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Oculus Rift DK2 Overview and Impressions - Featuring Lew from UnboxTherapy

my dk2 is finally here in all of its glory and I know I've covered this thing to death from different events and even my oculus overview video from back in the day if you want to learn things about like low persistence and stuff check that video out if you want to see what lioness media group as a whole thinks and a special guest what he thinks as well carry on in this video we'll see all of their footage and then I'll talk to you guys more about the finer details of it later on the flash voyager GTX USB 3 drive from Corsair provides SSD like performance and fits comfortably in your pocket click now to learn more oh this makes me happy why does it look like the inside of a vagina that's pretty cool I was behind the headrests prevent this me up I feel like I can touch stuff except that I can't accept that there is something here but that's the desk it is it is actually visually distressing looking down a cliff though like you there's a real sense of of depth down there a man just this thumbstick version of head movement yeah it's really I really feel like it you don't think that it should be just head and then left thumbstick yeah it's definitely weird to have a controller but then be able to just turn your head and see all this stuff look at all this stuff around me I'm in a world leaning too far bow oh ok ok I don't think there's anything here I'll take the controller ok here we go alright it's jittering oh wow Oh terrible terrible let me know if you want to yeah who in their right mind wants to do that yeah this is great I love it hmm no seriously does anyone enjoy that last one you just gave me I do I'm gonna come on you do not you actually enjoying I like that one yeah Brandon Brandon wanted to sustain it the most so he's be craziest as well man do do it being a pentile matrix display instead of a square grid display the screen door effect isn't nearly as noticeable you can still see the pixels obviously but not nearly as much as on the dk1 and obviously the resolution jumped helped as well but we're still gonna need higher resolutions 4k I'm looking at you the low persistence is great but it's refresh rate could be a little bit higher we're currently at 75 could do with maybe about 90 and one thing that we noticed is the frame rate in gains needs to be high and it needs to be consistently high low frame rate dips even will really really jar you out of the game and it's very unsettling actually games also need to be made for the rift in mind especially the rift in mind they need to be high quality most of what we have right now is more tech demos than anything but something to remember is that we're using a development kit so that kind of makes sense another thing that could help is more range on the motion tracking camera or possibly an array of cameras it's quite easy to get out of the tracking zone even in a seated experience which is what it's supposed to be targeted for also we need more made for VR controllers something like though on the lines of the control VR would really help because having your hands stuck in position while your hands are actually moving in real life really disconnects and breaks the immersion not being said the USB 2.0 hub on the top of the dk2 does kind of help with that because if you want to get o mount say a leap motion onto the top of your unit it is possible and that's pretty cool that they're trying to cater to that type of user due to the new more compact form factor it actually feels considerably lighter buta less leverage but it still could feel lighter it's still a little bit heavy on the front of your face considering it is hanging off of the front of your face also the new cabling system is quite fantastic and much more easy to deal with in the dk1 but it would be really nice if you didn't need the cables although I'm not really looking for that anytime soon I don't expect that to be on cv1 I don't even I've had to be on like cv3 so I'm not too worried about that speaking of cabling the cable box that goes in between your oculus unit and your computer has gotten much more elegant it used to be this fairly large a little bit clunky box that you had to kind of have a dedicated spot for and now it's an inline module that can just hang anywhere and it's not really that big of a deal huge improvement again speaking of cables they're quite long but maybe not long enough for everyone but that's actually fine because even with the director rift functionality you'll be able to use extensions as it won't be seen as a different device with an extension so you can just extend USB 2.0 and HDMI which is quite common and you'll be fine speaking of director rift holy crap this thing's awesome you don't have to extend your screen anymore and you don't have to have any weird manual adapter targeting settings on shortcuts for any of your executables it just kind of works you run an executable that says direct to rift and it goes to the rift which will be sitting on your desk in a sleep mode before it's activated and then once you run that executable it will wake up it will go to the rifts screen and everything will work that is as long as you're not running it through like an HDMI splitter which shows up as a different device or something like a aver media capture card we're closing show up as an Avery media capture card the computer needs to be able to see that the HDMI plugged in is an oculus so I don't know if I would necessarily recommend a dk2 to anyone right now but I obviously thought it wasn't a terrible idea as I personally purchased it for myself so what do you guys think let me know in the forum let me know in the comments down below would you be interested in buying one right now and speaking of saving money by not buying a dk2 who wouldn't want to save money on their new phone plan today's video sponsor ting claims that 98% of people would save money by switching to their mobile service their whole thing is they want customers to have the benefits of a small mobile carrier like personalized customer service where you actually get to speak with a human being rather than hearing our menu options have changed every three seconds and simple flexible billing options that are designed to save you money but without the typical small carrier issue of not getting good enough reception because they're on some janky small network they're 100% upfront about the fact that they're actually on the Sprint network so hit the link in the video description now to try out their savings calculator where you can enter the details from your last three bills and see if you'll save money switching to Tings pay only for what you use system which is kind of awesome alright guys so the ting is I'm gonna need you to comment down below in the description and on the forum about what I asked before earlier if you guys think the dk2 is right to purchase now also like dislike favorite describe describe subscribe share and while you're on the forum if you don't like the ads become a contributor to get rid of all of them and if you don't like my shirt or your shirt go to the link in the description down below to purchase one there and if you're thinking about buying anything on Amazon anytime soon jump into the description as well follow that link to help us out and change your bookmarks to our little affiliate code on Amazon to help us out and I'll see you guys next time thank you for watching
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