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Reassembling our $40,000 Camera

alright ladies and gentlemen welcome to our attempted reassembly of our 8k red camera so I took it apart what's that face for I don't want to be responsible for this so I took it apart a long time ago and I the intention was to water cool this camera the problem that I ran into though is that I never did any before readings so we would go in water cool the camera but then we wouldn't have any baseline to compare it against and so the realization was that I needed to put it back together so I enlisted Alex's help and we are gonna put this camera back together summer break just started but it's never too early to start looking for a new laptop for back to school every words in PC laptop is ready for whatever games or school projects you're gonna tackle and you can check out their special deals at the link below so let's start by having a look at what's in the bin here so every one of these is oriented exactly the way that it needs to be in here so that the screws that are taped into place don't fall out because they're all kind of semi looking with just subtle differences between them and if they weren't sitting in the slots where they go it would be really hard to not accidentally put a screw that's too long into a place that's too short and dead camera yeah that's a really easy thing to do in my experience taking apart and reassembling laptops so I can't even imagine for this yeah so let's go ahead and start taking pieces out carefully carefully there bud so because it's been six months since I took this apart I have no idea how to put it back together but fortunately we actually if we first heard from these guys like what two years ago we first years or something like that so a company called less pain software normally when you ingest red footage it's its raw footage so you end up with these are 3d files that are split up into four gig chunks so this is one long video clip that you're looking at here but it's in these like three chunks and as you can see there's no thumbnails or anything like that so the only way to really find out what's in them is to open them in red player which is pretty tedious or you can use this program called red cine X Pro which is free well that is to say free for anyone who buys a red camera and then you can navigate to your folder and is that what's in here whatever it sucks and it's not it's not great for like browsing media so that is where Chi know comes in so with chi know this card we should be able to take our read disassembly here we just drill down and there we have it that's all the clips and we can browse them and move them around if we should see fit and wow that's a lot of video footage so video is good pictures are good both is best okay so I guess we start at the end yeah so I even recorded some short video clips for ourselves okay so there you go Andy passed Linus has our back that's the screw we're looking for you got it now I just have to find it how about this one I think these guys okay what was the same screw yeah yeah we both came to the same food you just almost drop it yeah the rest of the video goes this well so you're putting that heatsink back on how's that going for you I'm just loosely putting the screws in it seems like that this one right here is not correct okay you know that's a through-hole there you go that's why okay and what board is that this is the board with three chummy's coming off of it three chubbies okay those seem to have worked okay so we're good yeah you know that er we screwed in the wrong ones we'll find it later okay see that okay it's kind of wedged in there so is that what we did it also seems like that we need some sort of a standoff right there I don't think so it's got it so this comes like up a little bit and I think it goes on in there seems like stuck on there when it came out there like that uh yeah it's not look great yeah some short enough um yeah I'm calling that good okay soul is this tighten it down or no no but just be careful so then I wonder which screw goes in the left there okay said that one goes down all the way oh yeah that one goes down all the way okay cool it's either this one or this one oh and ones long and one short yeah okay that's fine addendum that's the so the short one goes here yeah okay so we're so so we've we've put one thing back in yep so here's the nightmare thing it looks like all this is on there correctly so this heatsink basically screws directly into like the chip and that's on there so I wonder if there's something that was supposed to go like between these two things nope no no this is the picture of having removed it it's not good yeah so the orientation is wrong so here I'm gonna put it back leg of that there's this weird gasket that is presumably going to come into play at some point and this other one but yeah all this looks like stuff that we actually have not altered so that's the cooler for the actual sensor so that's gonna be the most important thing for us to water cool yeah as we're making our way through the rest of this project given that's like pretty penner I think that we can beat it pretty easily yeah it's a matter of like getting it in there though that's the problem okay so we need this board which is presumably the other side of this board those are gonna fall out all of them oh yeah good call yeah so have this follow me yeah okay I've got these all right so that's confusing that do you see anything that looks like that is that it oh wow thank you passed Linus sometimes you're not this goes through here and then through that but this isn't threaded so nothing else is gonna have to go on the other side of this wholly crapballs that's terrible news I think the screw that we put in here might not be long enough just look it barely comes through but wait no though it's fine no no it's fine because see this one is raised yes yes okay so that is exactly fine and presumably that one right there it goes through that so we've put the cooler back on whatever that was and a bunch of RAM chips ah should we tighten it down sure ah two down lots to go so that does look like this but like what the crowd oh yeah it does how would that work okay hold on don't panic I'm not panicking I'm not even oh well I think I think I this goes in like here okay guys at home ladies gentlemen however hard this is for you to watch know that it's that much harder for us to be a part of theirs it's a two-piece here no geez what does that give it us enough room yes oh cool so then we'll just have to slip this back in alright that is a very big piece of metal it's not seem right what doesn't seem right there no it's straight ish do I use my spudger nope my spiders not good enough really just crap my spider is identical to your sponge no my spudger has we have history don't think of my spider is like think of it as seasoned okay hey good work like high-five not while you're holding that yeah this photo is really not great so we know that okay all the screws are do seem to still be in which is good yeah I'm starting to have flashbacks now I think this is where she has got real so this goes here does it looks like it's way closer in that picture or like no there's a bottom piece there's a bottom piece that I think looks like here this one this is the bottom of the camera this isn't that a 90 degree turn right here yeah yeah no no it's like this here it was like that yes like vanish and this goes right here yeah okay it's not that look Dwayne oh yeah this is by far the most expensive puzzle that I have ever taken apart and put back together so it was loose actually it was loose when we were still taking off this piece so it's not unreasonable for this whole middle thing to just not quite attached yet yeah okay sorry I'm gonna watch a little faster here so here I'm taking off that matte plastic plate that is on your right there so here's where I take off the gasket alright here's where I point out the gasket move screws that hopefully are still on there so right yeah that's where that sticks up okay so here we go so that just falls away what are those little rubber chums we don't know oh it's this it says okay it's not right there yeah yeah okay so see this it's just loose okay yeah so here I'm just checking the orientation of this so this guy is in here like this yep so that's just like there but also just doesn't matter right now and then we can put our plastic thing on that's the one okay so we should take all the tape off first hey yeah here actually here can I hand you this piece of tape and can you remember the orientation oh wait that's crew just stayed in okay what I can't quite tell oh wow that was really painless okay this needs to go under here yeah okay so we're looking for three ribbons the LSB that looks promising right there that looks very promising yeah that looks like it okay alright continue nervous laughter that's what the captions should say I'm so unfortunate to drop screw in through here please don't I'm gonna try not to it really doesn't help that these are all non-ferrous screws so they don't stick to our screwdrivers did you tighten all those up yep look or I didn't tighten all of them yeah let's let's I think we're good to tighten those up and then I believe the next piece is that but on the other side and this one also has all the screws in place we actually did a pretty good job of keeping all this stuff together like this is going better than I probably expected yeah same okay time for the other side I think let me consult the footage so this right here is that where is red one right here is here now where does that go is this the board for this side it doesn't like it would go in there yeah but it also looks like that that would go happily that goes there that goes there that's definite okay yeah oh yeah let's consult the footage shall we we're halfway there according to the footage anyway looks like that this goes great here yeah I want to do it in the same order though Justin get someone we have to put sexually it looks like yes we're doing that that one yeah so here do you want me to just hold on to those for now that's probably a good idea yeah I just took the screws onto my hand yeah there we go okay yeah I'll just they're all the same so it doesn't matter Wow that's all in what is this good question this is probably this yeah that seems likely okay wonder where the other side goes presumably the board that good no that goes on the other side I'm guessing I'm guessing okay oh this chip right here is probably what goes on that Rando heat pad yeah okay let me just check the order here I just don't want to do this out of work ya have to what board am I looking at here this one okay okay so it looks like the next thing I'm pulling off here is actually the fans I don't know if that makes sense had I already remove the PCB from the other side have a look here put these go like right here oh okay no I did the other PCB like way earlier so yeah it looks like we're yeah is this the next thing that I do okay fan one fan - I'm guessing it doesn't matter which one plugs into which oh I see what's going on okay so this little wireless guy yeah that connects to right here you know what we should plug them in first I guess do you want to plug them in and then we'll manage them after which one do you think is the oh that looks like he goes there okay okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold all the tension off the cord and then you put it in yeah okay so you'll have to line it up and make sure it's actually on there I think it is though yeah there we go so these must be external screws that must be I would say it's those big fat ones yeah I'm guessing these yeah sure just go for it all right it's got to be nothing else has threading that even it's closer and it's also the one that has the most crap on it it isn't a stopper on these holes it is amazing how tightly this is sandwiched like I am holding this together this is one compacting machine okay oh it's kind of starting to look like a camera again it's none of a bucket of parts Oh No so I oh so I disassembled it in a really weird order okay so I think even though that's not the order that I did it in last time we should put this PCB on now all right okay so where did the screws for that go oh these must be them at their foreign finding channel 5 fine please laughs yep perfect now there will be no extras updated 0 X 0 extra screws we are professionals we helpfully past Linus helpfully put all the screws where they go for us it's starting to really look very Camry you know yeah wow that's a lot of screws on this one yeah but then again this is where all the weight of the camera and the entire rig is going to be resting okay so it one screw left okay wait oh yeah Oh what is this that looks like a super-special screw yep store lock screw Oh warranties find out lordy door locks crew what does the lockscreen look like so Jake just explained what the back focused locks crew does you use it to lock the sensor in place if you're transporting the camera or something like that so you don't technically need it in there I mean it's probably ideal but it also is not necessarily like marked like that because it's dangerous to have it out or something like that it's marked like that so it's easy to find because it is intended to be user adjustable okay alright so you just want you to keep learning put this plate on yep okay you really want to put that plate on okay now we put this chill on seems fun let's make sure you have it lined up because there's that don't connector down okay that seems pretty we're really close yep so this I don't know where does this look like it goes kind of looks like it goes here that doesn't make any sense other way around maybe yeah yeah yeah good call I'm guessing that this is it this one yeah one might has three holes or three screws all right where that goes then probably along this side that's my guess I just don't see where oh and less this covering up a weight is that an extra screw Fadden hmm I think we found it oh wait no because we're too short oh okay so let's hold on to that for now um and then this guy he's gonna go wait what the crap what if this is orientation agnostic I feel like it is we have two extras oh dang okay so we went and we put all the screws in but we didn't realize that there was just a little thing that goes on here that was already preloaded with all the screws that it needed under it okay back focus lock screw found confirmed there it is Bob okay fun fact Alex um all of these black skinny screws are not the same oh that's fun yep some of them are threaded more differently than the other ones come on out baby yeah I get out thank you so I need one of the thicker ones for this that's probably why I had two of them in tape separately alright that's maybe they are all the same then I don't know I can't tell it's time to say this one looks kind of longer isn't it wait clothes are hex as well I should really start if you really start using a hex driver for this so wait this one right here is definitely Torx though which one this one oh well that's interesting because that's definitely hex there's a torque susan's of torques torques hex so I have two hexes I think they're all torque says no this one's hax well that one's hex but what what these other ones down here one stork stork storks you said torques three times but I only see two screws yeah no I just said that an extra time okay I mean at this point do we just give up and just throw it yeah they're all the same length like ours okay so I guess we're either done or disappointing yeah last screw ladies and gentlemen and this is the one that I think the things we just stripped okay whatever yeah okay not gonna not gonna care about that cuz it's all here good enough okay hit me so this guy just screws onto here and then do we have a display right oh so you just want to see an LED wow you have very little confidence in this project hey David okay um are we ready yes that button on the right side okay here we go ladies and gentlemen we've got the fans on till we intake where's the LED squish to be okay we've got power oh oh yeah I want to see an image Jake show me that beautiful face it's gonna be the first thing this camera ever sees okay so we have no reason to believe at this moment then that it doesn't work that was stressful all right now we need to water cooler yeah just completely disassembled it yeah yeah but we need to do some pre-testing first so Brandon what I was kind of thinking is I would like you to do some pre benchmarking on it and I want to know how loud it is both at idle and under more strenuous conditions we want to know how hot it gets and then we also want to have some test footage ideally in highlight so some with with adequate lighting and some in our low-light scenario that we can then compare against our image when we are done this whole project 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shirt down there uh looks pretty sick if I do say so myself not that I designed it myself for anything and then of course stealth hoodie we're probably going to sell out of the first shipment of them fairly soon we did get more ordered but if you want to make sure that you get one right away then head to LT t store comm I believe we still have all sizes in stock it's got the phone pocket phone pocket boom so it even fits large phones like an iPhone 10s 10s max note 9 doesn't come out yeah ltte store calm
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