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Razer Wildcat Xbox One Controller - PAX Prime 2015

our coverage of PAX Prime 2015 is powered by HyperX check out their cloud to headset in the link the description down below also thank you to a soos and Corsair we're checking out at Razer today is the Razer Wildcat this is Rangers first foray into Xbox one styled controllers and this controller is compatible with Xbox one and PC is running Windows 7 and above the last controller they released was the Razer saber-tooth that was an Xbox 360 style controller and this one kind of grows on that it's just improved in a few different ways that I actually really like the main change that I like is that on the back of the controller we're on the saber-tooth we saw a rocker switch two rocker switches we now see two actual triggers these triggers are a lot more solid what I didn't like about the saber tooth's were that they kind of would slide back and forth and over time they can I got a little bit weaker these triggers feel a lot more solid and they're also easier to remove just like the last one it's a hex screw that removes them but unlike the last one instead of having rubber plugs to stopper off the area you just drop the little plug in cartridge thing down into the controller and it looks very natural and they're also much smaller which is actually kind of cool you won't have your fingers get caught on them more easily and even if you're not using them they feel much more natural just like the saber-tooth you have your stock normal shoulder buttons and your additional hyper response button buttons from Razer what I like this time around though is on the saber-tooth you could feel them actuate but this time you can feel and hear them actuate so much like the mechanical ABXY buttons you can actually hear them moving on from there you have a three meter or 10 foot long braided USB cable which they got rid of this screw connector for the screw character was kind of cool but caused some issues so now they've gone for more just general compliance with a micro USB plug it has rails on the side of it so you're not gonna plug it in incorrectly and like I said it's long and braided so that's actually pretty cool just like the saber tooth you have the same analog stick grip caps that we had before but now there's also palm grips optional palm grips we unfortunately don't have them here today so you might just see a still image of the more some but it actually looks pretty cool the triggers have received an upgrade now on the bottom of the controller there's two sliding switches one for each one of the triggers and it's a trigger stop so basically if you don't have the trigger stop engaged you can pull all the way down and it's a smooth long-distance pull it's going to be more careful about your shooting or with the trigger stop engaged it's a short pole and you get more rapid fire shooting depending on what mood you're kind of in what kind of game you're playing that may or may not be good for you and with a fast toggle like that doesn't really matter then there's the four button control panel on the bottom button one is a remapping button so you can press and hold this and then press the button that you want to remap so like one of the hyper response buttons for the shoulder buttons or one of the triggers on the back you can bind that to another button on the controller the one beside that is a profile switch there's three different profiles the first one is the default profile that has none of the custom razor buttons bound to anything so if it's like the first time you're trying a game you don't want to accidentally press the button you don't know what it's going to do you go back to the default profile then figure things out later on the second two profiles are set as whatever you really want them to be so you can have the trigger on the back as a or whatever you want to bind things to those go on the second two profiles the third button is a mic mute and the fourth button is a game chat balance and volume switch so one press increases the maximum volume by about 20% a Preston hold and then pressing the left and right buttons on the d-pad moves the chat balance in your headphones or speakers and then a press and hold and then up and down on the d-pad increases or lowers respectively the master volume also in that controller box there's that input headphone jack for your headset and one interesting thing about this compared to the elite controller that I was told is that the elite controller is actually kind of heavy the stock Xbox one controller weighs 262 grams the elite controller weighs 384 grams and the Wildcat weighs less than both of them at 260 grams I'm not necessarily sure if this is something you personally as the viewers going to care about but if you do get weary and tired of heavy controllers something to take note of it's actually very light and has additional features over the stock controller now to be fair I haven't had a ton of time with it but one thing that I do have to say is I have experience with the anza and the saber-tooth fairly extensively this feels a lot more like the saber-tooth which is good I tried the Anza back in the day and it was a cool controller but I did have some gripes with it and honestly overall I really liked the saber-tooth there was a few things that I wasn't 100% keen on but that's probably true about every single product that I've ever used and this one improved the things that I wasn't super keen on and moved on from there so pretty cool actually alright guys thanks for watching and thanks for HyperX you're sending us here this year check out their YouTube channel the top right hand corner here in the card section they make some cool gaming videos be sure to subscribe there also thank you to a soos and Corsair if you want to see all the products brought at PAX Prime 2015 this year by these companies check out the link in the video description down below and I'll see you guys next time
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