Tt esports Headsets & BMW Mouse Showcase Linus Tech Tips CES 2013
Tt esports Headsets & BMW Mouse Showcase Linus Tech Tips CES 2013
welcome to Linus tech tips at CES 2013
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very competitive for a backlit keyboard
alright moving on you brought up the
headphone amp and all these headphones
earlier and you seemed really excited
let's go over these yes okay i'm gonna
try not to get too excited about the one
I'm gonna try to go through all the way
I get yeah I'm more excited about some
products and others just because you
know like I love playing and testing
them but up at the top we have our shock
these are actually just more color
options for the shock headset right so
no nothing has really changed we have
improved upon I would say the quality
you know we've got some feedback on what
people wanted more of the cops you know
the the the material stuff like that so
so we had a little a little bit change
you know but the features are all the
same that's very cool people like
customizing other peripherals to go the
color their system you know what it is
it's most people have like the standard
red blue and black and white but a lot
of teens now like pro gamers have a lot
of different colors like especially
gamma bears we we just picked them up
like you know the yellows rising yeah so
we're trying to make sure that we cover
as many colors as possible um and then
if there's a color that people really
like you know we might we might have it
come out like rainbow or something I
don't know that would be interesting
yeah so this is our bahamut our Bahama
is our new and personal external
soundcard we really want to get into
this field yes ah we think that there's
not really a lot out that offered I mean
there are some great ones out there but
um can't hurt to have four oh yeah yeah
so our bahamut is actually gonna be
available probably by the end of this
month it's by you as me and the MSRP is
4999 cool very cool so you can plug
whatever you want here that takes a mic
input as well yep very cool thank you go
Jules hey keno shake again Vanna White
so the input here
show me that into it I like the the
inscription right around I said TT
esports gaming very can tell you sports
all right no no what accent office okay
so is there any stunts just really
quickly because this is you know pretty
much the same as our other rosaries we
did change the cable so that's a flat
cable very nice i love like yes because
I hate what I take me when they tangle
that's me on so the reason why we're
still pushing towards here but Sir we
really want to push towards is because
and we've been talking a lot about
starcraft 2 so it seems like you're
familiar with that very well yeah so
heavy knows and these are actually I
didn't notice this until someone else in
the company told me this i was like i
like i like headphones but they're like
you know what a lot of starcraft ii
players have the in ear buds have you
noticed my company we're very weird
noise I was like wait a second they do
yeah yes I was like oh yeah he's like
yeah we're gonna try to offer more of
that to gamers who kind of want an
alternate to headphones you know cuz a
lot of gamers actually do want that so
we're pushing towards that so you still
have that we're gonna be we're gonna be
trying to offer more of those and then
less not laughs actually I want to save
that for last but you know let me see
this the coronas headset is the one that
I'm most excited for it's a new headset
and the cosine set right now comes in
white and black with the red the red
accent TT sports writers inside that
looks awesome yeah I love them aside
like I really like it to medium I don't
know I'm crazy but I don't really like
so these ones are a lot i would say them
for fashionable but yeah yeah and those
ones go as well you can see this good so
when you're plugged in they glow in
these ones the like a ball comes out it
comes out of luck nope do they go the
exact same rate as these what yeah yeah
they're both they're both friend these
ones are we wanted to make them kind of
fashionable easy to carry with you you
know they collapse you can wear them on
your shoulders like this so yeah it's
like in the fashion of gamer I don't
know I keep saying look come on we'll
see how they fit oh the fashion of game
and then like these like I glow i glue I
can rave with these if you have
something to plug it into right um so
these also their mobile ready which
means you can actually we have a cable
for you can plug it into your phone and
you can talk is Mike maybe a boat and
listen to music so instead of a blue too
if you could do the complete opposite
and be like yo I'm cool the pilot I'm
driving the car let's go to 4.35 plug
yes shotgun console a shotgun console
was recently announced and it's our
shock one headset except it's
multi-platform you can play it on the
xbox ps3 xbox 360 if I need to say the
whole thing xbox 360 and the ps3 and the
pc so for people who really like the
shock one but they also play console and
they're like well I want to use it for
all this is a good upgrade for it you
can play it at all and it's priced at 90
99 even MSRP so you take it to every
single platform yeah yeah very very cool
alright guys thanks for checking out our
thermaltake coverage if you want to see
all of our CS content subscribe to Linus
tech tips back again guys I cut her off
before she was done and we totally
forgot to cover these awesome looking
mice that were designed in collaboration
with BMW design group so I'm going to
get her to tell us about these really
trying to do Willy Wonka yeah these are
these are in collaboration with BMW
design works so they design a mouse with
us together that's you know combines the
sleekness of a car and the awesome
gaming qualities of a mouse we actually
released us a while a little while ago
but we just launched a couple of new
colors we have the new yellow the hello
kitty pink that's for someone and then
we have our battle edition green we did
announce our red a little while ago but
it hasn't been available so now you know
we're just playing it would you like me
to tell you a little bit about the mess
yeah let's start with this awesome
looking thing here on the side yes so so
that really actually is designed to kind
of be like the overdrive or the the
steering of a car so it really goes like
in all directions and we can hit down on
it and what it does is he changes the
profiles and it actually raises and
lowers the DPI but you can change it to
do other stuff but you know that's what
it's originally for it's got two
additional buttons up here on the side
and then two on
the right side right so that's actually
pretty cool because depending on what
game you're playing you might want
different DP is like say you're playing
battlefield and you want to drive a tank
instead of just run around you want
given PPI lelouch it actually goes up to
eighty to eighty two hundred well
there's a software that and help you
burn up to that yeah so um what this
mouse does in terms of customization is
and okay so someone said it was
something like it was like a steering
more like the car like going back and
forth so I was relating it to the seat
you know when you can move the seat up
and down so it actually comes with the
screw and you can move you can change a
degree of this back part right here up
or down depending on which way you tilt
your hand till and then also actually
shifts left to right so this can
actually be an ambidextrous now so
left-handed gamers can use this you can
shift it to the other side and then you
can use since it's kind of like the
shape is kind of symmetrical you can use
the other direction the only difference
is is that the buttons will be kind of
different but you know you can but
that's that's the one thing you the
problem actually you know it works is
the gamer will just have to get used to
the preference of brush buttons on what
side that's really cool because a lot of
ambidextrous mice are just too
straightforward on the back and this one
you can actually make it till probably
it tilts like degrees the co2 the either
to the left of the right choice that's
using that Java right there as you can
see it's a full aluminum base so it's
pretty sturdy that's very cool I
personally like really heavy mice and
through talking I figured out that you
and diesel also like really heavy mice
so full aluminum base is a really really
cool thing to have and it's definitely
for people who like long term and long
term gaming we actually have these kind
of bumpers for to help it glide too but
you know for people who have a habit
actually kind of have a habit of what
what up it's more when I play FPS games
I pick up like what I'm trying to turn
around I gotta pick up the mouse and
like I hit it back to hell yeah I have a
mouse pad so at least a softer right you
know I definitely the bottom of my mouse
heavenly takes some toll right of course
it's not just the top when I'm like
clicking fiercely but the bottom because
you're rubbing it against the service
for that's like the probably the part
that you want it to be the most durable
so having a full aluminum bottom is
actually really really good for Derby
yeah we're playing with this in the
boats were being so biased closes one
boat will pick up pick up Diesel's
favorite mouse here so these LEDs on
right here will show you different ppi
levels very very cool and the MSRP is
9999 sorry MSRP is 9999 I'm trying to
figure out what Jesus telling me I think
he's talking about the stream relief
right here so you want to tell me with
us I was gonna say it's just because
it's cool to represent TTT support you
know I know you can cable coil in here
but honestly it's it's it's just part of
the design to have a local ok right as
far as I know there's not anything like
two special it doesn't shoot lasers or
anything but if you wanted to well we'll
look into production for Lisa to
shooting at the top ladyship well
another thing is your choice if you look
inside it's kind of hollow so it's
really great for airflow as you can see
they have has a honeycomb kind of holes
at the top so airflow is really
important about this house it's got it's
got holes are XO sauce one's got a
serious sweaty that's what your hand pro
yeah so it's definitely good for for
long-term use and ventilation so it
doesn't you know very very cool okay um
yes thank you so much for checking us
out at TT esports the TT esports stuff
sorry that is some kind of crazy you
know but if you want to hear more about
other stuff and CSKA right you guys
should subscribe to linus tech tips
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