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Was Windows Vista THAT bad?

Few things strike fear Or perhaps loathing Into the hearts of PC enthusiasts More than the words Windows Vista That operating system's notoriety, has a buggy, slow, bloated mess Reaches far and wide Even to the land of the Apple faithful Vista was aboard. Its successor, Windows 7, adored, but was Vista's heart truly evil, or simply misunderstood? Pushed out into a world that wasn't ready? Who can say ? It is a terrible tale But perhaps its telling may reveal new secrets But perhaps its telling may reveal new secrets After this word from our sponsor So I was reading a post written by and it inspired a fairly lively debate In our weekly writers' meeting Was Windows Vista really that bad? You ask a dozen people You'll get a dozen different answers But one thing we all agreed on though Was that to answer the question fairly We would have to get our hands on an ISO And actually install it on the system And we chose the 150$ gaming PC that Riley and I put together Mostly because it's from 2007 The year that Windows Vista launched And... How is it? Well, surprisingly, it works pretty well. System processes are snappy And despite the outdated kind of janky looking UI It's, for better or for worse, Windows Running just fine. In fact, It looks almost exactly like Windows 7 So, how is it different, then, from Windows 7? And what's so bad about it? Well the answer requires some history Development of Windows "Longhorn", actually named after the Longhorn Saloon & Grill in Whistle, BC Began in 2001 About which features to include in the new operating system And which ones to add to Windows XP And Windows Server Things got so complicated That in 2004 This was also when Longhorn's product name was finalized to Vista, with a tagline of clear confident and connected None of which had described Vista's development so far Perhaps they were trying to ask the universe to throw them a freaking bone There's actually a lot more I could say about the development But frankly we could make a whole video about that So let's just leave it at, the launch was delayed a few more times, bones were not thrown And then finally, on January 30th 2007 Vista made its public debut Including the graphics intensive Aero UI with translucency effects and elements of the Windows back-end that had completely redone So the hardware requirements were higher than probably anyone expected
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