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Scammed on ebay... Testing the 56 CORE system!

okay I've got my dual socket motherboard and I'm sure you guys have all gone through this at some point in the past where you're like building a new system and like the first part arrives and you're like oh wow this is so cool to look at because I have nothing else that goes with it but then okay it got real and two of my eBay CPUs arrived theoretically these are 28 core 8170 sixes or whatever they are something along those lines I got those then I got these caddies these are 32 gig modules these modules have more RAM than what I would consider to be a high-end gaming system in one module and I was like no way now I can test it thanks to audible for sponsoring this video experienced the world's largest library of audiobooks today with audible and stay tuned later on in this video for a special offer I wasn't sure if either of them would be real or working so I actually ordered two sets of what claimed to be 28 core CPUs on eBay and look at this it's even marked on the spreaders this is ap 81 36 that the seller says is a 28 core but then I was like hey can you send me a CPUs edge screenshot and they're like sorry I can't and I was like well can you double check with someone that it's 28 core they're like are you code so let's hold on first let's double check this so absolutely nothing Intel Xeon 81 36 you can see I've googled it before but other than an eBay listing oh oh and there's a thread discussing that eBay listing and other people saying that this is really sketch so this takes up a lot more space on the bench than most motherboards okay step number one does this fit yeah cool if it turns on I'm gonna be turned on okay so we've got dedicated eight pins okay dedicated eight pins for each CPU at that fresh eBay smell that thermal compound all over it oh that's good stuff okay so here's problem number I have lost track but this is a problem the LGA 36:47 socket has no CPU retention arm the way it's meant to be held in is by the cooling solution but almost nobody is supporting this socket because this is an enterprise xeon socket intel's workstation chips are actually using LGA 2066 but with a different chipset so a seuss went off the rails with this thing and there's like no coolers to support it and it's got this bizarro land mounting system here with like threaded stuff here in here and then these posts that are different size here so I'm hoping to just kind of wing it by literally holding the CPU in place we're like the unknown side though random side no one no one knows what the hell's going on side including the seller if no one knows how did you put 28 core in the listing you're the only people on earth with this CPU as far as I can tell where did these come from where did they go where did they come from cotton-eye Joe oh this is really dumb what I'm doing right now okay oh wait okay this is bad CPU just lifted up okay I got it Jake I may need your hands at some point okay what do you think they're gonna boot yeah I'm going with a definite maybe on this one too here we go oh wow that was a whole lot of nothin pretty anticlimactic oh boy now most dual socket boards oh okay post code zero zero that's not generally a good sign let's think you want to try the other one of these first or do you want to try the other chips oh I mean that's even more jank than I was kind of hoping to get but oh yeah this is titanium - totally correct here we go nope that weren't a good sign Wow crap okay well hold on a second there could still be something else let's try the other chips okay there's some action they're warming up this time so that's gonna limit how long I can hold these in okay go ahead and hit the power my thumbs burning okay it's time to consult the manual so it occurs to me we have actually seen this socket before in our xeon phi video this is that bizarro cooler than it used so this gives us a few more exciting options I don't actually know if this board is xeon phi compatible but it's the same socket so maybe we could try this chip to see if it fires up then we could try this cooler on one socket to see if maybe it is a mounting pressure issue i still got options oh and of course it's torques okay this looks like it may not actually be quite the same cuz there's like a thing here and what what is this mounting system oh this is an arrow ilm this is a square ilm wrap so we're going for hopefully enough mounting pressure whoa whoa whoa hello hello okay that's fine that's fine we've got a postcode this time though that's a better sign and also this is less likely to be CPU one anyway so I'm gonna put it back where it was right okay one long two short great reserved for future mi codes perfect brilliant okay let's try a different that's try different chip let's try the other one EF well it could be good as meat as far okay it's completely different which is maybe good and maybe bad hi okay so the manual says one long beep and two short means no memory detected so we put those CPUs back in and we're trying the higher mounting pressure on them okay okay so kill it okay so let's just put some more memory in because one of the classic symptoms of a bad mount in the socket is that some of your DIMM slots won't work properly so I mean this is if nothing else a bad mounting system okay so the working theory right now is that it's probably a mounting pressure issue so last attempt before I just patiently wait for a cooler I need to get up higher so I can put more weight on it oh wow that is terrifying I just put more pressure on the CPUs and the system turned on do you want to turn it off for now okay I'm gonna put more pressure on okay let's try the other ones okay send you down there Center down there okay more weight I'm good clearing the CMOS no actually yeah this is the same as before okay it's been like another week two weeks I don't know the point is today was basically Christmas because first and yes it's only the 19th but it's still Christmas because first check this out so I've got those engineering sample processors that I ordered when I thought that Intel wasn't gonna work with us on this but today I also got oh look at this oh it's beautiful so these are Intel Confidential's I don't remember what SKU these are but their 3.2 gigahertz base so they're a lower core count and these ones Xeon Platinum 81 ATS these are the top-of-the-line but it was the kind of I ordered new computer hardware Christmas where it will cook it there where I didn't have a piece that I needed still but then today again these are Intel thermal solution box coolers for the Xeon processor scalable family this is the one active cooler that I could find on the market for the square ilm socket I finally have everything we're still gonna try that eBay processor first I really want to know if I got ripped off with how hard this is clamping down honestly I do not feel like I wasn't putting enough force on it before I really don't think that was the problem so theoretically if these work and I have two sets of 28 core processors if they don't and I still have one because sometimes it's nice to be Linus tech tips and have Intel send stuff over to you sometimes do you get sweaty when you're working on expensive stuff yeah me too I need a graphics card Wow so the 81 36 doesn't work now I'm wondering if maybe there's a problem with our board at this point so let's try let's try a retail chip so each of these Xeon 81 80s yes I think 8 or 10 grand something like that retail huh no pressure though you know I mean don't they know that people drop things okay so this is with a very probably known good chip this time if this doesn't boot up then I have my doubts about something oh did that just change yeah does it just have a really really long post how interesting would that be what if it has some kind of first boot process where it has to go through some kind of detection thing before it can then boot up properly the next time and it's really long okay we are attempting a USB BIOS flash back with their crash free bios thing we have a problem though and that's that if you look at the BIOS revisions here the one with the higher revision number is dated earlier than the one with the lower one so let's pull that out and try again I wouldn't have thought we could make it worse but we did 0-0 post code this is 26 66 megahertz 32 gig sticks I wonder if it's been a ram compatibility thing this whole time because I've never actually tried different Ram okay new plan we're gonna try the 32 gig sticks from seven gamers one CPU instead so these are older slower memory modules these guys are 21 33 instead of 2400 megahertz which is like bleeding-edge for servers right now maybe we'll see better compatibility if we try something a little bit older 97 B to 98 and you know no no no it was just RAM compatibility oh oh come on no it's up Oh sick overclocking yeah yeah I want to overclock I mean not now I want to get it like working reliably first but wow you just keep him in look at them five bullets no no do I just type in Auto wow that is jank oh there they are 56 cars to boot it up okay it still won't boot into Windows just a little more troubleshooting it's finally booted so these are the retail chips and check this out take that mother I still haven't tried firing it up with all the RAM in it this is the RAM strategy okay two sticks here ten on the table and I haven't tried any of the eBay chips because I wanted you guys to come along for the ride let's find out if anything works I'm like half excited and half terrified I really hope these work because I am almost definitely passed any kind of buyer assurance deadline through eBay at this point or PayPal I really really hope this thing works now that I've had the board booted up if this doesn't work then I'm pretty sure that I got scanned one thing I did find out is that some of my posting issues may have simply been related to memory training and if I had just waited longer which wasn't something that was easy to do when I was holding CPUs into the sockets this is not a solid indication right now that things are going to go well though I actually hate that this TV has like such a pretty screensaver like when I see a thing change I'm like hey whoa whoa whoa okay hold on a minute here whoa hey they booted genuine Intel CPU zero thousand percent at flippin brilliant okay alright let's fire this baby up so our last CPU got a score of about seven thousand in Cinebench and that was with retail eighty one eighty chips I've seen engineering samples that have more information than this but what we do know is the base speed of 2.1 gigahertz we know that they're twenty eight cores that's really exciting so these are probably what they said they were which is eighty-one seventy sixes yep Xeon Platinum 8170 sixes the eBay gambit worked nice and these are qualifying samples which I believe means generally they are pretty close to retail chips so this is not the be-all and end-all of benchmarks certainly but we can get an idea of whether we're close to what we have with the retail 81 88 I want to see what it turbos - not bad not bad at all ok so that's a significantly lower turbo speed we were turbo up around 3 gigahertz with the other one and our lower score does reflect that but that's a hell of a chip for what we pay for it now let's try the mystery meat Platinum 80 136 time is this a straight-up scam remember this is the one where the eBay seller was unable to confirm anything about it unable ok yeah this is not looking promising so far it's just been on AF the whole time you might say it would be disappointing air dam wonder if I can still file a dispute here it is chute turned this item is not there anymore oh that's not good can I even leave feedback no I can't I can't even leave feedback anymore wait what no view similar items twenty-six hundred US dollars plus shipping brilliant so I guess the lesson we learned then is buying engineering sample processors off eBay can work or it can super not but if you order a part number that doesn't exist at all then the odds of its super not working from our sample size of one seem to be pretty good thanks to audible for sponsoring this video we're working with them on their hashtag new year new me campaign yes I know it's almost the end of January but now's the time to get back on the bandwagon of your new year's resolutions and one of mine is actually to make a music video that's right unless you guys can talk us out of it in the comments we're making a music video and we're challenging you guys to set your own new year's resolution if you haven't already for 2018 how about this pick three books that you think will help you achieve your goal using the link in the description on audible and send us a screenshot on Twitter using the tag hashtag new year new me will give away a six-month audible membership which will allow you to listen to more books by letting you switch seamlessly 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