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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha Graphics Card Showdown & Benchmarking Procedure

a global leader in tech recruiting is celebrating geek pride by giving away ten amazing tech prizes for more info visit the modus Facebook page or modus com it's finally here DFM dogfighting module arena commander star suzanne fighter whatever you want to call it it is finally released and we have decided in our insanity to test it just to remind you guys this is a pre-alpha release a pre-alpha release that is like we're lucky it's not setting their server room on fire I spent the majority of my time testing this game just trying to get it to launch because that was extremely difficult and if those are things that are going to annoy you don't bother because it's going to happen there's going to be problems running this game it's going to be difficult it is a pre-alpha all of that being said we wanted to test this game because we see this question all the time can I run Stars is and a lot of people look at this game as it's extremely hard to run and all that kind of stuff and yes that's true it's not easy to run but in its current form without any extensive graphics options and without any of the ludicrous things that we're expecting them to do with the graphics in the future it's not actually that bad we'll get more into that in a second so you'll be able to see with this video a rough estimate of how well you'll be able to run this game with these graphics cards but in the future this may not apply with the release of alpha or beta or even the full game these numbers will be very different and will probably update you along the way although we'll ask for feedback for you guys from that point I was kind of surprised to see the results that I got while running at 1080p due to expecting this game to be a lot harder to run that it actually was the only results that kind of surprised me a little bit where the AMD ones although before the AMD guys run down into the comments start freaking out don't worry guys the second we jump up to 1440p the story kind of changes a little bit and we see that trend we've been seeing lately where AMD cards are running very well at higher resolutions in comparison to its competitors cards which is kind of interesting actually and I'm expecting if we wouldn't even higher the resolution we'd see this trend start to scale out even more I don't necessarily expect Nvidia or AMD to be rushing out driver improvements to tune themselves to this game it's a pre-alpha that we make a lot of sense so don't expect any help in that aspect that being said who knows what Robert space industries might do they could release a patch that makes it harder to run they could release a patch that makes it easier to run who knows it's a pre-alpha we will have to see although as of right now it's not that ridiculously hard to run it's not an easy game to run by any stretch of the imagination but I actually kind of expected it was going to be harder to run than it is so that's actually kind of a relief it looks absolutely beautiful and it's feasible to run on a fairly high-end system which is actually pretty cool upon launching into the hanger module all you need to do is pick a ship first thing I'm going to go with my Super Hornet because it's a freaking Super Hornet so I don't really know why you'd pick anything else currently in the dogfighting module it looks amazing fairly recently they've updated some of the animations that go along with getting in the ships and stuff so this is pretty cool I'm going to show you guys this part just before we're able to select what module we actually want to run alright looks great sounds great that's all good that loads up the arena commander thingamajiggy you can't do spectrum match yet so we're going to do drone sim and then we could try the ven duel swarm but I don't necessarily recommend doing it if you're going to benchmark because there's quite random so we're just gonna do free flight once we launch in here this is the ideal starting position sometimes it'll start you looking a little bit further down but you see this animation which really screws with your frame rate so try to make sure you're facing at about this position and then kind of just look up and I target out of one specific massive asteroid first and then I kind of just fly this direction and shoot at it every once in a while once I get really close I will turn to the right until I see another big cluster of asteroids and then fly towards a large asteroid within that cluster and then I just continue doing this until my two minute benchmark is done I'm not going to bother to show you guys the rest of it because it is kind of very dumb so is it launching yeah no no you know what's funny is how many hundreds of dollars that we've spent on this game yeah yes friends for less than the amount that some of us have spent on digital crap for a game that isn't even close to release yet Dollar Shave Club delivers actual real physical non broken razors yes they actually work they actually work directly to your door once a month so you don't look like a hobo even if your bank balance would indicate that you could easily be won thanks to star citizen also speaking of not a lot of money unlike large mega-corporations Dollar Shave Club doesn't waste their resources creating vibrating razors probably no razor should work like that with like pickle grabbers on the back of them then making expensive Super Bowl ads about their latest monstrosity instead they save money by partnering up with small content creators like me to tell you how they can make your life a little bit more convenient and they pass those savings along to you everyone wins especially you sign up now to get high-quality and expensive razors delivered straight to your door once a month and while you're at it grab their high-quality shave butter for your face and someone wipe Charlies for your butt so you'll smell as good as you look join the club today at slash Linus to start shaving time and shaving money guys like this video about star citizen performance pre-alpha star citizen performance in one particular module and a couple of games and a couple resolutions anyway that's the whole point dislike it if you thought it sucked give it a share if you think other people need to know about this exciting new game so that they can all throw all of their money at it the way that we did leave a comment let us know what you'd like to see in term star citizen benchmarks from us moving forward or if you'd like us to just shut up and stop talking about it and as always guys you know the support link is in the video description where you can buy a t-shirt at our affiliate links to your bookmarks and I'm pretty sure there's another thing right direct contributions on the forum and then last but not least don't forget to subscribe for more videos like this from Linus tech tips see that skills watch I can do two flips oh that was two and a half hold on one two yes
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