
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Nvidia is BACK AT IT AGAIN - WAN Show Mar 15, 2019

it's a wedge oh hey guys it's time for the win show yeah we actually have a lot of great news topics for you guys today six of which we might cover two or three of them yeah we'll definitely cover a couple of them the most important news topic I have though is that I am taking a real vacation sort no you're not no no well I mean no elves I will still be you will be taking real vacation time and you will not be yes working at Linus Media Group yes but it's not really a vacation I have a bone to pick with you on the vacation now hold on a minute no no no no no no no no no okay are we really gonna get into this like half an hour to roll the intro master I think that's BS full disagree hold the screen look we'll talk about this later and disagree okay so what imma let you finish so go ahead I just I don't think it's a vacation what are you gonna so okay tell them what you're gonna do with your time off okay so with your time off to be to be like my vacation they're super clear okay so from Monday to Friday of next week okay I am NOT going to be at the office yeah time off yeah vacation because I'll be on vacation and vacation time probably I'm okay so I plan to spend a few days reorganizing my garage and my attic and going furniture shopping for my kids room yeah that sounds super exciting yes well no it's not exciting but I'm excited because I'm going to be on are you making me self-conscious that's a question for yourself no no no no no no you are what is the difference cuz you are you were so you were so happy that it was your first vacation yeah but that's see that's not the point though like when I say first like look it's vacation time they travel all around the world all the time that is not a vacation vacation okay tell you what that's fair but do you me this do me this kindness okay okay google vacation while I explain why traveling is not to me a vacation because when I travel it increases my anxiety it decreases my the likelihood that I will be able to actually go places that I want to go and do things that I want to do so it's interesting because it doesn't say anything about decreasing anxiety or anything well why does specifically say an extended period leisure and recreation which is not sound like you do okay whoa hold on a second so I plan to play badminton twice that week instead of once okay that is that it that is I will give you perhaps a lot leisure I will give you that but definitely recreation yeah also I am definitely like 9 of 10 Rhea dicted to 1602 a deacon right now and I plan to play that yes sir yeah I'll put it back up oh wow especially one spent away so it doesn't have to be but it specifically says leisure or Recreation and you were planning on all for organizing your garage also cleaning your attic definition number two definition umber to the action of leaving something one previously occupied I don't think Andre D from floatplane chat I'm with lioness any time away from work is vacation if normally you'd be working and then it replaces its vacation you need to do work hold on a second is if you're doing I take vacation and mow the lawn yak now oh you know yak now I've misread that is that relaxing for you though some people enjoy yard work it smells ass is what I'm saying I think I don't think you realized in the garage of the Attic is gonna be relaxing for you it will be relaxing when it is done because right now my house is in such a state that I actually cannot relax in it so you're like using your vacation time to buy relaxation ongoing in the future it's like a investment vacation investment okay but but the reason that I'm calling this my first true vacation since starting - Media Group is that for the first time I am NOT going to be the one to bank up the content beforehand or make up the content when I get back so do you know about this have you heard about this yeah so Riley James Anthony Alex and Jake are all going to be working together to produce six ltte videos plus the usually scheduled tech linked episodes while I am gone so theoretically I will be away for a week with no stress and nobody will call me on my cellular telephone and I will not get any emails and I am really gonna say we have under reminders to call you about flow plan stuff reminder every time I walk past you hey you know that six months where we like didn't put live on the website I'm making up for it now we just hey we create a new feature actually you should show that that is that is we actually not have but we at least have a mock-up like this is on the pre that's gonna be different I believe it's on you keys local environment oh okay so this will be a while probably not no no we're making no promises because that was definitely making no props what's best for Luke yeah no promises hey Luke not today have two-factor authentication Oh six weeks six weeks go by hey Luke when are we gonna have to factor authentication I don't know six weeks it's like it's like he lives in on a different like on a different space-time continuum than everyone else where like it just it holds still anyway no I'm just teasing you because and I can now because actually we're rolling out new stuff like every other every other week right now okay so I'm gonna switch over to your screen so this is pretty sick I think I think and obviously I'm a little biased here but I think this looks better than YouTube's Federman I think this is Beth best theater mode I've personally ever seen okay so the chunkiness in the video by the way is rapid pausing yeah show how different things get affected don't don't worry about the chunkiness in the video dad not pretty it's so smooth full dark mode but you can still see the original thumbnail the your comments come over to the side so you can still chat about the video live not cool I think that's really sick that there's a download button so you can still interact with it like you don't lose a lot of your features you can still see the description so someone says click link in the description you don't have to leave theater mode you don't have to leave theater mode to comment honestly that's one of the things that I really like when I'm watching a video is actually reading the comments oh do you mean remove that just just in the oh reading the comments while I'm watching it so having something that's just off to the side full dark mode really nice really clean I think I think it looks fantastic yeah looks awesome there's also tons of other stuff coming on the weight searches sir people give me now trust me if that approach worked there's all kinds of stuff it doesn't we tried that at one time and then we had to spend a really long time on doing that now we're in a good spot search searches coming on is like really close as I believe I've talked about before transcoding Peters here I'm not gonna give dates but like real soon it's been a really long time coming I rod from BS mod says wow dude line to start on time ish no or half an hour late we just started like 10 minutes ago yeah I'm very sorry oh he thinks were on time for 4:30 daylight savings yeah so about that no um so that there was a time change over here so actually that's great for a lot of the world order and we were early today oh my goodness oh that's terrific great alright so you know what why don't we why don't we actually do a tech topic here let me do a tech topic 120fps of the movies let's get the title one other way yeah you know where that's a New Year's resolution I'm a honey this resolution 8k so timing now yeah look some of us some of us are so the realization of New Year's resolution some of us are so great already it takes us to come up with the New Year's you know I get it I get a kick out of this because so many people I saw on on the livestream that I did today where I was going around and talking to the writers about what they had planned for while I was gone I saw so many comments about like you know oh you know Linus is being so nice to his staff like what's wrong he's like talking to them so respectfully and like interacting them with them like a normal human and I'm just kind of sitting here going like yeah obviously the egomaniac like you know james t kirk character that I play is like it's it's hamed up for the camera honestly honestly I like myself I do like myself I'm not I'm not like a self-hating person or anything like that but the whole like yeah I'm so great that it takes me two and a half months in spite of how incredibly intelligent I am to come up with a new year's resolution it's just funny it's just really funny I think it's funny so I think I think everyone here does to it I can understand how it might be difficult as an audience member considering I've had and family members worried about this really different I was definitely threatened with a knife yeah yeah yeah for an extended period of time but there's there's like there's ribbing between friends and I think when you've worked together for a long time and you understand you you you you get give and take so you'll get like grandiose praise and you'll get ribbed for stuff yeah and it's everything's fine you know it's funny during the Linus reeds mean comments there was we ended up with a thread on the fox news a thread on the forum yeah so we ended up with a thread on the forum yeah that was like full tinfoil hat that because everyone laughed during I think it was a comment about what a hopeless narcissist I am or something like that and someone in the background is like yup or like they laugh or something like that they were like this is this is them like reaching out that they are in are a hostile abusive work environment and I'm kind of sitting here going do you have any idea how talented these people are if they didn't want to be here they wouldn't be here nobody has to work here no one's that gunpoint that's kind of true H we actually have a really great job market here in Vancouver particularly in the media production industry like if someone like Taryn decided he didn't feel like working for the monsters that are Linus Sebastian and Yvonne Howe and Linus Media Group Incorporated evil corporate entity that it is you don't think you can get a job like come on so let's just even consider consider that a lot of people that work here dropped more like traditionally better jobs to come work here when times were like not as good and then they're still here way way way way later where there's probably a reason like we're trying to do better I mean the thing the thing for for me is that I actually don't really like going out of my way to to talk about the things that are are great about working at Linus Media Group because and I had this was another like like really I don't know what to call it crazy hurtful bizarre understandable and yet everything is working exactly as intended thank you for that there that's my okay it's my emotion cloud that was like yeah anyway there was that there was a comment on the 10-year anniversary livestream that Yvonne and I did did you watch any of that whole thing of course you did okay so when we talked about people starting at the bottom and how we don't offer like gigantic mondo salaries because what we're looking for is in fact I don't even think we mentioned that part because it was more true at the beginning anyway we mentioned that our expectation is that the people who work here would do it for nothing and we're not saying that do do it for nothing we're just saying that they would do it for nothing because when we hire we are trying to hire passion first attitude first and then you know what we can work on all the other stuff yeah because if you're passionate and you have a good attitude then you know you get a whole bunch of people like that in a room that's ones that's when things happen and so someone interpreted that to mean that we basically pay slave wages and they were like I'm glad they mentioned that that really reveals a lot about them as an employer I'm I would never work there then everything's working perfect we were a match not made in heaven yeah if you remember what was it one or two streams ago you talked about well I'm saying you as in them and then now I'm talking to you that got a little confusing but if they remember as of two streams ago we talked about how all the original members now own yeah houses of some form domiciles don't yeah let's go with that because they're absolutely quite varied yeah I think it's okay you know so here's the world we're happy with you not a play I actually blame you for part of this perception because you used to complain about your compensation on camera a fair bit but see here's the thing he knows that that's a sensitive spot for me because I actually do care about making Linus Media Group a place that makes sense for people to work I want to be a real company you know like that kind of thing and he would rib me for two reasons one is that he knew that it cut me pretty deep and two in the early days I'm pretty sure Luke in the very earliest days was actually making less than legal minimum wage yes yeah it was okay but it also rib before it because you know my real stance on it quite well but that's exactly the point and that's this isn't me this is very important when you're viewing these things is like lioness and I have talked about this stuff extensively off-camera knows my realest ants are my real stance on it is that it's completely fine we literally have a scheduled annual discussion called the annual employee review here where we talk about how everything's going and talk about compensation and all that stuff because we don't want all the time to be about that we want every day to be about going to work and being passionate and doing what we're excited to do and then once a year we go well how was all that excitement for you dot hey how was all that work for you and why don't we why don't we balance them you know make sure that everything makes sense so so and also to be clear Luke always made salary wise more than legal minimum wage so while he was at Linus Media Group I take no responsibility for what NCIX with about what yet so yeah that's a that's actually pretty good to be clear it's important with that said I think especially when the forum was having issues over you were definitely working more hours than but this was and like this is where understanding stuff comes into plates were you paying rent though I was were you I'm pretty sure it was a pretty sweet deal though it was an amazing deal ok ok that was like I mentally just mental math that into part of like the compensation from but that this is part of like van home-cooked meals and which were like that was like an extra 20 bucks a month there's so nonsensical it whatever it was I remember it didn't pay for the ingredients for one meal and probably just as big as both of them so my wife was was off on maternity leave with my first son my only son excuse me well the only one she knows about anyway I'm so she just kidding um so so my so my wife was on maternity leave so she was cooking all the meals for me and her and him and so it wasn't really that much more work to throw some extra noodles and some extra beef and some extra veggies or whatever in the pasta except I would happily so one to two meals a day and just go hand I still actually kind of remember like the negotiations here where Luke was like well like you're kind of doing it already anyway so like really it should be kind of closer to materials cost Yvonne estimates the materials cost gets it way under and like okay sweet you can always tell that you've offered this guy too much but he's like okay because if you try to hold mattress it's like let me get back to you and you get like this trust me I've had it both ways with him yeah yeah I mean it's been a while we've been working together for nine years close to eight or nine years at least eight at least at least eight has six and a quarter of Linus Media Group yeah and then over a year of NCIX so yeah it's been it's been so we've we've had some exchanges even on this show I think there's only been a handful of times that things have actually gotten kind of heated but like even on this show I think we've kind of lost it a little bit with each other so feel well that's rest assured us disagreeing on things was like the content of the land show for the first thing it's gotten harder though because actually you spend a decade in close proximity or working towards the same goals with someone and having many of the same experiences and it's actually kind of amazing the way that you start to mind-meld yeah like Luke and I will have more similar opinions pretty much across the board whether it like and I'm talking controversial topics you know whether we're looking at religion or politics or the capital punishment or or like whatever it happens to be you know one of us will be going and doing some reading or whatever on our own time and then we'll be like hey yeah so I've been like thinking about this I've been you know meditating on the merits of you know firing squads versus lethal injection or whatever the kinds of calm sessions that you do not have in mixed company and you know what we'll just start to kind of like build on each other and it's like okay yeah we're okay we're on the same page wait a minute is tonight yeah the thing yep I totally forgot that's very fun not it's how set up by the computer is set up the monitors are on the internet is working do you have like I have controllers there okay so we should announce it then sure like we're doing it right yeah I mean right can we get there and then it might take a little just like so it'll be a typical Linus and Luke yeah afterparty yeah the first after-party in okay see that OBS just a little bit not a little bit that's weird right easy yeah now it's back okay okay I have a question was audio going during that and yeah what did the stream do okay flow plane chat we need to hear from you guys about what exactly happened there see I still don't see the fries look is that it that's it and lots of people in flow plane are saying lag and dead interesting so that was that was OBS a hundred percent I'm gonna stop audio was going so we have the stream playing on both YouTube and twitch so I'm gonna lose that right now and just fire up task manager here interesting so we've been trying to diagnose an issue with the streaming pc cuz like the weird thing is the six core 12 thread processors should be more than enough but every once in a while we get these spikes you know what I kind of wonder is I actually wonder if it's a USB issue if we should switch to all PCI Express capture cards and see if that's it because when you have more than one capture device over USB on its a shared bus and I think there's one of them like one controller that we have two streams coming in on you can run into issues now had that problem before so apparently the audio was fine mm-hmm so that makes sense it's probably the capture device interesting we should also just see if there's a firmware update anyway anyway so tonight it's going to be the first after party in what has to be more a year a long time we are going to be playing some broforce yeah and it is to my understanding anyway going to be the first live stream from my new place Luke's new house yep it was crazy how this worked out because you proposed this whole idea last week did I I think I remember exactly what it was but it i didn't realize but yesterday was when my internet got turned off at the last place so it was like actually not even an option to stream from the world i had to move huh i realized that like so is all your stuff out now then not all my stuff a very large percentage you'll see i guess cool the vast majority of my books my whole computer setup there's no furniture everything important yeah is everything i like on my like day-to-day there's some kitchen stuff still left behind there's still like storage ii kind of things to left behind the bookshelves are all still there moving socks hey it really does I love that you like have been moving over the last week and then rolled into the office on Monday and had to move out of your office ridiculous I've been moving every night even when I stream I move at least a few boxes every night just cuz I'm trying to like if I do have to do one big day where I like call in the troops I'm trying to make it the smallest big day I possibly can right and it's getting more like more more chips and beer less actual carrying heavy things yeah more realistically would be like one or two trips and then mostly hanging out because that's the point it's getting to and I had a lot of help last night actually from the roommate that's moving in and some mutual friends cool which was awesome but yeah it's it's it's it's getting pretty set up the networking situation is interesting oh really I guess you'll see as well okay I've never had networking through the walls before yeah and I have my I made a video on it you guys check it out it's actually pretty cool I have my big wooden paneled networking board yep so I you still have that yeah I thought that was just like a thing you made for the video and then you don't throw it away those all my hardware oh I bolted my hardware there okay that was like I wanted to do it anyways I don't this has been a long time ago so I don't expect you to member the story but I want to do it anyways then I was like hey she make a video to this and you were like yeah sure so I used some like yeah that yeah yeah DIY ghetto networking wall a renters solution now has to be converted into a person who owns a place solution so yeah I put all that hardware on a board and then got like crapped on because hashtag J's two cents did it first yeah that that's sucked J was cool about it but the community was like wood so yeah that exact board looks exactly like that plus a few Ethernet cables that I've now removed so it looks like that again - the fiber box because that's not mine right so I took the fiber box off and I brought it to the new place this switch is gigantic yeah yeah that's at like a 48 ports which isn't it yeah it's Hugh why did you get a 48 ports which right cuz you used to run lands and stuff yeah yeah right I actually used it to fairly high capacity a number of times um and I got really I got a really good deal I believe you yeah yeah if you bought it you got a good deal on it because that's the kind of bloke you are I got a really good deal on the place too and it came with furniture but really you're gonna see it's like a nice couch and stuff the the the place has one of those like networking cubby things it's like a like a white door you open the door there's like all your networking into the house goes in there and then the network installers put their boxes in there and stuff got it and there's a little bit of space okay Oh a little bit of space you say yeah yeah not enough space at all so I really don't know what I'm going to do but yeah there's there's like a few Ethernet ports plugged in that's another thing there's eight Ethernet ports in the house well that's pretty good that is pretty good that's there's actually quite a few cool a box they gave me does not have eight ports my switch is giant and doesn't fit in there right so you just I mean you just need like a like an 8 or a 12 port switch or something like that but even then I'm like already running out of space in there and I need a pee in there and stuff so I think I'm gonna have no you should put your a pee somewhere else and your ap is kind of like that Rin is actually very centralized in the house all right well I'm gonna come yeah yeah all right oh you know what we should actually do is sponsor matches for some reason people still sponsor the Len show including that way hey Backblaze is an unlimited cloud backup for mac and pc for six dollars a month they have over 35 billion files restored that you can backup Doc's music photos videos drawings projects just all the data you can restore files anywhere including directly downloading them on the web or even restoring them by mail if you're into that sort of thing because your internet connection is not that fast you can purchase our restored via hard drive they will actually overnight that thing to you via FedEx they've got mobile apps maybe so you can access your files on the go and after you were oh this is cool most places don't do this after you restore your data you can actually return that hard drive to them for a refund like most day to recovery places that I'm aware of you just know you bought that hard drive now that's yours yeah that's cool no wonky cost structures or anything like this just unlimited data backup at a fixed price so get a fully-featured 15 day free trial at Backblaze dot-com slash LTTE go there play around with it and start protecting yourself from potential bad times I'm talking very bad times data loss is even less fun than like now I'm not even gonna it just sucks yeah it's bad the things that would be you know it's you just don't want to talk about yeah pulse way that's what we want to talk about yeah we actually have a really cool project coming up for pulse wave very soon we're gonna be shooting like like actually like a commercial spot for them oh and it's good oh wait I know if I'm supposed to talk about this okay Paul swing is a real-time remote monitoring and management software that allows you to well manage and monitor from one app it's compatible with Windows Linux and applications and gives you access to real-time status system resources logged in users network performance Windows updates and more you can fix problems on the go by sending commands from any mobile device and you can create and deploy custom scripts to automate your IT tasks honestly one of my favorite things about it aside from a remote desktop functionality is the the fact that you can just set it up to give you notifications for just basic stuff like whenever our main storage server goes under 15% I get a ping and I can be like hey what move stuff to the vault okay pause wait are you done so try it for free today at pulse wacom or through our link in the video description ok pause go back to the previous one back back please go to the back to the thing oh oh oh we're talking about back plays again it shows on here slash man oh we said was slash LTTE thank you very much flow plane chat oh whoops I don't know which one chai both yeah there you go I just want to make sure everyone knew that also fresh books fresh books is the super simple to use invoicing tool that actually does a lot more than just help you create and send slick-looking invoices so if you run a small business for yourself or you're a freelancer FreshBooks is all about helping you get your life more organized so you can spend more time doing work or relaxing or doing anything else other than boring frustrating accounting you can track your time with their timesheet function manage your expenses and keep track of who owes you what and they even have a feature that tells you when your client sees your invoice for the first time so you don't have that you know sorry I didn't pay it on time while I didn't get it the mobile app has all the functionality of the desktop version so you can take fresh books with you and if you have any questions you can reach out to their support staff where you will speak to a real human being no phone tree no escalations no callbacks just answers so go to FreshBooks comm slash when and enter when and how did you hear about a section to sign up for your free trial I actually I now I now I have to shell for our own stuff I'm sorry do you feel bad about this though no not at all it is freaking awesome um okay so I've got a new update for you guys all my friends are like scrambling to go and I didn't even push them really it's kind of cool that's awesome I'm pretty stoked escape VR so for those of you who came out to previous LTX events you probably already know how busy our vr space was very busy it was bad long lines very bad so last year we did not account for how many people would be in line to check it out and some people ended up basically standing in line the whole time so this year we've made it a big priority to have a bigger and better VR experience including some partners to help manage these systems so that's why we're really excited to have escape VR join us at LTX 2019 featuring Dreamhack they're coming all the way up from California and bringing their escape room styled VR games with them so we're still working on the final details but we can confirm they're gonna be in a gigantic 30 foot by 40 foot space so that's 10 meter by 13 meter for the Europeans out there and with different multiplayer experiences that's all um so there's the possibility for one large game remember you're in a group so you actually work together yeah or two smaller grouped games within the space and all the games will be able to have roughly two to six people at a time so make sure that you guys are hanging out on the LTTE forum I've seen a ton of like grouping up threads other people are like linking up before the show so they know each other coming and they you know they've already chat or hang out on the forum and from experience of doing cons that can be really cool having a buddy at a con is like actually sweet we've even seen people like carpool like hey I'm here is anyone coming along this way like no I've seen a ton of them that's pretty cool yeah so it's pretty sick so having having some people that you want to hang with while you're at the show would be definitely good highly recommended I'm not actually coming out and recommending like effectively internet hitchhiking but like I'm just saying people are doing it no I understand where you're going I'm just clarifying cuz that's illegal there's different it's like it's an internet thumb oh yeah kind of thing yeah but it is you're right it is not actually hitchhiking yeah one thing is J and I did a early similar it's definitely not the same there's definitely clearly different things about it but Jay and I did a fairly similar like get through the experience yeah PR thing in Vegas and it was very fun it's really cool to be in the same area with someone else who's in VR and the issue with that I've always had with escape rooms is that the puzzles are designed to be easily reset to not be damaged by the idiots who go through there you know a hundred times a day yeah and so pretty much you end up with some variation of unlock this padlock using clues that are super obscure and it's yeah yeah but my biggest thing is that they're aggressively designed to make you fail yes and it's it's it's frustrating because you end up with adventure game logic yeah where it's like oh I just had to move my head in the shape of a clock and then I would if I adjusted the angle just right then these things would line up and I'd read the numbers and it's always just numbers and a pattern it's just it's annoying where are we with VR the possibilities are endless speaking of endless possibilities the ltte store finally has enough shipping volume that we managed to negotiate a deal if Canada Post and we have users in Europe reporting shipping rates as low as seven to nine dollars that's super cool I've had people complaining about that for so long but like you've all had people complaining about that Thank You Luke yeah yes we're aware so we are aware we've been working on it the thing is the the efforts that the lmg guys have been going through to make this stuff awesome have been pretty intense and like the quality of the shirts and the quality of the stuff that they're getting out it they are genuinely very nice shirts now which is really good I like my actual favorite shirt right now is the constellation shirt from the fermentis oh no nevermind it's it's an I'm just gonna see if we have all the sizes looks like no we don't have any triple extra-large it's just a really nice shirt it's a really nice quality shirt the prints really nice like it the quality of level has skyrocketed and to do that it seems we've had to do a lot more stuff ourselves there's a lot of growing pains including crazy shipping rates as we've learned and and mostly learned but they're they're getting taken care of which is really cool speaking of things getting taken care of we should really take care of the topic that was the subject of today's man show I said that was my new year's resolution I got totally derailed immediately broken immediately broke it okay so the GTS 1660 has launched we don't have a review up yet because I don't know we just weren't in that big of a hurry no actually that's not what happened so Nvidia didn't seed these two partners and actually most of the partners that we typically work with like a sous for example just straight-up did not have cards early enough to seed them to us for a launch day review so EVGA came to the rescue and managed to get us one but it was only a couple of days before review before the review embargo lifted and the cold hard truth is that when you are trying to do video rather than a written article it just takes more time so we I think the video is going up on like Saturday or Sunday or something like that in a nutshell though it's alright I guess unless you're after performance per dollar in which case you should probably get an hour X 580 what else do we have windows updates suck less now to the original article here is from ARS technica comm a windows up 10 updates will apparently now check for compatibility issues when they are installed and though but they will roll back if there's a problem so here's what I want to know if they detect a compatibility issue why do they install in the first place we were talking earlier about how we like see eye to eye and a lot more things lately what the heck and like okay I'm just waiting for the headline of like someone's computer is now just looping in this endless process of update rollback update rollback update rollback because something Oh matter of time just it's gonna be a nightmare absolutely a matter of time first Windows 10 home users can also now defer updates for 35 days same as Windows 10 Pro and enterprise should be able to do that forever if you want well okay hold on a second if you like really go into it there should be away forever there should be a way so by that logic should you be allowed to defer your measles vaccine forever because why your computer computer isn't gonna make everyone else it's because it puts other people at risk okay so do your rights end where someone else's begin does that is that is that equivalent here could be if you had like because abroad that's exactly where I was going with that if you have an army of non updated computers you could actually be putting the in huh now hold on a minute you could be putting the entire Internet at risk you remember when CloudFlare got hit a couple of years order of the frickin internet and I'm starting to agree with you and when the internet goes down it's more than just like oh no I can't read my al mail anymore like there are critical critical services that run over the internet now that could mean the difference between life and death for someone it's yeah I know it's it's nowhere else to play yeah yeah this laptop this laptop has nowhere to put the pen I grudgingly agree with you there's it's been interesting have you heard about the stuff where fire departments have started they started using their own cell phones because the fire department has like a data cap and there will be a disaster and they'll use all their data and then their inner will get shut off so they've had to start using their cell phones then the firefighters individually go into crazy overages it's like it's happened a few times it's super bad okay fire unrelated thing I'm sure there are some evil firefighters that exist out there but by and large if we're gonna generalize firefighters or heroes so like we actually need to not but like you did not charge firefighters for saving life the point you brought up about like super important infrastructure things running on networks is very true firefighter police hospital if you want to come back to like the basic services right they all run very heavily on internet so now let's have another conversation should Google be required to provide security updates for their Android operating system for far longer than they do now because most of the large boughten bought based attacks that are occurring these days they're not actually desktop computers it's actually mobile and IOT devices so where does the liability live for this we're going down the rabbit hole now baby yeah at what point in time can you say that devices AOL and remote Prickett that's exactly where I was going next and I totally understand both perspectives here on the one hand wow this is my device I paid for it I own it it's mine to do with as I please on the other hand for the sake of the greater good actually you really shouldn't be using that anymore because you are a risk to yourself and others maybe what they would have to do is just not allow you to connect to the net but then it becomes a whole deeper conversation is freedom versus nanny state and then known over frankly no one's really wrong in that case they're just right from different perspectives for different individuals that's interesting we should stop all this oh boy that's gonna be what would we strawpoll I don't even know I I let's do it based on the phone should a manufacturer be allowed to brick and insecure phone is that the question yeah okay but where I think we're gonna have to add in win the date after you receive isn't receiving the footer but I would have to be when the phone's launch do you know what let's do it this way how long should a manufacturer have to wait and then one of them is indefinite yeah okay okay I like it you're gonna have to vote yeah I know that's why I'm like that's why I just did the wall cuz I'm thinking about it they have to calm yet do they do they ever get that I don't know no matter okay okay so I'm gonna go with I'm gonna put in one year but I think that's ridiculous I'm gonna put in three because I think that's a pretty typical security update timeline for Android devices I'm gonna put five because Apple has actually been pretty consistent about supporting their devices for four to five sometimes even more okay another thing is is it brick or is it brick the connecting to the internet component let's say to remove and insecure phone phones networking capabilities okay yeah cuz if you want to use it as like an iPod basically as an I ever oh there's actually a lot of functions phones can do without connecting it's actually really annoying the way Apple constantly harasses you to put a sim in the iPhone I have one I have an iPhone 6 that I just use as like an mp3 player yeah and it's it's like constantly no no I dunno I know there's no 'cimmanon I I don't care and you cannot tell it to not do that anyway so when in chat said law states I'm not necessarily sure what country they're talking about but I think this is quite common in a lot of countries law states that a manufacturer manufactory should support a product at least two years after the consumer has bought it not after the launch date so maybe consider that we need an indefinitely as well I don't know where you'd necessarily want to put that but I'm gonna put it here I think I think I've covered enough here okay and we're specifically talking about phones yeah that's another thing to consider yeah we're we're narrowing the scope of our question just two phones and cutting off ability to access the internet so you know what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna pull floatplane first so this way we can actually see how our different audiences feel about this I'm just kind of curious right now so I'm I'm gonna vote but I'm not gonna reveal my vote oh shoot I have to do the reCAPTCHA interesting I'll try to grab okay so we're gonna we've got the results coming in from floatplane floatplane is a freaking dialed in audience because like there's a lot of people watching over there but like not that many but we've already got 130 folks oh wow it did not like that ' all right so here it is we've got 48 percent forty nine percent of the votes coming in for five years we've got 17 percent saying indefinite we've got 23 percent saying ten years and ten percent of you think it should be okay for a manufacturer to brick the phone within oh no less than 10 percent of you within three years so three years or one year almost no one that's ten no thanks 15 years because I think people either go you know what 10 years is a nice round number that's a very reasonable amount of time if I had to buy six phones in my adult lifetime that seems reasonable and then anyone who thinks you should wait longer than that it looks like is straight-up indefinite yeah about half of people apparently would be okay with manufacturers breaking a phone after five I find it amazing that indefinite isn't just like wrecking the top me too me too but I thought we were gonna get skewered for you and I both kind of leaning towards the like yeah maybe that should be you know what most people would be more forgiving than me I actually said wait what did I say you saw me click rate you said to me I say 10 I lost between 5 and 10 for a while and then I eventually went with 10 and you know what cuz and yeah I guess I had I had like my s3 lasted for a long time you know what I'm gonna throw this I'm gonna throw this in the YouTube chat now I'm tweet I don't even know I don't even know where twitch chat is I'll get twitch okay I had actually forgotten about twitch I'm sorry twitch sorry twitch um so Wow yeah I really I really thought that I thought that people were just gonna be like yeah they should just support things forever but it looks like we've actually got some network security minded people and that's probably the math that's being done that go okay all these things are developing so fast that like ten years in network equipment terms is like an eternity that's that's why I picked on your web secured it's a very very long time like that's forever how many people how many people actually use that what phone did you have 10 years ago how many of you are using a router that is 10 years yeah like a wrt54gl like how many of you are actually still using that probably not many my parents wrt 300 and just died yeah and that was quite about that was like four years later yeah yeah so so so and then and I think it seems to me that a lot of you we're actually doing the math going well they're not providing security updates for it anymore after three to five so honestly I don't want that on my network well you just think what the phone you had 10 years ago like what I had this I think it was from Sony how do you remember is this white like slide or fog now this is interesting the broader YouTube population has now started to weigh in and the five year option is actually losing the some steam yeah we've got more people saying indefinite and we've got a lot more people coming in and saying ten years but I we had said ten years we did I actually want to I want to take back my vote I wanna I want to take back my vote I want to say five years now like I said I walked between the two if not like six not ten yeah I think I've I've I think five is a little bit too short for me because like I said I had my s3 for I think like four yeah like it was still kind of fine but it probably wasn't secure no now here's the thing I think what some people aren't considering is that excuse me is that even if the manufacturer removes the networking capabilities I think there might be a middle ground here for us like honestly something that I've really felt that the Android in particular I mean you're never gonna convince Apple of something like this but that I've really felt that the Android scene should have is far better aftermarket support for these mobile devices and I don't expect every feature to work you know I don't expect an old Samsung Galaxy Note device to have all the little special stylus functionality and stuff like that but if we went okay in terms of the manufacturers OS they can turn off your networking capability but if you can find a currently patched OS I would like for our manufacturers to have to also open that option up to you at that time so if we created legislation that basically said ok after five years this thing is not your problem or six let's say let's compromise a little bit here after six years this thing is straight up not your problem but you have to unlock the bootloader you have to allow third-party software to work on it so people can restore basic functionality or so that they can be not not recycled recycling electronics is actually like horrible compared to reusing them so that they could be repurposed in a developing country or for your kids or whatever else in some functional way as long as you're willing to put the time in the effort into it that I think is a reasonable compromise that I'm totally done with especially because five years ago maybe not even five years ago like the early smartphones like a Galaxy S vibrant or an iPhone 3GS or something they are like really bad bye ten years later standards but I would make the argument that something like a Google Nexus 5 with a more basic OS on it for sure like a lighter version of Android on it but I would make the argument that something like a nexus 5 would probably be quite usable by comparison ten years after its launch so this is a problem that honestly I think we do need to solve and relatively soon so this was the floatplane results ok cool so we actually most of the games that were most of the losses in five years were made up in indefinite actually and 10 10 years oh wait oh sorry the order was reversed to both of them yes yeah 10 10 years gained but lost to indefinite indefinite gained a ton yeah 10 years gained 4% though that's not a still no one was interested in 15 years no on either side no fascinating that blew my mind I did not expect those results at all even the YouTube one I don't remember how we got on this topic um oh boy oh this is great you know I'll be right back can you can you like just cover the basic the basic news ness of this yes I lost my perpetual dock some house I'm gonna use Linus's red removes mention of hydrogen one modules from website which is really interesting because we've never seen a company promised that there would be additional modules for a product and then not deliver those modules ever before they have always delivered those modules I'm being and they have continued to invest R&D in them for an extensive period of time releasing tons of add-ons for a product really yeah really adding a lot of value really giving you those modules that you were like this is why I'm buying the product that that's what everyone does who promises additional things for but that happens every time a hundred percent those companies that are like yeah we're gonna make this things can be the last one you ever need because you can swap things out you can upgrade it you can change it you can do all kind of stuff but you just need to buy the core thing every time it happens no not at all no what are you looking for it the hydrogen finally arrived like two weeks ago I saw it there before the move so I don't know if it's still there or not okay well sorry guys this is just the least surprising news I had wanted to do a live unboxing of my titanium paperweight red hydrogen one titanium Edition because they finally shipped those and just in time for them to say oh we made an oopsie this is really making a first-gen product that like is gonna sell a handful because here's the thing I've worked in retail I know what attach rates are like do you know what an attach rate is I'm assuming when you buy the extra things for something that's right yeah so the attach rate is the percentage of the people who come in and buy one of these who also walk out of the store with one of these for example this one comes with the pen so it's not really a great example but I think you get my point attach rates are pretty low especially online so at retail stores like Best Buy will train their sales reps all right what do they call them the blue shirts though they'll train their sales staff to to really push attach rates hard because a lot of the time that's where the store makes their margins oh yeah there is so much more margin in a you know an Apple pencil then there is in an iPad a controller versus a console I guarantee it and this is Apple they make plenty margin on their iPad too because they're smaller there's less materials there's less complexity and of course they are still quite expensive because they have a lot of value so they're worth more even though they don't actually cost more to make so attach rates though are typically very low like you're doing well if you're more than low double digits in terms of attach rate for a product now there are exceptions to that things like the Microsoft Surface pro my understanding is that the attach rate for a keyboard is extraordinarily high because the thing is bloody useless without it because it's windows on a tablet what are you gonna do so people basically just factor the price of one of these keyboards into the surface pro buy they bundle it as well okay question for for you is a bundle still an attach rate yeah it would be but it depends on sort of how its positioned okay so I would say that something like an iPad bundled with a pencil is increasing your attach rate whereas a surface pro bundled with a keyboard is like that should have just been included in the first place basically all you're really doing is giving the consumer the option of which keyboard they bless it with and not having to create like an exponentially larger number of SKUs in order to support all the configurations would you also differentiate between if it's and this might throw off for a second but if it's in the box or not what I mean by that is when you buy like a console and it comes with a game in the box no I would call that's a product okay yeah you only sold an Xbox because usually you're not paying extra or you're not paying a lot extra for that game and/or it'll come with additional value so it's hard to figure out what the consumer assigned the value to for example there was a Gears of War Xbox 1s that did come with Gears of War but it also was read and like looked cool and came with like a red controller xbox controllers like ever because the claw marks in it so it's hard to decide if someone someone might already own the game in fact if there are big Gears of worm gears a worm if there are big Gears of War nut they they probably already pre-ordered the game and or had an Xbox already like think this is just yeah it's more like a collector's item and less like an actual Xbox one and game voice found that kind of weird because they seem to sell pretty well I guess because they do them all the time I've never seen one though and that's that's the thing it's one of those weird ones like an alienware desktop theoretically yeah buying these but I've never seen one at a LAN party yeah although to be fair a lot of times LAN party pcs are like a lot lower tier than you'd expect and fair enough that was kind of surprising to me too yeah me too but I showed up with like all my water cooling and stuff oh yeah oh I guess gamers and computer enthusiasts don't necessarily overlap not as much as I thought yeah the amount of like like hacked out HP computer that doesn't have any of the panels anymore as like in 14 layers of dust it's like such a high percentage of land party feces yes and the number of those people that are shocked that I'm so bad at video games I'm saying this street probably goes both ways all right well I guess that's pretty much it for one show because we have a stream another stream to go set up yeah can you play some pro for us yeah I mean we will have lost our save no because I can just save cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bro all right let's go bro so we'll see you guys later bye it's slash Luke underscore LAF are by the way but will like probably be a while
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