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Preparing for 10 GIGABIT Internet! What Could Go Wrong?

so honestly the last thing I want to do is be here in the office on a Saturday agreed I mean taken now Jake and Anthony they're stoked oh yeah they're super thrilled yeah they love it but me I wish I didn't have to be in here on a Saturday but the problem is we have a wack ton of stuff to do to fix our server room and our network and the only time you can really do this sort of stuff is when people aren't using it which means you have to come in on the weekend so we need to change a bunch of our we've got a we've got us a lot to do oh man oh I even found out something else we get to do you guys fellas came in for the site survey and we get to redo all of this networking so that they can get access to this to slide it out oh you're joking right no no I'm not that was bad design it's the comb-over with glassware you can instantly see your current and past Network activity detect malware and block badly behaving apps on your PC or Android device use offer code Lynas to get 25% off glassware at the link below I think step number one is to do what is quite literally one of the scariest things that I do around here Oh turn the servers off turn the servers off well this is going well already Oh oh boy so this is our new router it handles 10-gig it'll be running pfsense which means that we'll have much lower level access to handling all of our networking tasks so if something goes wrong you don't have to be like well okay is it a firmware issue we can go in and be like yeah it's a configuration issue we can just edit this file and off we go the reason we need it though is we're getting faster internet so it's five gig to the broader Internet but it's ten gig to anything at the Vancouver internet exchange oh so that's like basically anything that matters some aw ask Google so our Google backup is going to be super fast now oh yeah okay bring that down get this thing fired up it's not even that heavy I carried this thing up it's awkward and it's digging into my knee not even that okay there hold on I just had to lift it up a little bit now it's digging into my thigh muscle ooh tasty I have been trying to figure out for far longer than she would not be embarrassing a good way to hold this stupid cabinet door open while I'm sliding servers in and out of it up pain I mean I'm sure if we ledge them up a module in there and be perfectly fine so the problem is that it kind of doesn't open all the way easily so when you're trying to slide stuff out it like get spot here and here so here's my idea I'm gonna open it up as much as I can then I'm gonna drill a hole in the side of this keyboard tray it's cooler away dang it's then I'm gonna take the allen key that I always have to have here anyway so that I can pull servers out yes oh crap well now this can't lift up and that's also in the way here's the thing Johnny who originally set up all of our VLANs and all of our routing and all of that stuff has sort of retired from the IT consultancy business so we're gonna be trying to piece together everything that he did on our ubiquity gear and then reassemble it on our pfSense box from super micro here in theory this is just gonna be a simple one-to-one instant swapper Unni it's not going to be Wow thanks Jake what a downer you still can't find it no it's like I looked everywhere over there in the workshop to look through the workshop did you call Alex and the hangouts ring it's like heels pretentious hey sorry to bug you these the like is missing oh he's calling where would we find that yes the air fittings trey is completely and there was two things in there I took tomorrow oh okay no there were two things in here that would not help us somebody put it in a dumb spot so this is the router right here what took me literally less than 10 seconds to find it okay we was sitting on the chair that you refused to pick the things up off of last weekend I took the doofus train going anywhere to the server room what server do you want first Jake I literally don't care I'm gonna label things better than I go put this out so is it raining well actually 101 would be good but it's kind of far away 30 dusty is all heck in there your mom's already dosed you the like I mean you know what how does it feel smells like that oh I haven't showered in three months that's quite a thick boy what do you drop this thing I know that haven't been shipping is that what you tell everybody whenever you drop something like oh it happened in shipping got it you betcha okay that's uncool Eve that there on top yeah oh my god that's so high the server's Mindy bud this my friends is the real reason we switched to solid state storage so you can drop it and it doesn't break there's another thing that we're doing today and there's another reason we're taking all the servers out Oh people are careless and accidentally sign Hardware out particularly to Albion server because it's the top of that alphabet in our inventory system so even like you I think we'll be able to figure out a lot of it by just looking at it we just look at how being server than what's checked out to it it's like this doesn't have a Zed 270 board in it yeah than 80 700 K we're gonna look at server really wanted those Logitech G Pro headset pretty closely oh you might have been right there's actually some headphones check totes Albion server I don't think they're Wireless but tuned in ear Pro we got a GTX 980 is there a 1080 in there yeah I don't think so so and a monitor this thing even has its own monitor day oh yeah every single damn time I forget how the lid comes off of this stupid server like there's one screw back here and I could've sworn that was the whole skadoodle the gosh-darn skadoodle there but hey wow this is a you think it's just like what if I break is that a problem I mean wow you are I'm just gonna you know I'm just gonna let you bask in there how long did it take me to find the nozzle I I say that you finding the nozzle is kind of a fluke do you want to just go clean servers are you gonna help me no I'm gonna help you because after there cleans they need they all need to be audited so I finally got an IP address meal to access the pfsense box this cable that we had for the test card is caravaggio got another cable it's fine yeah we're started yeah I got the Z on D 2.3 gigahertz 16 threads eight cores we've got 32 gigs 32 gigs of ram it's I think I read somewhere that the bandwidth mattered or something and I think those were the slowest capacity ECC dims we had you really I don't know dude I say we just let it keep the RAM fine I like Wham's so over only what an hour and a half in I actually don't know if we're gonna have all this done by Monday I am finished auditing one server and Anthony is copying config files oh come on do I even care should I put the the drive covers over the top does it matter I just don't know if it matters Jake do these matter they're probably good for like vibration or something oh they see they that's exactly what they're for yeah oh god oh we blew each other Oh No that's unfortunate at least one of these bays has an SSD in it but I don't see any so far no no no no no no I need I don't even know the best way to do this so signed out to this server are at least one to seven SSDs that are not in it all so I really hope it didn't matter that I changed the order of these probably not hopefully oh I really hope not how many combinations of 24 items are there seems like kind of a lot it's probably fine wait what am i doing why am i putting them back in I have to scan them oh okay oh they're jammed uh Anthony can I borrow your VGA cable and peripherals and stuff yeah dang it Anthony who screws in VGA its proper procedure to screw in VGA yeah but like it's just a test bench okay I love that servers don't sound like they're booting up they sound like they're taking off yeah it sounded like you turn on a vacuum cleaner though this is bad this has been taking far too long to boot there was also that weird error with the LSI controller at the beginning or a vago or whoever owns that now so all I can really do right now is like replug it and hope for the best here this is really not a good scene oh oh that's good wait yes oh yes he's that all there oh that's all the drive so good holy crap I don't know how that happened or how it got fixed which is the very worst kind of fixed let's go ahead and shut this bad boy back down and go throw it in the pile of audited and all good whoo yeah winning is taking a lot longer than we thought this why is this one so dirty gross 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ah I thought teamwork right I heard it makes the dream work yeah yeah that's what I heard DreamWorks that's what I heard through the trade market we can say that I don't think we can say that so we still have as you may or may not have noticed a PCI Express 16 X lot you want to put a 40 gig Oh what are they hundred giggles stupid haha are they forty or hundred nine hundred technically 100 that seems like a lot I don't think our switch does hundred though did it work with the Ethernet devices did you connect to an Ethernet device over there yeah sure we actually had like six of those 40 gigabit ports on the on the switch though yeah on the down-low what ah I don't know how this ended up in the baggie for it but it's not the right size what did it come with a low profile bracket I don't know well give me to zip-tie light Oh people are gonna hate us I dropped the bottle over here probably wouldn't come okay I think this is the one that can technically do 40 gigabit but also can't Oh take those line up oh they probably do they're both Mellanox probably yeah so we're just gonna take the stock bracket and then we're just gonna cut out the parts we don't need and zip tie the card to the other parts that we do still need it's a good plan we should throw that at Dennis and tell him it's a bug how's this going Anthony I think it's about ready to go seriously basically I just need to change the interface over so that it uses a VLAN okay but once I change that over to the office land we should just be able to drop it in and it should basically good work should or will well you set up all the DHCP servers yes so this is another change we're making we're putting the DHCP server back on our router we're taking it off that VM that was running on one of the Windows servers which I think we already did that was did we turn that off already I did a long time ago everyone on internet broke the internet was broken for like a week turns out our routers date was set to 2016 that was a good year though this is clover server and this was built long enough ago that eight terabyte drives were like pretty dese you say that like eight terabyte drives aren't pretty D still you're gonna wish you never even thought of dust could you get this out of the way here oh whoa there's a lot of hard drives on there this whole bottom shelf is full of hard why did we use this branch well because the lower ones yeah you like that no don't spin the fan line this guy's just a little it's fine yeah we should just do whole server room water cool hey actually that's the proper stuff to do okay looking good all right why don't you roll the server for a change okay but if I drop all the hard drives it's not my fault did you fart again I think you're lactose intolerant oh yeah I am oh holy crap like I put the compressor in the middle so now we can walk for everyone to the yeah now you don't hear nothing so for the uninitiated this is our water-cooled video export machine I won't really call it a server even though it's in a - you rack-mountable case because it's very consumer hardware inside the main issue with this one is that it's at the very bottom of the rack whoa oh yeah the orange round I forgot about that these are my old drives from like over my gaming ring first they were referred with refurb force 120s that i bought like seven or eight years ago well that's yeah that's a lot better than I expected given that oh you know why I forgot this case is filtered probably need to clean the inside so all that's left now is we're just gonna blow out petabyte projects in the server room we'll have that fan on and we're just gonna blow the dust out into the warehouse and good luck everybody else rip Anthony whoa watch out there buddy well bud we're getting care watch your toes there bud are you ready for the full couch we got a X 540 T - yeah me five twenty six twenty before that sounds about right new X 400 128 K SSDs XL 60 days does that say triple redundant it does whoo baby a triple and then Delta one should have 60 drives oh I don't want to count Jake do you want to grab your screwdriver and then let's get this edge router Pro out of here pfSense actually has a really cool feature what's it called Karp failover or something like that so we're just rolling out one for now but in the future we can actually have them both connected and running in the event that one does experience some kind of malfunction we can just have it failover automatically like I think at most you drop like a handful of packets it's no big deal you say that like you don't like dropping packets right lightest what I don't know you're talking about you don't like dropping packets I'm just trying to get this work done what if we have to drop packets to do it while we're dropping a whole lot of packets right wow this is very poorly installed I know I hate it so I just take it out then no because it's hard wired in at the back why is it I love security companies but the point is we're gonna move it we're not gonna move it yet but soon all right time to go get Big Bertha Big Bertha that's what your mom calls it oh hey Linus yeah I got some bad news what I dropped it what No shut up you did Wow so this is our new main switch so it's got 48 10 gig rj45 ports and then this is delicious but we've got six more of these 40 gig cue sfp+ ports or whatever what's on the bottom that's our edge router at the bottom that's our edge router that goes let me take some photos of everything just so for whatever reason we have how about we just pull out everything we don't need okay so there's our old router and here this is our first 10 gigs which I remember how excited I was about this thing when I first got it you ever cleaned it oh honey yeah I clean it once at least so this is done this is done they're done Anthony how what are what's her whoa that's my screwdriver chances look at your butt well given everything I know about networking yes this is not going to work it'll never work what why I'm not the first shut up given everything I know all the experience I've ever had with networking gear fine it's not gonna work let me know when you want to try it or if you want to just throw it right in and I'll set the interfaces and shut it down all right thanks Anthony I don't want to take up the entire length of the rack if we don't have to if we can ear mount it I'd strongly prefer to do that it doesn't have your mouth well if we can find another way you just drop the switch - and now he's pretending like it doesn't hurt it hurts yeah I think you're just a whiny baby yeah that's my paycheck I can't even I can't even see what I'm doing just where you can't just unplug everything yes I can oh oh damn it what the this there Anthony what your stupid amplify thing just hit me in the face are you am I able to pull this for you just get a new rack do you want to come in for the additional weekend that it would take to swap racks okay let's just pull this out pay somebody we got the London look in our server accent why did you plug it in we need to split those fans around hey which way are they going they're going out this way oh crap I remember that now no we can't flip those fans around was the whole point yeah just gentle gentle gentle we don't have time for just jammed my hand in the thing okay so Jake you've got all these although all the wires in the orange man it's still here okay that's fine we can leave that I think I've already pulled it out what well around the other side round the outside round the outside how do you look fine yeah I feel fine everything's good Wow we should really not run that on the inside of the rail wait did we just unplug all the cameras in a minute what the hell yeah we unplugged all the cameras of course we did yeah we can put the router here but I want to move that stupid NVR somewhere else okay so this is just an Ethernet cable we can replace this with wait where the hell was that plugged into on the other side other side far far side far side it's gonna sag and look stupid put the screws in properly I'm gonna put it on the top of the UPS for now there's a fan there no I need the top of the rack for organizing things put it back there for now so Anthony figured out why we're not getting an IP Anthony you mean we figured out well how you figured out he figured out we were not getting an IP wouldn't mean you figured I figured out why I said did you set it I told you why I asked if we needed a static IP I didn't hear you okay so let's start plugging in devices here shall we yeah okay I need more energy from you like I'm dying trying to access that router so I can get the settings off of it so I can get our internet back up long story short VLANs they don't work when you plug it directly into a computer oh I have a switch for you well I have a switch here though I just plugged in oh yeah that's the switch I was gonna give you so Linus yeah these are numbered the same like you know changing these to a different color cable or what if we just mark them with a sharpie well just oh yes it was actually a really good idea yes yeah that's right you like that Wow you suck you know that that's actually really yours anything I'm actually genuinely a little bit mad now yeah you markham yourself no you can't have it get one oh damn that i hot-glued the lock on this door no you can't lock it don't even better back uh-huh I've been watching luck sword-fighting show you see how they go for the shin go for the shin to the face see that's the thing is the word really what about all these kid nobody does that on the potty hey you can't do that on cable thing the PES I've got a router and zip ties to know you need a router I need I don't I don't think you understand there's definitely two boys is this better oh my ankle is this minimum focus distance good enough yeah I I need zip ties yeah I would really like for this to not fall down and smoky in the head all right yeah we really need him to drop a third thing on his head Oh what is there a monitor stand in here because it's the stand for that monitor oh my god well where else would I put it I don't know like long-term storage for this thing that's gonna be long-term store so you went to UBC for science like general Sciences yeah so you were just burning money this sounds very unlike you two does burn money like that clearly I figured it out at some point yeah you did why didn't you go into business because I didn't listen to my uncle who hopefully will not watch this video because I will get the most epic told you so hey Jake do you remember when you were mining on the server room and you were gonna monitor the power usage with us and you were gonna pay me back yeah yeah remember how that didn't happen hey David epic power cord that's a nice cheap thick like 12 GS big boy like that Linus guy what his office just bring in a power cord or whatever take it out I know I did that a bunch give him a ton of thought wait were you never supposed to unplug that thing geez I'm just sheared a mountain extra wiring in here is ludicrous I think that we're ready to go you think I'm reasonably sure we're ready to go hasn't even power done yet do you have the ear screws or the ear screws here you don't need them it's fine okay it was a trap is what screwdrivers what are you talking about it's like four screwdrivers just sitting in the bottom of what like under the dude yeah under this what the kid can do work I mean he works real hard at it for like putting tape on the ground I really hope it just kind of lights up and works that would be super cool gonna be really unfortunate if it doesn't yeah and actually don't know what we will do we will learn command-line switch configuration what's beeping oh the UPS is having a hissy fit turning it off no wait what what is going on no no this is kind of moment of truth it's in it's all right here let me unplug you can plug it back in again what no no no like let's just find out if it works all right okay well I already did that so I hope that didn't break anything hey I'm plugged into 15 upstairs I think does that plugged in I don't know you tell me you're the one who fed me all the cables from the front supposedly I'm over yeah oh there's a 15 right there plug in cool all right I'm gonna go upstairs and see if we have internet I was too much 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using these switches I'm using the Dell so why don't I plug you guys into the Netgear switch and we see if that works it should well let's see if it does
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