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The ULTIMATE Linus Tech Tips Themed PC Build Log

many of you requested when you saw the seven gamers one CPU machine which you can check out here by the way that we do an LTE edition bill block not necessarily because that one wasn't black and orange enough but because thanks to its cost it wasn't really attainable for well any but the richest oil princes so today we are going to be bringing it back down to earth somewhat with other than the lightest Tecates edition not to offends every other part of this the first LTT edition bill being an off-the-shelf normal component so it begins as always with the motherboard unfortunately within a Seuss's lineup unless you're willing to paint their rog series x99 board there's not much choice for a premium option in anything other than white or red so I decided to go with their WS which is all black I've been partial to the ws line for quite some time I like the no frills feature set excellent compatibility with exotic adding cards and rock-solid construction let's mention ECC compatibility if you're into the whole Xeon thing for the CPU speaking of which I went with a core i7 59:30 k-6 core the only reason for this is that with an x 99 motherboard the 5820k provides 28 versus 40 PCI Express Lanes so it can limit future expansion but if you don't see yourself adding a bunch of specialized PCIe cards to your computer the 6-4 5820k is a fantastic choice to go along with my six core CPU I've got four dens of quad-channel ddr4 memory and it's not an LTE edition build without Corsair dominators with the only problem being again that while dominators are actually available in orange the orange really doesn't match what I'm trying to do here and it only comes on this weird special edition low capacity high speed skew I wanted 32 gigs of ram with the ability to move to 64 gigs in the future so I ended up painting the top bars of a regular kit of dominators myself it's actually really easy to do it takes about an hour of total time if you've got a convenient place to spray paint the heatsink may actually seem like an odd choice to any of you a single tower heatsink with a push-pull fan configuration lines really but the rationale is actually pretty straightforward I opted for a single Tower over a dual tower for better compatibility with tall Ram coolers and over an a IO liquid cooler because rather than a points of failure water cools remember our rendered useless if either the pump or the fan fails at our cooler improves reliability because with two fans on it it can operate at near peak efficiency even if one of them fails thanks to not to his use of a static pressure optimized fan design which isn't to say that I left the original fan on the blackened orange is a special LTT edition of the NFF 12 that's only available while quantities last at the pricing and discussion link in the video description for the case I wanted something off the shelf but something that I also really liked and the H 440 continues to stand out as a well-built well-thought-out case and they happened to have an orange accented version right around the time that I was evaluating my options for this build be quiet silent bass 800 was also a top candidate but I did a silence optimized building it over a year ago and I wanted something a little different for the power supply I have actually originally intended to use something much more sensible a Corsair RM 850 X so still high quality but not to the point where I'm paying a huge premium for 80-plus titanium efficiency or enough wattage to run literally three of these systems under load unfortunately I misplaced my orange and black kit of course they're compatible cable mod cables and was only able to find by EVGA ones and I gotta have my black and orange cables man I mean no ltte edition build would be complete without them so the EVGA T 1600 makes a return from seven gamers one CPU for the case fan I mean do I even need to say it the obvious choice for an LTE build is blue LED gate looms from NCIX that it now I went of course for the exclusive LT t orange version of nock to us and F Series so I popped three of them in the front choosing to go logo side up and deal with the cable management later on and in the rear I used an LC T addition NF a 14 honestly I could have gotten away with just the one in the back since the front fans will be hidden by the three and a half inch bays anyway but it just didn't all right I went for the 100% complete versus just getting to the ending cinematic at this point it was time to mount the motherboard and I found a small flaw in my plan I had to pull the rubber grommets out of the case to avoid flexing the slightly wider than standard ATX board then I used some fan cable extensions and splitters to reach the fan headers on the motherboard rather than the hub on the back of the middle tray I know it's worth it so that I can set up a custom fan curve that responds to system temperature changes in the BIOS versus relying on a manual switch then I ran all the wiring for the motherboard drive video card and fans with the intention of hiding as much of it as possible the aged 440 lends itself very well to the clean look with its hidden power supply basement thing the second to last component was the SSD and I regretted my decision here I mean sure the HyperX savage is a fine SSD and 960 gigs in lots of capacity no issues there but I regretted not finding a better way to paint this one to go back and do it again I think I'd want to mask off a pattern on the top or something but still once it was mounted it ended up looking okay for the final stage I walk for a while about whether to mount the video card in the top slot the traditional way or to move it down a little bit for better function or whatever and I ended up putting it a couple slots down it looks so much better there and doesn't impact performance anyhow so we're done what is until Linus tech tips releases its own motherboard case video card ram SSD power supply and cables actually as close as you can get to a fully ltte Edition build thank you guys for coming along with the ride and thank you for joining me now for the moment of truth ah yes oh yeah a last-minute addition that we added cable laud RGB LED strips with magnetic mounting which by the way makes a whole lot more sense to me than this sticky-tape mounting that most of the Meuse so thanks again for watching guys if you enjoyed this video hit the like button but if you didn't like it then you can dislike it but if you did like it then you can get subscribed you can watch our other videos on our other channels you can support us by buying a cool shirt like this one giving us a monthly contribution through our forum we're just changing your amazon bookmark born with our affiliate code instructions are up there now that you're done doing all that stuff you're probably thinking to yourself gee I wonder if channel super fund has released any new videos lately to which I would answer yes yes it has and you can go check that out too
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