
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

** Watch 720p ** What is Apple Doing?? - WAN Show May 24, 2019

do we call this stuff out hey there ladies and gentlemen hey welcome to the Wynn show right it's a show Riley and I were just in the middle of discussing what what you do on the wind show cuz he hasn't been on it in a while and I was on to actually guess we're jumping right in two or three weeks ago Oh were you but I screwed it up you screwed it up I didn't click the and that was me yes that's my fault ah yes was that now he didn't know that I didn't know it was you I knew I knew that a thing went wrong Wow my co-workers protected so now I'm gonna have to add land show to the list of things that we can't trust Riley with along with our TX 2080 reviews you know what you can trust me with a new apparel pimping the merch hey love it so I've actually got our like oldest merch and then Riley's decked out in our newest stuff we could talk about that later later anyway we've got a bunch of great topics for you guys today we're gonna be talking about the new a core core i9 MacBook Pro of course I have some sort of mixed thoughts on this machine we've yet to get one in the office but I've been following the latest developments pretty closely we're also going to be talking about YouTube's controversial move to change the subscriber counter so it's harder to tell just how many subscribers a channel has what else we got we got NVIDIA super something they teased something on social media they released a YouTube video I don't know if I want to give them attention for that okay we're not good we're not gonna tell no we'll talk about at all we'll talk about it's just gonna be me ranting angrily instead of actually specula you can speculate I can't wait all right what else we got oh well we got the Huawei nonsense oh good we could talk about that 5g so many things and first but first we've got the intro see you later there's music yeah I always I never know because you play the intro it's like do we keep talking they can hear us talking right now oh yeah they can hear us talking it's just it's one of those things that we could fix but we did Corsair wait what birthday Squarespace madrina madrina scoffs hey madrenas is a sponsor well they can't see you reaching it like that well that's why I tried to make it extra loud all right guys so why don't we jump right into our oh shoot I think I left the title wrong on a floatplane pour flow plane never mind never mind it's great to refresh the tab freaking awesome of you so much all right oh oh wow it is so terrible oh that Luke isn't here today no no no I mean it's um wow that came across wrong we're adding co-host the man show with lioness to the things right yeah so the reference I'm making there guys is on Riley's first win show I made a joke that he wasn't the FIDE to review the r-tx 2080 and people got upset because it wasn't a joke he's not and the dance is that I am qualified to review it badly so if you don't want that look everyone here has their different specialties Anthony's our GPU guy he's more qualified than either of us I was just poking fun at Riley so that's that's the reference I'm making here maybe we just shouldn't you shouldn't just we shouldn't even address that but Riley right the thing that you're not qualified to talk about compared to my usual photos is actually the latest by creators for creators video streaming service that popped up on the internet I have I heard about this I doubt it it actually it happened pretty quietly and I'm just I'm trying to remember what it's called right now ah yes here we go here we go so I really I wish Luke was here because we would have a lot to say about this but guess what there is another creator created video service out there now so they've got a handful of creators including minutephysics scishow who else is on here low spec gamers these guys are all on it these yet these guys are all on it ding this isn't actually we have a new archenemy up oh no I wouldn't I wouldn't say that at all like their shtick is honestly so different from floatplane that I couldn't be I couldn't be less concerned about it like it's when when do we launch a concentrated strike a concentrated strike when do we send the Strikeforce I'm just kidding love all of you guys so their Jam is that it's mostly like science and intellectual creators so I like us I'm kind of thinking that our strike force probably doesn't have to be that hardcore oh I'm generalizing I'm generalizing I should we would have the gadgets I shouldn't like they're just like sitting there in coffee shops thinking about like the questions of the universe and we're like you know building weapons I don't think we have much capacity to build weapons either in fact I would give them more weapon building street cred than Venice for sure maybe maybe okay look I sure wish this was a night I turned it right right from the get-go into something where they have to be enemies we can be friends you know you this is this problem what are you this is the problem with not just having proper USB ports on laptops oh you're right you got an adapter you got a dongle yeah I think this dongle hub is broke you're trying to live that dongle life right back in the moment and gentlemen and this in addition to the fact that eight cores is too much not well it's not too much it's too much for an Apple laptop there's also why you don't buy the Apple MacBook Pro because they don't have enough USB port we'll talk about that we'll talk about that later I'm upset okay here we go let's try this again stupid but there it goes angle is rubbish you're right back to seven tune back this dongle is that hey Colton got a bad dongle yes bad bad dongle to de waste pile he weighs putt oh oh he stepped on it I mean I wouldn't use the word stomp colton's an absolute mad leg I definitely wouldn't use the word crush but step step yes boom rusted alright what is it you're trying to login no no I wouldn't honestly okay so speaking honestly yeah no I do not consider this a competitor and I don't mean that in like a like a casting shape ever be at our level I just mean that it's really really different from what we're doing so I signed up for a trial account they have a 7-day trial and I was obviously really curious let me just make sure that this is muted yep good I was obviously really curious to see how they've got it set up like what's there what's their stick right so it looks like one of the things that they're using to stand out so you can really see from the categories explainers history music science and engineering technology writing like they're really focused on like like kind of stem categories right and then also music and gaming and filming TV yeah this would be good to have Luke here for this and then they've also got originals so van test Auto has done some originals Isaac Arthur has done some originals Polyphonic has done some originals I mean they just launched so honestly there's not there's not a ton going on right now touchscreen works to scroll through this this deal though so that's that's pretty cool I can do that see huh check that out let me just see CGP grey we'll go ahead and click on that so you can see people are uploading some of their back catalogue but it seems to be right now mostly oh interesting okay so I do know that CGP grey has some involvement with the project he appears to be listed as a I don't want to get the terminology wrong I want to say co-founder one of the big honchos one of the big cheese's what is this oh no I don't want contact us I want about us yeah I got it cookies about we're talking about them right now here we go here we go hold on a second yes community co-founded yes co-founded by Dave wiskus CGP grey and Philip Detmer so you can see here that he's actually got videos on here that this is 8 years ago though there's no way they were working on this 8 years ago so I had seen one from him that said a year ago and that was the oldest video that I'd seen but I think that might just be an older video of his that maybe is from like I don't know patreon or something like right oh and maybe you can manually key in a date these are all I don't know exactly what they are so I've only spent a few minutes poking around I'm not gonna actually play any of the content because we don't want to guys go get in trouble go get your own trial yeah like I'm not I'm not trying to get in trouble or anything here but basically these guys are taking a completely different approach so they're doing $5.00 a month that subscribes you to the entire site whereas for us we evaluated the model of a per site subscription and couldn't really find a way to make that make sense right so maybe they've obviously we're going to be looking further into what exactly they're doing so maybe they've figured out something that we haven't but hopefully that goes really well so we're doing a per creator subscription more like what someone like a patreon is doing and the other thing is that they're going invite-only so it's supposed to be like a curated list of creators that are kind of educational and this actually ties in really well with a video that veritasium released earlier this week talking about the changes in the YouTube algorithm and how they affect creators was a really good video did you watch it yeah oh good that's good because it was in the writers meeting notes as required viewing I watched it before you told us to watch it did you actually actually excellent ahead of the curve so as a recap Derek from veritasium basically made a viral video super viral 33 million views or something crazy like that and then a couple days later did a post-mortem on why and how that video went viral and how YouTube's algorithmic I don't want to call it favoritism but how YouTube's algorithmic tendencies tend to be towards videos that just get an excellent click-through rate a lot of tiny balls in the thumbnail yeah or just anything else that's very enticing in the thumbnail because at the end of the day YouTube wants to keep people watching on the site as often as possible and for as long as possible that's how Google makes money through YouTube if the more ads you watch so much the better so you kind of went so here's the thing you're more niche content or you're kind of more dry sciency boring explaining content that gets you know four percent of the people who see an impression for it to click on it is just not going to get that prime real estate the way that something more sensational that gets 25 percent of the people to click on it will right and you can't blame YouTube for that they want people to watch videos that's the way that the algorithm decides is the best way to serve people the content that they want to watch but it still means that for people who are not not able or not willing to engage in the whole you know we fold our backyard with Thai beanie babies or bread whatever like that kind which is very interest a dumptruck of Thai beanie babies from a scientific perspective yes very proud of you know the ragdoll physics and so people like that are looking for a way out of the algorithm and one of the things that watch nebula dot-com says is there's no algorithm and that makes sense given that this is yai given that this is like a curated list of supposed to be educational or intellectual creators for sort of uh I don't know whatever kind of audience would want that sort of their anti algorithm yes they're they're anti algorithm I mean the cold hard truth is that even if they wanted an algorithm that's a lot of Hardy that's true oh yeah yeah they're like we're doing it it's a choice yeah but at an algorithm it's easy we could have done it I mean yeah it's it's one of those things where floatplane is also anti algorithm the way that we see it a creators page right it's that's their page that's not our page to advertise other creators especially because on floatplane you're paying per creator so it's not like you'd be able to watch that other creator anyway exactly but also the cold hard truth is that even a floatplane wanted to build a recommended algorithm we would be we would be a decade away from anything approaching the sophistication of what someone like a YouTube is doing I could start working on that right you got this yeah no problem I watched the YouTube trending page a bunch I know how it works so 225 perfect says patreon support helps to bypass the algorithm at least somewhat that may be the case but patreon is always going to be limited well not always I mean they could fix it I guess but for now they're limited in one key way they don't have a way to economically serve video they don't have a way to economically serve video on their site so they're never gonna be a one-stop shop right and that was what we identified for flow plane and that's what the if I can bias a tree on and a video Platts what the standard shows team seems to have identified for watch nebula com I've seen where you're going to want a way to both engage with the creator and support them and actually consume the content right in one place so for my part I wish them the best of luck I think that there is a ton of room for alternate video platforms I think that I mean I also have concerns about fragmentation I think that's definitely something that stands to become a problem if this and floatplane there's a million and the one Jordan Peterson is allegedly working on and like if there's a bunch of people who see flow plane and they're like we should do that you know that's that's a problem but at least they saw that we were first are we whereas it looks like they've launched before we formally long yeah we you can go sign up for flow plane right now is true that is I mean can yes I don't know yeah it's it's too bad Luke's here not here because he can probably he'd probably be even more angry than I am right now no no I've talked to him about it already saying I'm really mad why are you so determined to be mad about this this is my instinct i I get defensive you know this is my tribe yeah no it's um you better watch it guy ya know it's it's a non-issue I mean they're okay the tech is really different so they're using Amazon AWS for their back-end we've already dug into that they are that one of the key points of differentiation seems to be originals that's not something that's a major focus for floatplane it's more like okay behind the scenes right and early access that's where we kind of see the value but the way that I think creators are gonna see it is they could use either of these as just like a toolbox of sorts anyway I suspect that I haven't actually seen their creator agreement of I'd be fascinated to obviously but I suspect they don't lock people into a particular way of using it because they describe themselves as a toolbox the same way that we do so you could probably upload early access stuff there if you wanted so our other major point of differentiation is video quality and that's something where because they're on AWS the either can't or won't be competitive with YouTube on so they're 1080p is three megabit do you have context for that okay yeah that's pretty low so to put it in I knew it I knew it was probably low yeah youtubes is somewhere in the neighborhood of I think eight to eight if I recall correctly so more than double and it does make a noticeable difference our 1080p is I believe closer to 15 so it's closer to the bitrate of YouTube's 1080 which is why excuse me 4k so that's why I floatplane at 1080 looks as good as YouTube at 4k we're actually getting really close to launching 4k for floatplane but it's taking some time because we're honestly not quite sure how to roll it out do you think you can fire up a strawpoll for me I can do that okay Riley's gonna fire up a strawpoll here my electricians calling sorry Brian I can't deal with that right now what are we asking hello well we're gonna ask people what they want to see from floatplanes 4k because we've had some internal debate about it so right now our 720p already looks great because it's competitive with 1080p bit rates on other sites but people don't like that they don't want to click 720p when they have a 1080 screen right because they feel like they're getting shortchanged and they're not having the full experience and you can tell them it's 720p is just as good as 1080 one or they'll get like they'll be like look I'm having performance problems because I can run 1080 on Netflix in YouTube but I can only run 720 on floatplane right okay and the thing is you can't explain to everyone in the world the difference between resolution and bitrate or the relationship between resolution and bitrate so your resolution is just how many pixels by how many pixels you could have a 4k resolution image that is at like you know a two kilobit per second bitrate that basically just looks like like kind of shifting colors yeah looks like nothing like a postmodern art project the pixels are there but there's no information that's the bitrate except that which you choose to glean from it yeah through interpretation that could be Wow that sounds like an art piece yeah Modern Art Museum he gets into art I know right so then on the other side of things the bitrate only tells you sort of how much data stream you have to work with you could have a very high bitrate and a very low resolution and you reach a point of diminishing returns like if you're running at 240 P and then you you know go to 60 megabit per second contacts that's about like an HDR blu ray gonna look pixelated and crappy but it's gonna look really a lot better on a 4k screen no it'll look it'll look as good as it could given the limitations of the resolution one of those pixels will be as good as it could be exactly so you want to find you want to find a balance so anyway we've got this issue with messaging where people get upset because they can't run the same resolution on floatplane that they can on other sites so in order for our 4k to really look a lot better than our 1080p we're looking at bit rates in the range of 25 to 35 megabit per second and that's getting close to a 1080p blu-ray now the problem with that is that even people with 50 megabit per second or 100 megabit per second connection to their internet provider might run into problems streaming this because of network overhead because of nearby neighbors who are busy you know torrenting the Game of Thrones finale or whatever the case may be sure and their service isn't able to sustain that also sometimes you can run into kind of routing issues where it kind of goes around or it takes a bunch of jumps and even though you've got the the throughput your connection quality isn't great so you end up with buffering or leg and as a young video serving service that's building our own CDN rather than using AWS for because otherwise we wouldn't be able to do this really really high quality we don't have endpoints like on every block right that's more Netflix's jam you know once you reach that kind of a scale gotcha so here's what I want to know okay everyone out there not just floatplane peeps do you want us to a downgrade our 1080p bitrate and then serve a 4k file that is a slightly higher bit rate than YouTube's 4k sir okay option number two leave our 1080p the way that it is so about equivalent YouTube's 4k and then have like a CPU internet connection murdering 4k yeah I'm talking like 30 30 megabit of second like crazy stupid your internet streaming I mean those are really the main options because I pitched Luke on having multiple 4k files that we could dynamically switch between so that people could press 4k and feel like they're getting the 4k experience but so that if their internet connection sucked we'd be able to just switch over to the lower bitrate one and he was like what do you try to do to me please storages expense deep do you know how much storage caught you pay for the storage do you really want multiple 4k files per video I'm like okay so go ahead and create that point yeah sure whatever that's fine all right so create that poll I want to know what people want to see I'm go ahead and fry up your screen here you want to post that in a YouTube chat do you have the YouTube chat open is this the link I've never actually created it you've never created a straw at first I guess the last twitch what I don't have the floatplane well I wasn't signed into full plain because I'm not signed in on this oh boy oh boy are you saying anything oh here I'll put in the doc dude type this bin okay that works that works where you putting it very tough very tough very tough all right I will post it in the chat boom it's there it's taken out taking a hot minute there it goes dang it I pressed refresh on the page right as it as it's spread in here's here's the poll guys and twitch boom all right so that's Luke here's my floatplane shot I'm Luke on twitch oh all right oh I see an interesting suggestion and floatplane chat already how about this how about you stream at like sort of the you know better but not ridiculous quality but then have the download be available mmm in like you know murderous quality okay so that doesn't get around Luke's concern that we are still out putting multiple 4k files for every upload but I will consider it it's just that like I said storage is really really expensive yeah how about codec h.265 and vp9 are quite a bit more efficient yes that is a good suggestion but unfortunately it's challenging Hudson tody says why not have a variable bitrate on the fly instead of different files that's complicated don't get don't don't make me get started on that that's like really really complicated look like we're hiring more people but we would need a lot of stuff for that alright so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna load up the load up the results here and we can have a look seems like most people want us to leave 1080p as is and just murder their connections okay well it looks like that's the way we're going then why would you want I mean most people are gonna be watching in 1080p no they won't I think most people just click highest fully bill that must be the highest quality way yeah and then if they get stuttering then I feel like they're gonna be unhappy and I mean for me and when I'm on YouTube or anywhere where I'm only make only go to up the quality when I think that the quality visibly looks not good enough like on YouTube if I'm like this looks a little blurry then I'll go to the quality and check that's an interesting perspective I used to go I think when 4k first came out on YouTube I used to go click on four kings I want to the highest quality every time but now I think they also never defaulted to 4k back when they first rolled it out right well actually I think if you uploaded in 4k I'm not sure I think it kind of intelligent intelligent Lee scaled based I'm like what you watch I think it really dependent I think at that time they didn't just automatically set people's playback to 4k because just the average computer yeah was much slower so the the landscape has changed a fair bit now and YouTube does automatically select 4k when it notices you have a screen resolution and a connection that can handle it just fine I see I mean another option is always going the Netflix route where they just don't give you the choice it just is whatever it is what it is yeah enjoy go go watch some crave or don't enjoy yeah exact rave if we have crave up here in Canada in the states it's do they have crave crave in the States no it's HBO now or shit show cuz crave is like HBO Showtime and anyway so whatever guys don't worry about it don't worry about it guys hey um should we talk about like news this is news oh well yeah you don't think standard no I think it's important that beulah is news I always forget that you know when show is more kind of just about like we're just chilling know when show is about the news why don't we talk about YouTube changing the subscriber counter now I know this is something that you feel quite passionately about this was posted by Tech dreamer on the forum I'm just gonna go ahead and bring up that thread and it is obviously a very polarizing topic Oh subscribe negative one yeah it's funny no well here's some behind the scenes before we started the show I was kind of like this doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me and my ex was like oh that's not what I said perfect impression that is not what I sounded like I sounded quite quite different from that oh yeah so in a nut should you want to explain what's happening well I don't actually entirely know what's happening but I can try wait I'll tell you what's happening all right tell me what you tube is appears to be changing the way that they're displaying subscriber counts you can see it in the jiff that's on screen right now they're basically going around they're just gonna start rounding it they've been doing it for some creators yeah if you go on YouTube they you you've been able to see this already happening but now it's gonna be kind of standard procedure for them to round to like the nearest whatever it is they actually give some examples I think in this post and they've always done it in some places right like for example actually I'm gonna I'm gonna pop out of it out of this now and I'm going to jump into my own YouTube dashboard here for a second and yes it's jiff guys Lyon says jiff - don't get at me why are you why are you throwing me under the same bus you can say gif if you want I have no problems no I'm a Jeff person I grew up saying jiff all right that's what I this it's what I am but did you yeah really I never said gif Oh see I saw my saw day just jiff and then when I heard somebody say gift the first time I was like what oh but now I've learned to accept it I'm like hey you know what you want to say gift fine you want to say Jeff it's fine hi see Jeff see I only switched over when when the Creator came out and said that really it was it was Jeff not gif that was just a bonus for me and no no yeah I so and then everyone got all mad about that so just to be a troll I started doing it because I've noticed you said it in like them in the in the weekly meetings yeah cuz I didn't know you that you said it until like a couple weeks ago or something you said for the first time I was like no I did switch over like we had an argument with it in my carpool oh who's in who are the wrong people in your carpool James David Oh Lloyd no yeah it's it's a jiff and you display them on your Jurassic scarred oh you're just doing it to be rude no no I'm just out here trying to be a good person no no no Jeff Jeff okay anyways submissives yeah I was looking for a spot where you know what it might be on mobile here we go if a channel has 4227 subscribers the public subscriber count' will read 4.2 k yep so it basically just gets rid of the last you know two or three or four digits based on you know whether you're in the thousands or the tens of thousands or the millions yes now the one exception to this is channels that are under a thousand subscribers those ones will still display with complete granularity because the shanell behind this change which is actually what I find most obnoxious like none of the rest of this stuff really matters to me the rationale behind it is that what they're trying to prevent is dislike bombing or excuse me unsubscribe bombing right so there was a recent controversy batani versus James Charles two people about whom I know and care nothing quite frankly I don't really know anything about them except their names they bathe I read makeup people I read one article on a particularly vapid site and it told me everything I need to know about not needing to know anything about any of this but basically what happened was there was some sort of like oh no they didn't drama on YouTube and one of these people I don't even know which one don't clarify it for me I really don't care Toddie is the good guy girl person what no no just I I'm just joking I know what it doesn't matter the point is the point is one of them I think lost like two million subscribers or something like that over a very short period of time yeah and so what YouTube is trying to do is remove the the instant gratification that people get oh you thought I was being weird when I say good guy no Toddie is the girl just to clarify I don't know these are just yeah yeah I know Katya some random assembly of characters right not gotcha that's not even a name okay sorry I dropped you um okay so what they're trying to prevent is people unsubscribe bombing and getting that instant gratification of seeing the subscriber number go down and then news outlets start jumping in and reporting on this and going they lost a hundred and then it becomes this negative feedback loop and at the end of the day YouTube doesn't want people unsubscribing right they don't want people to stay they don't want that even if they're unsubscribing from somebody and subscribe to another person well maybe they maybe that's maybe that's a neutral but for my perspective removing this this sort of this insight that we have into how the platform is operating is really frustrating and just makes our jobs more difficult so one of the things that one of the tools like that she's you don't like that YouTube is telling us about this no what I don't like is that YouTube is removing yet another piece of bloody information that we have so as well as a public because the creators themselves still have access to how many specific subscribers that they have themselves yes okay so just to be clear I still get an accurate subscriber count within my dashboard right but you guys will not be able to see exactly how many subscribers I have at Linus tech tips now the thing is there are third-party sites like that allow creators to keep tabs on how the platform is doing overall so we can track how many views other creators are getting we can track how many subscribers they are gaining or losing and it's a really valuable tool for figuring out what the overall trends are on the YouTube platform without relying on useless tools like the YouTube trending tab which is useless you know how I know it's useless because of how many of my videos end up in it they honestly aren't doing very well like I shouldn't be trending it's clearly not trending I don't know how you define trending I just watched an interesting video but the trending tab today which was saying that in Canada here if you're on the Canadian version of YouTube the trending page is completely different than it is in the US this sure is it's all like traditional media on the it was a video by coffee break if you guys know who that is but it's all like traditional media like late-night talk shows and like real news outlets and stuff on the trending page and in Canada we go down it's all youtubers yeah yeah it's totally different so whenever I'm down in the States I do notice that the other funny thing is my creator studio app gives me a notification every time I hit trending so when I'm in Canada oh really like every other day I get a stupid you're trending let your audience know notification but I'm on yeah I'm on Canada trending which is utterly right whereas us trending I think might actually matter a little bit I wonder if like I guess oh wait they know we're yeah they know you're getting a notification because you're in Canada yes but also I think we get served to Canadian trending a lot because we're Canadian now YouTube has told me straight up to my face that it doesn't matter right where you geographically upload from in terms of how the algorithm serves it but it might not matter to them but maybe the algorithm has some don't buy it because it's like when's the last time I got a recommendation for a technical guruji video never yeah well I can't I couldn't answer that questions oh yeah well when's the last time you got a recommendation for a technical guruji video I don't know exactly he's only huge with over ten million subscribers in the tech vertical I'm looking up who it is right but obviously because he doesn't speak English and he's located in Dubai yeah he's based out of Dubai obviously those videos don't get served to me right now okay that one's in a different language that's a very extreme example but I still don't believe that it doesn't matter at all the social glassing is extremely interesting yeah I forgot about that because sociably takes advantage of the publicly available statistics that are there and now they won't have access to that so we can't even go to like we can't even stock other channels you know it doesn't appear to be any favorite things to do it doesn't appear to be confirmed whether social blade will be affected because social blade is hooked into YouTube's API rather than just screen scraping the data off of the site but my strong suspicion is that if they're trying to prevent you know news outlets from reporting on unsubscription bombing they're going to remove this data from the API as well as sociably said anything yes they have actually I believe the latest statements is that they don't know how it's going to affect them okay no it doesn't roll out until sometime in August if I recall correctly I just got signed out of the dock so movie later this year it says yeah I think I think it's August okay yeah I think I think it's August okay effective August okay we'll make this more consistent by always showing abbreviated sub counts publicly so socialblade said upon closer look it may affect our data display but only time will tell so yeah that's okay now I'm with you I'm against it I'm against it this is this is bad you know what else is bad I'm upset you know what isn't bad oh I was gonna say this segue to our sponsor yeah well that's why I was helping you oh I said what is bad and I was my segment was gonna be bad it's okay you only know it was bad so this episode is brought to you by the corsair iron claw wireless gaming mouse it's got a comfortable palm grip that uses a PM w33 91 optical sensor featuring native 18,000 DPI it's got three methods of connection so you can plug it in through a wire that'll charge it you can use their slipstream wireless technology which gives you sub one millisecond latency and 33 feet of range or you can use bluetooth if you want to use it with a device that either doesn't have room for a dongle or if you don't want to put a dongle into it like if you wanted to use it with your tablet or your laptop on the go or whatever the case may be hmm it features up to 24 hours of battery life and it's made for FPS and mobile gaming with three zone RGB and a 2-year warranty you can get yours today at the link in the video description huh also sponsoring the show today square space square space we use square space no joke we actually use it both our line of speedy group comm and lt xx boat comm websites were built quickly using Squarespace I'm just gonna bring that up while TX Expo I'm gonna bring up our updates guys Squarespace is an all-in-one play update and I didn't remind him oh oh look written by Colton Potter I remember the first time I built a PC back in 2012 Luke had to do about 85% of the work well I stared in confusion coming from my old old school console life preparing for the Aero 37 catastrophe that was the Diablo 3 launch can be a tough job to build your first rig if you don't know someone or if you haven't watched every YouTube guide there is that's why we're doing a PC building workshop on the tech link says what is this old thing oh okay cool so we partnered with iFixit XFX free geek and others to put together a sizeable collection of computer hardware for attendees to learn on the configurations aren't going to blow you away but they're modern enough that the fundamentals are the same so go check it out and that's gonna be great anyway this website that you're looking at was made on Squarespace at him if you haven't heard already Squarespace makes it easy to get your website up and running quickly even Colton can do it you can choose from tons of different templates find the one that makes the most sense and run with it and if you need help Squarespace offers webinars they've got a full series of help guides and you can contact their support team 24/7 to help you build your site head to forward slash win and use offer code when to save 10% finally land shows brought to you by madrenas clearly they weren't too offended by the official madrenas roaster of - Sebastian there's still sponsor s they got roasted a little bit yeah they did a little bit madrenas coffee is coffee for fuel organic cold brew coffee and convenient 15 ounce grab-and-go cans with a flavor for everyone like this one they offer sweet and creamy flavors like mocha or caramel and bold flavors like their cold brew black we have a permanent item on their East or the lambo coffee beans roasts also our limited edition cafe vanilla cold brew cans and you can check them out at madrenas coffee comm / - to get 40% off your offer off your order with code lioness I was drinking one the whole time did you know it I did know that yes you planted that out at the beginning of the show as well okay you have any questions about madrenas slow-mo from their team is in the chat ready to answer your questions through direct messages hmm all right dee-licious why don't we jump into what was our next topic that we had lined up here o5g could break weather forecasting I have not heard about this yeah I have seen like a reference to it in a couple stories before but apparently it's like it's actually kind of a problem and it's also a problem because all of these companies are racing to get to 5g first and we're not really taking the time to realize like or to explore what problems this so there's no calm before this storm hits us that we didn't see coming the storm of great data speeds the storm of actual like debris in the air real storms we didn't see a coming so NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have been sounding the alarm that the wireless spectrum used for 5g networks could interfere with data collection that is used in weather forecasting now I don't know if you've noticed this I certainly have but weather forecasts are sure a heck of a lot more accurate now than they were when I was a kid aren't they I mean back then the joke used to basically be that the weatherman was like and remember this was back then so it was a weatherman not anymore okay now it's the weather reporter but is meteorologist sure um so anyway back then the joke was that just like you know before the before the news started the the weatherman would take a dart and throw it out of thing and then that was the better forecast because honestly you know back in the late 80s early 90s they didn't have the kind of big data that they do now and the kinds of like super computer-generated weather models right that we rely on in full 3d with ray tracing yeah so like if there was a hurricane approaching the coast they could be like yeah there's a hurricane a-comin yeah but what we're working now we were like we can do facial recognition on it now we can do yeah that's that's hurricane Jemima we know well nowadays they'll be like yeah it's gonna rain for a few hours in the afternoon and they're probably gonna be sunny after that like that wasn't thing that wasn't a thing at all I didn't check the weather when I was a kid like so I can't really do that kind of correct come their direct comparison I feel like it's probably because you didn't read the newspaper well I read then I read the comics behind me too so on Thursday no as Acting Chief Neil Jacobs testified on Capitol Hill that the interference from new 5g wireless radios could reduce the accuracy of weather forecasting by as much as 30 percent that's a significant he said this would result in coastal residents getting two to three fewer days to prepare for a hurricane now how does that make sense I mean surely like hurricanes that are two to three days away you can collect data like way out yeah there's not a lot of five days I mean maybe if maybe it's if it's close to the coast all right you know you don't know whether it'll be a hurricane or not and this could lead to less accurate predictions about where these major storms are going to make landfall such errors in these predictions could cost people their lives he warned at the cost of also we could have faster data speeds right is it worth it the FCC began auctioning off the 24 gigahertz spectrum in March to wireless carriers who plan to use it for new 5g networks and earlier this week Democratic senators wrote a letter to the FCC asking that the agency refrain from issuing the licenses to auction winners until a solution can be found throughout this source people are asking for it oh yeah sorry the source is CNET and the verge you know what we're gonna go with CNET what no I'm just a joke I'm not biased it's just mm it's just no I don't want your notifications though no I like seeing aa auto-playing videos you know stop no space footage of storms is amazing awe-inspiring it looks delicious you know what's weird though is it really looks round from here the earth yeah we're you that's weird you a flip oh no you know what it is you know what it is oh is it see I always thought that it was a rectangle right cuz the the map on the wall in school uh-huh but actually it's more of a pancake that's why it looks round I have no idea what you're talking about now no I was pretending to be a flatter okay gotcha I was just messing with it so you know how sometimes you'll pretend to be offended so well yet that people think you're actually offended yeah sometimes I'll pretend to be an idiot so effectively that people think I'm actually an idiot that's my whole life yeah wow this man show just got really real 5g though anyway so the 24 gigahertz frequency band is really close to the twenty three point eight gigahertz that Noah uses to collect data for weather prediction and the concern is that they will interfere with the sensitive sensors on satellites that are monitoring atmospheric conditions okay so that explains it so if we're talking about satellites and just like general noise and interference this is kind of like you know a bunch of people getting on there 5g phone and playing some pop G all at once could result in kind of the the weather monitoring equivalent of someone flipping on a microwave when you're trying to stream Netflix on a 2.4 gigahertz network right got it now I thought the whole thing with 5g was that it's short-range that like well I guess in cities maybe it's more of an issue where like it'll be blocked by things well remember too though that regardless of frequency if you focus the signal enough you can get incredible range like 2.4 gigahertz Wi-Fi can be used over many kilometers if you have a point-to-point dish set up right so without really deep knowledge of how the weather collection apparatus works and can't say for certain what its range might be yeah I don't know so one suggestion has been that we could turn down the power emitted by 5g wireless radios to help prevent some of this interference but obviously if you turn down the power emitted by the wireless network you're going to interfere with it's range which I'm obviously these the wireless carriers who just spent a lot of money for this spectrum are not gonna be super stoked about now I wonder I wonder how much of this is because most of the 5g deployment that we've seen so far is in cities right where it's like you know there's a node on the corner of a building exact that will cover a certain area like we can be fairly one block yeah and we gotta be fairly certain that that's not gonna like escape out and and interfere with something or maybe well I don't know I don't know I feel like I've seen a lot of talk about trying to build out an entire 5g network that has the same kind of coverage as 4G or LTE but I don't think I call BS on that base yeah I made it seem like that will be a possible or desirable if this is true yeah I think I think we've got to chalk that up to typical wireless carrier nonsense I mean you look at like the Canadian carriers Oh coast-to-coast coverage and it's like you know they mean coast to coast like if you're in a major city here let's have a look at let's have a look at the Rogers coverage map Oh Rogers oh you guys are adorable yeah I mean if they connected with Rogers Wireless 5g yeah yeah so Canada's a pretty big country and oh my gosh BC is so bad yeah the white parts are not covered only the yellow parts are covered so it's like yeah the important areas like Toronto the center's the center of Canada yeah you know newsflash the center of Canada is more like here right northern Manitoba we should be paying more attention to Manitoba yeah you know hey Manitoba Manitobans in the chat represent if you're in rural Quebec you are like you better hope you have a landline because you certainly don't have wireless coverage actually no Rodgers is particularly bad back east frequency spectrum is 5g going to operate in 24 Giga Hertz yes um we've got another topic now you really wanted to talk about this let's go ahead and fire up the video what did I want to talk about well no you wanted to talk about it I'm gonna let you talk about it so this isn't videos teaser video this could be an uber card uber means super did you know I don't want you talking about that's a German oh okay yes Eber not uber like the cars all right we have no idea what that's gonna be it's a cryptic tweet talking about some kind of product that has super in the name or on the physical product or you said you wanted to speculate did I did I did not say that but we can speculate all right you go first it's probably a graphics card so it was posted RTX 28 ET i it was posted from the g-force account yes which would suggest that it has something to do with PC gaming hmm however new shield super shield that's actually I think we're Soldier Serum shields this is gonna be a but you know like Captain America Captain America has got the Super Soldier Serum yeah yeah you know about that it's been a while yeah so they're gonna have a shield Nvidia shield wait they also have shield yeah in in Marvel videos a different Android TV it's a shield okay are there not super there I don't know I hope not okay here's my prediction yep it's not a new product at all hold on I'm gonna bring up the video again real quick here okay not a new product at all and you know to because you have inside information but rather yeah everyone knows Linus Media Group is wholly owned by and this is our parent comes in play there's a shocking number of people who actually seem to believe that yeah okay so look at look at this look at this hold on hold on I think that this is in an intentional typo and that this is going to be a collaboration with the C C do you get a supreme vibe from that because it's a different farm hold on hold on is it that different okay hold on hold on we're gonna switch where it where is it where it okay here we go here we go okay ABS dude so that is some frame oh crap super supreme lioness okay they're pretty different one font is serif one is sans-serif I'm going gravy I'm going with super aim graphics card superest super super e it's pretty super e super super super I don't think so I saw a couple of people online saying that let's go ever Asian with supreme I don't think so I mean James James says what could it be though software hmm so we know AMD is probably gonna launch new GPUs okay we've had a leak about Navi GPUs so they're probably gonna talk about those at Computex so nvidia probably posted this to steal some of their thunder and it's i mean my best guess my best I'm I'm I don't put money on things but if I did I would probably say that it's some sort of supercharged r-tx 20 80 TI because there's already a Titan RT X so the last time Nvidia used super in their branding and I'm not talking about o EVGA with their super overclocked cards was super phones this was back in 2012-2013 so here's here's a CNET video about an Nvidia super phone I remember them actually bringing 102 our office at NCI X is this like the alright cuz they were like okay this we've had the smart phone now it's the time for the next evolution the super super phone yes oh man forget it we're not we're not doing this ads okay whatever anyway the point was they were gonna put their Tegra processors in phones right and their tiger processors weren't particularly amazing on the CPU side of things but they had Nvidia graphics technology and them so they were gonna be great for gaming right and super phones I believe a couple of phones did actually end up getting at least announced with Tegra processors in them but then it never went anywhere like it was it was a complete it was a complete dead end the iPhone was just completely gone there at that time yeah this is way back like that's like it's a year that I start and it was it was dead by 2013 it was like a 2012 kind of kind of thing that they were talking about so that to me might suggest that if they wanted like a super tablet that might be something to do oh maybe this is the because we've had a couple leaks and rumors this year about a new shield gaming yep portable device so maybe it's a refresh to shield based on like they're super but what a dumb name though well that's why I was like oh if it's a graphics card I can see that because like what else you know they've got the tea eyes they've got the SC's they got those C's like how many how many more things can we put on to on the end of GPU names super is like super edition I'm like okay it's a weird adjective is it any Dumber word then like is it any dumber than Captain America that was a joke this super serum or what like no no Captain America is not a joke don't use a very serious character I agree I was just gonna say don't you badmouth Captain America I just mean is it any dumber than that he's a hero is it any dumber than Batman like wow so it from my perspective the validity of a brand really comes from how good the product is rather than the other way around right it's not like you decide that a product is good based on hearing the name that makes you feel like I can decide that the product names dumb without knowing what the product is right but over time i postulate that's doable in a second yeah I bet you've accepted what a stupid name kijiji is now I've never used Kijiji and I still think it's done okay what about iPad have you accepted iPad I mean I accept it as a fact of life we all we all thought it sounded like feminine hygiene products at the time I was last time you thought okay how about this do you accept how Apple refers to its products without articles like they don't say the MacBook Pro a Mac no I actually do not accept that okay well iPhone is an amazing experience is not a proper noun Apple this eight core process that we don't even talk about that but this a core processor makes macbook pro the world's best macbook makes it okay we should probably talk about that because that was sort of the okay so what do i call it then new macbook pro if i can't say that just it's just a pro with the type of display it has 2019 they should really start getting creative again you know yeah like go through a super macbook super book Mac edition superbug well intel has their muscle books oh yeah okay that's a name I decided was stupid and that I wouldn't like the product before it ever ever actually happened okay so like muscle book Apple released a new MacBook Pro with intel's new 8 core core i9 processor this is a crazy freaking mobile chip it's not in here don't worry about it and our immediate reaction to this device was that if Apple couldn't manage to tame the six core core i9 that was in the last generation MacBook all right cuz that was the one that overheated it was a six core well that was the one that had the whole scandal around it where they didn't have the basically the allowances in their software to let the CPU just go to a hundred 105 degrees without throttling so it was it was turning down and it was not performing the way it was supposed to even underperforming the quad core variant that had come before it but they wait what they release it with it they released an update right they released an update that fixed it in Mac OS but not in Windows because at the end of the day what they were doing was they were like kind of playing around with the power states and playing around with the thermal threshold to allow it to not drop below its base clock but it was I mean it's cooking in there yeah it's absolutely cooking in there so we speculated that the new a core MacBook Pro was not going to be a better situation for sure so we figured it was gonna thermal throttle now Quinn from ozzie Labs has already posted on Twitter that it doesn't thermal throttle he says it just manages to maintain its base clock however I think you guys can always expect to get the the non the non-apple point of view from us so we definitely have one on the way it's already been ordered are you messaging me right now is that what why don't you just come in and talk to me oh man stop that okay whatever the point is you can always expect the the alternate side of the coin from us so we are going to be addressing some of the criticisms of our last video about Apple's thermal throttling in our review of the MacBook Pro eight core 2019 mid Retina whatever the stupid thing is called so stay tuned because from my perspective there's a lot of different ways to define thermal throttling so thermal okay so you can say if it doesn't go below its base o'clock it didn't thermal throttle that's one way of defining it that's correct you can also say you got your one word thermal okay so the TV yeah you got your other word throttle which is under morrow yeah okay so anything other than the best that it could possibly perform you could make the argument is throttling now the base claw a bit pedantic is not the same thing as the all core boost so even if the laptop is maintaining its base clock per Intel spec so that's what Intel rates it for in it with its TDP like it's thermal rating that doesn't mean that if that chip didn't have a better cooling solution it couldn't perform a lot better sure so all core boost is what Intel rates the chip to clock up to assuming the power and thermal overhead is available for it to turn itself up so these I wonder if does Mac does Apple have like a specific list like do they say this is the base clock this is the boost clock they only advertise boost if I recall correctly only advertised but a lot of manufacturers do that and we criticized Apple for it and people were like well yeah but what about and so in our video we're gonna make a point of also criticizing other manufacturers for it because it's stupid regardless of ransom because you know we talk about Apple up but yeah I'm sure a lot of these other you know Windows laptops with heat intensive processors also don't get all the way up to the boost clocks all the time so the thing that bothers me particularly about Apple is and Quinn actually talked about this in his tweets they advertised a boost clock that that chip is just never gonna see mmm Apple does yeah right because they advertised the boost clocks but he's saying that it doesn't even barely gets past the base clock so the maximum boost clock is based on a single core or a two core load and the base clock is based on the minimum that it should run at at that thermal rating that Intel assigns to the processor for all course being loaded so they're completely different measures but what he said was that it manages to maintain base clock in an all core load and he didn't manage to see it hit its maximum advertised boost clock pretty much at all but if it if it if it works fine and if you you know you can go in GarageBand and make your little songs then it what's what's the difference you know I'm gonna move on to super chance cuz I'd rather talk to someone else Richard Lehman says love your channel it's given me many ideas for my new computer nice no problem Richard Carlos says nothing love you Carlos two bucks uh tommy-gun 1928 were you born in 1928 I thought that was the question we don't have a lot of we don't have a lot of elderly viewers but tommy gun alright hey Linus what laptop are using during when this is an HP something elite book of some sort I don't know it's not great it's a fancy laptop I'm not gonna recommend it do you have on e giorgio oh oh my daily drive a razor blade stealth but I don't know if I'm gonna recommend that either because it's the old one not the new one I don't really it's a new one that much I need to find a new laptop that is like my go-to I use the LG Graham 17 that looks pretty cool I really wish I had a touchscreen yeah I'd be super into it if it had a touchscreen you're like Riley that's my Graham now sorry you could that's fine Eric thoughts on Thunderbolt 3 for phones I don't really have any I sound like unnecessary power consumption to me I don't know what yeah I don't know why you would I mean unless you want to use your phone as like a super powered flash drive or something USB 3 type C already has many many of the benefits of a Thunderbolt 3 port like if you wanted to run an external display and some peripherals or whatever often you can already do that so maybe that'll be important if when Android cue comes out cuz it might have a desktop mode even then you could use type C for that yeah you're displaying your peripherals you're networking it's like this right here is not a fundable dongle it's just a USB type-c dongle it got your HDMI you got your three USB ports you've got your power pass-through you got your Gigabit LAN you got your microSD and your SD card reader like this is all I could possibly want on a phone and it's ugly and it's pink isn't it so that's fun yeah I like it rose-gold excuse me sorry sorry Jeremy says YouTube premium gave me a free super chat to sent yay Benny says what do you think the best monitor is I think the best monitor is coming and I need to make sure it's not under embargo before I tell you guys but it's good to be one moment please the best monitor like out of every single option there is that's a that's a bold I'm going to try and make I'm going for for gaming just because that's like what I assume they're asking that 4k 144 Hertz g-sync this embargo doesn't say anything about an embargo so I'm going with it a soos has their PG 35 vq coming so it's a 34 40 by 1440 ultra wide that does 200 hertz and has like oh I don't know a bunch of bunch of dimming zones and HDR up the but they make all that good stuff so I'm going 100 Hertz I'm finally getting an upgrade for my Predator X 34 it's gonna be bigger a nice creamy batter you already have one over there ask these things on the web show Jamaican says hi Riley what's up dude Mikkel say yeah he can't respond so I don't I'm just saying what's up Mikkel says quick question my computer will be an idle while the mother is on or off the computer will start revving really hard and the only way I can get it back to work again is if I do a hard reset have you ever experienced this problem Mike no I've not experienced that problem hey check did posted in the forum yeah that would be a really good idea post online a section Stockholm for him other side guy says collab with Mighty Car Mods of when I'm Alex would die he would love it yeah I'd be pretty sick actually Andrew says my girlfriend won't let me buy LT t-shirts saying I have too many look at this are you looking into making other ltte apparel such as pants socks and monkeys well this is another shirt that's another shirt that's our new cpu design yeah we also have the water bottles back in stock LT t store calm we have hats we got hats dude we're gonna have boxers soon can you see the logo know about the boxers right I do have you seen them now I haven't seen them oh they're sick do I have them on me oh we have a thing we have a box we have a box full of I was supposed to talk about this I'm gonna get in trouble no all the boxers are doing here yeah boxers aren't in there velcro straps with ties Jonathan says why not 1440p next is actually a most excellent idea we could do that on float plane it still wouldn't address people being upset that well my 4k works yeah if you got a 4k monitor you're gonna be like 40 40 P Michael says go with super quality but just call it low medium high and ultra Oh huh so we could take like like um but that's deceitful what is it Duke Nukem or whatever where you've just got like like like instead of you know low medium high you've got like hurt me plenty and like I kinda yeah yeah false advertising I think it's called it burns my P you know okay don't you shouldn't say that on the show dude that's private Riley doesn't know what are the odds I feel like if we had looked at that at the time never tell me the odds it's my damn big more sense jiff is for the uncultured do you have a response I have no reason why you what happened in your life that you want to be mean to people like that that's my response Jos Galen says many US carriers limit to 1.5 megabit for a second yeah we have separate files for mobile don't worry it's okay Chris says have you tried the quest what do you think so we gonna try it I honestly didn't care everyone's saying it's really good and I know that we don't do that much of er stuff anymore and I'm not gonna say let's do VR stuff but it's like everyone loves it don't do a ton of mobile VR stuff cuz it's apparently it's really good all right fine you're on it nice that's your next assignment okay Riley's on it sick dude can you add it to Trello alright right now doing I'm not signed into anything so I can't but Zion says GeForce experience with ray-tracing update for superior performance look at the light shading and rendering in the teaser I think the Nvidia makes all their teasers look sexy regardless of what the tech is oh he's saying the super yeah what so it's gonna be he's saying that it's gonna be super is going to be an update to ray tracing yeah I kind of does it maybe here's another one here's the money I got from buying YouTube red says Keon nice tech support says super is a dumb name but so is Linus tech tips I don't even disagree D says Corey Lal you don't know I just tried it tonight I'm waiting so not wait people are sending super chats to talk to other people in the chat okay I'm waiting for the marriage proposal then oh man like I've seen you in the Super chats it's like a like a personal class what do you call this the personals classifieds no no that's personals person yeah like I saw you on the bus let's get a coffee hey Jess says Apple mentions both base and boost clock so for the video we're gonna go through we're gonna research it thoroughly don't worry we're gonna have some fun with it speaking of having fun it's time for me to go home and have some fun packing yeah that computer Taiwan how did you get out of it for clickbait yeah I think I made an argument that it might not be worth it well right and then it was gonna cost me like a couple grand to send you there yeah and I'll probably just end up kind of like doing the same thing that I do here mostly anyway so maybe the next event but like it's a one-day the thing is it's a one-day production cycle so it's like it's hard to do anytime you're on it and I've gone to many events and done tech link now I don't know what I'm in for yeah there's gonna be there's apparently gonna be some hardware announcements but we'll see okay be maybe a new Xbox I'll go to you three we talked about it we also know that there's like switch refreshes supposedly coming Sony announced the PlayStation 5 yeah but they're not gonna reveal that until so which i think is coming after e3 and xbox might be coming at e3 which one is it Sony that for the first time ever isn't gonna have any three presence at all yes yeah okay so they're not gonna be they're definitely not doing it then again maybe they'll maybe they'll throw their own e3 down the street I think they did that that's like the biggest thing ever I still remember when Nvidia launched g-sync AMD had their own event literally at the hotel down the street and they were lit did they even have freesync yet no there's a look we got stuff though they were just like here look at this graphics card yeah and because everyone had traveled there on invidious dime it was like right really kind of rude but then in video was super petty about it now I haven't verified this so it might not be true but I heard other editors telling me that Nvidia had someone outside the hotel watching who was leaving to go to the AMD thing or not it's amazing it's amazing you would think these are like adults I mean I don't know I it's fair enough and II also like named their products like you know the X 399 and yeah rise in 3 5 & 7 and they might be naming their new GPUs have you seen this rx 3080 really an RX 37 t they might they might that's that's the rumor but we hope not because they already created enough trouble when they called thread rippers chipset x3 19 right because index 299 but then X 299 was stupid because they went from X 58 to X okay so hold on let's go way back you got your X 38 your X 48 your X 58 so there's a bit of a pattern here at 68 nowhere to be seen you got your X 79 oh yeah okay and then 89 we went six 90 X 99 yeah then we just arbitrarily went to X to 999 instead of like x1 so maybe Intel's plan is to go x4 99 and leapfrog I don't know it's their children everyone is children that's dumb if there's anything I've learned in life it's that you you get you're born born you can go to elementary school yeah and that's it and it's just from there on yeah you become a bigger fourth grader that's the amount of maturity that you reach and that's if you're aligned and that's the way I like it alright so tune in next week same bat-time same bat-channel I will be in Taiwan so I don't know who's gonna be hosting it but it'll be someone cool maybe Riley cuz he's not going ranch oh yeah why Geoff oh yeah maybe do you guys see ya later and you got to make sure that you hit the right button yeah yeah when you end it yeah yeah no no I already changed the default behavior wait no no and this one this one I press oh no I know how to do that yeah well that's what I did that's enough that's a non-issue yeah so yeah now that I'm you in this I dropped the couch first yeah there was another problem last night actually at least that no no not that there was an other more different problem it was actually that this button make archive unlisted when complete was checked by default for a while so that's
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