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Vibrating Screen Instead of Speakers? LG G8

so we could have done a full review of the LGG 8 but the reality of it is that most phones are pretty much the same thing I look at a couple of key gimmicks these days anyway so we figured what the hey why don't we just do a phone gimmick video instead focusing on of course the big gimmick of the g8 the rear fingerprint sensor just kidding that was what the g2 anyway no the screen that actually vibrates to make forward-facing sound yes my friends there's no speaker on the way though you think that's the biggest gimmick there's worse it gets bigger than that and stay tuned and you'll find out just how after this message from our sponsor fresh books first books accounting software is custom-built for how you want to work helping you stay organized and productive try their 30 day free trial for free at the link in the video description so do you want to show off the weird vibrating screen speaker first or the hand on lock first I want to do the vibrating screen first when you heard that this phone had that feature did you assume that it had no other speakers and no other holes I did and then I got really confused because as soon as I sat here and you put it on the table I was like woah hold on a second it's got speaker holes in the bottom and making matters even more confusing it doesn't even seem like it's a good speaker solution because it's the old-fashioned fire into your palm and you know curve your palm real nice so you can actually hear anything thing like there's actually no speaker at the table the exciter is right about here kind of right where that Google search bar is it is meant to be a top speaker even though it does kind of shake the whole screen let's put some sound on you can might be able to hear that it's louder at the top and the bottom I would say the stereo effect on this is far less convincing than even like a really a really small amplified earpiece speaker like what I've got on the note 9 it's you can really tell like where it's coming from and it's especially because you've got that downward firing one into your hand it's like kind of out here yes and then this one is like here so it's almost like a weird offset like if you were to take your projector screen and put one of your speakers well behind it and then one of them way over on the side like it's not a proper stereo effect and it's really quiet the other issue here is that this phone just doesn't sound very good I'm not only 7080 percent right now and there's clear Distortion okay compare that to a pixel 3 that has dual front firing speakers in stereo yeah like it crushes it but I bet you can go higher without Distortion a little bit okay hold on let me crank this though it's ugly the phone really vibrates noticeably in your hand so what I'm trying to figure out though is whether that's from the vibrating screen aspect or if it's from the boombox speaker thing so the g7 the phone that came before this had these boombox speakers so they actually utilize some of the space of the phone as an acoustic resonance chamber for the speaker so they actually hollowed out some aspect of this and that vibrated your hand on the g7 even though there was no vibrating screen it's actually kind of unpleasant and it's really unfortunate because my first impressions of the g8 are honestly really good like I like the really natural curve they've got for the glass back here I really like the rounded corners down here it fits nicely in the hand it's not gigantic so if you're the kind of person who doesn't want like a frickin tablet in your pocket then it's it's actually like it's still one handable you know like I can actually type on this with one hand it's got glass on the sides now and look what they did this isn't even improvement compared to the g7 as they managed to have no more bump no camera bump at all oh it felt really sleek but I couldn't put my finger on why oh okay well now we got to try a phone call then yes because there's another aspect that is potentially awesome which is it's somewhere between speaker and bone conduction speaker apparently they say if you're in a noisy environment you can just put it closer to your jaw and you can hear better than you can with a normal phone okay so we figure what better way to create a noisy environment than to just crank something on our brand-new okay it's not all set up but it should still make noise home theater setup this is still a home theater if it's at work so this is bizarre I could hold my phone right here like some kind of freaking moron and I can still hear this pine that's pretty cool all right now let's introduce some noise pollution let's say you go to Hawaii okay come on back in so that's impressive I actually wasn't that convinced again while I was trying to hold the phone to my ear at the top like I would be in the habit of doing but then once I actually put my ear sound absorption hole right here where the actual exciter is I was able to even after he turned it back up I was able to hear you quite clearly so are you saying that it's not great for consuming content but I can for calls it's pretty sweet actually yeah I'd say that's that's really fair if you actually take a lot of phone calls in crowded environments cuz you could hear me pretty well - yeah that's impressed I was literally standing next to speakers with obnoxious music like the epitome of obnoxious music playing so I think as long as you have the right expectations then you might be impressed with this because I thought it was gonna be awesome sound and no speakers and that's what I thought based on the TV demos and that's not even the most gimmicky gimmick though right they claim that you can unlock the phone with your palm it's like with my Palm Pilot I can remote into it and unlock it uh-huh does anyone even get who's gonna get that no one something so they put one of those time of flight sensors on the front of this which is what face IDs all go and this does have face on lock which is sweet but for some reason the feature you never knew you didn't want you can also use your hand to unlock it you can now unlock your phone with hand ID in theory you did it did it yeah do it again okay I've never got two in a row yeah so it's not fast though yeah an under screen fingerprint sensor is clearly a better solution with that said the one plus 60 is fast but the ultrasonic sensor wrong phone not impressive to me so far check this out it might as well be an iPhone 6 it might as well be hand unlock it's our new punch line for LG hand game everything's gate with this thing vibrating screen gate ok ok so lucky you it unlocks for you that's great now that actually has other features that you can do with your hand other than unlocking it they're called air motion gesture sounds terrible air motion try holding your hands 6 to 10 centimeters away 6 to 10 shooting let me get that dialed right in for you ok don't pretend like you aren't intimately familiar with that line ok so you see that green bar that came up yeah ok now move your hand 20 centimeters away ok now you're supposed to be able to like swipe to start an app or pinch for pinch for a screen shots like that like a duck but it's supposed to be giving you a preview where it kind of images your hand and you can see what your hand is doing but it's not even giving you the preview anymore oh wait why isn't the preview coming up if the bar is coming up I can't take this anymore and then the last unusual feature is that portrait mode now instead of just having stills capture and the ability to change your background blur let me just blur you somewhere here now it also has video mode yeah this is not good like you add some Twitter compression to this and you are looking at a pretty bad time it's almost a shame that those gimmicky features suck because underneath all that is like a pretty decent phone Snapdragon 855 six gigs ram 128 gigs ROM there's just the one SKU it's got IP 68 water resistance it's got a headphone jack including LG's hole 32 pit HiFi quad DAC thing they've actually got a pretty good reputation for their analog sound output it's got USB type-c 3,500 milliamp hour battery there's actually not a lot to complain about here 6.1 inch display it's just like it feels like the same thing I've been saying for the last I don't know five years eight years however long it's been about these about phones really is like yeah it's like pretty good except that they try to write their own software instead of just using Android and they apparently do that so that they can build in these weird features that mostly don't work the speaker I mean it's not better than a phone that you know just has a a single bottom firing speaker but that was the norm not that long ago and it has the benefit of being able to use in a crowded environment and not have to like fuss around with you know holding your phone in exactly the right spot so that's pretty cool this thing though can just disappear for all I care I'd recommend it if it wasn't running LG's skin that will always be a problem for me it's actually looks like they've made a lot of improvements here to be perfectly honest with you the icons are not ugly I don't LG's skin it's better than Samsung's well the way Samsung's was before it recently improved it also pricing and availability this will be out in the next coming weeks depending on your carrier for about probably 800 bucks the g7 was 750 so it's a flagship it's not the most expensive phone out there if it's a good deal on contract with your carrier normally these sponsor spots are pretty long but I'm gonna save you guys some time private Internet access P ia VPN go get it now at the link in the video description it makes your internet browsing more secure and it's super affordable go go go go go go go so thanks for watching guys if he dislikes this video you can hit that button but if you liked it hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at the link in the video description you know what I'm willing to give a final answer I'm nay I'm really sold on the bigger spinning phones now hold on second I couldn't hear you let me get my Crocs closer what'd you say but James likes it so while you're down there you can also check out our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and this one our community forum yes it does have shirts like that one doesn't come with the pecs though mm dance-dance pecs
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