Unboxing NDA’ed Google Product!! - Live Stream Archive
Unboxing NDA’ed Google Product!! - Live Stream Archive
Oh are we live now okay so I got this
letter in the mail now this is for
product that is under embargo until
Wednesday May 16th but in the meantime
they have invited me to share my
excitement on social using hashtag made
by Google so hold on we got to get a pen
hold on we're gonna get a pet anybody
need my hashtag here help me hashtag
here so what I was kind of thinking is
part of our social excitement can be to
do an unboxing of
the Google home acts now hold on a
minute what do you mean the Google home
acts review is under embargo until the
middle of May maybe there's something
that I'm missing here let's go ahead and
let's oh oh
conveniently Tyler put a label on it so
the boxes
the box is already opened so we'll get a
little unboxing going on here
one obvious change is that it is now
both Super Sonic and Super Sonic
so that would be some french-canadian
packaging there and okay there's a thing
that goes there and there's a definitely
very North American power cord there but
it's hard for me to tell if they've
changed anything without comparing it to
the other two Google home maxes that
I've had since we did our full review
three months ago in here okay they're
there in the power cord okay alright
alright so you guys are probably
wondering at this point what the purpose
of this video is and this is something
that I've wanted to address for a long
time we have a lot of people ask us like
it happens all the time you know why are
you guys why are you guys late on
product acts or or service why or
whatever the case may be and a lot of
you guys probably don't realize this but
I'm Canadian and our studio is located
in Vancouver Canada and this is actually
something that I am not blaming Google
for so they are they are launching the
Google home max
this is something that I can that I can
look up in the news which you know by
the way at NDA that you don't sign is
not an NDA so that's sort of thing it's
just kind of showed up in the mail but
they are according to the news launching
the Google home acts on May 16th
according to IT world Canada site but
I've never heard of because I never get
my news there because I typically get my
news from American sites that have
literally had Google home max stuff too
since mid-december so about six months
ago so so I get it I get it there
they're doing a launch for this product
and they they want kind of a splash in
the Canadian media around it but this is
something that we actually run into a
whole lot where companies large
companies even very internet savvy
companies like Google for example will
have like this different set of rules
for international publications compared
to what they do for the US so if we had
waited around for Google to send us a
home max we wouldn't have been able to
do our home pod versus Google home max
video that we uploaded like I said
literally three months ago until
sometime after apparently May 16 and
this is something that we run into a lot
and it's it's really interesting because
sometimes it even puts us at a bit of a
weird disadvantage where because we're
Canadian US agencies and US PR firms and
sometimes even US manufacturers like
that branch of their business won't deal
with us but because we have a large US
audience and a relatively small Canadian
audience sometimes we kind of get
second-class citizen treatment from the
canadian PR firms as well in addition to
just straight not having products
available now google has actually done a
pretty good job and I'm actually very
grateful they sent over this home max
even if I guess maybe they didn't
that we already had our full review up
so I can't really agree to an embargo
for something that I that I have already
clearly broken without actually
realizing it but I'm not blaming them
it's just it's something that's happened
with us a lot a lot of people have asked
why we don't have a video up of the LGG
7 think and the reason is not for a lack
of willpower I really wanted to make a
video about it I wanted to check out the
new camera but the problem is that it
hasn't launched in Canada yet and it's
really funny because and this isn't
elegy specifically we run into this a
lot with mobile phones because they are
so region specific or in some cases even
carrier specific in terms of you know
which models are available in which
areas or to which carriers that they
really do treat each region like like
its own like its own planet so we'll run
into situations where you know I'll be
working through an agency on review of a
phone or like a teaser teasers for the
worst I'll be working with an agency on
like a teaser of a phone or something
like that and I won't even have it in
the mail yet and I'll be like oh I
didn't even think to check but like you
know marques has had a video up for two
weeks I'm kind of like yo guys to be
clear I'm not complaining like we love
the support and you know we love
bringing you guys content about attack
and all that stuff like I'm not whining
about getting a Google max in the mail
today it's just it's just a kind of a
funny situation to me where I'll have to
email that could be like yo guys um the
internet thing Canadians got their
teaser already they're not like they're
not like waiting with bated breath for
me to show us the bail specific
bloatware that comes on the Canadian
version of this phone so I don't know I
don't really I don't really have a
purpose are people like asking questions
no little bit some people are kind of
agreeing some people are like just
pressing F after we were saying giveaway
you know what why the heck not why don't
we give it away that seems like a
sensible enough thing to do I mean we've
already got to Google though maxes that
by the way we just had to buy
I know people more people are saying F
they're actually they're actually
services it's really funny I was just
introduced to one because I was I was
trying to find now we know what it was
launching and I came across this site
called want board and their entire
business model seems to be buying things
directly from the Google store check
this out and then just reselling them in
Canada with the markup to Canadians and
you can literally order a Google home
accent Canada now like there are some
features that don't work yet we pointed
out in our in our review that you
couldn't use the show me a pizza place
nearby feature for example that wasn't
enabled yet but by and large the product
works just fine so so the whole thing
has just always been really funny to me
I don't know how we're going to manage
the giveaway
maybe maybe what we'll do is we'll get
something up on the thorn later today
but yeah we haven't done one in a while
so I think that's a fantastic idea just
to avoid getting into any trouble with
Google Canada I think we're probably
going to give away our US unit not that
as far as I can tell there is any
discernible difference between them
other than here so instead of just
attaching the base here you need to fix
a lebar CC porn orientational via Takada
okay sure why not I guess they assume
you can figure out this one on your own
so thanks for tuning in to hopefully
what was a fun little live stream and
we've we've had a little bit of fun
hopefully not too much at Google's
expense and you guys have gotten an
explanation for why sometimes it just
happens that
we are straight-up not able to
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