
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Scrapyard Wars 6 Pt. 4 FINALE - $1337 Gaming PC Challenge

scrap guard wars is brought to you by the new D brand grip learn more at the link below my hometown a there's a better use market where I'm at there's more population it's more of a hub of a lot of the the tech companies and the PC space there's there's just parts everywhere it's easy to get parts micro Center is there as well which is really good in a pinch if you need a really cheap part or really cheap CPU or something but I think ultimately it would have been easier to get people to come to us if we could smooth talk them because everyone has cars where it seems like most people we're interacting with in Vancouver don't have cars so it was really hard to get people to come to us but just the use market as a whole being more full of parts that are available would have made this I think a little bit easier yes we yesterday yeah we wrote a bunch of emails at the end of the day hoping they'd respond 60cc guy never made money back right I'm like dude call me why did you show up you know we can make this happen like be flake still not convinced that's not - right don't like but even if it isn't whatever it's right the bottom line is it's not a thing yeah so I got an email from two people paired we got two emails weren't at the card when he still had the graphics card and we're about to you located so I gotta respond to him I came in last night at 11:00 and then this Dave Ebers guy he responded to me like right end of the day yesterday he's out in Port Moody but he said he'll come to us he says I will make it down before lunch time probably around 11:30 and give a phone number yo that's awesome yeah let's call him right now at the beginning of today we still had to sell the graphics card we still had to hopefully get the SSD from Amazon and we still had to acquire a better than just the Intel stock cooler CPU cooler hey yeah you emailed me about my gtx 660 oh good good yeah we're totally down would you like to meet us like at my place or like a coffee shop near here or something like that whichever doesn't matter to me they're easier for you I guess oh you coffee shop I guess that's easier um do you want to meet at being around the world I'm Brandon once on Grandville cool and then meet there around 11:30 you were thinking okay great okay see you then Cheers all right so we're not a two bucks that was easy eighty-three tea and that's why it was we decided yesterday it was gonna be a risk like okay do we order the tea to now or do we wait because we we could have still ordered up till like from an hour from now still got roughly about there yeah yeah but now now we have to start finding a big cooler it's a 23 minute walk that's closer than where we went yesterday to sell to pick up the card she does the dark row three it's normally ninety bucks so that guy would bring it to us for a tea so that's a big fat double stack that might be worth getting I mean let me email that guy back right now yeah and see like okay can you bring it to us for a tea yeah because that's his asking price mm-hmm he says unfortunately because this was a response to email you wrote him yesterday when you said hey they're been looking for something cool with MI CPU produces 70 bring out to us or 60 if we go to you right and then his response was hello unfortunately I'm not going to come out to Ben for less than what I'm asking for if you're able to come to Syria can do 70 let me know works for you it works tallow balm in a bit so now we just match his actually him doing us a favor and braid to us for the same price yeah I'm totally cool with that so I'm gonna write him back and say we do need the 80 this guy sounds super legit but I'm writing back right now and even see if he'll agree to it yeah sure yeah we always bail so we might have legit nothing to do tomorrow like during the build phase overclocking cleaning the system out let's hope it doesn't go pop it's not blowing stuff up we can't spend all of our sanity worrying about what the other team has so we just have to go with what we've got put it together what's together but we need to just present it and either way it was a lot of fun we'd like to win but again as time goes on in this competition you really start to second-guess yourself and then use your confidence kind of starts to diminish over time and I think that's kind of where we are right now so then it seems pretty legit that maybe that wasn't him I don't think it was him there's always the scuppered worst conspiracy stuff it's the uncertainty that really makes you start to wonder and then you start to believe this stuff in your head like well that's why this makes sense you know because he would do that to make us lose time so just an update on the Amazon owner for the SSD it went out for delivery to the shipment center at 2:31 a.m. and then had its arrival scan at 4:01 a.m. and then was set out to delivery to bring it here at 7:10 a.m. I have all that on the Amazon app so theoretically it's gonna show up don't know exactly what time but until we have it in hand we can't like feel like we're done yeah I'm pretty sketched out and we're about to blow the rest of our money on the cooler oh yeah I know if this isn't show if he leaves yeah how are we with emails there is not what we do have a couple we do have a couple offers on the monitor well excellent but I would sincerely like to make sure that it works before we before we sell it and we need to do some budgeting here man because right now we had a solid plan for how we were gonna get maybe unbeatable hardware but the problem was that we started the day with the hardware that we needed to sell to get the unbeatable hardware possibly not working okay if we hitchhike both ways we have 62 dollars okay it's what a two-hour hitchhike no actually hitchhiking would probably be faster than transit because it's a 45-minute Drive one and a half hour transit run yeah so if we hitchhike both ways we have 62 dollars which means that we have to pay anything to the driver as a compensation I don't think that's typical we could offer them some bread it's really quite delicious only a couple hairs in it yeah only a couple yeah I'm the only one that we found so the backup motherboard we've got a phone number his day is wide open and he would want to meet at a fairly nearby Sky train station so if we have to go get the backup motherboard assuming that we do actually have $100 still 90 degrees yep yep oh I think yeah okay maybe one depends on the CPU cooler just missing misaligned I think says it's like the push push pins I think it's gonna be a simple fix we discovered that one of the brackets was broken in half and also that was not allowing the contact between the CPU and CPU cooler to be proper and our CPU wasn't like ninety degrees Celsius unless we hold it down and we're not gonna do that up until that point we thought that getting a new CPU cooler was a nice to have not a must-have and what we should do let's use our EVGA poster for our hitchhiking sign I was wondering how we were gonna get paper going to Surrey like do we how do we suggest people that where we need to go we just type in going to where we need to go no money need hardware oh the guy with the Xeon says oh no if you can wait he could meet at brain sky train station but only if we can wait till 5:30 or 6:00 oh yeah no it's okay we'll just have to we'll just have to do it to go there earlier or to go there or not to go at all no no what we'd have to go earlier I think we got to do it I'm also hearing back from someone on the monitor he says okay let me know how the other offers work wait a minute you fell off I didn't say there were other offers oh my god is it the guys upstairs I wonder if they sent us multiple offers that's okay though because we don't need any more money but it would be nice right because we don't have enough money for the motherboard no but we also don't necessarily need the motherboard what's what's our team name we could go with Dimitri tech tips we could go with Linus Canucks we could go with I don't know kind of flexible let's do what Demetrius Demetrius but we need a Linus in there some are do ya than us oh I see okay so do meet us like this yeah that actually is like kind of up how that's kind of a powerful name on let go we just received two reviews Oh my review Johnny curl quick response is still waiting for the purchase lots of questions at this point what oh I got three three stars let go and he's reviewed two of my purchases what maybe I should review them yeah the right asks a lot of questions bad liar it's No Cash Money here's the monitor powered on if you want to meet in the next 30 minutes I'll be around near VG age can I get your email so we can text instead of email oh we might be getting rid of the monitor right now sweet and where did you find the cable for it oh I just borrowed one off over yet your stuffs not charging next I want the shadow rock the shadow rock has a lot more cooling potential I think they said oh really yes like quite worried that's something could if we if we push comes to shove leaving those two sticks get everything running or one stick to get everything running and then at the workshop just Dremel off the parts that stick up on them but if it's heatpipe so we can totally know on the on the ramp we just yeah we could do that because they're just spires yeah yeah we could do that you just bang it on probably yeah I'm not really like second-guessing our build I'm just trying to figure out like the 290s is the thing that can be done Finnick that's the only thing that could be us or 382 90s so all of our stuff is gonna fit on our SSD once it shows up we're not worried about storage space anymore which is good his guys said he would come to us where can we meet so it sounds me like he has a car right if you didn't have a car you would like hey can you meet at the station yeah probably he might end up being like oh can we meet closer to his station but it sounds like he has a car I'm also possibly not expecting to hear from him until around 3 o'clock because if he's like I'm not free till 3 maybe he just messaged me at work which I think we're safe to wait for because we could still make it to NCA X and back in that amount of time so the only 26 minute walk it's not a big deal so we're gonna wait oh so we have a backup if that drive for some have some reason gets lost resident show up I'm all for just like leaving that one did not say anything and let him find out when your watches I fit really dead serious we were like single teams that's exactly what I would do - really badly wants to run ashes on a very high preset which is something that we just like don't do because we still think he has SLI yeah probably because he's running a slide 980 ice not going that way that's the waterfront we don't want that it's going this way yeah 550 we start considering other options bus to NCIX they close at what 6:00 probably about then yeah we have enough time to get there barely it's all we gotta do is get in the door right you might end up being late though yeah I mean saying as long as we get in the door they're right they close at 6:00 it's like 555 they strike would either we have to then we'd be late back yeah I said it bunch of times we got to figure out what the penalty is if we're late back today we can talk to Ed basically a scrap system that's like the best we can get for like nothing so that's why we were like we want to get this up man so you recognize this yeah we gotta balance like immediately though yeah we got it we got to get on the bus now so thanks a lot man we appreciate it it says 26 minutes on the bus from here yeah so Amazon delivery driver just called me and was like hey I'm at your address says the wrong address by the way I verified it in the app it's right and like the owner of this house doesn't know who you are and then the owner grabs the phone and it's like hey yeah I'm from this address so I checked my phone just to make sure that I type I said the wrong one check the Amazon app they're saying the wrong thing he just tried to give the SSC to someone that wasn't us luckily the guy that you've had to give it to you apparently awesome dude told them that it wasn't the right place now the Amazon driver is apparently driving to where we are trying to go right now so hopefully the SSD will be grown time hello if you're facing the house you should see steps that go down and then there's like if you look to the right there's like a swinging bench that's just inside the property it's the one on the left it's the one on the left it is the house on the left is the unit on the left sorry no do not take it back with you it's it's the house on the bottom floor I I'm not entirely sure what to tell you it's actually not that complicated if you're facing the houses if you look to your left it is the one furthest to the left right yeah it's a great thins there's a gray fence there's there's a step or two that goes down and then once you look to your right there's two tiny little like kid sized chairs and then a wooden bench okay awesome if you leave it under the wooden bench that would be great the address I guess got autocorrected by Amazon so it actually was like slightly down the street instead of right actually here so they ended up bringing it to the wrong house and then luckily oh my goodness luckily the guy that was there was like my name isn't Luke you brought this to the wrong house so it's actually working out everything's gonna come back together in the last like it's just on there I totally put it under it but like at least it's there oh okay what so what time is it 5:40 at 5:40 we got our last part so we made it back with 20 minutes to spare we got our dark rock pro3 which funnily enough when Linus and Dmitry were walking in I saw that they were also carrying a black be quiet box about this size so it would be it would be pretty funny if we both at the very last minute on the very mmm essentially last day got the same cooler although I don't know how they got theirs because if they have the same one because we only saw one listing for it so I wonder if they bought it new that would be really interesting because I think this would be the first time that anyone bought anything new discovery was also our SST came in there it is boom hundred and twenty gigabytes of SSD goodness so we're good to go that's all of our parts tomorrow we need to install the cooler install the SSD migrate all the files that are currently on our SSD over to this SSD and then it's just benchmarking time let's go it is illegal to hitchhike here ok then we're screwed or a six-hour hike oh my god it's so far we have to transfer three times it is this all buses bus train nope and then bus to bosses at one train we might get away with one fare then so we tell the bus for getting on the train right we pay for the Train then we train the bus bus back onto the train and hopefully we're good yeah as long as you were back on the same route to go back in the same platform yeah okay okay okay everything's getting real so I'm asking the six core guy if you can bring it to Coquitlam centre which would probably save us a fare back the girl with the combo for the CPU motherboard and RAM he's trying to negotiate on price but I'm holding firm but what that would mean is that we could sell that whole combo for a hundred and fifty five dollars which even after we go buy our motherboard again would give us a hundred and fifty six dollars for a cooler so I messaged the guy in Richmond asking how much to deliver of course sir a JT so we can fight basically let's find every cooler we can and see if we can pay someone 10 or 20 bucks to deliver yeah he just confirmed into it deliver Oh that the Xeon he's bringing out the guys Elin guys bringing it to the bus depot we are almost there we're like yeah oh this is exciting okay so so we got to pay him 150 450 let's get that ready okay sorry hit me Kimmy before agreed to sell our 960 and the motherboard in the RAM combo let's verify that the Xeon and the RAM work yes on that motherboards in the day in work on that motherboards should we still do the swap the p60 is a better board and works with a high bandwidth bridge but we should go get the p6t deluxe right from here before we even go back we have enough money we do as long as we sell that stuff away oh crap no I'm gonna ask that guy if he can deliver okay they're negotiating they want 150 for the whole lot what is that that's $5 off okay I can't meet until late this afternoon okay so CPU motherboard RAM combo guy or gal wants to meet at 5:30 so that's perfect because by then we'll be done some point Linus and Dimitri managed to get the motherboard seller to drop his price 50 box down to an even 100 although it looks like even that might be just out of their price range is it because we're paying this guy the delivery fee yeah did we already verify that we haven't gonna pay him wait wait hold on supporter shoot excellence Z on W 3670 yup alright thank you right and we got the AHA no just kidding okay looks fine I'm sure it's fine he seems like a trustworthy gentleman alright so I have 150 I recognized your voice Oh and then this is clear if I collect claims good something are you sure I'm sure you sure okay okay okay thank you so much take care okay so he did not take there's no 475 which means we're good with money we got the exactly 100 dollars now but I heard him messages a guy asking if he can take okay well maybe write him back I'm just gonna be like guys five bucks on the side of the road okay okay yeah six chords young guy kind of saved our butts he didn't end up charging us to come and meet us at the sky train station which was really nice oh my god we're like a dollar short we're less than a dollar short we're like we're like twenty thirty cents short okay instead we had 99 dollars and seventy cents like 75 cents so I didn't feel too bad about that yeah we're I think we're good if I message him back and like look we've got 99 dollars and 70 cents he should be okay okay I have 99 dollars and 70 cents and 30 cents ain't one super stressed out on our way to meet the hundred dollar motherboard guy though because we couldn't get in touch with him stupid me I didn't realize I actually had a phone number after all but then I called the number and it was like a landline and I was like who uses a landline hi I was calling about that motherboard and you said you were gonna try and get in touch with them oh well that's fantastic great thank you and you'll be there well we're at what station are ya we're at Brentwood town center now and so we just need to transfer so we'll be there when we get there the NCIX Broadway location is walking distance from my aunt's house and it's actually no we won't have any money to buy it on the way back it's so our motherboard CPU Ram block first so what we would have to do basically is arrange with that yeah well should we give the motherboard go home and test it yes and then agree to the sale and then agree to the sale yeah I mean technically we've already agreed to the sale so it's deciding whether to back out of the sale right so we're okay with time yeah well our bus transfers are still good for 40 minutes so tense I knew that Linus would be you know luring me into the water situation by saying we will get you in water but I was smarter than that I brought my own water for the whole day but I felt bad cos line is didn't have any okay so we're meeting at the tea and tea we heard from him while we were on the train I was like yeah did you get my message about the 99 dollar 70 cents he's like no I didn't but it's cool don't worry about it so that's great also get this this is only a 15-minute detour even if our transfers expire so in 25 minutes even if we don't catch a bus closer to my aunt's place we are still only 15 minutes out if we walk compared to if we had just bust back to her place so things are going worked out really well right now that's the best time to know the city is when you actually get the public transport you explore via Google Maps walking yeah cuz otherwise we're gonna have to walk back to my aunt's place so yeah enjoy so we're meeting him right in front of the TNT here and he's coming on an electric scooter he said he was about six minutes away about five minutes ago so any moment now we give to a shadow oh yeah good call we always hide in the shadows oh yes all right cool oh okay perfect wow that is quite the packaging you got there that's nothing I get comments all the time on the dick pad on the back of my car okay so theoretically we can bus back in it'll say this 20 minutes next thing do you want a busted you want to walk let's bus okay so are we on the street where we can think of us okay here we got a walk we got a walk down a bit okay yeah but right here yes so this is this way we gotta go wait so the TNT is supposed to be on our left so we need to go this way go up yeah that way so motherboard combo will meet us at NCIX but can't get there till 5:30 or maybe a little bit after it's a 25-minute walk back to the house okay so here we go I said look if you're a little bit late to be 100% honest the issue is that I don't have the money to buy the thing until after we meet you so if you can give me and my friend a ride to ncx and it doesn't matter if you're a few minutes late oh that's perfect what did they say it looks like that's good to go amazing know you'll get a drag here so we get to ncx store and we wait for him this was a 5:30 so timing it was very close or freaking out a little bit so lioness on the poster at the NZXT store so that was a little bit you know he still had a little bit of a messy hair and the screwdriver but then the guy finally shows up we get our money run to the store to buy the CPU cooler which was already prepared and we're on our way it was the last piece of the puzzle for the build very happy how it turned out so deep friend is calling their new case the grip for a reason well a couple of reasons number one sitting on a plane will prop up your phone watch movie Oh bad idea with a grip case good idea reason number two say you leave your phone on the hood of your car or something by accident you're getting in you don't want it to slide off while you're driving right it's the grittiest case freaking ever reason number three actually nothing to do with the grip part of it at all it just has full phone protection so you can like scratch it around on stuff and do this and you can like drop it whatever you guys have been seeing it in scrapyard Wars for three weeks you've been asking for it and now it's finally here go buy a D brand grip today at the link in the video description heading into the final day Luke and Jai aren't feeling too confident while but this is scrapyard wars than it ain't over till it's over don't say the court wrong go to the cool do you know the glorious no good job everyone just cuz I am your father but he's correcting him yeah yeah don't go that way it's other things were popular yeah so hey - where's the dremel is it like probably upstate okay okay so what you can probably do right now is leave one fan off put two of these in and just keep going and then I'll work on lines what's the least unsafe way to do this Luke hurt himself he's gonna file a claim I don't think I'm gonna bleed yeah no it's already breathing for the offensive end it's gone it broke the stem of it broke I mean either the stem of it came right off I think we were sabotage it fire it out and hit me in the shoulder food that looks so much nicer than even needs to that's awesome now at this point they're both supposed to be benchmarking but it seems like both teams still have some finishing touches to put on but I would still always recommend even AIO just because of the ease of installation versa yeah well that's the biggest thing with the iOS in my opinion remember we bought the be quiet cooler on your recommendation it's gonna perform very well I told you that the mounting mechanism was shite but you wanted the duel tower yeah so which way do we which we go maybe you're just a big be quiet fanboy I am five I just hate having so much memory and right I can't get at the a pin with this stupid ginormous cooler in here it's like why are water coolers popular when they don't perform better this is why the cable bones connected to the head or bone the header bones connected to the motherboard bone the leather bar bones connected to the case bone the case bones connected to the table bone the table bones connected to the floor bone I think this is probably the first scrapyard wars where I regret nothing so Linus I have I have a gift for you you have a gift that is gonna be used to either for you to keep for yourself or use them as an accessory for this case oh that is beautiful and you know what I don't think it counts as being part of the system if we put it next to if we put it next to the system yes and right this is so great look at this look how curious it's not turning so maybe nobody know why it was so tight I get to turn it off it's off it's shutting down so it's off I could start playing with the overclock down there on the CPU if you want to but I need the system drive so you wouldn't be able to test it nobody I can atleast start checking where I can boot you want me to do that see if some time so right now I'm hoping that Paragon disk image software works on Windows 8 because my computer is still Windows 8 Paragon disk image software which is what we're planning to move all of this stuff from our test drive to our Ashville drive doesn't work on Windows 10 so we're gonna see if I can mirror everything over using Windows 8 as the host drive yeah like we have a drive that works it's just not our drive so like if I can verify that our SSD works then they might be cool with us just using the other one because it's not actually impactful on performance but I want to like I haven't even verified that it works yet and so like if I haven't verified that it works they'll be like what because that's fair if they're higher than 85% of our score I'll be pretty surprised well we've got some really important stuff to do while this is running where do you want to put this you toot you choose it you choose the place of honor here let's see well normally on and the glue gun it would go like here but that's not really visible right yeah do you want it kind of like we need like release of honor yeah we're like cover and it might get stuck in here though it's kind of a perfectly good you know case yeah dial it was the dial full yeah if you want an extra light hearing it that's that's perfect do you like that yes buddy wait that means that we're ruining 9:20 I think it's okay yeah this is 100% so yeah okay so we got a position that's square yeah so it's perfect I like that's how you know it's the correct let it let it go a little a little bit Oh what what is that can really just position this guy here from now we'll just we'll step it back a little bit and we'll be glad that we ran these benchmarks before we had to submit to judging you can there it is it works fine yep it works great okay so it might be cool with us just using it in the interest of saving time yeah sure we'll we can we can bend the rules I would consider that bending as long as they're SSD actually works and could hold all the stuff if it came to that okay I think after this coin and after this thing finished we can do it all right there's a little there's a little present for the judges you know oh I get stuck jammed oh no it ate our no wait this is like an arcade machine oh I see it eat it do you have yeah I can see it right there guys we need the pliers back oh my god are they make nutty I don't remember if canoes are magnetic oh oh wait wait I fix it no we're good we're good oh no I don't need them thanks ed Luke quit panicking uh uh no no I'm panicking at all but I feel like I'm gonna leave the voltage higher higher yeah pretty much okay oh crap it does melt it a little what did that just sister me not what happened what what you know what I'm kind of getting cold feet on the on the CPU okay oh okay let's just I'm just gonna dial it back a couple notches just the last thing I want is for us to not run our benchmarks yeah if we if we don't want that oh if we don't complete yeah I think we have to go back to start okay so it's been which would be really bad actually for our config there we go now that is a control knob we're really close yes two minute we're ready to test a benchmark test the benchmark I mean are they ready yeah are they ready yeah it is to check double check on options here regarding a problem it would suck for us to be like okay every time when they let us season it drove and I don't I don't really want to do that because yeah I think what how much longer do you guys think you need because we're like I don't want to say the magic word to trigger Edie we are in a state at which we could do things but you guys were bros of both the drive things we don't want to do over okay we could sit down for a little while we are a state at which we don't need to touch the computer effort for any major significant reason you're ready I don't know words that start with our no I'm still Ian lunch we're good okay we're good we're ready we are ready for them to meet dimitra's the goddess the God of gaming what all right come on wow this is rather anticlimactic do better next time a prime now it's time to see which one of these is the more powerful build Demetrios or the green machine is that our dark rock probe it is not we went and got that at the exact same time you guys got yours we don't know like 10 minutes earlier getting the exact same item and we're really curious as to where you got yours because this was the only one like that we found online what I mean the only one this is the only dark rock pro 3 on the Craigslist I thought so see I called that that's right we got enough money so we can yeah France right you yeah we have so much sponsor money from putting our D brand fault oh yeah look around the back yeah oh you got some fiber always putting his D brand deep Randall I can counter this I can sell up I can sell out harder than you Brandon where's your big things your big flag okay hold on here here's our D brand MacBook and alienware and here's my personal phone which also has D bread to be cheap do meet you where's your MacBook I don't have anything that's your person actually who can sell out harder yeah that's right oh yeah all that D brand your personal phone is skin too isn't it yeah yeah well I have like whole TV this V you benchmarks we've got Cinebench and Adobe Media encoder I bet our system is pretty different from what you guys think it is yep I bet I bet your system is super slow well that's not really a bet when you're making an observation actually it's not that no it's not that far off is it well we start odds behind I didn't realize he started it when he did we started first I don't think it's enough well these this is a slow pass here though down this right handsome oh okay what do you guys got 933 912 whoa so for the camera the way the scoring works though is that by being 20 points behind that's only 2 percent so effectively we get 10 marks they get 9.8 this is really close ok beam so up if you guys yeah ok ok 3 2 1 go ok this time we started at the same time so it should be a fairer fighter we're already ahead it's crazy Oh anytime 303 236 and I think our bar is ahead of there's two it's kind of hard to tell to be fair but yeah I think we're like a scene behind whole trappin over quite a bit behind there like here oh yeah what are the rules on that I think you have to okay I think you have to just kind of things with it what are you know it's 20 seconds huh four minutes are there sorry for 43 43 we're at 5:17 yeah okay okay so after the CPU benchmarks the green beast is ahead by three percent three two one I think this is where we're gonna lose there any percent what we're gonna be like alright good game I certainly hope so that's just yours is so slow at loading well you know what it isn't how you load the game it's how you play the game get a more proper process you know mister proper processor we won one of the CPU benchmarks was straight up also you were telling me about how this is always choppy because of the I didn't say choppy I just said it that part of the test is you said it always does that I mean it clearly doesn't always do that because 35 FPS was so fast I mean if we want that cinematic look you know what though that works the FPS Luke oh the FBI does it still work yeah the FPS is not as high as I expected it to be though it's pretty monstrously high and it's higher there so I don't know what you're talking about man like it could have throttled oh yeah that job that Jeff like 600 points you guys can run it again if you want I'm not you know known to be to my own detriment pretty lenient with the other team if they need more time do you like our symbolic way you brought that okay that's not actually part of our system but our system has another really crazy trick because I bet you haven't even seen it so far look well there it is there's a system I am I was wrong about your platform I wonder if I was right about your platform before you changed it but I'm I was wrong about your platform that's closer to what we got before 54 66 you guys are probably around 6,000 well why don't we find out oh damn okay so fire strikes core we got seven thousand nine hundred twenty nine and the green beast pulled in five thousand four hundred and sixty two so that puts us at four point eight and then at four point four so we went from being three percent behind to just under ten percent ahead three two one hit it I never run fire strikes oh I legitimately actually don't know what they're running but you don't run fire strike well like the system didn't lock the game just stopped going oh is the system working yeah we have the cursor is relatively okay well let you guys uh let you guys figure out your stuff there but I think it's uh I think the audience would know which machine they'd want to be using by this point in time I know everything's just going exactly according to plan you know what maybe there's this going according to plan - maybe our plan was just to have everything run perfectly and their plan was to kind of you know dick around I should call them team Green Machine dick around Libby laughs so partway through the ashes a single instant rose ashes didn't even technically freeze though knows the cursor came up yeah so it just like stopped the benchmark it was like a soft lock and then I went to go kill it with ctrl delete and it didn't say that it was hanging yeah you know what we do have a UPS shut it down again let's just make sure maybe you guys are just kind of borderline confident that everything's going great the whole time both of us that's custom each is a yes man well if things were going the way that they were going for us you'd have been a yes man - I don't know why do you make a last-minute switch in your whole system it wasn't not a last-minute switch yeah it was a planned switch last-minute I like this guy that is some that is some world-class spin doctoring right there all right guys average frame rate all that's just 50.0 what do we want to verify settings are you sure you did it right it's nothing worth noting that we are exploiting let's just say the developers Rex there's a specific reason why a lot of people use ashes when testing multiple GPUs that are on a certain team the tomb raider so with the way it's going right now green beast is about 5% ahead at six point eight versus six point five god and one of them is heavily I know leaning the other way will still lose but that's fun it makes you closer there's a lot of stuttering on both sides anyway when it looks over that mountain it likes to do that even with really good systems whether you inside the cave let's see how what happens I saw a bunch of sitting right there but nobody wrong screen a bunch of wobbling yeah okay oh I saw stuttering your eyesight ours yeah I didn't what do you think - what's your opinion you're more in the middle than anyone I think ours is running smoother but I don't think it's by as much as I'd like our benchmark is gonna end significantly sooner overall is only fifty three point four sixty one point six one it's a significant amount so I think they're gonna be ahead by like five percent again so we got sixty one point six one and they got fifty three point four which puts us at a dead heat eight point two two eight point two wait a second hold on no we've got a problem with the formula I put them up I copied the formula wait a second wait a second okay okay there was a formula error so we're actually ahead but only by what like two percent seven point seven to seven point six going into the last benchmark I stand by what I said you did better than I thought we would and there are there are lots of benefits to the way we did our system as to why we do them you guys know to start from the benchmark okay because this is only one left right yeah scene one okay here we go hit it you might as well hit it earlier Dimitri it's gonna start way later Oh No yeah they're faster I was reading it wrong whoa they're fluctuating a lot yeah I know that what's up with your system bro why is it running so bad right now I want to plug into the ups hold on man winning would be weird there's one setting that we forgot to check off the hashes might have made a difference this was disabled no it doesn't matter for DirectX 11 oh yeah so it doesn't matter all right let's see it yeah with a bear somehow stable it is that's the same as last time yeah eight point nine eight to nine point two two oh we were so worried from day two forward a hundred percent okay good job guys good team well played sorry Dimitri alright with a score of nine point two two nine effectively rounding here you are congratulations you walked a long way and where you started but with a winning computer that looks just like me and Dimitri second good effort at least your pedometer is happy so again congratulations congratulations well played oh sorry why I already shook your hand one trick his name was - all right so that's it Dimitri I let you down I'm sorry bro really you have not let me down it was great I think we have a good system yeah well at least you got to be on the show - yeah and congratulations you guys once more thanks for coming out and thanks for watching basically they got rekt thanks for watching scrapyard wars he can retire now he's lost you know a lot that might have been a little hard this is a regular phone this is a gripped phone this is for comedic effect
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