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Ultimate DIY Desk PC FINAL INSTALLATION In Glorious 8K

so we received a ton of feedback about the DIY desk PC project and ignoring all the complaints about those ugly legs they look so terrible and they're awful there were two main points that I plan to address in this the final final video number one how on earth are you guys going to get that monstrosity upstairs and into your office and number two I forget right why is it that after sitting through three freaking videos and waiting once I only get to see like 30 seconds of glam footage well we're going to address those things today which I sort of already said the Phoenix auteur is a full-sized minimalistic li designed keyboard complete with Cherry MX switches and a new white backlit variant check it out at the link below okay can we go through can we go through the plan okay plan time so first okay couple key things we don't want to get any additional scratches I am quite certain that none of these marks are from me but for some reason there are a wack ton of marks along the edge okay so we don't want any additional scratches we need to take the glass off the table see I was laughing scratch okay second hand glass so we'll take the glass off put it somewhere safe okay so that's step one why don't we actually just start with this one but but we have to be no we can't scoop the glass because if we screw the glass it will scratch the paint surface underneath it so we have to lift the glass which is stuck to the paint a little bit which I did not anticipate bloody help well it's a good thing we got the camera rolling if we're going to have shenanigans now I got this side all my fingers oh okay hold on hold on don't lift yet though because these frames are really fragile okay how we doing Wow these gloves are really slippery yeah be careful that makes me nervous okay I got it okay oh man my options were this guy or Dennis what hey I can move stuff it's easy I just have a bad at it here why don't we just put it on this garbage can oh that's a great place for it I'm going to grab a measuring tape and I'm going to prove that it is centered where you just put it I can't find a measuring tape you lucky toes so it's funny because this wasn't a planning thing but our stairs are actually wider than normal stairs because we put our server room under them and I needed some extra width that could be what ends up saving this project because I'd be lying if I said that we fought at all about moving it upstairs now I'm pretty sure that the cut out in the middle is going to allow us to rotate through the door okay we can start bringing it down okay you guys rolling because if he's going to get tired and drop it down the stairs I want you at least to capture it okay here we go oh dang this is a really tight hold on no no we got to move so there we go there we go oh that was very very close okay I know you're first oh crap my other desk is still in there what just hold on okay okay my office is finally going to be actually complete also my computer is still like booted up and stuff I was not very prepared one moment oh we could just just on this daughterly well I was kind of thinking I might lose my desk cause I'm in the room okay so what started out as a simple swap the desks operation actually has gotten more complicated taryn's you mind grabbing that side so we're going to move it over here our new writers are going to be taking up a lot of the space that I would have had downstairs in the warehouse so I'm actually going to move my bench marking area here hold on miscalculated the GPS position okay perfect okay so there's networking there this is my new UPS and I still haven't installed and then let's go get the new desk one two three so you can see those open holes on the sides now have these blue furnace filters obviously blue was not the ideal color but I have yet to find them available in white or black still working on that but the idea is that all the air no no no I have to sit back there the idea is that all the air coming into the case will be filtered alright let's go ahead and scooch it right over to the wall here yeah oh so everything gets drawn in here across and down nope okay oh I'm fine well it's hard when it's like that okay just okay hold on hold on okay all the way okay okay yeah okay you good okay let's just lean it up against that okay well first the ultimate in static space cleaning techniques wipe everything down little cloth good okay another key aspect of this is that your left-hand side needs to go in and slide towards the end first but hold on don't move it don't move slide without scratching paint so okay just in as tight as it can be Hey it's supposed to be a little bit yeah is it well okay okay perfect pitch well good luck with the UH okay with you oh thank you computer you have it here thank you thank you so I guess this is the part of the video where I reveal the big twist the big secret the reason it's so important to clean all this stuff and have it look as perfect as possible is this will be our first video officially shot at 8 K on red so without further ado enjoy the Glen footage yeah tunnel there tunnel there lets you browse privately and enjoy a more open Internet and it's super simple to use whether you run an Android device iOS device a PC or a Mac they've even got a Chrome extension it's as simple as downloading tunnel there clicking a button and bam your connection gets encrypted and rerouted through a different country so the websites and services you use think that you are from that country not only that but tunnel bear does not log user activity and you can try it for free with 500 Meg's no credit card required so check it out and if you choose to get a year of unlimited data you can save 10% by gonna tell their comm /l TT
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