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Water Cooling a Network Switch!

recent recently Alex and I shot a video assembling what is the very first Linus Media Group manufactured CPU water block now of course our objective though in all of that was not to build a CPU water block because quite frankly we could call up our friends at alpha cool decays basically anyone and they would do a much better job of it than we did no thanks yeah none taken the objective was for us to water cool a red 8k camera but baby steps right so this was doing something pretty normal where we could basically clone a Chinese design and then just put it on the CNC today we kick things up a notch this we're gonna water cool something a little unusual our ten gigabit twelve port network switch from Netgear that was actually the first 10 gigabit piece of equipment that we've got well not counting like network cards like a switch the hot docs uses the Ergo docks design which keeps you comfortable typing away for long periods of time and features qmk firmware and hot swappable key switches check it out at the link below so this is it they don't get their network switch anymore in the camera again yep just don't plug it yep alright well - oh crap we were supposed to do the sound test first that's kind of the whole point if you guys it's really loud yeah this is gonna be a very inexact unscientific test here fifty six decibels you're on boot-up okay let's water cool it how much does Steve pay us for all this product placement that he gets on our Channel like nothing so the reason that network switches are really loud and run really hot is not necessarily because the hardware inside them it has a ton of power draw or anything like that it's because cooling them is a real challenge most network switches even at the prosumer level are in what's called a single u which is the I don't know the universal unit that's where the U comes from I'm just kidding I made all of that up for height in a rack so that means you can only use these wimpy 40 millimeter fans and a lot of the time you also don't have a lot of ventilation holes for whatever reason no it's funny I actually brought my own handle because I was using this for something before we started so I can help oh man I just stripped that dude that took a long time I'm gonna go get a bigger screwdriver oh there's the one he stripped oh bloody hell I just tricked this one to see I just had to go in the street so my mom always said what I'm actually really looking forward to this I have it's it's a funny thing because like computers the first thing I do with them is open them up like laptops and stuff but it's never occurred to me to open up our 10 gig networks which is this one oh oh there we go up and back whoo holy crap there's a lot of stuff to pull in here what is this are they ripping us off is there another portal put on the front maybe they're just afraid of having it be 13 plot so here's our power supply that we're definitely not going to touch or even get close to so my intention had been to keep it 1u mountable though oh okay yeah but then just have like tubing out like quick connects or something and then like an external rad okay I mean that's one option I'm not married to it though for whatever reason in my mind I was picturing kind of like this goes on here yeah and we just like cut two holes for tubing and then mount a rat like right here like full like like engine block showing through the top of the hood muscle car muscle switch then I guess if you really wanted to we could put like some tea connectors in there so you can make it a one you have it go out the side so it looks like every one of these heat sinks is hard mountain so there's screws going in from the bottom of the PCB in this whole mainboard needs to come out before we're gonna be able to remove any of this now to be clear this is not as expensive as a red camera but this is still today what like an $800 Network switch or something like that I have no clue yeah let's be careful with it cuz I can't remember how much it costs either it's not cheap though I almost wonder if we could just get away with putting little copper things on here sort of like you said but then run a heat pipe just straight across all of them if we used a ball nose bit that was the right size we could cut a channel right in the top of it the right size for the heat pipe yep and then just solder it on and and then we managed to spread the heat out that way okay and that way we've just got this big spreader that'll carry the heat theoretically hopefully towards our cooling yeah okay wait a minute what Oh soldered on there's no way how could they possibly be that's gonna be a pain in the butt should I go get the soldering iron yeah all right what do you think the chances are that they're soldered on and then epoxy it underneath I was just thinking well we do have a way how hard do you think it is just snip those Oh easy as pie I should have been wearing eye protection for that Brandon you're wearing glasses right yeah I think we can get in there and just give her like a little snip you got to be kidding me oh you you're doing it you actually did it you actually did that works so well everybody's got our production everybody's going to be screaming so much like they got so mad when I just like hacked off the DVI connector and that's like a bunch of pins that one eight over there and the lens over there this is so dumb what we do out yeah not bad so you got a couple challenges these look like they're up a little high so we might end up having to kind of go around them also not all these holes came clear so we might have to either pop them back out or actually desolder them properly if we want mounting points for our block yeah your copper slab to cover it is probably the simplest way here's our main CPU block and then we do a short heat pipe here and a long heat pipe here this is actually going to be pretty difficult yeah I don't know why I wasn't thinking it would be difficult but it's going to be quite difficult can we can we do this where I actually here hold on hold on hold on can we can we pretend that I had something to do with this I'm like oh god what did you do okay you can do it so what did you do that over the last week or so he created this fantastic well I mean what would you call this model yeah just like a little model today we have the switch here all of the critical measurements for our water cooling is in there and you ended up buying new calipers for that is that right yeah no it's the Alex's calipers and these are really fancy because there's very beautiful and expensive we have problems in the past where I would measure a bunch of things and error would stack up so yes there were a couple problems that we had to solve here so the first is that I was pretty concerned that having this many heat sources on one heat pipe would cause problems so we have this paper here that sort of solved this for us which is an investigation of thermal characteristics on a center of wick heat pipe with double heat sources basically tells us you want your heat sources to be as close to the condenser as possible so our condenser is effectively this segment of the heat pipe right here where it will be thermal epoxy to this copper plate which is going to be water-cooled then I guess other things Jonathan from a sentence ceiling contacted us and we have a heck of a range like he's just he's just been raining over Ang's on us so so we have better Oh rings this yeah and also his card stock is amazing like look at this it's quality yeah can we get some of this no and yeah we have new o-ring loop so basically nothing can go yeah well things can go wrong but that's what we're about to get to the hard part though is that we have to actually machine this so how do you machine a rounded groove so we have a ball nosed and mill mm-hmm so that's just like it's round on the end and you kind of kinda just like that which was this was like surprisingly hard to get to work properly uh-huh so big shout out to CJ from Autodesk he really it's gonna be like half a sketchy one because we can't go any lower than seventy eight thousand rpm on our CNC router so really we should be using a mill for this we should be using a mill for this we don't have a mill because they're expensive yes when you're going to cut metal you need to make sure that every single time that the tooth comes around you're actually like cutting out a chunk of metal or it's just gonna rub and it's gonna burn it out really fast so since we can't make the tool spin slower we need to run it faster being safe right yeah I don't want people yelling at us about our CNC do you want to plug in the air compressor yeah I'd love to we do have actual mist cooling now so everyone that's saying you should have cooling we already have to believe well you can definitely see the shmoo here so is this just getting like more and more legit every time we do a video yeah basically this is leaking yeah it got dropped so we're ready yep can i press go I like to feel like I'm helping and that's the tool that we have so yeah go that is not that clean-looking No ah when we're done so what happened there was the piece of copper that we're trying to cut shifted which means that the entire tool path that Alex laid out is now offset by about three-quarters of the centimeters so it's possible that we would have ended up with something usable but our thermal transfer is not going to be great I mean if it had held down we would have something here and here anyway I could that's really bad for the tool and we have to make four of them and we're back this time with a bit of a new plan so now we have bolted our copper plate down to the bed we have also made some Canadian engineering repairs to our reservoir down here it no longer leaks thanks to some hand-mix epoxy and we have done away with our plan to make rounded grooves because we don't have a mill we only have a router so why don't we just let the work speak for itself instead of telling them what's gonna happen I can press go now right eh let's see the finished product so this is going to be the top of one of our blocks this is going to be the top of one of our other more different blocks this is the block we made last time which is still here again for some reason we're using the bottom of it oh we're just reusing yeah I mean why dull your bits when you don't have to oh is this it yeah so this is the moment of truth right now Oh perfect it really is actually yeah it's 0.1 of a millimeter oversized good work I'm happy with that um I guess we just need to clean these off and tap them look at that it just looks so good underneath completely see-through we didn't bother facing it this time that should go there yeah that goes right and then we'll have the three that go down the middle here cool that's a lot of copper now you told me Pro Mode was gonna have the heat pipe on the bottom so that we were like heat pipe direct touch cooling yeah are we doing that with this one no not with this one no that's gonna be version two I mean version two we need to get this done because Ed's mad they don't have a switch for their ingest crap but yeah ingest crap we don't we don't need these videos but yeah we're going to have to redesign this guy an alpha cool is coming up with those like the server sized heat sinks so those are gonna like go on the side and it's gonna look super legit but until then we're just gonna like have it lightest active style just like below the in gestation these screws not quite we don't have to widen the holes in the PCB do we are you kidding me well it's potentially gonna be the quietest and cool to switch on all right like everywhere arguably a switch that doesn't power on anymore is very quiet and very cool this bit might actually be too small that went super well nope we're good what that was it yep that's that's all that we needed oh nice we should probably give this a little dusty here yeah something yeah this is pretty bad yeah I was definitely one of the worst ideas I've ever seen like am I just going at it with this I like legitimately straight-up forget how to do it what about this time we just like clamp it like this yeah off the table yeah you can just kind of get this on the side like like so and blammo blammo okay there are a lot of people that were really mad last time that we didn't use the drill press to do this so it would go down perfectly straight oh yeah that would be smart wouldn't it yeah really would nope No but what the crap is this grabs what this whole doesn't go all the way straight through the drill press had an issue yeah that's good okay this is the really bad one I don't know about that well you'll build us up from the bottom oh jeez what did you just do that is that's pure carnage right there Oh God that's a lot of acrylic on the floor yeah these don't quite line up well like do you want to tap those holes again okay so you're just kind of doing the same thing as last time then yep acrylate me extra cyano on the side and theoretically it will seal we're asking for a lot of tight tolerances to line up here yep we're gonna put that through a plastic washer okay so that goes there then we do another plastic washer I'm assuming um yep okay can we do a nut yep nothing there so I've realized something really unfortunate where this right here screws in I thought that it was just like nuts on the back that came up yeah but it's actually screwed right into the chassis yeah I don't know if these can come off Oh I can't believe that you got all these holes to mostly sort of line up I measured it are you guys as excited as we are to see if this thing is still gonna work I am I'm am assuming that we didn't kill it it's gonna work pretty well I mean we didn't do anything that bad to it not really we're not gonna actually power on the switch we're just gonna power this pump and then make sure that nothing leaks did you fart yeah but like a couple of minutes ago it's really lingering no I'm sorry about that it's awkward all right well given that our system here has passed our exhaustive three-minute stress test would you say we're ready to power it on yeah there's a light David oh it's green identify it's green that means 10 giggling oh yeah test and there it goes indeed boom okay so now what nope yeah we we actually get to put it together yeah I guess so okay damn I have screencap going so you don't need to take them over here there is one more test though it's possible that we're not making good contact with anything like we actually don't know that just because it's working that means it's working well I love that our fans just say failure stand up and I'll plugged in question for you though yeah did you get new like quieter 40-millimeter fans to replace these well yes if it's just open can we just stick like a 140 on top or something yes yes we can all right yeah so what we can do is we can take this puppy put it on do a 140 millimeter cutout mount the radiator to that so that nothing could slip through put the fan on top and put a fangirl on disassemble this yeah and put it in and I'll get a hole in here sure cool are you gonna measure where the hole goes yep so I think we're almost done here okay speak for yourself because we need to power the pump oh I think what we have to do is plug in the power supply and start probing some panic mode and I put it in the air meter oh all right well let's see if anything still works bull bolts yay Wow it's a Christmas friggin miracle okay so that is ground and 12-volt so ground is the far-left 12-volt is the third theoretically orange is ground what the black is positive 12 volt and yes Jake it matters okay I have good news though look what I found what in the balls is the huh this is a 6 pin PCI Express adapter see these two pins it's a six to eight pin adapter we can use these two wires to find our 12 volt power and then splice that on to the power connector for the pump then as long as we get the right two pins then we're good okay so what did I say orange was ground black was 12 volt yep neat theoretically when I plug in the switch it will turn on with no sparks power LEDs lit ah and theoretically okay more sanity check time I have 12 volts here Paul huzzah what a nightmare and I just need to get to connect to this yeah other than the whole in beginning this is actually surprisingly like sort of properly done yeah like sort of properly I mean there's no proper way to do something this stupid yeah like I guess we could get a couple zip ties in there like yeah 100% pro-ltte cable ties get that shilling in there oh yeah mmm bit concerned about putting us on okay we have to kind of go over the tubes and just not splice them well what can you get your hand in there when it's like that uh yeah I have small hands here if you let go here I can help you align this side you might as how well have these ones kind of come up with similarly you know okay the best part is that like it looks so good on the inside like it's pretty like pro like all machine and stuff and on the outside it's just like straight like ghetto like not even same color too hot rotted like it's not very space-efficient it's very heat efficient yeah no it's a lot quieter yeah did you see how quiet it is thing I ever actually heard it it was like yeah it was pretty luck it's still working temperatures are actually lower yeah well we have a fan running on the radiator now so that's an improvement now we're looking at 27 and 28 degrees compared to like 51 and 42 you folks are dead silent and let's do a quick file transfer here here we go I'm liking it Backblaze is an unlimited cloud backup for Macs and PCs that's just six bucks a month they've restored over 35 billion files and they backup documents music photos videos drawings projects pretty much anything and you can restore your files from anywhere you can directly download them from the web or 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