat bad PR to go along with it in this case I don't necessarily fundamentally disagree with what they're doing but yeah what it is I guess like and I mean you know the thing too is like that's easy for me to say but what if what if the only thing paying for those gymnastics lessons was the monetization on these videos like everyone's situation is really really different in their lives and that's something that we also have to consider yeah one thing we know for sure is that floatplane yeah wouldn't be pulling content down yeah slightly more of a walled garden because people would have to pay to access that content also your comment section is going to be much smaller and filled with better people so you probably wouldn't have these types of situations in general anyways and and yeah he just wouldn't make a ton of sense that's great it's great for us isn't it great whenever YouTube has like terrible PR yeah I didn't actually know a lot about this story I just knew it was a bad PR story for YouTube so I was like well soft looks like I still I still love YouTube to be completely fair I spend a lot of time on YouTube but and we're like started your career on YouTube that's it yep and we're like actually not competing with YouTube at all in any way but the better YouTube does the better flow plane does 100% so I actually like at anytime someone's like okay there's two sections to this first off anytime someone's like oh someone just needs to like anyone out there just needs to make a youtube clone and then YouTube will die first of all first of all I'm like well hopefully not and second of all I'm like well no that's not how that would work at all not even slightly and it's been attempted many times the reason why you don't know is cuz it didn't matter what was the most recent one bid me I think so they're gone dead alright why don't we you know what since I'm doing it already anyway this video is brought to you by a savage jerky did you want some jerky sure you can't have mine yeah you can have no habaneros nice um they're jerky is made from the best ingredients without nitrates or preservatives with the goal to create a snack that's full of flavor and that isn't bad for you they don't only make jerky though they also make hot sauces which are delicious and spice rubs which I haven't tried yet no you they're probably delicious that's insulating yeah which one you want you can go first this time you want the herb blend I don't actually care those both sound water this is mild this is medium heat um hold on a second let's have a look signature blend wow they really don't say oh wait here we go ingredients so this one is sea salt garlic powder black pepper paprika chipotle pepper cayenne pepper habanero pepper cumin turmeric dehydrated lime juice and silicon dioxide those both sound amazing but for very different reasons this one a sea salt sun-dried tomato powder basil garlic black pepper oregano thyme crushed red pepper and parsley well so that is pretty mild yeah see but I wouldn't take the herb blend one for like I think I think I'm going with herb blend was the right move because the stuff that I heard in there it's not really a spice that's just a yeah favorite thing yeah yeah which one you want Oh with her blood you know cool thank you fine I love spicy I'm legit gonna use this I know you can use offer code ltte to save 10% off any of their products at LMG GG / savage jerky this video is also brought to you mmm my fingers are so greasy also brought to you by shade tree shade tree sunglasses are unique since they're made from hardwood so no pair is identical the wood grains are unique even between the same model they come with polarized lenses that block UV rays and give you fantastic clarity and if you have a screen it's polarized this way versus that way like I can read yours but not mine can you see that I know that one's pretty up to turn yeah so they are definitely polarized oh yeah wondering yeah um blocks UV rays while giving you fantastic clarity some of their glasses like their half dome titanium and zebra version can be ordered with prescription lenses as well they include a soft and a hard carry case and you can get 10% off using offer code Linus at checkout check them out at shade tree dot-com I'm not gonna be able to wear these because I can't read my laptop yeah that's a bit of a problem on the wine show yes finally private Internet access what do I have to say about private Internet access just go get it it's like shockingly cheating especially when you consider that you can log in on 5 devices at once with a single account and if you're come to LTX it might help you with cheaper flight tickets hey LM GGG / p ia man alright I'm having just one more there you go actually you know what we're going snowboarding right yeah so I'm gonna work this off bring some so I can eat the whole thing jerky on the mountains awesome mmm yeah fresh man if you take like a pit stop somewhere pull some jerky oh I have not been snowboarding in so friggin long and you bored not ski I skied until I was like 11 okay and then I switched to boarding but I would ski like 20 30 times a year from when I was like six to when I was 11 and then like three times a year after that so I've actually skied more than I've boarded in my life okay do you think you'll board or ski then all aboard okay yeah I like it better like fun to go back on skis I'm also a cheapskate though and I own a board okay my board is so old though and I'm fairly sure the sides are like actually rusty um a little bit of rust is okay but you can also give it to there's there's a shop oh yeah and they can just yeah no no I'm I'm like actually kind of excited it's been so long since I've been on a board yeah speaking of excitement this is posted by Zed there are Maxwell on the forum the Samsung Galaxy fold it was unveiled at their unpacked event this week it's got a 7 point three-inch infinity flex display with a smaller 4.6 inch display that's used for closed mode it's got 512 gigs of EU FS 3.0 storage it's got a qualcomm 7 nanometre octa-core processor 12 gigs of ram because why not it's got two batteries that are separated by the fold but combined in the Android operating system for four thousand three hundred and eighty milliamp hours into launch on April 26th at a price of almost two thousand of US Dollars and that's so ok so us so convert it to Canadian and adjusted for inflation because Ajay called me out when I said this that phone is legitimately more expensive than my first car the convertible that blew up on a bridge it wasn't exactly the greatest car ever but it still ran for like a fair amount of years and that phone is more expensive than it like that not crazy what no really for a second I thought you're talking about the fold in between but how big is the actual notch I'm pretty sure it's not I haven't I didn't watch the unpacked event I didn't either but I've seen concept shots hold on a second I hope I'm not blew up ok the car didn't blow up the fuel pump and fuel injectors legitimately did pop though dang it what happened there's a video of it on YouTube Linus was making fun of me had to come save me so actually I'll let you go first this time I'll give you my take on it after I think it's ridiculous really yeah I think it's very cool I think it's probably one of the better implementations of this that I've seen I think it's ridiculous because of its price oh yeah that's a notch for sure yeah yeah I think you're right yeah they really don't show it very much do they nope I think it's gonna be very hard to not break this I think the battery life issues are going to be real so like the pretty pronounced I I think it's gonna it's gonna wow that's very pronounced yes they really show it there yeah holy who would play a game like that I don't really see this as like a gaming no I batteries in phones suck this has been known for a while I was talking to Jaden the other day his a lot of his way older phones even now have better battery life than some of these newer phones by the time you're - let alone three years into a phone its batteries just trashed if you use it consistently like at all so they're gonna expect you to swap this thing everyone like if you're spending that much on the phone you're probably swapping it every year too because if you're in the market for that expensive of phones you're probably not someone who's holding on to the phone for three years you're probably a power user who's cycling their phone pretty quick so you gonna spend like over two grand on a phone every year every year or two so they say it should last for a hundred folds a day for five years two hundred thousand full but no one's gonna keep okay so that's good because then the fold part won't break in the reasonable lifespan of the phone so that's good or it shouldn't six cameras triple camera on the rear well one of them is 16 megapixel ultra wide one is 12 megapixel wide-angle and one is telephoto a 10 megapixel camera for selfies in the front and two cameras on the inside for some reason on the giant notch we're not sure exactly why those are there games streaming I'm just guessing so I'm gonna say something that might not be that popular I think this is a future I don't disagree with that I just hope it's not this expensive no give it time yeah no it's yeah that's great having a having a screen that you can pull out of your pocket that turns this big that's fantastic I completely agree with you I don't think that's even that controversy a matter of time before they'll like fold to waste sure heck yeah I want bigger the the like foldable paper that as digital has been like a dream thing for for lots of people since my generation was kids this is this is not surprising I don't think it is not the future at all I just think it's crazy this exact version is nutsoid and I think I wouldn't be surprised if part of the price point that they're doing is like trying to get sort of less people to buy it because they just want some of it to go out there and this thing is gonna be hard to manufacture this is brand new technology yeah I mean it's not gonna have that many of them to put it in perspective the fact that Samsung is confident enough to even sell this thing is mind-blowing to me because yeah one that I saw at CES from that other company was terrible well wasn't it Samsung that went on stage and they showed that like terrible prototype of their really blocky one yeah it was Samsung mm-hmm yeah yeah but no there's someone else that's selling it mm-hmm that's selling a foldable phone the thing is awful it's terrible this looks really smooth the screen fold on this looks really nice mm-hmm like actually really that looks like a very nice phone if it was that phone but way cheaper it would be very cool so maybe in a few years hopefully we'll see but yeah I'm far from interested in this version I'm stoked for the people that are because you get to guinea pig tested for videos I'd want to try it out but like there's no way I would end up daily driving it at this point in time I don't think I mean I could be I could totally be proven wrong though I could 100% get use out of it out of the big screen all that kind of stuff but yeah yeah I suspect there be too many problems the fact that even new releases of normal phones have so many problems scares me for something like that but few years down the line yeah be awesome all right do we have anything else for topics today Apple 2019 leaks so reliable Apple analyst Ming Chico has released a list of suspected Apple releases for this year apparently they'll come back to the display market with a 6k monitor on a set to feature a mini LED like backlight design Fenton Oh fascinating iPhones will retain lightning connectivity and will be the same size ultra wideband connectivity for indoor positioning navigation frosted glass casing frosted glass would be cool be nice mmm upgraded face idea larger battery is ooh okay Mac new MacBook Pro between 16 and 16 and a half inches and a new Mac Pro with easy to upgrade components our pods to with support for wireless charging iPod touch okay iPad 2 new iPad pro models neat you know what's funny now flow planes probably gonna have to buy a Mac Mini what for one of its employees why for their computer why God why cuz they would like to work on a Mac I have to buy a Mac it's a Mac Mini you know what we actually are planning to buy another Mac Mini already really yeah so a lot of the software for ingesting footage is either Apple only or better on Apple so the camera then if we can get the issue sorted out because so far it hasn't actually been better but if the camera done figures out a workflow that's better on Mac the Mac Mini is kind of unique it's relatively affordable and it has a 10-game adoption Wow see it's really small also relatively affordable have you seen their RAM options well you can upgrade the RAM yourself oh yeah mm-hmm oh yeah so I thought it was soldered no so you throw them a couple Mac minis just like on the back of a monitor or whatever plug in USB for your card readers and stuff 10 gig LAN it's actually kind of like we found a use case where the Mac Mini really was the best computer on the market for what we were trying to do nice and compact 10 gig already built in there you go I know right who woulda thunk it that that Ram thing is actually really good to know can you talk with the drive - no I don't know is it just RAM that's swappable I believe so ok good to know still Apple yeah it just happens to have swappable Ram yeah yeah I just thought the drive was soldered in that's that's actually really cool that jadynn can get way more RAM Jaden needs a Mac work on a PC now yeah but there is actually he's been having some troubles today and it's easier for him to develop on his laptop at home right now I'm compared to his PC at work so we'll talk about this later and I think that's it for wind chill for today guys your fault you told me I can say your name thanks for tuning in same bat-time same bat-channel bye everyone guys
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