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Summer Job Selling Berries - Laptop or Bust ep2

on this episode of laptop or bust we find out how much we can make by picking and selling organic blueberries so choosing a berry farm there's really only a few factors that you need to bear in mind quality of the berries whether they allow you pick if there's some kind of a gimmick for example NS the berry farm that we're at today has organic blueberries so we can put organic on our signs and finally pricing is of course going to be a major factor if you are planning to resell them and try and make a profit other than that in terms of supplies we've got our own boxes because most youpix will allow you to buy carriers for your berries but they're going to be more expensive we've got some tape to make our boxes not have holes in them some sunscreen and some nitrile gloves so that we're not putting our grubby fingers that we put up our butts all over the berries before we I don't think there's a thing are you put your finger up your butt how do you help evaluate your washer routine Alice do you keep it in there Intel skull Canyon nook features a 6th generation Core i7 processor and Thunderbolt 3 learn more at the link in the video description ok so I wanted to take boxes out into the field not a thing apparently buckets got it they're useful for more than just ice cream off we go okay well that's about an hour of picking then how'd you do oh that's actually really close all right I don't know I think you beat me by a little bit yours looks a little bit more filthy yeah but my corners are empty let's see let's see there's only one way to know for sure let's go yep you bet Wow not bad twenty-two pounds or 19 minus three for the box with 19:19 pounds all right I'm guessing G's is 25 the whole way twenty three point two I won by one point two pounds that I knew it was closer than you thought it was okay so I got twenty twenty point two pounds so we got 39 pounds between the two of us with an hour of picking so if we were here that includes the inefficiencies of us just starting to learn and all kind of stuff because we're both going faster into the end 39 pounds so if we were here for four hours we should end up with somewhere in the neighborhood of about 160 pounds and if you started with like a full day of picking got a whole bunch of stock and then just did like four hours every day after that or something with half selling then you could optimize how much you need to pick versus how much you know you can sell very interesting okay well let's take our haul and let's uh let's go sell it so while we built our model around us picking the berries at the beginning of the day and then going and selling them there are some other options here in fact when some of my family members found out that I was going to a berry farm today they said oh hey can you get ten pounds for me ten pounds for me and I found myself picking up actually a lot more berries than I needed to sell up the side of the road today so canvassing your neighborhood for pre-orders might be an interesting way to a never have any overstock even though your margins are lower and B not even necessarily have to pick because as long as you can book orders at a price that's higher than what you pay for the pre picked ones in our case it's two bucks per pound if we pick them or 250 per pound if we just buy them already picked then you're still making money either way I got to say one of the coolest things about this has been learning about jobs that never would have even occurred to me if I wasn't sitting in a boardroom going like what are odd jobs you could do like if you needed to make some cash in the summer I like it so what we're working on right now is how to sell the 100 freaking pounds of blueberries that we have to get rid of in the next about three to four hours so we're going to create ourselves some some signage and let's see who can make the best most eye-catching sign I brought these are you gonna put them on a sign no I'm gonna put them on my feet so I'm like tie-dyed and pink okay yeah okay let's do it uh-oh we can have anything we want well I don't know where we keep it we have markers for now okay I like her I like your thinking with the doubling up on the on the side it looks like a mask like a carnival mask we're gonna attempt to for a beat it just looks like a different type of crap yeah he does a dad bag there's just a butt and a mask and then other letters well that sucked a lot okay yeah we'll listen up here's the story about a little guy that lives in the blueberry world I'm running out of ink so I have kind of a panic moment when I realized I didn't really think about what direction my arrow was gonna point and I think it's okay cuz if I stand kind of that direction from the thing and I go like this then we're good as long as you're pointing towards a driveway entrance which I think there's one on each side so it doesn't really suck okay all right well then in that case we're good let's go actually I'm gonna get a clown wig yeah let's see if there's anything else in the costume costume bin I think that guy looked at us we just set up wherever first things first we have a table we borrow this from our neighbor it'll be helpful you can put berries on it you can put your bags on it you can do whatever I'll say and then we have chairs because it's going to be a long day a canopy for shade is gonna be a huge plus if you're gonna be out there for hours at a time protection for both you and your berries that's a tree that's okay I think you can kind of you can kind of scooch probably around it a little one cannot raise the roof until one has a roof please go throw on the post we've got bags cuz we want to sell them in bags not little tray things cuz the tray things cost more we have little tray things to display the berries so that our table looks nice if cool little chalky signboards to be like a 2 pounds costed as much or whatever else we have a digital kitchen scale for weighing out our pounds of berries vinyl gloves so we can look like we're being all hygienic and stuff let me look like we use gloves while we pics them we have measuring spoons I don't think we need those those were for the lemonade that we decided not to sell you can still are you doing with your hair I guess oh and we have a tablecloth that's cute a couple things we sort of forgot we're a cash box and some change because people are unlikely to show up with exact change so so that's a thing okay I didn't want our blueberries to bake in the Sun there so we pulled them into the shade opening up the doors making sure that they're not you know going to be soft by the time we give them to anyone we should still we should do one point two five pounds is five bucks if people really it's not going to be - five anymore you yeah it will be no no you had done the math problem um if they have exact change they can buy however much they want we don't care and we can put it in a bag then yeah I'm free making a few bits so I'm pre making some bags I'm pre making some 1.25 pound bags I'm going to have some 1 pound bags but those are going to be hidden somewhere else so the reason for that is we ran into some pricing difficulties in that we don't have change so we have to sell 1.25 pounds at 5 dollars in order for us to have any hope of giving people change to avoid a trip to the bank for a bunch of quarters you guys want some blueberries maybe it's three dollars and 99 cents a pound it's four dollars $3 million cents a pound alright so here's what we have for change that's like can you not put money all over the merchandise I am going to go put up the signs and let's see if we can start bringing in some customers here I don't know how visible this is okay so here we go I'm gonna go be one of those dancing sign people never done that before people turn here a lot of people turn and go up one 84th Street instead of going through on 60th Avenue maybe if I positioned myself a little smarter I could take advantage of people coming up here as well oh no they're honking at me wow I'm already humiliated and it's only been three minutes you know what's funny about this episode is that because we have inventory if we don't sell it we're actually just out like $300 on berries not insignificant memories you know you want them people are reading the sign I'm definitely getting their attention so does one of the recurring themes of these laptop or bus videos become Linus failure montages maybe I should have a price advertised maybe that's what I'm missing because our pricing is competitive but no one's ever actually getting in there to look at it there's a ghost cop car that's like parked on the street there hopefully just doing cell phone checks but he could be staring at me oh I saw them they thought about oh I think I might add run one in so that would be one in the first six minutes no they're just getting gas are we really sitting at zero customers for the first ten minutes here oh I thought I saw someone at the table but it was Eddie so fricking the guy who stopped for Luke wanted 250 a pound I mean we brought them all the way here yeah I know he said that Yvonne called to say that a cop is still around and apparently watching me they pretend they can't see me I am the lowest of the low hello they are technically not certified organic the farm that we picked on that said that they were organic that's this is five bucks so we got our first sale they were a little weird about the cameras which is probably expected but yeah that went pretty easy I was happy we had the pre-made bags because she said she would buy whatever and in half just so happened that our pre-made bag was 1.25 pounds so we got five bucks instead of four bucks so that's good I'm gonna keep the 1.25 pound bags promptly displayed from talking to Berry Farms people are doing this people are finding a way to buy the berries wholesale and sell them at berry stands on the side of the road but the issue that I'm seeing is startup cost establishing yourself as an own provider of berries is going to take a significant amount of time so place where you sell them probably affects your success a lot we're in kind of a farming community here in Langley so that guy expecting 250-pound pricing there'll probably be a fair bit of that but price doesn't seem like the only or maybe even a major problem because we can't even get anyone to pull over it start up overhead includes a food service license a vendor license as well as some kind of an agreement with an establishment that will let you sell there so the clover hill market was nice enough to let us do this for one day but I think if we were to try to do it on an ongoing basis we would either have to play our students saving up for a laptop card pretty hard or we would have to compensate them in some way adding still higher margin requirements to an already difficult business wotcher yeah your turn let's wait till this light turns red I mean I'd say I'd say I have a deep concern about there not being anyone manning the booth for all the customers right now but it doesn't appear to be an issue I've shared any insight that I can think of as I go about why this might not be working or things that we could do better feel free to do the same do you want the Hat I know but to keep the Sun off it's actually pretty nice if you want the wig to sign tricks what up almost broke the air oh yeah come on some days one goes just be like a fairies spin move reverse spin move drop the sign raise the sign twirl the sign it's where all the sign other way flip it over turn it around berries bison king berries do you want me to verify for you on the scale okay I look honest with my shirt here there you are thank you ma'am pleasure doing business with you what we're actually making is a video about different ways that students can make money in the summer so we're not students but we're trying different business models for one day each and then evaluating sort of how the numbers work out and making a recommendation based on that so far um YouTube slash Linus tech tips the sort of theme anyway sorry dude would you like some blueberries wonderful so it's four bucks a pound which we found was about a dollar fifty pound cheaper than any of the supermarkets and they are they're not certified organic but they're from NS farms in Coquitlam and it is an organic farm we know the owner all that's on the up-and-up you will take one wonderful and I actually do have cheese fruit would you like me to validate it okay oh you want you want five pounds okay you will have to give me one moment yeah ah let me think for a second no no I wasn't but what I can do is I can use our already counted so here let's just do a quick validation so that I know that I'm not ripping you off what our wait is here and oh that's five pounds you want sorry did you say how much you want i five huh okay okay and that's what this is and I will start to put that in two bags for you how about if I give you this first yes and then I hold me whole debate that would be wonderful and we have more bags than that if it comes to that yeah we you know where we're trying our best to sort of model it in a way that will be easy for people to replicate if it turns out to be successful so we were thinking you can save some cost by using paper bags and recycle the bags it's all very friendly so we use reusable containers to pick them all that kind of stuff so we're just trying different things we're not experts at this that's kind of the point sad middle-aged right there someone that the spoof go go quick blueberries loser oh hey my sign is broken so these are five bucks treatment so they're easier for change which is why I'm done wonderful sign cool awesome thank you very much all right so we've divided them up into easier quantities so one hunt one a one point two five pounds is five bucks perfect thank you very much have your day we just sit here are you by bag then you can sit here and eat from the bag she's at left as in me oh I see it's the Royal we so each one of those is 1.25 pounds that's five bucks hi bag yep see she said it's so loud because it was just such a great price you should get your taxi driver to give some blueberries I would highly recommend it although there is some added cost of the taxi there they're pretty good value blueberries they're wonderful they're blue so tell you what we're actually packing it in for the day take another one yeah yeah we won't be able to do anything with at least some of this inventory so yeah enjoy not you I trust me I have much bigger fans than you you couldn't way more than like 75 pounds it's a good thirty uh yeah some of them are this is about eleven and a half pounds so don't hit me don't hit okay so don't haggle with me Oh enjoy for you what did you give oh wow I see how it is all right well that's only 20 hey hey your kid learned from the best that's yeah that's uh what is hazel the wigs not for sale my friend there's got my DNA on it you could make another Linus all right thanks guys good night you guys so an interesting thought we have about our neighbor at the office Steve dropping by to buy a 10 pound flat of berries off me not to mention my two family members each of which want ten pounds of berries is that taking pre-orders and selling at a lower margin but a higher volume to friends and family may be either a a way to get the business kick-started or be just plain more viable than the side of the road method via which we made very little over the course of an entire day all right so we all know about the Pokemon go craze well the app itself is great subjectively but it'll drain the crap out of your phone's battery enter the ravpower 22,000 milliamp hour portable charger it can charge an iPhone 6s up to nine times and a galaxy s7 up to five times you can actually charge up to three devices at once with the USB ports on the front and it's portable being roughly the size of your handheld device ish it features iSmart 2.0 technology for faster charging and it's got a lifetime warranty you can learn more at the link in the video description and you won't run out of battery when you're playing Pokemon go anymore at least that is if you buy one if you just look at the link that won't help so laptop or bust that is the question and I think the only way to answer it is to show you guys the spoils and the other spoils yeah we have a lot of blueberries left and we kind of need to sell way more than we actually did the the spoils having cash in your hand isn't as great as it originally sounds we would have had to sell at a rate of what like four or five times the amount that we actually did yeah in order for us to make this feasible we'd have had to sell a lot more blueberries we have to account for the very high startup cost I think there is a tential model in here if you can find enough people to preorder from you like our neighbor Steve did you would have to do a higher volume at a reduced margin which in a nutshell is the produce business yeah and like you need a car and you need it almost every day if not every two or three days you have to have quite a bit of upfront cost for the berries themselves yes you're picking it but they're still not that cheap and you have to buy them like every couple days so could you make money like this the answer is yes but laptop or bust I'm giving this one a thumbs down yeah there's better things you could do
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