Tech Tips Room Shenanigans: More Testing With the Samsung MD230X3 Linus Tech Tips
Tech Tips Room Shenanigans: More Testing With the Samsung MD230X3 Linus Tech Tips
so there's my wheel we were doing some
well some testing and validation because
of course that is a a critical part of
my job and then is to get into a pretty
severe accident and grit on the triple
monitor setup that we have going on here
so it's sort of start that over i know
this track pretty well so it makes me
look a lot better at racing games than i
actually am although I gotta say guys
the whoops nah whatever oh come on i
gotta say the the side view gives you a
lot more perspective for things like how
much space you have from the barrier and
actually gives you like much finer
control if you're halfway decent a
racing game player not at all like me
then you would have with a single
monitor oh my goodness this is terrible
terrible on the last place
so fun though it's like after hours no
one's here at the office so it's like
named cameraman thing you know he gets
to watch me play video games lucky guy
maybe I'll meet with my hand planning so
yeah I promised I'd like cameraman play
the setup is so friggin sweet so this
isn't a tech tips episode but there's
the AMD dream machine 64 processor
radeon 6970 fastest AMD graphics card
out there triple monitor display from
Samsung that's the end e230 x3 so this
is 3 x HD resolution so here I am sort
of down at the right angle to view these
monitors at look at that like my camera
is not even wide enough to capture the
gloriousness of it Fermat guy he drives
okay I guess he's not texting on his
iPhone while he's trying to drive a race
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