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The Most BIZARRE Keyboard...

you wouldn't tolerate headphones that weren't designed to fit the shape of your head or a chair that wasn't designed to comfortably hold your ass so why then would you use a keyboard that wasn't designed to perfectly match the shape of your hands well Kinesis doesn't think that you should meet the freaky-deaky advantage to a keyboard that aims to put ur gonna mix first without sacrificing productivity but at a bank breakin three hundred and fifty dollars is there any reason for you to use one of these unless your doctor says you have to let's finger it out rose wills Cullinan mid-tower ATX case features tempered glass panels for a sleek aesthetic with ample expansion check it out at the link below so there is no doubt that the advantage to is bound to twist some necks it seems that in Kinesis is quest to make it all about the best economic experience for your hands they forgot about your eyes their premium model has got this subjectively awful attempt at a brushed looking gray and black finish that they call graphite the LED indicators and the label are inexplicably off-center the USB cable is unsaved and this might seem like a nitpicky thing at this point but the device is overall low weight and plastic construction contribute to a less premium first impression than the price tag would suggest but beauty can be more than skin-deep there is absolutely no deck flex the bottom feet keep it in place on your desk you can connect a foot pedal to it and all the switches are genuine mechanical Cherry MX or ml's okay fine so the build quality is good but let's stop pussyfooting around and address the elephant in the room why does it look like that well the advantage to layout is designed to mitigate the primary stresses that typing on a conventional keyboard imposes on the body so to achieve this they split the board into two key Wells one for each hand if you have more than two hands this is not the ergonomic keyboard for you hashtag sorry not sorry anyway this split positions the users hands closer to shoulder width apart reducing something called ulnar deviation which occurs when your wrists are bent outward next they made the Kewell's concave to keep your wrists straight and sloped to keep your hands from sitting completely pronated this increases blood circulation in your forearms and there are more customizations the keycaps themselves are at varying heights so that your middle finger won't be over arched and your pinky can actually reach tough and the ctrl Keys that your we cast little finger would normally be responsible for have been offloaded to these clusters where your thumbs can straight up do work instead of sitting on the bench it's all sounds like sensible stuff but like stuff that nobody seems to have thought of right here let's drop another economic bomb the number pad has been embedded as a secondary function in the right key well in an effort to reduce the board's overall footprint so you don't overreach to operate the mouse straining the neck and shoulders this all comes together then to make the advantage to a very comfortable keyboard one of our new writers James has actually been using it non-stop for two weeks without any need for shaking out the wrists or any kind of fatigue whatsoever so economic AF but that doesn't mean that those two weeks were completely painless contrary to Kinesis bold statement here this thing has a steep learning curve in theory I see their point but while at first glance it looks like all the letters are in their usual places hold on hardcore typists may cringe at this but the vast majority of the people at our office actually use their index finger to type the letter C this is possible on a regular QWERTY layout because the rows are staggered but on the advantage to the keys are arranged in vertical columns so back to my point then if you were already a perfect by-the-book typist the transition would probably be fairly easy but if you also have to unlearn some nasty habits at the same time like using the wrong hand for the B key pen your transition will likely be much slower another consequence of the concave design is that the keys are a bit closer to each other which again seems legit for both speed and stamina but my gut you have no idea how easy it is to overreach when trying to type a comma or a period and furthermore a large part of keyboard productivity has to do with non typing keystrokes talking about hotkeys talking about home and end talking about the arrows and remapping the muscle memory that you've built up for these more advanced actions takes a lot longer the new way may be superior to the old way like being able to copy/paste now without leaving the home row but that doesn't mean that you're not going to have the urge to smash every time a miss click on the now nearby arrow key sends your cursor flying off the page so while some things are straight-up awesome like having backspace and delete front and center other things like not having a space bar on the left side are not and what about gamers alright well I'll tell you about gamers every key on this keyboard is remappable without the use of any software you heard me this keyboard has a whole suite of badass onboard options that make it pretty alpha even without the fancy ergonomic layout you can store multiple layout profiles and macros on the keyboard itself so they work on any machine you plug into like really any machine that supports USB keyboards is compatible and your layouts and macros are saved as txt files editable and email a bull by you macros can be over 200 keystrokes long and you can even change the speed at which they get executed not bad but should you buy this keyboard well the advantage to isn't perfect it's really pricey honestly I wish the number pad was in the middle instead of making me press this button and yet what is that sound even but if improved comfort Injury Prevention and increased productivity eventually are what you look for in a keyboard well it just might be your type so you've heard a VPN is great for keeping your internet traffic private from your internet service provider and allowing you to use services that are otherwise geo restricted but you don't know how to do it well good news tunnel bear is so easy to use that my sister could do it no offense Belle I love you very much but Wow it's available for iOS Android PC Mac there's even a Chrome extension and you just press like one button and tunnel bear does a couple of things it encrypts your connection and makes it appear to the services and websites you use online as though you are some anonymous person in some random country and the best part is you can try it for free with five hundred megabytes of data and no credit card required just head over to Tunnel Bear comm slash LTT and when you upgrade to unlimited you can even save 10% by using our link so thanks for watching guys if this video sucked do you know what to do but if it was awesome get subscribed hit that like button or maybe check out the link to where to buy the stuff we featured in the video description also down there you'll find our merch store where we have cool shirts like this yeah like this one and our community forum which you should totally join
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