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Synology NAS DSM 5.0 and IOSafe - CES 2014

Linus tech tips coverage of CES 2014 is brought to you by NCI XCOM your source for great technology selection and service along with Corsair memory and Western Digital hey guys we're here at Synology checking out DSM 5 now I love Synology Nast drives we've used them a few times in the office and they're showing off quite a few cool things with the new software first off is Quick Connect so the idea behind this is if you're not a super complicated end user and you just kind of want to plug it in and let it run cooking X will let you let you do a simple install and then you're good to go you don't have to mess with your router you don't need to remember IPS you don't need to do all that kind of stuff that you used to have to do in these situations and it's automatically set up throughout the app so say you want to access your data on the phone it's good to go right away the next one is cloud station and essentially it alight it enables you to have as complicated as a cloud setup as you want so let's start with a complicated one and then get a little bit more simple so first off you've got a few disk stations on the east coast of Canada and a few dist stations on the west coast of Canada they need them to interface with each other all the times you have backups remotely on each end you can have that set up so it's all synchronized and automatically going all the time it's very easy to set up as well as more simple situations so you take a picture on your phone and you want it sync with all your friends and your mom and your dad or whatever you can take that picture and as long as you have the obligation you can stick it out to everyone easily and seamlessly next up there's social network backup so you can back up Facebook Google+ everything I think that was already in the app but now they have YouTube which is specifically cool for us because it could automatically backup YouTube videos that you upload other than that they've also generally just refined the interface there's much more logical grouping of different ideas and applications now and for instance backups instead of be different backup things being kind of all over the app all of the backups are in one simple easy to find area at this same booth there's IO safe running dsm-5 as well and if you guys haven't seen it you should go back and watch but we've made a video for IO safe in the past and to be completely honest when Lana's tasked me with planning out this video I didn't believe it was going to work I hooked up my brother's fire department all that kind of stuff but I expected the thing to fail and it won gloriously it wasn't even really a close contest it easily beat what was going on and in the background here on the video they have a much more intensive test than we even ran running on this guy right here which is the 15 13 plus it's a little bit more hefty of a price but it's expandable and there's way more drives and it's just a higher-end system so if you're someone who's in say small business or you're running your own business a photography videography whatever the heck you're doing if you need tons of storage and you need it to be safe this is probably something you should look into as it is fire and water proof thank you for watching our content on Synology and IO safe if you want to see all the rest of our CES 2014 content be sure to subscribe to Alanis tech tips and as always thank you to our sponsors Corsair WD and mostly NCIX
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