
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The Most HIPSTER PC We’ve Ever SEEN!

remember the good old days when your desktop was in your own room where it could be as big and bright and loud as you wanted without anybody yelling at you unfortunately for many of us life is just not that simple anymore maybe you're in a dorm room or in a studio apartment with no walls or maybe your wife just never lets up with that computer is so ugly can't you just use a laptop it doesn't go with our reimagined boho aesthetic that's what she sounds like anyway whatever the reason there are times when it's beneficial for your gaming rig to be inconspicuous or have an air of sophistication and if you like the cut of my jib then I'd like to introduce you to the volta V on the outside it's a mature piece for your space but on the inside it's a frame rate destroying Beast synergy allows you to share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers at once check it out now at the link in the video description the Volta V is a 15.6 leader complete system from computer direct outlet whose custom-designed enclosure is made of domestically sourced selectively cut you ése walnut or if you're more into chowman than apple pie bamboo in many ways it's a wonderful marriage of form and function the uninterrupted facade makes it look completely at home on your desk or entertainment center while the front i/o on the side is still easy to access the rest of the i/o is at the back well actually in an effort to streamline cable management most of the iOS actually inside the box and we access it simply by lifting off the magnetically held lid no tools required not all of it though is that easy to get at due to the 92 millimeter rear cooling fan with that said inside we've got an entire motherboards worth of connections our asrock z2 7e MITx AC is equipped with dual Gigabit LAN ports six USB three five gig ports no type-c though onboard AC Wi-Fi and three video outputs but you won't need those because there's an HDMI port and three DisplayPort ports on the back of the what GT X 1080 TI very nice so what else is in here while there are a ton of options on CD o site our unit has a core i7 7700 K KB Lake chilled by a 92 millimeter ASA Tech all-in-one liquid cooler with 16 gigs of DDR four RAM and a 512 gig samsung 960 pro m2 SSD power is taken care of by 600 watt SFX power supply from Corsair with custom length cables to keep everything nice and tidy inside which is a nice touch because even with a few questionable decisions like the friction mount for the radiator it looks feels as classy and premium inside as it does out it's little things like the shielded PCIe riser and quiet and efficient Noctua fans which brings us to thermals air is drawn in through these easy to clean nylon dust filters then it's exhausted out the back end in three discrete cooling zones for the power supply GPU and everything else and even with all of those high-performance parts inside there was no smoke and no thermal throttling though I will admit that after running synthetic benchmarks for a while the room did smell a little woody it even stayed impressively quiet though at idle it's barely louder than the noise floor in our office and while it does of course get louder under load it never screamed like some small form-factor systems do bottom line then the volta ve can make short work of your favorite games without causing a CodeRed even if it's sitting on your desk just a few centimeters away and that's a fine spot to put it since it's designed to support your monitor on top of hide your keyboard underneath that is unless you have a mechanical keyboard which brings us to the volt of ease shortcomings the biggest one being the feet our unit is missing one and the ones that we do have simply roll off whenever you slide them across the very desk they're meant to protect so I give them an F+ furthermore some of the unsanded surfaces and the roughly cut emi shielding leave the volta v feeling less finished than you'd expect a fine piece of furniture to be the lack of anything resembling a deliberate alignment on this end of the case makes my OCD flare up something fierce and finally there are some problems with what designers call affordance this recess for example seems to imply that I should lift from this side but actually I'm required to lift from here where there is no recess and to me the protruding front piece looks like a drawer that I should pull on but it doesn't open these might sound like nitpicky things but considering the cost of this case I to mention them our configure came to three thousand four hundred and nine dollars which means that after custom power supply cables air filters and a PCI Express extender we are still well over a thousand dollars for the lifetime service warranty and the chassis so is that worth your money well depending on what kind of furniture stores you shop in it'll either look like a ripoff or a bargain so I will leave that up to you and focus on the stuff that we can quantify the volta v gets the thermals and noise right and is easily serviceable and upgradable all while looking subjectively gorgeous the only trick then is getting some furniture budget allocated to it without also giving up some of the boy toy budget synergy is a software download that solves once and for all the problem of having multiple computers and multiple keyboards and mouse connected to them so you have to like physically move if you want to go between them together remember which one goes to which it's a nightmare it allows you to share one Mouse and one keyboard between two or more computers over the network so you'll no longer confuse which one goes to which and the best part is it works cross-platform so you can have your Windows Station for gaming and your Mac station for productivity and your Linux station and you can just drag the mouse across the screens seamlessly they've got features like clipboard sharing between the computers drag and dropping files between computers the ability to set up hotkeys and more so check out their basic and pro options and save 50% on synergy at the link in the video description so thanks for watching guys if this video sucked you know what to do but if it was awesome get subscribed hit that like button and check out the link to where to buy the stuff we featured in the video description also check out our merch storage has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which you should totally join that's 5 things to do how much fun is that
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