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The Big Move Day 7 - Editing Workstation Upgrades!

so today's video is going to be a fun one we are finally upgrading our editing workstations and by finally I mean didn't we just upgrade all these and put them on like a whole room water cooling loop well that didn't work out very well the whole room loop ended up dirty and disgusting so we are going back to good old-fashioned air cooling and we're upgrading our antiquated Titan blacks to Titan exes for a reason that might not make well hmm the Titan blacks were doing okay we just we needed more DisplayPort outputs for our fancy new 4k monitors but there is a catch today to each of the editors will be responsible for their own PC upgrade so expect some high jinks in today's video the mastercase 5 by Cooler Master lets you make your mid tower PC case your own with an assortment of modular accessories check out the link in the video description to learn more so um this is kind of tricky we need your editing workstations I I need my editing works right but I need your editing workstation what poor so that we can upgrade it yeah okay well he needs to work and I also need that one berkel okay I need to export this though ah permits pertinent that I yeah in last night it didn't work didn't work failed is it working now ah also its Olson's but it doesn't export what happens to the export it don't work so here's the current state of the editing again you can see each of the editors at least one of them brandon has managed to make it in here with his existing workstation they've got their new dual 31 evany 97 4k monitors from LG they've got their new silencio mid towers edie know how to build a computer yes I do actually I probably the only editor here he knows Brendan do you know how to build a computer yes I've had to watch Linus build one for two years every time we didn't feel good so I think I do I'm not sure it's it's going okay hopefully it works so IPL Briscoe make new computers Dennis do you know how to build a computer no I don't know I already know how to edit yes you don't use a drill I'll take up on a computer not necessary and potentially dangerous size does not matter it's how you use it so first up we've got gem into s52 for version 2 CPU cooler silencio 652 s cases X 540 network card this is going to be the centerpiece of the new machines CPU is the 4960 X's are 32 gigs of kingston valueram and our x79 deluxe motherboards as well as be 750 power supplies will stay the same but all the water cooling has got to go so we're going to wear anti-static wrist straps um usually at - Media Group we would do that but I don't have enough for all of you so you'll have to just ground yourself on the power supply periodically we got to dream these puppies ah that's raining you guys should be safe to work anywhere behind it just live pull out the CPU block and the GPUs and then just kind of let them hang there ok the next step remove your old graphics card so this screw right here yeah there you go ok so now we're actually going to tip it up for the draining process that is some dirty water that is why Holdren didn't word corrosion you want to put this into the top nozzle here and switch it on to blow up the loop now Edie you are ready for this step as well but yours is a little trickier because you got oh that's a good noise yeah I have my graphics card out my rad amount I'm having a hard time getting my motherboard out but I'm not sure why sometimes it just gets caught on the i/o shield oh yeah I think that's what it is yeah berkel do you know how to build a computer no I do not and I've never built well I have one but I didn't really like build it I think I bought it built I think you pulled it off get it yes are you ready turn no I'm rendering the super fun video we need your workstation yes I know but I'm I need to render and that needs to happen now because it will not happen later because problems happen there's been many bugs - give me all that this is no longer your problem and this Tarantino mobile computer vaguely I put my brother's computer together but he actually messaged me it said Taran you never got this working the GPU was not installed it's not attached okay so the next fad is this your new case yeah you're getting so far ahead ok yeah are sick that there's a lot you have to I mean the cripples take apart your old computer oh that's trash let's do the noon we're gonna take each component to blow-by-blow modesta over there look at that sweet custom is to get a portable hard drive I put in here yeah it's pretty games why would you limit it to that berkel birth all tech tips that's generous I hate those type of connectors memory up first then you can reach it have you ever taken apart a computer no this is my first time so Dennis what do you do when your computer gets broken in Taiwan you just pay and someone fix it so I had no idea about this come around the other side check what was that oh no what is that Taran's system must have been leaking somewhere or dripping somewhere at some point there is a lack of corrosion on the SI OS so it's not until I fully take this apart that I'm gonna know the extent of the damage go ahead removing those screws yeah it was working fine notice how I must string them in the crosswise Kevin good job yeah I learned that for a certain lightness of light as tip tips all right like heck no okay okay Brandon's gonna be the first one doing his CPU cooler default never unscored this cooler you got this right Brandon no problem easy peasy for hell ah another group first I don't know if I got all the screws whoa okay well yeah I don't know how harden supposed to pull up blow of Breaking and then pull the rest of the wires and you're ready LaVon Merkel was next I really do feel like the teacher they're like a class right now and that bring them outside and we'll warm up Nick managed to convinced us that these were internet - I knew it useless is it the red yeah that's using uh-oh orientation yeah have you really given that much thought I figured this just give me the differences let's do it ah take everything out yeah that all looks good - go ahead and put that next to the one that has the graphics parts on it I mean this way okay but can you guys get your old stuff out of here this is why I specifically you know - this is just install the rim before the cooler just is easy what I can just keep these screws right I mean a screw is a screw this is why links me I've been on time to the class yeah I was fixing a video that we have to put up plug in your headers for you screwing on work what's a header these things look like headers from a hot dog piece of my case fell off that I have no idea what it's for what what is this where's my second title is not getting a second Titan this time oh my god you're like a child hey you dad I never claimed to be your dad I'll be super weird then then why did you make me sit on your lap all those nuns because I'm Santa oh there's no there's no I own shield installed in here oh that's gonna cost him gig what's my pcs don't have high heels I gotta I gotta I oh sure oh good all right that's one step ahead again so now you need to put these little brass things maybe c d e f g jael oh well this is going to go on our slash tech support more right here do you do merkel screwed and his mother board without a standoff I sure hope it still works it's right against the back of the case okay oh man I sure hope this boards okay what cuz it was bent a bit a hole more than a bit though I bet it's still been oh no it managed to snap back yeah yeah this is bent like right down to the motherboard well don't bend it again it's very rare where you're freaking out and I'm not I only freaked out when it's really really bad haha half of the screws you used for the wrong ones oh come on I showed you this yeah and half of the ones you used are this you can't even tell the difference they're not the same at all still smooth yes screwed up the length is wrong they working with a whole motherboard on oh you pull this off and put it in your case box sure it stays and this fan again down here Terron you put in two of the wrong screws again all look the same oh well that one's slightly different yeah and oh right these need to plug in to the motherboard they saw earlier having sex oh my god all right look why why not check yeah so you should have another USB header okay did you ever screw these all the way in oh we're not all the way oh good thing I checked it is the one who was legitimately done first I'm gonna look Pete yep I like that tool that you were complaining about don't put really are you okay turns out that you needed to use it useless is it the red yeah that's using no well I don't know we're talking about it so Brenda needs to actually tighten his CPU heatsink chili okay though because I can just take this by hand anyway I need to put hard drive my SSD is my friend man Allah did I mess it up what are you doing I'm just gonna leave your NIC not very cool very cool you just don't know it yet that's ten gigabit it's super fast just like you yeah but I got like ten JPEG yeah - how many JPEGs is this computer - well let's do email and I am easier reading at the iTunes run there does this get the net hey Linus where do you connect the phone into to run the Internet is this really it that's all the house oh that's right so what is that about how easy this is and how you should make your own youtube channel this is super easy you know to make my own YouTube channel no sspeak hour yeah I don't have any power but power I aha so all that's left is to find out if the computers work so we're going to use Brandon's workstation there they quick what are you doing dude those are custom I mean technically it doesn't hurt anything it's just inconvenient so all this left now is to make sure they all work and then stay tuned when we do the actual tour of not just the new editing rigs but also all the peripherals and like cool stuff that we have to go with them okay mr. Dunn first couple things here your Quadro is not screwed in at all your tight bags is missing a screw also this 8-pin connector isn't plugged in all the way so that is why we weren't getting a post Brandan's and EDS machines both working we are making real progress here folks but the real test is for the verticals computer so I'm saving that for last okay so here's the last one let's find out if Merkel's computer works why wouldn't it is perfect boy host thank goodness I don't know it's probably fine cuz if you snapped your motherboard in half it should pretty much be dead so crunchyroll the site created by anime fans for anime fans and they've got all kinds of great features like being able to stream in 1080p getting access to shows that just aired in Japan with professional subtitles and being able to stream on any device you please whether it's your Roku or your game console or whatever else but you might be thinking to yourself well I've got a second - all those features we're crunchyroll premium how can I get crunchyroll premium well you can get it for a mere 695 a month or there is another option you can try it for free for 30 days by heading over to slash Linus and then signing up it's pretty cool stuff they've got all kinds of shows like raka got a ushio and taurah and monster Masumi and more coming all the time we get tons of great feedback from our viewers about like any linus i heard about crunchyroll on your show and like wow it's amazing so you guys should try it out as well if you like anime well if you don't like anime maybe not but if you do go for it so guys thanks for coming along with us for the ride well we updated the editing workstations if you just like this video you know what to do but if you liked it go ahead hit that like button get subscribed to maybe consider supporting us by getting a cool t-shirt like this one contributing to us on our forum or even just changing your amazon bookmark to one with our affiliate code you can find the instructions for how to do that up there I think that pretty much wraps it up thanks again for watching and see you next time so it's eight o'clock and everyone else has gone home my editing computer is like failing to export the video so we're all still here because my videos weren't finished and they had some other things to do it's 8 o'clock yeah this one's actually drinking now and this one looks like this host exporting so now we can go home this is what happens at Lyon's Media Group's gentlemen and ladies it's not all fun and games and sometimes sometimes the exports fails somebody gets ice like Terrance
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