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SteelSeries Kerrigan vs Zeratul Starcraft II QCK Mouse Pad Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips

okay today I have a limited edition qck mousepad this is a zara tool versus kerrigan starcraft 2 themed mousepad so just like the regular qck this is a flexible cloth pad and steelseries qck has been around forever as far as I can tell I mean why mess with what isn't broken but I just wanted to have a look at it because while there's nothing particularly new they're bringing to the table in terms of the the clapham aus pad gaming experience oh actually oh okay nevermind i thought i was going to say oh it's actually quite a bit stiffer than normal but actually that's just a paper backing so yes the qck is its normal flexible self it's quite a thin mousepad the actual dimensions of this particular one are 12.6 by 11 point 2 inches so you can see the way that they've applied the graphics to it you still got the full texture of the fabric itself and you know what the thing about steelseries graphic most pads is that in my experience they work just as well as the plain black ones which is quite an achievement because usually if you print a graphic on a mousepad what happens is as the laser or the optical sensor crosses a sharp contrasting patch like let's say you you were to cross through all of these legs so you have like a dark and then a light blue and then you've got dark and then light blue you tend to see the mouse sensor jumping but with all of the steelseries ones that I've used in the past they do not experience that problem in cameraman actually uses a SteelSeries 5c so that was a limited edition wrath of the lich king pad every day and he's even with extensive use with several mice never encountered that kind of a problem so anyway this is part of their limited edition starcraft two wings of liberty mousepad theory and i'm just showing you this one because i think it is by a long shot like by a long shot the coolest and I guess that's pretty much everything I wanted to say it comes with a little steelseries sticker it comes with steelseries catalog you
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