so today I'm a videoblog we're gonna be
unboxing the Merc stealth keyboard this
is a steelseries keyboard it's a fairly
premium gaming keyboard and the reason
for that that they bring is what they
bring to the table is a unique gaming
terrain layout so what that means is
they've got a whole section of this
keyboard that is dedicated entirely to
gaming keys okay it has red blue or
purple backlight and let's see what
other interesting features they have on
the back yeah that's pretty much it okay
it supports simultaneous keystrokes like
most gaming keyboards these days and to
be perfectly honest with you the only
reason I'm opening this thing is because
I want to see it the camera man I have
substituting for the real cameraman
today actually says that he's tried it
and it doesn't work for him because he
uses some kind of like ancient old
school way of gaming where he uses like
the right and left mouse buttons to go
forward and backwards and like a Zed to
strafe left and right I was like what so
it didn't work for him but I think for
someone who uses a morte
well okay less traditional but more
modern building you a SD layout it might
work so it comes with a SteelSeries
sticker okay there it is it comes with a
steel series terms and conditions which
I can't imagine you could possibly care
about it comes with a steel series
professional gaming gear all this is
just a brochure of some of their other
products okay that's good and then it
comes with download software you know I
really like to see this instead of a
disc to be perfectly honest most people
have the Internet these days you can go
download the latest version of the
software and where drivers and this is
okay this is like a manual how to use
your merc stealth so the Merc stealth is
kind of like the Merc except that it has
a backlight and I think they've changed
the aesthetic of it slightly so before
we look at the keyboard itself why don't
we just check out the cables that we
have running out of the back here so I
just got to get this a zip tie off and
here we go so we've got one thick cable
coming out of the Merc stealth and that
plugs into a USB port on your computer
as well as your headphone and mic jacks
on the back of your computer so what
that means is that this keyboard does
have support for a USB hub
and then it also has support for you to
plug your headset and while your headset
into the keyboard itself that just means
you're able to run a shorter wire as
opposed to a lot of other keyboards
which don't have that feature now you do
have little stands and if I could get
the cameraman to kind of get like a
weird angle on this here from the side
so you can see how much that elevates
the keyboard versus running it just flat
like that there you go and then let's
have a look at the gaming terrain
because besides the gaming train you've
got a fairly bog-standard layout here
okay tactile feedback on the keys but
basically what it comes down to is this
part of the keyboard so we're actually
I'm just gonna go ahead and put my hands
here so there's your WASD there's your Q
and E so to speak because they've got it
sort of mapped out for you that way and
then you've got tab caps lock I'm not
sure who uses caps lock for gaming but
yeah I find it gets in the way more than
anything else
there's shift control so actually shift
shift forward that's kind of nice so the
way they've mapped it out basically is
such that you've got a similar layout to
here but it's supposed to be quite a bit
more comfortable and more ergonomic to
have your hand coming in at this angle
you've got far easier access to all of
your number keys so it means you're
gonna be able to reach all of your
weapons far more easily as well as
access with your thumb to quite a few
more keys than you'd normally have so
actually it's kind of a pretty
cool-looking feature I'd like the
cameraman to just kind of have like a
quick look at the keyboard overall I
don't see anything particularly stupid
about the layout like every once in a
while you'll see something like a
shortened Shift key or a short backspace
key or something ridiculous like that
doesn't have any of those mistakes and
we'll just have a quick look at the back
and thank you for checking out my video
blog on the SteelSeries merchant stealth
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