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SLI Gaming in a Tiny Box - MSI Vortex - CES 2016

huge thanks to Squarespace for sending Lynas Media Group to CES 2016 check out the link in the video description to learn more about Squarespace so there's a lot of stuff in the msi booth they've got like a stardestroyer computer they got a bunch of liquid-cooled computers they got eye tracking they got VR they got all this stuff but this this is the focal point this is the center of the room this is the vortex and this is the actual cause of a legitimate argument between me and someone that I've actually known for years at MSI and I would have considered a friend until I came into the booth and he told me no - you may not open the vortex so inside this kind of Mac Pro shaped but actually slightly bigger cylinder PC they have a phenomenal amount of hardware so they got a core i7 6700 km as a skylight processor up to 64 gigs of DDR 4 RAM loaded on so-dimm memory stick so that's notebook memory 6 up to 2 GTX 980 s note the absence of an M yes that is in videos new m XM gtx 980 - m dot 2 s SD slot so you can throw in nvme SSDs you can put them in raid if that's even supported yet I mean you don't even need to could just throw throw 1 nvme in here throw another like you know storage nvme because you're apparently a baller because it's priced at anywhere from $2,000 for the one with 960 s to $3,000 for the one with 980 s but you're probably asking yourselves well hold on a second Linus how did they get to 980 s and SLI a gtx 6700 k up to 64 gigs of ram and two drives in here great question and you can actually watch Apple's keynote on the Mac Pro online because it was I'm sorry MSI because it was actually done in a fairly similar manner so instead of relying on the more traditional PC configuration where you've got the box with all the components kind of against one side they've actually got multiple completely custom laid out PCBs inside here with one gigantic blower fan on the top that MSI is claiming is capable of something in the name like 22 decibels at idle and in the low 30s under load making it not only extraordinarily powerful but extremely quiet and they didn't skimp on IO either at the back you'll find four USB 3.1 ports two HDMI ports two mini display ports and two USB 3.1 type-c ports with Thunderbolt support for a total of six display outputs natively supported if you count the USB 3.1 type C and also Thunderbolt three ports oh yeah I guess it's got dual land as well audio ports and all the usual stuff now this is not the final hardware it isn't launching until q2 which is apparently why they won't let me open it but I have somewhat forgiving cliff because he has assured me and now this is this is documented this is documented cliff he has assured me that Linus tech tips will be the first to cover the finalized system you have my work there's a drop a comment on the video and let me know if you are excited to see us tear apart the vortex and reveal its secrets to the world I didn't bring a screwdriver can you believe I didn't bring a screwdriver everyone came so prepared for me this year I walk in there like no you can't open it so thanks for checking out this video here at the msi booth guys don't miss any of our CES 2016 content by being subscribed to Linus tech tips you guys hopefully know how to do that and also don't miss the link that's the right side right yep don't miss the link we've got to Squarespace in the video description you're looking to build a beautiful website head over to slash lioness linked in the video description and use offer code lioness to save 10% on your beautiful awesome website today
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