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Setting up our BRAND NEW SETS - Construction Vlog

I got my reg I got the world's crappiness paint crew and we've got our new sets to floor and paint today welcome to painting and flooring gloss oh wow that's dusty Tunnel bear makes really really simple privacy apps so people can enjoy a more open Internet to try total bear for free go to tunnel bear comm /l TT so we're gonna have an accent wall that's gonna be this kind of Navy warm blue and then we're gonna have a lot of Gray's so this is gonna be light gray darker gray listen gonna be dark rain here dark gray light gray it should look really good hopefully so you just need to go to okay and then the brush is for cutting in corners where we're changing color so you'll have to brush that corner right there otherwise if you want to freehand it then go for I'm sure if really I just don't I just can't cross that line yeah are you dead huh I came right on my face I don't really know how to paint we just paint your house why are we painting the wall the same color as the wall I Love Lucy notice oh I see do you know what you need you need a tray all right wait sorry what is this that's a roller pool yes got it okay god I thought it was like a wizard staff at first what about like like do I got paint up there like I got paint that mean I should just take initiative I should just paint it anyways kidding she's gonna give me crap if I do if I make a mistake you're going to match the people I medium that's a medium ladder that's your ladder tip number one to painting take your glasses off doesn't matter if you can't see but you're not gonna get paint on your glasses and water process we we I'm water based doesn't even or doesn't get yeah I thought you were just gonna brush under there I know it was and then I don't know actually carried away yeah be cool okay that'd be really cool okay step number one yeah is reduce your reload time okay before you actually that's a stupid spot for it cuz you're right-handed right okay that way you go like this you go back to the wall okay you had it here so you're going like this you know what oh my god back over here go down this way always this way because if you go backwards you're gonna get paint all over your pants and your shoes oh just fine because I don't give a shit about your pants and shoes but so you always go up and down up and down the wall and you see how I'm actually applying very little pressure K should stop doing that I'm actually trying to teach you something it's gotta be the best way the most muscles I'm doing painting now this is how light pain see it's better when it dries right so everything Linus said was pretty much wrong this is the preferred way I don't Carolina says use your legs that's common sense right that's what I was doing Gordon says yeah I was like this it was like straight up talk to the hand cause the face oh dang you can't hear anything I'm saying this is actually pretty dope this is a Russian in his natural habitat shoes why are you wearing slippers that's what you just say yeah you said swear word I heard that before I turn the camera yeah I mean usually make fun of each other on this channel but uh you did a good job they said it's wide enough although really I need to look through a camera yeah a lot easier than painting no friends why don't we just use our printer and print out pictures of flooring and then just line the floor with that well we got fish the floor I gotta finish the accent so we're doing shiplap and then we're doing a brick wall over here and I don't have to do vinyl siding on the exterior first the final Society yeah because it's got to look like the outside of the house Colton's okay well then if we're gonna go that far do we get a little garden a little that's crazy I want goldfish I'll name them and feed them I'm gonna start a cooking channel what's the kitchen stuff what give us enough yeah I'm actually painting the bathroom I'm gonna be staying well we've got here guys is a wash so one of those gratifying things about painting is when you put all of the wall outlet covers back on nice that's nice you guys put a floor in this it's really nice yeah so what we're doing here is we're painting these and they're gonna go on that blue wall to add a little bit of texture to the wall Taron are you insulting our carpenter maybe she knows I know he is better than me and this stuff yeah me what happened what look I was getting Dennis because I'm you know how to get paint out of carpet so wound up happening is I go over to paint right there and I stepped on it don't step on that what are you doing why do you come out and the worst times you're not even helping where'd you I where's my Starbucks dude hey you know thanks guys listen all this baseboards are going in today look at this beautiful the door trim windows and then we're getting we're getting cabinets today as well Dennis has to go to court fight the battle fight the good fight and we get that is his car and then they drove away LaVon hey what's going on here you're still you're still paying these it's taking so long did you touch up the ones that were defective do you mean the ones you did hey I just went and asked everybody who could all help and so far to help build cabinets I have me and Nick what no one else can help everyone says that they're busy making videos you could find shiplap what is shiplap I have no idea did you find the photos on Pinterest oh okay when is he coming an inspection it's gonna be a problem there's a supposed to be we know that sir these are not up to code he's earned up to code you're gonna need to adjust that oh my god Brandon do you like it though I don't know what do you think imperfection unacceptable I wonder who painted that wall wasn't me well the whole walls like separated okay we're gonna guys we're gonna unbox likea cabinets whoa today we're unboxing the maximum era in the sec sex y'all know if you're one of these wheels with ones you probably that one right now what I'm trying to be this one I mean so we're just going to make sure that everything is here and that the boxes are not damaged how do we know everything's here dredger yeah I'm gonna okay ledger it was omelette I'm lost so you're just gonna stand there the not camera operator what are you talking to a dot camera operator this is their advantage hammer let me tell you about my keyboard shortcut first I ask myself that every day it just keeps scrolling I'm home we organize them all into groups like the ones we have here then when we're building things like the easiest thing to make sure like so we've got how many panels 1 2 3 4 5 6 on that how much you reckon this all cost Jake you gotta put a dollar amount on it this is the prices right what do you guys do you know 42 bucks what do you got for granite 43 63 43 63 I don't know if we get as close as but how much of Ella cam 3 consoles it was $5,000 before tax yeah there was a 10% discount today's video is brought to you by the number one one is the loneliest number that you'll ever know the loneliest number is the number one somebody won't Toby the hell is all this stuff we spent like ten thousand dollars at IQ plus the ten thousand dollars it's gonna cost me in the wages of what one two three four five real work to do we leave now well the paintings done actually but I still gotta tell you guys about fresh books fresh books is the online accounting platform for small business owners and freelancers it lets you get paid faster be more productive be more organized and it's simple to use with great customer service you just pick up your phone you're like hey I need help with fresh books and a person like I mean you have to dial the number but and a person picks up the phone and can help you with your problems and they've got lots of great features like their iOS and Android apps that let you log your hours and track expenses while you're on the go the ability to create and send professional-looking invoices in just seconds the ability to set up online payments and get 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