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QNAP TurboNAS SS-469 PRO - Computex 2013

Linus tech tips coverage of computex 2013 is powered by Western Digital our trusted gaming gear partner is corsair vengeance and our trusted retail partner is NCIX calm hey guys we're here at qnap to check out there turbo nass SS 469 pro name is little bit complicated but the hardware specs are not it has an intel atom two point three gigahertz dual-core processor 1 gig of ram expandable up to 3 gigs that's pretty cool you can have 512 megabytes of flash memory it has for HIV / STD slots that's 2.5 inch some USB stuff other stuff that's not that big of a deal i'm going to show you the actual physical thing here right now you've got some pretty nice hot swappable base I can get it out here he just did it for me there we go pretty nice hot song who lays where you can mount your drives in there shove them in you got four bays fairly simple looking unit but it looks nice and professional but what actually Wow me is because I wouldn't normally be that excited about an ass but this one actually has a web control panel so you can access all of your files away from home if you're one of those kind of people that don't really like having all your files on say Dropbox or Google Docs or something like that because you don't like them being out there and controlled by someone else you can actually run your own cloud server so it's all your own stuff there's tons of different options in here you can have all your photos music videos all that kind of stuff easily accessible and easily sorted you can actually pick which folders push into these easily selectable icons in their settings you can set up exactly how you want it to be set up through your router or soon it's currently in beta but very soon they'll have a way that it sets itself up for you so you don't even have to touch your router at all which would be very nice once that's set up you can share files music video video music video pictures whatever you want you can have them publicly shareable through a link or you can send them directly through an email to people that you want so it's just basically gives you all the options that everything that you might currently be using say Dropbox or Google Docs or Google Drive or SkyDrive or whatever there's a billion of them but it's all manageable by yourself you have a backup for you you can set up group files there's different apps you can download for it it's crazy you can have stuff in code currently while you're using it so basically this resource monitor down here which I find awesome because I'm a hardware guy will show you exactly how much it's currently using its not doing much right now so the CPU is very low and the Rams very low but earlier we are encoding and it just max the CPU out through ram through the roof and actually encoded a video on the fly while we were doing other things within the station and it didn't lag it out so that was great it's you can code anything to work on anything so like the guy was helping me out was saying you can have it run an iPhone video when you had it actually for massive format you tune it down get lower resolution rates and have it run in something else if he's like and one second here I'm just going to jump into the control panel if you were worried about this being locked down and not being able to use it that great jump into the control panel and there's every option you could pretty much ever want you can have you can have things delete easily you can add your own security setup so you can have the eco power running you can run firmware updates like I don't even there's way too many options here to cover in a quick video like this but it's got pretty much everything you could want which is awesome I personally find this kind of stuff very cool because i don't like hosting myself out in the cloud like i was saying earlier I like having control of all my own files I like being able to back up my own ass I like being able to back up on my own stuff I like having my own hard drives I don't know it's just my kind of a thing just jump me back to the resource monitor real quick if we actually click on the name resource monitor it's going to take a second to load up here and then it'll come up you can get way more in-depth statistics here we go it's going to take a second to populate this actually don't know if it will because I believe this is in beta but I'll take a second populate this but it can show you your usage graphs so CPU usage over the next little while memory usage we're going to jump in here there we go that one's actually populating so memory usage you can see how much it's currently using how much is free basically you can figure out okay maybe I need to buy a bigger qnap system because I'm constantly encoding things and constantly converting things or this one's great for you because you're not converting things all the time just every once in a while and you just need for two and a half inch Bay's this thing is pretty cool I've seen a couple like them but the user interface on this is very very streamlined and very very nice so thanks for checking out our qnap booth we're going to move on hey guys still the qnap booths just wanted to cover this before I left just in case you were worried about connectivity within your home you can connect it through DLNA hdmi or airplay one thing that he showed me was through HDMI you can very easily set up xbox media player as we show up here xbox media player is awesome for home theater setups so if you have this guy knew your TV you can have all your media on it right there and very very easily stream to xbox media player and still take the advantage of the accessible through the web platform that we showed you earlier thanks for watching our qnap content to see all of our content about computex subscribe to the Linus tech tips Channel
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